Sample Exam 4 - Gardening Solutions

Sample Exam 4
Master Gardener Turf Questions compiled by Dr. Al Dudeck
1. Discuss at least five factors which may cause deterioration of a turf grass to the point where renovation
is required.
2. Given the grasses Bahiagrass, Bermudagrass, Centipede grass, St. Augustine grass, and Zoysiagrass,
which grasses may be seed propagated?
3. Football fields appear to have alternating grasses every five yards when viewed from above. From a turf
management standpoint, discuss how this effect is brought about.
4. Define overseeding.
5. Identify four principal limitations of Bahiagrass for use as a lawn grass in Florida.
6. Perennial ryegrass is normally seeded at (A) higher or (B) lower rates of seeding for overseeding
purposes compared to normal rates of seeding in their region of grass adaptation. Thoroughly discuss
7. Discuss the proper steps involved in a turf grass renovation program.
8. Discuss the proper steps involved in sprigging a new lawn.
9. Assuming that all of the nitrogen in an 8-2-4 fertilizer is from a chemical, water soluble source, how
much 8-2-4 fertilizer must be applied to 1000 square feet of lawn area to deliver one pound of actual
nitrogen per 1000 square feet?
10.Define a node.
11.Consider the current restrictions on water use by Florida's water management districts, recommend (A)
choices of drought-tolerant turf grasses and (B) a maintenance program that will minimize water use for
an established lawn.
12.In spite of its disadvantages, the __________ variety of Zoysiagrass is highly recommended for Florida
13.Discuss the use, operation and need for a vertical mower in a St. Augustine grass maintenance program.
14.Discuss the advantages/disadvantages of low versus high mowing heights.
15.What are the advantages to the use of mulch for turf establishment?
16.The botanical name (Genus only) for white clover is ____________.
17.Chinch bugs are an insect pest which seriously limits the growth of which grass: Bahiagrass,
Bermudagrass , Centipede grass, St. Augustine grass, or Zoysiagrass. Circle the correct answer.
18.Zoysiagrass has excellent wear tolerance. True or False. Why is it not used more frequently on athletic
19.From a safety standpoint, the most dangerous pieces of turf maintenance equipment used on home lawns
are ............................................................... and ............................................... .
20.A 15-0-15 is a good example of a complete fertilizer. True or False.
21.Discuss all possible ways of controlling thatch in a Florida lawn.
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22.Define a sprig.
23.Discuss five procedures and precautions which should be followed for safe, good mowing practices.
24.Why is Centipede grass a popular lawn grass from mid-Florida to Georgia?
25.Optimum air temperatures for the growth of cool-season turf grasses are ________.
26.Suggest the best lawn grass for Fort Lauderdale, FL which is adapted to marl (alkaline), wet, saline soils
and is normally vegetatively propagated.
27.The most popular lawn grass species in Florida is ...................... .
The most common cultivar is ..................................................... .
28.Given the grasses Bahiagrass, Bermuda grass, Centipede grass, St. Augustine grass, and Zoysia grass,
which grass has the best winter hardiness to grow in Maryland?
29.Why is a thatch layer undesirable in a lawn?
30.Two seeded cultivars of Bermuda grass currently on the market are _________ and ________.
31.An ideal seeding rate of Centipede grass is six pounds of good quality seed per 1000 square feet yet,
only 0.25 pounds per 1000 square feet are commonly applied. Thoroughly discuss the validity of this
32.Define thatch.
33.If a reel mower is the best choice for maintaining a top quality lawn, why do we not recommend one for
mowing a Bahiagrass lawn?
34.If mowing is the most costly labor intensive turf grass maintenance operation, why do we continue to
mow turf grasses?
35.The best Bahiagrass cultivar for Florida lawns is ........................ .
36.Define a stolon.
37.Why is St. Augustine grass not a popular lawn grass in Georgia?
38.Define a rhizome.
39.The most popular grass species for Florida roadsides is________.
The most common cultivar__________.
40.Define a plug.
41.Describe the similarities or differences between turf damage caused by (A) moles and (B) mole
42.Define an internode.
43.Rank the three vegetative methods of turf grass establishment from 1 to 3 in the order of perishability
with a ranking of 1 being most perishable.
44.Rank all of the methods of turf grass establishment in the order of expense with a ranking of 1 being
most expensive.
