COPTIC GALES OF THE EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN 1. The ancient weather lore of Arabia listed a series of gales, which occur regularly in the Eastern Mediterranean area. 2. The gales generally set in from the Southwest and veer to the West and Northwest. 3. The average duration is 3 days and their occurrence rarely deviates more than 48 hours from the dates shown below. DATE 11 January 19 January 28 January 18 February 10 March 20 March 25 March 20 April 27 September 21 October 26 November 6 December 20 December ARABIC NAME Un-named El Fedra El Kebira Un-named El Shams El Seghira El Hossoom El Shams El Kebira Hawa Khamseen Winds El Saleeb Winds El Saleebish El Mickness Kassim El Fedra El Saggira TRANSLATION Gale Large Feeder Gale Gale Small Sun Gale Equinox Gale Big Sun Gale Wind Gale Sand Laden Wind Cross Winds Crusade Broom Gale Gale Small Feeder Gale