F WORD Girls Group Programme Session 2 General and Sexual Health This session is to provide the young people the opportunity to meet with the YOS Health Worker or Health Professional, to participate in an informative discussions and activities relating to general and sexual health and be provided with information regarding outreach services. These are the activities included in this session. The numbers in brackets refer to the page number of the worksheet. Activity Facilitator Notes Page Number 24 Worksheet Page Number 25 26 -29 Activity 3 – Let’s Talk About Sex – Contraception 30 - 31 32 - 35 Activity 4 – Self Esteem/ Sexual Health Spiral 36 - 37 Activity 5 – Fruit Let’s Something Different 38 - 40 Activity 1 - Why Do Young Women Have Sex? Activity 2 – Let’s Talk About Sex – Health Risks? 23 F WORD Girls Group Programme Facilitator Guidance Notes SESSION 2 – Activity 1 Why Do Young Women Have Sex? The Brainstorming activity to enable participants to think about the may reason why young women have sex and to consider whether these reasons are positive or negative. 1. Write ‘REASONS WHY YOUNG WOMEN HAVE SEX…’ at the top of the flipchart. 2. Ask participants to brainstorm all the reasons they can think of why young women have sex. Note to Facilitator Do not have any discussion at this point – write down everything that the group says. 3. Then ask the group to turn to the person next to them and discuss which reasons they think might be a ‘good’ reason to have sex and what might be a ‘bad’ reason to have sex. 4. Bring the group back together and take feedback. Discuss. As facilitator it is important that you do not give your own opinions, but ask questions to gather participants’ thoughts and opinions. There are no right or wrong answers. 24 F WORD Girls Group Programme Facilitator Guidance Notes SESSION 2 – Activity 2 Let’s Talk About Sex: Health Risks - Sexually Transmitted Infections This descriptive card game aims to raise awareness and give information about the main sexually transmitted infections. Note to Facilitator Make up as many sets of the A – H descriptive cards as you need (one set per group). Make up the same number of sets of cards naming each of the STI’s – one STI name per card. 1. Split the group into smaller groups and each group a set of descriptive cards and set of the names of STI cards. 2. Ask each group to match each STI with the descriptive card. 3. Bring the group back together to go through the answers. 25 F WORD Girls Group Programme STI Descriptive Cards A “Hi! I’m a rather good - looking sexually transmitted infection (STI) and I like variety, so if you are easily bored, then I’m the one for you! For starters, I sometimes serve a white or yellow discharge from your penis or vagina and after a while may turn a rather nice green colour. Apologies, but occasionally I may smell a bit! But please don’t think I’m just interested in your nether regions. No, I’m also interested in your eyes, bum, throat and mouth. Hoping to meet you soon, and by the way there’s a lot of me around, so you may not have to look very hard to find me. Just have penetrative vaginal or anal sex without condoms, oral sex or even fingering may mean we get to meet. Can’t wait to meet you.” B “Hello there! Thought I was a flower? A girl’s name? Not me, I’m a rather classy sexually transmitted infection (STI) with the poshest name of the bunch! I prefer to hang around with young people between 16 and 24, but not exclusively. The good thing about me is that I tend to travel with you quietly, and for a long time you may not even know I’m there! So I’m low maintenance and require no attention, what more could you ask for? If you want to know I’m with you, it’s a simple pee in a pot test, no uncomfortable swabs down your bits. Fancy me? Have sex without condoms, don’t have a pee test and let me fester for years. I can be a bit of a bugger though as I may cause infertility and reduce your chances of becoming a parent in the future if you don’t have regular sexual health screenings. 