Plan - Etowah County Schools

Revised 10/2014
Etowah County Board of Education
District Implementation of Response to
Instruction Program
I. Response to Instruction (RtI) Overview
Response to Instruction (RtI) represents an important educational strategy to close achievement gaps
for all students by preventing smaller learning problems from becoming insurmountable gaps. RtI
integrates scientifically research-based core instruction, assessment, and interventions in a three tier
system of instruction.
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II. RtI District Framework for School-Wide Implementation:
 Scientifically research-based core instruction delivered to all students in the general
education class by highly qualified personnel.
 Review of high stakes testing records and/or research-based screening will be used to identify
those students who are not making academic progress at expected rates.
 Instruction targeting student needs with increasingly intensive interventions for students who
do not progress in their level of performance to meet age or grade level standards.
 Repeated progress monitoring of student’s achievement to determine if interventions are
resulting in progress toward age or grade level standards. Progress monitoring data will be
used to make educational decisions about changes in instruction/interventions.
III. RtI Problem Solving Team (PST)
All schools will have at least one RtI Problem Solving Team. The team members will include:
 Classroom teachers
 Intervention teachers
 Instructional coaches
 Special Education teachers
 School counselor
 Administrator
Team meetings will be held at a time which is mutually convenient to the referring teacher and other
team members.
IV. District Universal Screening and Testing Timeline
 Renaissance Learning STAR Enterprise K-12 Math, Reading and/or Early Literacy Assessment will
be used to assess students three times a year: Beginning, Mid-Year, End-of-Year.
 All schools will assess students during the same 30 day testing window determined by the
 Please see Universal Screening under Elementary and/or Secondary to determine which
students will be tested.
V. Behavior Plan-Revised February 2013
Criteria for Behavior Referrals to the Problem Solving Team
A Response to Instruction plan should be considered for development when behaviors affect the
students’ ability to function appropriately in the classroom or when behaviors interfere with
student learning.
Including but not limited to the data below, the PST will determine if a Student Intervention Plan
is needed.
 Discipline Referrals to Principal
 Referrals to SRO
 Referrals to Counselor
 Parent Referral
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Teacher/Classroom Documentation (Such as, conduct charts, communication notebook,
parent conferences, ISS, etc…)
BASC-II-Student Observation Survey
RtI Behavior referrals should depend on the severity and frequency of the behavior.
 5 or less Class II infractions-Tier II
 5 or more Class II Infractions-Tier III
 1 Class III infraction-Tier III
Criteria for Absenteeism
5-7 unexcused absences-Tier II
7-9 unexcused absences-Tier III
Behavior Resources
The Teacher’s Encyclopedia of Behavior Management
Behavior Intervention Manual-Goals, Objectives and Intervention Strategies
Behavior Daily Progress Report
Behavior Best Practices
Positive Behavior Intervention
Description of Behavior Tiers
Tier I- UNIVERSAL INTERVENTIONS-All students receive high quality instruction based on best practices
of classroom management provided by qualified personnel. Examples of universal interventions; follow
the ECBOE Code of Conduct, school handbook, and classroom rules.
Tier II-TARGETED GROUP INTERVENTIONS-Students identified with deficits through behavior
documentation, assessments and student data that are not making adequate progress in the regular
classroom in Tier I will receive Tier II interventions. These interventions provide additional attention,
focus, and support and usually take place in the general education classroom. Tier II interventions
should begin as soon as possible with frequent progress monitoring. The length of time spent in Tier II
will depend on student progress. (Examples of targeted group interventions; behavior report card, daily
or weekly behavior chart, communication notebook, documentation of parent and/or student
conferences, ISS, large group sessions with the school counselor, and etc…)
Tier III-INTENSIVE INDIVIDUAL INTERVENTIONS-Students that are not responding to Tier II
interventions, or require immediate attention may receive Tier III interventions. Tier III students receive
individualized intensive interventions that target the students’ behavior deficits. Tier III interventions
may take place outside the general education classroom. The length of time spent in Tier III will depend
on student progress. (Examples of intensive individual interventions; individual or small group sessions
with school counselor, outside resources, and etc…)
Parent Notification
The PST will send a Behavior Intervention Initiation letter prior to Tier II or Tier III interventions.
Behavior progress monitoring results will be sent with student’s mid-term and nine weeks’ progress
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VI. Elementary/Intermediate Plan-Revised October 2014
Description of Academic Tiers
Tier I- All students receive high quality scientifically based instruction provided by qualified personnel.
Tier II- Students identified with deficits through universal screenings, state assessments and student
data that are not making adequate progress in the regular classroom in Tier I will receive Tier II
interventions. These interventions provide additional attention, focus, and support and usually take
place in the general education classroom. Tier II interventions should begin as soon as possible and
monitored regularly. The length of time spent in Tier II will depend on student progress.
Tier III -Students that are not responding to Tier II interventions, or require immediate attention due to
screening results may receive Tier III interventions. Tier III students receive individualized intensive
interventions that target the students’ skill deficits. Tier III interventions may take place outside the
general education classroom. The schedule and length of the intervention will depend on the
scientifically research-based program used for interventions. The length of time spent in Tier III will
depend on student progress.
Universal Screening
Renaissance Learning STAR Enterprise K-12 Math, Reading and/or Early Literacy Assessment will be used
to assess all students three times per year: Beginning, Mid-year, End-of-Year. This web-based, computer
adaptive assessment tool will generate data on student performance levels that will enable data-based
decision making regarding the need for Tier II and Tier III interventions. Reports will be analyzed for
Urgent Intervention (<10th percentile ranking) and Intervention (<25th percentile ranking) as defined in
STAR Enterprise, to plan appropriate instruction.