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45.Regardless of the method of planting, proper seedbed preparation for a lawn prior to planting is critical
to ensure the establishment of a quality turf. Discuss all important aspects step by step to establish a
'Floralawn' St. Augustine grass lawn from sod.
46.Mowing (A) too high, (B) too low, (C) too high and too low is/are often the cause(s) of poor turf. Circle
the correct answer(s).
47.Contrast the advantages and disadvantages of soluble nitrogen sources.
48.Recommended rate of mulch to be used for turf establishment is ....................... .
49.Discuss the pros and cons of the practice of collecting and removing clippings from a lawn.
50.Because water conservation is a serious consideration today in Florida, what determines when a
homeowner should water his/her lawn?
51.Fertilizer should be applied to a lawn early in the morning so that the wheel marks of the spreader in the
dew pattern will help identify proper overlap of the fertilizer spreader pattern. Thoroughly discuss this
52.A rule of thumb in fertilizing turf grasses is never to exceed _________ pound(s) of water soluble
nitrogen per 1000 square feet.
53.Given the grasses Bahiagrass, Bermudagrass , Centipede grass, St. Augustine grass, and Zoysiagrass,
which grasses spread via stolons only?
54.Differentiate between the design, operation and use of a mulching mower compared to a conventional
rotary mower.
55.Cost of establishment should be the main reason for choosing a turf grass for a Florida lawn. True or
56.Define renovation.
57.Identify which grasses should be mulched based for each method of their establishment.
58.New growth on a sprig comes only from the meristematic tissue associated with (A) existing shoots, (B)
existing roots, (C) existing roots and shoots, (D) the internode, or (E) the node. Circle correct answer(s).
59.Discuss the proper manner of applying irrigation water to your lawn addressing (A) rate of application,
(B) frequency of application, and (C) time of day.
60.Optimum air temperatures for the growth of warm-season turf grasses are _______.
61.Define a sod.
62.Discuss the pros and cons of a mowing frequency for St. Augustine grass of once per week in the
summer and once every two weeks in the winter.
63.Discuss the proper steps involved in sodding a new lawn.
64.Two of the most important maintenance operations in proper use of a rotary mower are to keep the blade
____________ and ______________.
65.Recommend a fertilizer program for a low income family with a St. Augustine grass lawn in Miami, FL
and explain it in layman terms.
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66.A soil test prior to turf establishment is a highly recommended practice in this day of environmental
concerns. Please discuss thoroughly.
67.Contrast the advantages and disadvantages of slow-release nitrogen sources.
68.Discuss the use, operation and need for a turf coring machine in a lawn maintenance program.
69.A 6-6-6 is a commonly used fertilizer on Florida lawns. Thoroughly discuss what these numbers mean.
70.Weed invasion is often the primary cause of poor turf. True or False.
71.If a homeowner had an opportunity to see all available Florida lawn grasses growing in the field, most
would choose Bermudagrass for their home lawn grass. Do you agree (Yes) or disagree (No)? Discuss
why you would agree or disagree with their choice.
72.In addition to cool-season grasses, .............................................. may also be used for overseeding
warm-season grasses in the winter time.
73.Leaching of water-soluble fertilizers and pesticides out of the root zone is a serious problem on Florida's
unamended sand soils. Thoroughly discuss various turf grass cultural methods to prevent or minimize
leaching from turfed areas.
74.List and briefly discuss five major considerations to select a proper turf grass for your Florida lawn.
75.Weeds are a pain in the grass. True or False.
76.Given the grasses Bahiagrass, Bermudagrass , Centipede grass, St. Augustine grass, and Zoysiagrass,
which grasses spread via stolons only?
77.Suggest the best low maintenance lawn grass for Pensacola, FL which is adapted to acid, droughty,
nematode infested soils and is normally established by seed.
78.What causes a build up of thatch in a turf?
79.Discuss the proper steps involved in seeding a new lawn.
80.Given the grasses Bahiagrass, Bermudagrass , Centipede grass, St. Augustine grass, and Zoysiagrass,
which grasses spread via rhizomes AND stolons?