26 F WORD Girls Group Programme STI Descriptive Cards C “Hello! I’m Henry VIII I am, I am! I’m very famous because I sorted out the aforementioned King good and proper! Would you like to be included in my list? I don’t care who you are, I’m not fussy where I live. People thought I’d disappeared but I’ve been making a bit of a come back. I may give you a little bit of a clue that I am around, a bit of a painless sore, then a rash, but ignore me and I swell within you for many years! Low maintenance because you won’t know I’m there until I’ve damaged your major organs Dincluding your brain! Looking forward to meeting you. Have sex without a condom or come into contact with one of my sores and maybe one day we will meet!” D “Hi, do you like cauliflower? I can do you a very good impression if left untreated for long enough. I’m not always this easy to recognise, but when apparent I may prevent you from having sex as I can be quite distressing to look at. I’m very persistent you see because I’m caused by a virus, once you meet me, you won’t be able to get rid of me. I’ll be around forever! I’m easy to pick up, and a condom or Femidom won’t always protect you depending where I’m situated. Looking forward to meeting you soon.” 27 F WORD Girls Group Programme STI Descriptive Cards E “Hello there! No, I’m not Hercules. But of course he is my namesake and we are alike because I’m quite tough and invincible, a bit of a superhero myself I reckon! I am a sexually transmitted infection (STI), but I get to travel by kissing too! I cause cold sores, and can also give you similar blister on your genitals which I’m afraid are very sore. It can be very painful if you need to pee, as the blisters may feel like they are burning. Because I’m caused by a virus, then once you meet me I’ll be with you for life and the blisters may reappear if you’re feeling run down or stressed. Looking foreword to meeting you. F “Hi! My name says it all, but not many people know what my initials stand for or what it means. I can be a bit quiet at first and I may not always give you as clue that I am around. I love to live in your immune system and turn it into my territory. Then eventually I relieve you of your immune system, so your body won’t have the tedious task of fighting infection because there will be nothing left to fight with Because I’m a virus I will be with you forever and you’ll have to take lots of drugs to keep me at bay. So maybe we’ll meet soon? Penetrative vaginal or anal sex without a condom, sharing needles when injecting drugs and sometimes having oral sex without a condom, sharing needles when injecting drugs and sometimes having oral sex without a condom may bring us together. “ G “Hi! If I get to meet you, I’m going to affect one of your biggest internal organs. I belong to a pretty big family of viruses, which can be passed on in different ways (e.g. through injecting drugs, or certain sexual practices) and have differing effects on your liver and your health. Some of my symptoms may include jaundice (skin turning yellow), feeling weak and knackered, nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain. Some of my family may also cause more serious chronic, long-term problems such as liver disease and cirrhosis. This may take years to have an effect, but it can be pretty devastating. Some people manage to clear the virus from their body completely with treatment. Others are unable to clear the virus and will develop chronic liver disease. You can also get vaccinated against some of my family, but not all.” 28 F WORD Girls Group Programme STI Descriptive Cards H “Hello. We’re irritating little beggars that like to crawl through the hair all over your body (but not in your head) and make you itch like mad. We lay our eggs on your hairs but we live on your skin. You might find our little poos in your knickers – or in your trousers if you go commando. You can catch us through sex but also through close body contact and from towels and beds sheets. We’re quite easy to catch but also quite easy to get rid of. So it you’d like us to stay and increase our colony don’t get tested don’t treat us and don’t wash your sheets and towels. A shampoo that you leave on overnight will get rid of us, and you can easily get it from the chemist.” STI Answers A Gonorrhoea B Chlamydia C Syphilis D Genital Herpes E Genital Herpes F HIV G Hepatitis H Pubic Lice 29 F WORD Girls Group Programme Facilitator Guidance Notes SESSION 2 – Activity 3 Let’s Talk About Sex: Contraception The Quiz, Sexual Health Case and Condom Demonstration aim to increase participant’s knowledge of the methods of contraception available to young people and it provides the opportunity for participants to practice using a condom correctly. Note to Facilitator Have available the following resources: Sexual Health Case Condom Demonstrator and a supply of condoms Contraception, condom and emergency contraception leaflets. 