Molecular Portfolio

Chem 305
Section (Circle) M Tu W Th
This assignment* allows you to apply concepts and knowledge learned in class to
the interpretation of the structure of an assigned drug molecule. As we learn concepts
in lecture, you will be asked to complete specific portions of the project.
You will work with one other student on this project. You may work with your lab
partner or another student in class. You and your partner will turn in one portfolio and will
receive the same score.
Most of the information needed to complete your portfolio is provided in lecture
and in your text. Specific information about your assigned drug (structure, chemical
formula, etc.) can be obtained from several sources including: – We used this website during our internet workshop. It is a good
resource for finding out general information about your assigned drug.
Merck Index: an encylopedia of chemicals, drugs, and biologicals – This book is the
standard reference for chemical and physical properties of organic compounds. You
can find this book in the reference area of all three Los Rios libraries, public libraries,
and local medical libraries (Sutter Resource Library at 2800 L St., Rm 600 (7333880), UCD Medical Library at 2252 45th St.)
When using this book, look for your drug in the index. The index will give a number
for the compound (not a page number). Also, when interpreting the skeletal
structures, C6H5, is a phenyl ring ( ).
Physician’s Desk Reference – This book gives much of the same information as the
drug circulars provided by the pharmaceutical manufacturers. It also describes some
of the chemical properties of drugs.
Drug pamphlets from your pharmacist
Your Score
General Description and Names
Line-bond/Skeletal Structure
Expanded Structural Formula
Molecular Geometry
Molar Mass
Hydrogen Bonding with Water
Polarity and Solubility Predictions
Solution Calculations
Appearance of Portfolio
* Portions of this assignment are from H. Kerby at Madison Technical College in Madison, WI
13 - 1
Name ____________________
Name ____________________
General Description
Directions: Use suggested resources such as the Physician’s Desk Reference, Merck Index,
and internet sites such as , , and to
learn about your drug.
Type or neatly print the drug name, the generic name (if it differs from the drug name),
and the chemical name. Chemical names are usually long and hyphenated terms that
sometimes contain numbers. Ask your instructor for help if you are unsure about the names.
Type or neatly print a paragraph about your drug. Include information on: a) what the
drug is used for (indications), b) when you should not take the drug (contra-indications),
c) what the drug does in the body, d) any significant interactions with other drugs, and e)
anything you think is interesting about your drug. Include any significant contraindications
and/or drug interactions. Use a second sheet if necessary. Do not include more than 2 pages.
Be sure to define your terms. For example, if a drug is a vasoconstrictor you should explain
what that means.
Drug Name
Generic Name
Chemical Name
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Name ____________________
Name ____________________
Line-bond/skeletal Structure and Lone-Pairs
Directions: Draw the line-bond/skeletal structure for your assigned molecule. Portions of
your molecule may be represented as a condensed structural formula (-CH3, - OH, etc.).
Include any lone pairs on the appropriate atoms.
13 - 3
Name ____________________
Name ____________________
Expanded Structural Formula
Directions: Draw the expanded structural formula of your assigned molecule (showing
all atoms and all covalent bonds) in the space below. Include any lone pairs.
13 - 4
Name ____________________
Name ____________________
VSEPRT Molecular Geometry Predictions
Directions: Show the expanded structure of your drug below. If your structure contains
atoms other than C or H, check these other atoms and add lone pairs of electrons to
each until the octet rule is satisfied for that atom. Use VSEPR theory to predict the
molecular geometry around each central atom. Use a color-coded key (include a key for
your colors) to indicate the geometry around each central atom.
13 - 5
Name ____________________
Name ____________________
Molecular Formula and Molar Mass Calculations
Directions: Write the molecular formula of your molecule. Calculate the molar mass of
your drug to the hundredth’s place using the molar masses from the periodic table in
your text. The mass given in the Merck Index may differ from this by a few hundredths.
Clearly show the setup for your molar mass calculation below.
13 - 6
Name ____________________
Name ____________________
Hydrogen Bonding with Water
Directions: Show the structure of your molecule below. Illustrate all ways that your
molecule could form hydrogen bonds with water, either as a hydrogen donor or as a
target (receiver) of hydrogen bonds from water. Do this by drawing bent water molecules
as necessary and representing hydrogen bonds between water and the drug using
dashed RED lines (---). Be sure that it is exactly clear which atoms on each molecule
are involved in the hydrogen bonds. If your drug molecule is not capable of forming
hydrogen bonds with water, fully explain why not below.
13 - 7
Name ____________________
Name ____________________
Polarity and Solubility Predictions
Directions: Show your molecule below. Circle or highlight all polar portions of the
molecule. Make a reasonable prediction about whether your molecule will be soluble in
water or not and explain your reasoning. If your molecule seems to be borderline in
polarity, making it difficult to predict solubility, explain your reasoning and the difficulty
involved. Find a source (Merck Index, PDR, etc.) that discusses the water-solubility of
your drug. Compare your predictions with the information you find on the water-solubility
of your drug and comment on any discrepancies.
13 - 8
Name ____________________
Name ____________________
Solution Calculations
Directions: Clearly show the setups for your calculations.
1. You wish to prepare 50.0 mL of 2.30 x 10–2 M solution of your drug. Describe how
to prepare this solution from the pure drug and deionized water. Analytical
balances and volumetric flasks are available to you. (Assume that your drug
dissolves in water, at least to the extent necessary for this problem.) Use complete
sentences in your description of the solution preparation process. Show any
required calculations you would need to make.
2. Calculate how many milligrams of the drug are contained in 2.0 mL of a 3.0 %
(wt/vol) solution of your drug.
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Summary of Collaboration and Shared Effort
Use this part of the portfolio to describe your contribution to the portfolio and your efforts
in the collaborative nature of this assignment. Please type or print neatly. Each partner
should fill out this information independently. You will turn this sheet in separately from
the rest of your portfolio. If there is a significant inequity in the amount of effort of each
participant, this will be reflected in the grades received.
Name ____________________________________
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