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Appendix C-4
Turf Study Answers
Compiled by Dr. Al Dudeck & Paul Ruppert
1. Poor cultural practices or lower level of maintenance than required by the lawn grass will allow weeds
to dominate the desirable plant. Improper mowing heights or intervals between mowing in which the
height of the lawn grass grows to exceed 1/3 of the optimum, or applications & frequency of fertilizer,
and water are not appropriate for the lawn grass, are examples as to how this could happen. An
accumulation of a thatch buildup will cause poor contact between the soil and the turf growing region,
create an area which will harbor pests, and the higher carbon from the organic matter will affect the
application of nutrients and pesticides than normally required because of the altered cation exchange
capacity. It will take a heavier application of N and pesticides because of the binding that occurs.
Disease or insect pests that are uncontrolled may cause the turf to decline. Some cultivars are subject to
cold injury and may need to be renovated if subjected to a lower temperature than it will tolerate.
2. Bahiagrass, Bermudagrass , Centipede grass and Zoysiagrass may be seed propagated.
3. The direction in which the turf is mowed (or brushed) will give this appearance. At each 5 yd. swath,
the equipment travels in the opposite direction (parallel to the goal line).
4. It is the practice of using a temporary (seasonal) grass which is seeded into the permanent warm season
lawn to provide winter color.
5. It has a sparse open growth habit which is not attractive to some people, it is intolerant to low light
levels, it requires frequent mowing to keep the seed heads cut and it is a very tough grass to cut when it
is either too high, too wet or too dry.
6. Higher. It is because the closer plant spacing induces a very dense, juvenile growth with a very fine leaf
blade texture.
7. Proper steps for turf grass renovation.
a. Wait until the lawn grass is actively growing before any mechanical disturbance to the turf is
b. Evaluate the maintenance program and or the turf cultivar to determine that it is the most suitable
c. Have a soil test performed so the existing nutrient level and an optimum nutrient level can be
d. Determine the degree of renovation that will be done. Verticutting is recommended for St.
Augustine, Bermuda, centipede and Zoysiagrasses about once a year if they become heavily
thatched. It is a mild renovation compared with changing the cultivar and or reestablishing the turf
grass. The verticutter is driven in a north to south direction, then at a 90° angle. The loosened
vegetative material is carried off from the area and used for propagative material, mulch or
e. Begin with frequent light watering, then, increase the application rate but reduce the frequency to
"as needed" intervals.
f. Apply a complete N-P-K fertilizer after two weeks of active growth.
8. Proper steps for sprigging a new lawn.
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a. Gather a soil sample and submit it to a soil testing lab for a nutrient analysis and fertilizer/soil
amendment recommendations.
b. Rough grade the area so there is a slope equal to or less than 3:1. The slope falls away from any
structures. During heavy rainfall, the water will not shed toward any structure and will not move
across the soil layer at a rate that will cause erosion. Any fertilizer or soil amendments
recommended should be applied and incorporated with a tiller or lightly disc harrowed into the soil.
Incorporating and blending the nutrients with the soil will ensure uniformity in nutrient distribution
within the root zone.
c. Smooth the soil surface and remove any particles larger than a golf ball. A smooth bed will help
avoid puddling of water and promote ease of walking on the turf. This will also reduce the chance
of scalping high ridges in the turf once it is established. Moisten the soil before sprigging. This
improves the manageability of the soil, and it encourages root growth and development by placing
the vegetative material in direct contact with moist soil so as not to allow the propagative material
to wilt to the extreme that it will not grow.
d. Sprigging can be done by hand or with a machine. Sprigs contain two or more nodes and usually
lack soil and roots. Shallow furrows with 6-12" centers are created to place the vegetative material
in and then these are covered over and lightly tamped. Stolonizing is another method of sprigging in
which the stem tissue is broadcast uniformly over the surface, then, either "cutting" (tucking) this
into the ground, or, covering the stem tissue with a very light layer of soil that has similar
characteristics as the seed bed.
e. Apply mulch (about 100 lbs. /1000 ft.2) or so that there is 25% visual bare ground on stolonized
grasses of St. Augustine, centipede and zoysia, but do not mulch Bermudagrass stolons.
f. Immediately after finishing an area large enough to set up a sprinkler, the area should be irrigated.
Initially, apply frequent, light amounts of water to keep the soil continually moist at a rate that will
not puddle or run off, until the grass begins to grow. As the turf becomes more established, increase
the amount of water and decrease the frequency at which the water is applied.