30 F WORD Girls Group Programme 1. Show the group the contents of the ‘Sexual Health Case’. Ask the group if they know The name of the method How it is used The advantages and disadvantages of the method What does it protect against? Where you can get it from. Facilitator to add to the information given. 2. Condom demonstration. Facilitator to demonstrate the correct method of using a condom. Whole group opportunity to put a condom on a condom demonstrator. 3. Contraception Quiz. Can be completed individually or in small groups. Give correct answers and further information. 31 F WORD Girls Group Programme WORKSHEET Session 2 – Activity 3 Contraception Quiz Question 1 Answer (True or False) Sperm can survive for a maximum of 3 days inside the female reproductive tract. 2 You can only get pregnant if you have vaginal penetrative sex. 3 There are two different types of oral contraceptive pills. 4 If you forget a contraceptive pill you should use a condom as well if you have sex within the next seven days. 5 Antibiotics reduce the effectiveness of the combined pill? 6 The Progestogen Only Pill is less effective than the combined pill? 7 One dose of Deop-Provera contraceptive injection lasts for 12 weeks. 8 You cannot have an IUD (Intra Uterine Device or Coil) inserted if you are under 18 years old. 32 F WORD Girls Group Programme 9 The Implanon Implant is up into your arm. 10 The implant lasts for three years. 11 Condoms will perish if in contact with Vaseline. 12 Emergency Hormonal Contraceptive (EHC) is more effective at reducing the risk of pregnancy the earlier it is taken after sex. 13 A coil (Intra Uterine Device – IUD) can be inserted 5 days after unprotected intercourse to prevent pregnancy. 14 A contraception clinic is a confidential service. 33 F WORD Girls Group Programme WORKSHEET Session 2 – Activity 3 Contraception Quiz Answers Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 Answer (True or False) Sperm can survive for a maximum False. At certain times in the menstrual of 3 days inside the female cycle, fertile mucus is produced at the neck reproductive tract. of the womb (or cervix) this clear, slippery mucus will nourish and support sperm for up to 7 days. You can only get pregnant if you False. It is important to ensure sperm have vaginal penetrative sex. doesn’t come into contact with any part of the vagina as it is possible (although unlikely) to get pregnant. This includes sperm that in accidentally transferred from hands, clothes bed clothes etc. If there is any contact with the vagina prior to ejaculation there is still a risk of pregnancy as sperm often leaks out of the tip of an erect penis before ejaculation occurs. There are two different types of True. There is the Combined Oral oral contraceptive pills. Contraceptive Pill (COCP) which contains synthetic hormones – oestrogen and progestogen and the Progestogen Only Pill (POP or sometimes called the ‘mini pill’) If you forget a contraceptive pill True. If you forget a pill you must make sure you should use a condom as well if you use a condom if you have sex in the next you have sex within the next seven 7 days. If the condom splits or comes off you days. may need emergency contraception so get advice from your local clinic or pharmacy. It is a good idea to use condoms all the time as well as a method of contraception to protect against STI’s and pregnancy. Antibiotics reduce the True. Antibiotics affect the way your body effectiveness of the combined pill? absorbs the COD so you must take your pills as usual but also use condoms if you have sex during the whole course of antibiotics and for 7 days afterwards. Antibiotics DO NOT affect the POP. The Progestogen Only Pill is less False. The POP is just an effective as the effective than the combined pill? COC if taken properly! 