THE PARADIGM OF THE MARXIST CRITICISM ON MODERNISM & THE CONTEXT OF ACTUAL APPROACHES IN CONTEMPORARY ART CONFERENCE / April, 03-05, 2014 AGENDA Events/activities’ description Date/ period Foreign participants arrival Lecture/presentations by: Amy Bryzgel - PhD. Lecturer on History of Art University of Aberdeen, Scotland, UK Presentation subject: Performance Art in Eastern Europe April 02 April 03 14:00-14:45 Place USM, str. A. Mateevici 60 coffee break Lecture/presentations by: Lendeczki Kinga – Freelance cultural worker, Budapesta, Ungaria Presentation subject: Changing scenes of publicity - art criticism during and after the socialist era in Hungary Nr. Of participants (5-local, 4international) And local audience (50 persons) 15:00-15:45 coffee break Lecture/presentations by: Lilia DRAGNEVA – Artist, Curator & Art scholar , AȘM, Chisinau, Rep. 16:00-16:45 Moldova Presentation subject: A postmodernist approach on the Modernism. Analysis and Critics book. Discussions and debates Event at Teatru SPALATORIE Amy Bryzgel- Performance Art in Eastern Europe Presentation of Moldovan artists Performance by Dumitru Stegarescu – Moskva sezam ne verit. coffee break 17:00-18:00 19:00-22:00 USM, str. A. Mateevici 60 Teatru Spălătorie, Str. Eminescu 72 Invited guests and wider audience USM, str. A. Mateevici 60 (5-local, 4international) And local audience (50 persons) April 04 Lecture/presentations by: Constantin Bokhorov – PhD. Art Critic & Curator, Moscow, Russia Presentation subject: The orthodox Marxist critique of Modernism at the ages of ‘post-critique’ condition of contemporary theory of art 14:00-14:45 coffee break Lecture/presentations by: Ludmila Toma – PhD. Art Critic & Scholar, ASM, Chisinau, Rep. Moldova Presentation subject: Traditions and innovations in Moldovan visual arts from the second half of the 20th century. 15:00-15:45 coffee break Lecture/presentations by: Ieva Astahovska – Art Scholar, Critic & Curator, Riga, Latvia Presentation subject: Post-Soviet Condition in Contemporary Art in Latvia Discussions and debates Lecture/presentations by: Ovidiu Țichindeleanu – Philosopher & Teoretician, Cluj, Romania/Chisinau, Rep. Moldova Presentation subject: Ten Years of IDEA arts + society: Rethinking 1 16:00-16:45 USM, str. A. Mateevici 60 coffee break 17:00-18:00 April 05 10:00-10:45 USM, str. A. Mateevici 60 (5-local, 4international) And local audience (50 persons) (5-local, 4international) And local audience Left Criticism With Contemporary Arts. Lecture/presentations by: Alexandru Lupușor – Philosopher & Lecturer on Philosophy, USM, Chisinau, Rep. Moldova Presentation subject: tbc (50 persons) coffee break 11:00-11:45 coffee break Lecture/presentations by: Emil Dragnev – PhD, Historian & Lecturer on History, USM, Chisinau, Rep. Moldova Presentation subject: tbc Discussions & debates. Totalisation Foreign participants departure 2 12:00-12:45 coffee break 13:00-14:00 April 06 USM, str. A. Mateevici 60 (5-local, 4international) And local audience (50 persons)