May 2010 - Stone Canoe

From: Jim Barnes []
Sent: Wednesday, May 05, 2010 8:24 PM
To: Robert M Colley
Subject: IPPY Awards 2010 Entrant Update #4 - Finalist Results - 5/5/10
Greetings and thank you for entering the 2010 Independent Publisher Book Awards!
Judging is in full swing, and we’ve just ridden out a wind storm this afternoon that
knocked our power out for a few hours. Come to think of it, we were knocked out by a
lightning storm last night! But our judges are dedicated, willing to work in all kinds of
weather, and now we’re back online and can send you the first set of finalist results.
Sorry this is going out so late, and thanks for your patience!
Today we’ll announce finalists in all National categories except these: General Fiction,
Short Story Fiction, Young Adult Fiction, Romance, Inspirational/Spiritual, New Age,
Self-Help and Best Book Marketing. (See results below – I won’t get them posted online
until tomorrow.)
So, tomorrow we’ll announce the remaining National category finalists and get a start on
announcing the Regional finalists. All national and regional finalists will be named by the
weekend, I promise! Outstanding Books of the Year nominees will be named among the
categories finalists for now, and then designated as Outstanding Books of the Year
when we announce the gold, silver and bronze medal designations, starting late next
week. So, all finalists announced this week will receive gold, silver or bronze medals.
We appreciate your support of our 14th annual IPPY Awards during these tough
economic times, and hope this is a sign that you recognize the promotional value of
entering the "World’s Largest Book Awards Contest." We’re doing all we can to make it
the "world’s best" book awards contest.
On Tuesday, May 25th, from 6-9 pm, we'll present the 14th Annual IPPY Awards at a
big bash in New York, kicking off this year's BookExpo America convention. More
details to follow, but the event will be held at Providence NYC, 311 W. 57th St. (Anyone
who attended last year’s party will recognize it’s the same venue, and we hope you
enjoyed it as much as we did.) Great food and drink, quality networking, and photo op’s
galore. Medalists will receive a medal, a certificate, and 20 awards seals. Those
medalists not attending the New York event will receive the above items by mail, in a
packet including the event program, press release, etc.
You may have heard about Barbra Streisand, author of an upcoming home decorating
book, will be the keynote speaker at BookExpo, and that event starts at 6 pm, same as
ours. So, if you plan to go see Babs, keep in mind our actual medal presentation will
likely occur from about 6:45 pm to 8:00 pm, and we'll still be set up and doing photos
until 9:00 pm.
Stay tuned for the next update, and please let me know if you’d like any email
addresses added to the update contact list.
Thank you for your participation in IPPY Awards 2010 and congratulations on your great
Jim Barnes, Awards Director
Follow the IPPY Awards on Facebook.
and now, here are the finalists in this year's Independent Publisher Book Awards:
1.Fine Art
-Bauhaus Women: Art, Handicraft, Design, by Ulrike Muller (Elisabeth Sandmann Verlag)
-Picasso and the Allure of Language, by Susan Greenberg Fisher (Yale University Art Gallery
association with Yale University Press)
-The Drawings of Bronzino: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, by Carmen C. Bambach, Janet
Rearick, and George R. Goldner (The Metropolitan Museum of Art)
-T.C. Steele and the Society of Western Artists, 1896-1914, by Rachel Berenson Perry
University Press)
-Cézanne and Beyond, by Joseph J. Rishel and Katherine Sachs (Yale University Press)
2. Performing Arts
-Alice Guy Blaché: Cinema Pioneer, by Joan Simon (Yale University Press)
-Inspired to Dance: Everything You Need to Know about Becoming a Professional Dancer
withoutBreaking a Leg, by Mande Dagenais (iUniverse)
-Burlesque: A Living History, by Jane Briggman (BearManor Media)
-The Tattooed Lady: A History, by Amelia Klem Osterud (Felcrum Publishing/Speck Press)
3. Photography
-Maxims of Men Disclose Their Hearts: The Journal of Joel-Peter Witkin, by Joel-Peter Witkin
Editions, Inc.)
-THREE, by Ed Kashi (Power House Books)
-John Gutmann: The Photographer at Work, by Sally Stein (Yale University Press)
-Human Documents: Eight Photographers, by Robert Gardner (Peabody Museum
4. Architecture
-Perspective: Ideas + Buildings, by Katie Overbaugh (Perkins+Will)
-Atelier BUILD, by Brian Carter (Tuns Press)
-Philip Johnson: The Constancy of Change, by Emmanuel Press (Yale University Press)
-Essential Elements of Sustainable Urban Districts: GRID/STREET/PLACE, by Nathan Cherry
Kurt Nagle (American Planning Association/Planners Press)
5. Popular Fiction
6. Literary Fiction
-The Patience Stone, by Atig Rahimi (Other Press)
-The Books of Fathers, by Simon Mawer (Other Press)
-Knife Song Korea: A Novel, by Richard Selzer (SUNY Press)
-Matterhorn, by Karl Marlantes (Grove/Atlantic)
-Appassionata, by Eva Hoffman (Other Press)
7. Short Story Fiction
8. Anthologies
-How They See Us: Meditations on America, by James Atlas (Atlas & Co.)