9. 100/8 = 12.5 or 12.5 lbs. of 8-2-4 fertilizer will deliver 1 lb. of actual N per 1000 ft.2
10. A joint in a stem which has the potential of developing into a grass plant.
11. a). Bahiagrass and zoysia b). Low N fertilization and mow as high and infrequently as possible with a
sharp, well balanced mower.
12. In spite of its disadvantages, the ‘Emerald’ variety of Zoysiagrass is highly recommended for Florida
13. Verticutting is recommended for St. Augustine grass about once a year if it becomes heavily thatched.
At the time when the lawn is actively growing, the verticutter with a 3" blade spacing is driven in a
north to south direction, then at a 90° angle. The loosened vegetative material is carried off from the
area and used for propagative material, mulch or composted. Begin with frequent light watering, then,
increase the application rate but reduce the frequency to "as needed" intervals. Apply a complete N-P-K
fertilizer after two weeks of active growth.
14. Low mowing heights are an advantage only to turf which can tolerate a close mowing. Close mowing
eventually exhausts the supply of carbohydrates within the roots causing the grass's vigor to wane. If
the low mowing height is not suitable for the lawn grass, its vigor declines rapidly causing the turf to
die. An advantage of high mowing heights is that the growing vegetation helps to reduce the soil
surface temperature in the summer by shading out the sun and preventing the root zone from drying out
fast. If a higher mowing is recommended for a turf grass, a lawn grass will compete against weeds and
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eventually crowd them out. The higher grass would help to conserve soil surface moisture. Another
advantage of the taller grass is the correlation of root depth. Taller grass has a deeper root system which
enables it to tolerate a period of stress easier and longer than a turf with a reduced root zone.
15. a. Erosion control
b. Conservation of moisture.
c. Moderate soil surface temperature, reducing the high temperature that would otherwise be lethal to
young seedlings and damaging to seed which is trying to germinate.
d. Shades the ground, preventing sunlight from stimulating weed seed germination and growth.
16. The botanical name, (Genesis only) for white clover is Trifolium. This is a temperate plant capable of
fixing N2 from the atmosphere because of a symbiotic bacterium which enters the root.
17. Chinch bugs are insect pests which adversely affect the growth of St. Augustine grass. (and can also
infest Centipede grass, but typically not as severe).
18. True. However, it is not used more frequently on athletic fields, because it is slow to recover from
injury and is uncomfortable to the skin.
19. From a safety standpoint, the most dangerous pieces of turf equipment used on home lawns are a lawn
edger and a rotary mower.
20. False. It is an example of an incomplete fertilizer because, it is lacking one of the primary plant
21. Controlling thatch on a lawn grass:
a. Avoid excessive fertilization and watering.
b. Mow at the proper height when the length of the blade attains 1/3 more than that desired
(recommended) height.
c. Use a mulch type mower so the leaf particles are smaller and decompose faster.
d. Induce a favorable environment for bacterial and fungal growth which contributes to the decay of
grass clippings via pH control, adequate irrigation and aeration.
e. Remove thatch with a vertical mower, if need be.
22. It is an individual stem or piece of stem of grass, having at least one or more nodes, without any
adhering soil. Sprigs are also called runners, rhizomes or stolons.
23. a. Do not mow grass when it is wet. The clippings can clog the machine and add stress to the mower
and the grass. If there is a disease affecting the turf, mowing then the blades are wet will spread the
b. Pick up all stones, sticks and other debris before mowing to avoid damaging the mower or injuring
someone with flying objects.
c. Wear shoes that will provide good traction and foot protection.
d. When mowing a slope, mow perpendicular to the angle of the slope.
e. Check the mower before each use.
Some other considerations: Make sure blades are sharp.
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f. Mow in a different direction every time the lawn is cut.
g. Never fill a hot mower with gasoline, or fill mower on the lawn.
h. Don't pick up the clippings; spread them out by remowing or raking when they are dry.
24. The favorable moderate climate, heavier soil (reduced nematode damage) and lower pH. Centipede
grass is slower growing than St. Augustine and Bermuda, easier to mow, somewhat lower maintenance
require less fertilizer.
25. The optimum temperatures for the growth of cool-season turf grasses are when the daytime
temperatures are consistently between 60° to 75°F.