34 F 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 WORD Girls Group Programme One dose of Deop-Provera contraceptive True. The sexual health injection lasts for 12 weeks. services will usually make the next appointment for 11 weeks to give time in case the appointment gets forgotten or the (young) woman is unwell. You cannot have an IUD (Intra Uterine Device False. A woman can have an or Coil) inserted if you are under 18 years old. IUD fitted at any age. It is also a myth that a woman can’t have an IUD fitted until she has had a baby. The Implanon Implant is up into your arm. True. Usually the opposite arm to the one you write with and positioned on the inner side of your upper arm just below you bicep muscle. The implant lasts for three years True. Once the implant is removed you are fertile again very quickly. Condoms will perish if in contact with Vaseline. True. Oil-based lubricants will ‘rot’ latex so always use a water based lubricant. Emergency Hormonal Contraceptive True. Up to 24hrs = 95%. (EHC) is more effective at reducing the risk of 25-48hurs 85% pregnancy the earlier it is taken after sex. 49-72hrs= 52% A coil (Intra Uterine Device – IUD) can be True. IUD’s can only be fitted inserted 5 days after unprotected intercourse by specially trained doctor or to prevent pregnancy. nurses. An IUD can be fitted up to 5 days after unprotected intercourse however it is best to get advise as soon as possible. .A contraception clinic is a confidential service True. All contraceptive and sexual health services are confidential, staff would only talk to other health professionals if they were worried about your safety. They would always tell you if they want to talk to anyone else first. • To increase knowledge of methods of contraception • To provide an opportunity to practice the correct application of a co 35 F WORD Girls Group Programme Facilitator Guidance Notes SESSION 2 – Activity 4 The Self-Esteem /Sexual Health SpiralEmergency Hormonal Contraception works and when to take it. 1. Divide the group into 2 subgroups. 2. Give one group a flip chart sheet headed “Low self – esteem may lead to” …..? 3. And the other group a flip chart sheet headed “High Self Esteem may lead to” ….? 4. Ask both groups to brainstorm all the sexual behaviours and practices which could result from low or high self esteem. 5. If there is time, go on to start drawing a chain of events and consequences, illustrating the spiral effect – e.g. low self esteem may lead to saying yes to sex that isn’t wanted – and to not being able to negotiate safer sex which may lead to getting sexually transmitted infection which will contribute to lower self – esteem. 36 F WORD Girls Group Programme 6. Feedback from both groups in the large group. If there is time, discuss ways the negative spiral can be interrupted in order to increase self- esteem and sexual health. Share ideas from past practice which have worked. 37 F WORD Girls Group Programme Session 2 - Activity 5 Feel Good Activity Fruit – Let’s Try Something Different. 38 F WORD Girls Group Programme Facilitator Guidance Notes SESSION 2 - Activity 5 Feel Good Activity Fruit – Let’s Try Something Different. Introduction to Feel Good Activity At least five portions of fruit or vegetables a day are good for us. Research suggests that a balanced diet that includes a lot of fruit and vegetables will help you stay more alert and be less likely to develop behavioural problems or sleep disorders. Young people are increasingly growing up on a diet that largely consists of junk food. Regular amounts of junk food in the diet contribute to a number of health problems, including: Tiredness, lack of enthusiasm and a lack of energy Unwillingness to take part in any physical activity Mood swings, irritability and restlessness Fidgety behaviour, inability to sleep Unpredictable behaviour Constipation or stomach upsets Weight problems Pale skin, dull hair, weak, brittle nails, dark shadows under eyes Nausea, headaches Frequent colds and infections Increased incidence of allergies Poor concentration 39 F WORD Girls Group Programme Explain to participants that today is an opportunity to ‘Try Something Different’. Have available for the group to sample A selection of fruits including the exotic (which are readily available at local supermarkets) Wooden Kebab skewers Melted chocolate Meringue Nests A selection of flavoured low fat yogurts Crème Fraiche A selection of fruit juices Ask the group to think of ideas which may encourage them to include more fruit in their diets. Examples may be: Make fruit kebabs – thread strawberries and chunks of melon and kiwi fruit onto a skewer and drizzle with chocolate. Freeze fruit – this can concentrate the fruit flavour and offer an alternative taste and texture. Try freezing strawberries and bananas and serving them on sticks like a lolly pop Make a smoothie – Pack it with blueberries, mango, raspberries and bananas and get them to try and identify the ingredients. 40