-Stone Canoe: A Journal of Arts and Ideas from Upstate New York, by Robert Colley
(Syracuse University)
-Best of the Web 2009, by Lee K. Abbott and Nathan Leslie (Dzanc Books)
9. Juvenile/Young Adult Fiction
10. Fantasy/Science Fiction
-STONEWISER: The Call of the Stone, by Dora Machado (Mermaid Press)
-Thank You, Death Robot, by Mark R. Brand (Silverthought Press)
-Escape From Byzantium, by Mark Mellon (Withersin Press)
-Brimstone and Lily, by Terry Kroenung (Rare Moon Press)
11. Historical/Military Fiction
-The Factory Voice, by Jeanette Lynes (Coteau Books)
-1939 Into the Dark, by Paula Phelan (ZAPmedia)
-The Sword of Medina, by Sherry Jones (Beaufort Books)
-The Afflicted Girls: A Novel of Salem, by Suzy Witten (DREAMWAND)
-Our Promised Land, by Michael T. Darkow (Synergy Books)
12. Horror
-Vargulf, by Tim Garrity (Booksurge Publishing, LLC.)
-The Picture of Contented New Wealth, by Tariq Goddard (Zero Books)
-From the Passages of Revenants: The Dark Verse, Volume I, by M. Amanuensis Sharkchild
-Personal Demons, by Gregory Lamberson (Medallion Press)
13. Multicultural Fiction Adult
-The Geometry of God, by Uzma Khan (Clockroot Books, an imprint of Interlink Publishing
Group, Inc.)
-The Dark Side of Love, by Rafik Schami (Interlink Books, an imprint of Interlink Publishing
-The Undiscovered Island, by Darrell Kastin (UMass Dartmouth/Center for Portuguese
14. Multicultural Fiction - Children's
-So Punk Rock: And Other Ways to Disappoint Your Mother, by Micol Ostow and David
Ostow (Flux)
-Gringolandia, by Lyn Miller-Lachmann (Curbstone Press)
-Once There Was and Will Never be Again, by Gloria Siers (AUTUMNBERRY HILL)
15. Mystery/Suspense/Thriller
-Dead Air, by Deborah Shlian and Linda Reid (Oceanview Publishing)
-Death of a Bronx Cop, by Tom Walker (iUniverse)
-Shamrock Alley, by Ronald Damien Malfi (Medallion Press, Inc.)
-The Big Wake-Up, by Mark Coggins (Bleak House Books)
16. Religious Fiction
- In Name Only, by Ellen Gable (Full Quiver Publishing)
- Pope Annalisa: Book One of the First Souls Trilogy, by Peter Canova (Trimountaine
-Offerings, by Christine Sunderland (OakTara)
17. Romance
18. True Crime
-Dead Weight, by Batt Humphreys (Joggling Board Press)
-Phase Line Green: The FCI Talladega Hostage Rescue, by James A. McGee (Moorsgate
-Columbine: A True Crime Story, by Jeff Kass (Ghost Road Press)
19. Visionary Fiction
-Turkoise, by Joan M. Sargent (Parendi Press)
-Digging at the Crossroads of Time, by Christos Morris (Shadowtown Publishing)
-The American Book of the Dead, by Henry Baum (Backword Books)
20. Children's Picture Books (7 & Under)
-Commonplace Mouse, by Karima Cammell (Dromedary Press)
-The Lonely Shadow, by Clay Rice (Joggling Board Press)
-Lights Out, Night's Out, by William Boniface (Accord Publishing)
-Bunny Finds the Rights Stuff, by Emily Lim (Mustard Seed Books)
-Chippy Chipmunk Parties in the Garden, by Kathy M. Miller (Celtic Sunrise)
-Nico and Lola: Kindness Shared Between a Boy and a Dog, by Meggan Hill (Genuine Prints)
21. Children's Picture Books (All Ages)
-The Rabbits' Race, by Deborah L. Delaronde (Theytus Books)
-Big Brother Has Wheels, by Patrick Mader (Beaver's Pond Press)
-The Raccoon and the Bee Tree, by Charles A. Eastman, Elaine Goodale Eastman; illustrated
by Susan
Turnbull (South Dakota State Historical Society Press)
-Custard and Mustard: Carlos in Coney Island, by Maureen Sullivan and Alison Josephs
Inkworks, Inc.)