26. St. Augustine grass.
27. The most popular lawn grass species in Florida is St. Augustine grass. The most common cultivar is
28. Zoysiagrass, which can grow in Maryland, has the best winter hardiness compared to the other lawn
grasses mentioned above.
29. Thatch accumulation is undesirable in a lawn because:
a. It can restrict water & air movement into the soil. Dry thatch tends to repel water rather than allow
infiltration, and wet thatch enhances disease problems.
b. Thick thatch makes mowing very difficult. As thatch builds up, mowing height actually increases
above the soil line, and the turf becomes very spongy, allowing the mower to sink into the turf and
scalp the lawn. This results in an uneven appearance and often a mottled brown and green surface.
c. Thatch provides an ideal habitat for insects and disease. Thatch accumulation is associated with an
increased incidence of brown patch, dollar spot and leaf spot diseases.
d. A thatch condition elevates the growing points (crowns), runners (rhizomes & stolons) and roots
above the soil surface. As a result, the lawn is prone to winter injury because elevated plant parts
are exposed to greater extremes in temperature. Winter kill of lawns is often associated with thick
thatch layers. Heavily thatched lawns also brown-off quickly (go dormant) following the first
exposure to cold weather, and green-up more slowly in the spring.
e. Thatch can interrupt and restrict the downward movement of pesticides and fertilizers into soil. This
reduces the effectiveness of these materials, making pest control difficult and producing a
nonuniform, erratic response to fertilization.
f. Thatch inhibits water movement into the soil, allowing turf to be drought sensitive.
30. Two seeded cultivars of Bermudagrass currently on the market are 'NuMex Sahara' and 'Common.'
31. This may be true because of the expense of the seed and the rationale being that this is a spreading grass
once the seedlings become established. However, if the seedlings are not at a density that can compete
with weeds, the weeds will dominate the young seedlings which lack the initial vigor to crowd out the
undesirable vegetation.
32. It is an intermingled layer of dead and living shoots, stems and roots that develops between the zone of
green vegetation and the soil surface. It consists of a loosely interwoven collection of organic matter
from the top of the thatch layer to the bottom of the mat. Mat is very fine, dense, peat-like and not
easily compressed.
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33. A rotary mower will satisfactorily cut the tough grass blades, however, the stems of Bahiagrass can dull
a mower blade very fast. A reel mower will not mow grass taller than 3" in height.
34. Mowing keeps turf grasses thick and healthy. A thick, healthy lawn reduces dust, prevents soil erosion
and run-off by protecting the soil surface and absorbing large amounts of water from heavy rainfall, and
increases property value. Reduces weeds in the turf.
35. The best Bahiagrass cultivar for Florida lawns is 'Argentine.'
36. It is an above ground stem (vegetative tissue).
37. It prefers sandy soils and a mild climate; two things that are not prevalent in Georgia.
38. It is a below ground stem.
39. The most popular grass species for Florida roadsides is Bahiagrass. The most common cultivar is
40. "A miniature piece of sod" consisting of soil, roots and green plant tissue (leaves/stems).
41. During their feeding process they move soil away from the roots of the turf which causes the roots of
the turf to malfunction or dieback. Another similarity of moles and mole crickets pertaining to turf in
which a reel mower is used, relates to the raised soil which interferes with the mowing blades. The
disturbed areas tend to get scalped and as the soil hits the blade they become less sharp. The major
difference is the height of the "run" with moles leaving a larger raised area above ground than mole
42. It is the stem tissue which exists between nodes.
43. 1- sprigging, 2 - plugging, 3 - sodding
44. 1 - sodding, 2 - plugging, 3 - sprigging, 4 - seeding
45. For establishing a 'Floralawn' St. Augustine grass lawn from sod.
a. Clean off the debris and rough grade the site leaving a slope which is equal to or no greater than 3:1
if possible. The slope falls away from any structures.
b. Obtain a soil sample and submit it for nutrient analysis and for a determination of the soil
amendments and nutrients which will be required for optimal growth.
c. Any fertilizer or soil amendments recommended should be applied and incorporated with a tiller or
lightly disc harrowed into the soil. Incorporating and blending the nutrients with the soil will ensure
uniformity in nutrient distribution within the root zone.
d. Smooth the soil surface and remove any particles larger than a golf ball. A smooth bed will help
avoid puddling of water and promote ease of walking on the turf. This will also reduce the chance
of scalping high ridges in the turf once it is established. Moisten the soil before sodding. This
improves the manageability of the soil, and it helps to encourage root growth and development by
placing the vegetative material in direct contact with moist soil so as not to allow the propagative
material to wilt to the extreme that it will not grow. Immediately after finishing an area large
enough to set up a sprinkler, the area should be irrigated. Initially, apply frequent, light amounts of
water to keep the soil continually moist at a rate that will not puddle or run off, until the grass
begins to grow. As the turf becomes more established, increase the amount of water and decrease
the frequency at which the water is applied.