*The administration of STAR Math and Reading will begin with 1st grade students’ mid-year.
Progress Monitoring-Pre-referral to PST
Renaissance Learning STAR Enterprise K-12 Math, Reading and/or Early Literacy Assessments will be
used to progress monitor students scoring in the Urgent Intervention and Intervention categories.
Students will:
 receive Tier II instruction;
 be monitored via STAR Enterprise mid-nine weeks and nine weeks;
 may be referred to PST for Tier III instruction
Criteria for Referral to Problem Solving Team (PST)
Tier III students not making adequate progress in initial Tier III instruction will be referred to the PST.
Evaluation of student data may include the following:
 Grades
 State Assessments
 Attendance
 Discipline Office Referrals
 Parent Referral
 Retentions
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STAR Enterprise Universal Screening
STAR Enterprise Progress Monitoring
Based on the above data, the PST will evaluate if adequate progress is/is not being made as a result of
scientifically, research-based core interventions. The PST will determine the Tier III instructional
interventions based on the student progress. The PST will meet periodically to monitor student progress
and intervention plans. If an intervention does not show signs of impacting student performance in 3-4
weeks the PST may make adjustments to the intervention plan. If a student has not improved in 8-12
weeks, the PST may consider other options, including referring the student for a special education
evaluation. Data must be available to confirm that scientifically research-based interventions were
implemented with fidelity.
Parent Notification
The PST will send STAR Enterprise progress monitoring results with student’s mid-term and nine weeks’
progress reports.
Progress Monitoring-Post-referral to PST
Students will:
 receive Tier II instruction and Tier III instruction;
 be monitored via STAR Enterprise for three weeks to establish trend line for each intervention;
 bi-weekly monitoring will occur once trend line has been established;
 if adequate progress is not made, the student may be referred to Tier III instruction.
*A student’s screening results may warrant immediate Tier III instruction and/or referral to the PST.
VII. Middle/Secondary Plan-Revised October 2014
Universal Screening
Renaissance Learning STAR Enterprise K-12 Reading and Math Assessment will be used to assess
students. This web-based, computer adaptive assessment tool will generate data on student
performance levels that will enable data-based decision making regarding the need for Tier II
and Tier III interventions.
All students entering middle school will be screened as they enter the school (i.e. 6th grade for
students in a 6-8 school or 7th grade for students in a 7-12 school). Only students in Tier II and
Tier III will be tested at mid-year and the end-of-the-year.
All students entering high school will be screened as they enter the school (i.e. 9th grade for
students in a 9-12 school). Only students in Tier II and Tier III will be tested at the mid-year and
the end-of-the-year.
A secondary student can be tested at any time during the school year if the Problem Solving
Team/teacher deems necessary.
Parent Notification
Parents will be notified of screening results.
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Progress Monitoring Tool
Frequent progress monitoring will take place at least bi-weekly during the implementation of a Tier II
and Tier III interventions. STAR Enterprise may be used for progress monitoring and/or progress
monitoring materials provided with the scientifically research-based intervention programs. Progress
monitoring reports will be sent home mid-term with progress reports and report cards.
Criteria for Referral to Tier II and Tier III
Criteria for Tier II Referral-Tier II interventions shall be provided when the PST team determines
based on an evaluation of student data and/or universal screening that adequate progress is not
being made despite scientifically, research-based core instruction in the general education class.
Evaluation of student data may include, but not limited to the following:
o Grades
o State Assessments
o Attendance
o Discipline Office Referrals
o Parent Referral
o Retentions
Criteria for Tier III Referral-Tier III interventions shall be provided when the PST Team
determines based on an evaluation of student data and/or universal screening that adequate
progress is not being made despite scientifically, research-based core instruction in the general
education class. Tier III interventions are intended for students with significant deficits or
underachievement. A decision to move a student to Tier III interventions is determined by the
Problem Solving Team after multiple documented interventions in Tier II have resulted in limited
or no progress.
Description of Tiers
Tier I-All students receive highly quality scientifically based instruction provided by qualified
Tier II- Students identified with deficits through universal screenings, state assessments and
student data that are not making adequate progress in the regular classroom in Tier I will
receive Tier II interventions. These interventions provide additional attention, focus, and
support and usually take place in the general education classroom. Tier II interventions should
begin as soon as possible and monitored regularly.
The length of time spent in Tier II will depend on student progress. If an intervention does not
show signs of impacting student performance in 4-6 weeks the intervention should be
abandoned and a new intervention will be started. If a student has not improved in 8-12 weeks,
the student will be referred to Tier III.
Tier III- Tier III interventions shall be provided when the PST Team determines based on an
evaluation of student data and/or universal screening that adequate progress is not being made
despite scientifically, research-based core instruction in the general education class. Students
that are not responding to Tier II interventions will be referred to Tier III. Students receive
individualized intensive interventions that target the students’ skill deficits. Tier III interventions
may take place outside the general education classroom. The schedule and length of the
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intervention class will depend on the scientifically, research-based program used for
The length of time spent in Tier III will depend on student progress. If an intervention does not
show signs of impacting student performance in 4-6 weeks the intervention should be
abandoned and a new intervention will be started. If a student has not improved in 8-12 weeks,
the Problem Solving Team may consider other options, including referring the student for a
special education evaluation. Data must be available to confirm that scientifically researchbased interventions were implemented with fidelity.
VIII. District Data Collection
The following data will be collected to assist in evaluating the effectiveness of the Problem Solving
Documentation of Staff Training
Problem Solving Team Members
RtI Effectiveness School Wide Compilation
IX. District Training/Professional Development
Introduction and training of the Problem Solving Model to all schools’ Problem Solving Team
Introduction and training in researched-based screening
District support to implement Response to Instruction plan with regard to time, resources and
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