2015-2016 Associate Membership Application

AED Associate Membership Application 2015-2016
Alpha Epsilon Delta associate members are students interested in learning about careers in the health
professions but have not been initiated as national members of AED. Any Auburn University student is
eligible to join as an associate member and participate in all chapter activities but cannot vote or hold
elected office until initiated as a national member. Please go to http://www.auburn.edu/aed for details
about our chapter.
The yearly membership fee for associate members is $15.00. The money is used to fund activities of our
chapter. You may also purchase a t-shirt for $15.00. Fill out this membership application and make
your check payable to AED ($15 for membership fee or t-shirt only, or $30 for fee and t-shirt). We
cannot accept cash. We will sell the shirts until we sell out, so it is first come, first serve.
An email will be sent to the AED listserv about dates and times an ordered t-shirt can be picked up.
Name: ___________________________________________________
Intended Profession: ________________________________________
Auburn University E-mail Address: _____________________________
Classification (Circle one): FR SO JR SR GRAD
Check one option only, circle the shirt size, and write the total amount paid.
Membership Fee Only ($15.00) ☐
T-Shirt Only ($15.00)
Fee and T-Shirt ($30.00)
Shirt Size (Circle one): S
Total Paid: _________
Officer Use Only:
Picked-up Shirt?