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46. Mowing (c) too high and too low are often the causes of poor turf.
47. Advantages include that the material is readily available at a low cost per unit N, the level of N and its
availability to the plants is predictable, there is little problem of residual nitrogen, there may be greater
efficiency. Disadvantages include that the material is readily leached, there is danger of fertilizer burn,
high salinity potential, must be applied at frequent, low rates and is usually acid forming.
48. The recommended rate of mulch to be used for turf establishment is about 100 lbs./1000 ft.2 or so that
there is 25% visual bare ground.
49. If the rule of thumb to remove only 1/3 of the leaf blade is followed, the incidence of leaf clipping
accumulation will be minimized. The leaf blades have high nutrient value which can be reclaimed if
allowed to decompose in place. Thatch accumulation will be less likely to occur if a favorable
environment, conducive for bacterial and fungal growth (which contribute to the decay of grass
clippings) is created - i.e., pH control, adequate irrigation and aeration. This only true for Zoysiagrass
due to high silicate content leaves. The opposite is true for all other turf grasses. The rest of the
statement is left for argument although clippings from areas with active disease problems should
probably be collected and removed.
50. A blue-grey appearance to the grass blades and/or when footprints can be seen on the lawn after
someone has walked across the yard. Folding of leaf blades (grass wilts)
51. This is not true! The grass should not be wet when fertilizer is applied, it can burn the grass. Then, turf
can be irrigated immediately following the application.
52. A rule of thumb in fertilizing turf grasses is never to exceed one pound of water soluble nitrogen per
1000 sq. ft.
53. St. Augustine (doesn’t seed itself). Bahiagrass does not spread by rhizomes only, but also by stolons
and seed.
54. Rotary mowers have a deck which has an aerodynamic design to throw the clipped grass out a
discharge shoot. In contrast, the blade on a mulching mower has an increased cutting edge, and a
smooth deck which lacks a discharge shoot so the clippings can be cut more than once.
55. False. The cost of establishment should not be the main reason for choosing a turf grass for a Florida
56. When over 50% of the present lawn consists of undesirable vegetation, renovation is needed.
Renovation is when the area is cleaned up and the desired turf is reestablished by sod, sprigs or seeds.
57. Bahiagrass, Centipede grass, Zoysiagrass and Bermudagrass from seed can be mulched. Plugs or sprigs
of Centipede grass, St. Augustine grass and Zoysiagrass can be mulched. Plugs or sprigs of
Bermudagrass should not be mulched.
58. New growth on a sprig comes only from the meristematic tissue associated with (E) the node.
59. 3/4" application, early in the morning, reduces disease incidence in the turf; when the
evapotranspiration rate is low, on an established turf. (Otherwise, apply water until the soil surface is
moist.) Apply the water again "as needed."
60. Optimum air temperatures for the growth of warm-season turf grasses are 80° to 90°F.
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61. Sod is vegetative material which is about 2' long & about 1' to 1 1/2' wide, consisting of soil, roots and
green plant tissue that is usually installed to provide an "instant carpet" of lawn grass.
62. Once per week in the summer may be frequent enough, but the rule of thumb should be to cut the lawn
when it has grown about 1/3 more than the desired height. PRO’S and CON’S
63. This is similar to other establishment methods.
a. Clean off the debris and rough grade the site leaving a slope which is equal to or no greater than 3:1, if
possible. The slope falls away from any structures.
b. Obtain a soil sample and submit it for nutrient analysis and for the determination of the soil
amendments and nutrients which will be required for optimum growth.
c. Any fertilizer or soil amendments recommended should be applied and incorporated with a tiller or
lightly disc harrowed into the soil. Incorporating and blending the nutrients with the soil will ensure
uniformity in nutrient distribution within the root zone.
d. Smooth the soil surface and remove any particles larger than a golf ball. A smooth bed will help avoid
puddling of water and promote ease of walking on the turf. This will also reduce the chance of scalping
high ridges in the turf once it is established. Moisten the soil before sodding. This improves the
manageability of the soil, and it encourages root growth and development by placing the vegetative
material in direct contact with moist soil so as not to allow the propagative material to wilt to the
extreme that it will not grow. Immediately after finishing an area large enough to set up a sprinkler, the
area should be irrigated. Initially, apply frequent, light amounts of water to keep the soil continually
moist at a rate that will not puddle or run off, until the grass begins to grow. As the turf becomes more
established, increase the amount of water and decrease the frequency at which the water is applied.
64. Two of the most important maintenance operations in proper use of a rotary mower are to keep the
blade sharpened and balanced.
65. Complete fertilizer in February, an N fertilizer in May, Fe applied in June and another complete
fertilizer in October. Amounts?
66. Fertilizer can be an environmental pollutant when applied in excessive amounts. Naturally, all of the
nutrients required for plant growth do not exist at optimum ratios or levels. Nutrients applied prior to
establishment will be of a higher benefit to the turf, because the material can be incorporated within the
root zone where it is needed rather than on top where it would require the nutrients to move in a
solution form through the bed to reach the roots. WHY test soil?
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67. Advantages include: Slow release of N, less subject to leaching, small danger of lawn
burn, applied infrequently at higher rates.
Disadvantages include: Typically more expensive, N not released in cold weather,
slow response.
68. This is done once a year to relieve compacted soil by encouraging infiltration,
percolation and preventing a thatch buildup. Cores of soil are removed to a 3" depth,
allowed to dry on the surface, broken up and reworked back into the turf or replaced
with soil having equal to or greater than particle size as that of the turf. They may also
be picked up immediately for use as propagative material.
69. This means that 6 units each of N, P2O5 and K2O are provided in the fertilizer.
70. False, weeds are opportunistic, they invade poor turf.
71. I would agree with this statement, but (in most cases), this is a high maintenance turf
which requires expensive equipment and restricted use chemicals for proper cultural
and maintenance practices.
72. In addition to cool-season grasses, legumes may also be used for overseeding warmseason grasses in the winter time. Only provides N and some color, but will stick out
like a sore thumb.
73. Application of colloidal phosphate improves cation exchange capacity. Follow label
directions carefully while applying pesticides using them for specific pests’ problems
as they occur and at the recommended rate.
74. Climatic regional adaptation, personal preference, degree of maintenance required &
what degree actually can be provided, water requirements, availability and cost.
75. True
76. St. Augustine grass and Centipede grass. Centipedgrass reseeds slightly.
77. 'Argentine' Bahiagrass is a good suggestion.
78. Thatch buildup is caused by over fertilization and over watering, and usually
compounded by a mowing height that is higher than recommendations.
79. a. Clean off the debris and rough grade the site leaving a slope which is equal to or
no greater than 3:1, if possible. The slope falls away from any structures.
-12revision date: 2006
b. Obtain a soil sample and submit it for nutrient analysis and for the determination
of soil amendments and nutrients which will be required for optimal growth.
c. Any fertilizer or soil amendments recommended should be applied and
incorporated with a tiller or lightly disc harrowed into the soil. Incorporating and
blending the nutrients with the soil will ensure uniformity in nutrient distribution
within the root zone.
d. Smooth the soil surface and remove any particles larger than a golf ball. A smooth
bed will help avoid puddling of water and promote ease of walking on the turf.
This will also reduce the chance of scalping high ridges in the turf once it is
established. Moisten the soil before sodding. This improves the manageability of
the soil, and it encourages seed germination by having it in direct contact with
moist soil.
e. Spread the seed at the recommended rate, roll and mulch. Immediately after
finishing an area large enough to set up a sprinkler, the area should be irrigated.
Initially, apply frequent, light amounts of water to keep the soil continually moist
at a rate that will not puddle or run off, until the grass begins to grow. As the turf
becomes more established, increase the amount of water and decrease the
frequency at which the water is applied.
80. Bermudagrass and Zoysiagrass.
-13revision date: 2006