-Nicholas, that's Ridiculous! by Christa Carpenter (Caballo Books)
-Always Blue for Chicu, by Karen Dugan (The Gryphon Press)
-The House, by J. Patrick Lewis (The Creative Company)
22. Children's Interactive
-A Kid's Guide to Native American History, by Yvonne Wakim Dennis and Arlene Hirschfelder
Review Press)
-Sophie: Through Sophie's Eyes, by Catherine Gibson (For Children With Love Publications)
-Celebrating You and Me: A Journal for Children and their Parents, by Loui Lord Nelson,
-The Lion's Share, by Martha Lightfoot (Child's Play)
-Kid's Garden: 40 Fun Indoor and Outdoor Activities and Games, by Whitney Cohen
(Barefoot Books)
-When Rebecca Woogie Came to Town, by James Woodward and Gentry Smith (Woodward
23. Juvenile-Teen-Y/A Non-Fiction
-The ABC's of Yoga for Kids, by Teresa Anne Power (Stafford House)
-Engineering the ABC's: how Engineers Shape our World, by Patty O'Brien Novak (Ferne
Press, an
imprint of Nelson Publishing and Marketing)
-Ophelia's Oracle, by Donna DeNomme and Tina Proctor (Inlightened Source Publishing)
-Cosmic Calendar: The Big Bang to Your Consciousness, by Dale Carlson (Bick Publishing
-Panorama: An Introduction to Classical Mythology, by Carrie Zuberbuhler Kennedy (Clew
-America's Forests: Guide to Plants and Animals, by Marianne D. Wallace (Fulcrum
24. Multicultural N-F Juv-Teen-YA
-The Steel Pan Man of Harmen, by Colin Bootman (Lerner Publishing)
-Aim High: Extraordinary Stories of Hispanics and Latino Women, by Laura Contreras-Rowe
Contreras Rowe, Inc)
-Katie of the Sonoran Desert: Based on a True Story, by Katie Jackson (ASDM Press)
25. Multicultural Non-Fiction Adult
-Call Me Okaasan: Adventures in Multicultural Mothering, by Suzanne Kamata (WyattMacKenzie
-Darkroom: Photography and New Media in South Africa Since 1950, by Tosha Grantham
Museum of Fine Arts, Richmond)
-Sacred Spaces: A Journey with the Surfs of the Indus, by Samina Quraeshi (Peabody
Museum Press/
Mapin Publishing
-Downtown U.S.A.: A Personal Journey with the Homeless, by Susan Madden Lankford
Exposures Publishing)
26. Essay/Creative Non-Fiction
-What the Furies Bring, By Kenneth Sherman (Porcupine's Quill)
-The Heart's Truth: Essays on the Art of Nursing, by Courtney Davis (Kent State University
-Madoff: The First Six Months, by Lawrence R. Velvel (The Doukathsan Press)
-Heaven in the Midst of Hell: A Quaker Chaplin's View of the War in Iraq, by Commander
Snively (Raven Oaks Press)
27. Autobiography/Memoir
- Impossible Motherhood: Testimony of an Abortion Addicts, by Irene Vilar (Other Press)
-Cult, A Love Story: Ten Years Inside a Canadian Cult and the Subsequent Long Road of
Recovery, by
Alexandra Amor (Fat Head Publishing)
-Trippin with Terry Southern: What I Think I Remember, by Gail Gerber and Tom Lisanti
& Company, Inc., Publishers)
-28. Biography
-Liberty & Learning: The Essential James Madison, by Phillip Bigler and Annie Lorsbach (The
Madison Center)
-The Poison King: The Life and Legend of Mithradates, by Adrienne Mayor (Princeton
-Chasing Moonlight: The True Story of Field of Dreams' Doc Graham, by R.W. Reising (John
F. Blair,
29. Aging/ Death & Dying
-Living Fully Dying Well: Reflecting on Death to Find Your Life's Meaning, by Edward W.
Bastian and
Tina L. Staley (Sounds True)
-Conversations with Jerry and Other People I Thought Were Dead, by Irene Kending
(Grateful Press)
-Beyond Forgetting: Poetry and Prose about Alzheimer's Disease, by Holly J. Hughes (The
Kent State
University Press)
-The Art of Aging: Celebrating the Authentic Aging Self, by Alice and Richard Matzkin
30. Animals/Pets
-Why the Cheetah Cheats: And Other Mysteries of the Natural World, by Lewis Smith
-Irreconcilable Differences: The Battle for the Heart and Soul of America's Animal Shelters,
by Nathan
J. Winograd (Create Space)
-Good Grief: Finding Peace After Pet Loss, by Sid Korpi (Healy House Books)
-Horses in Living Color, by Barbara D. Livingston (Eclipse Press/Blood-Horse Publications)
31. Business/Career/Sales
-No-Compromise Leadership: A Higher Standard of Leadership Thinking and Behavior, by
Ducoff (DC Press)
-Working for Good: Making a Difference While Making a Living, by Jeff Klein (Sounds True)
-Selling Change: 101 Secrets for Growing Sales by Leading Change, by Brett Clay (ARIVA
-The Emerging Leader: Identify, Ignite and Retain Your Company's Next Generation of
Leaders, by
Jamie Broughton (Footprint Publishing)
-Tactics in a Box: 101 Ways to Communicate with Employees, by Lorri Lennon (Business
32. Coffee Table Books
-The Captain Frederick Pabst Mansion: An Illustrated History, by John C. Eastberg (The
Fredrick Pabst Mansion)
-About Face, by John Russo (Pixie Press Worldwide)
-Slow: Life in a Tuscan Town, by Douglas Gayeton (Welcome Books)
-Legends of the Hunt, by John Seerey-Lester (Legends Press)
-Transforming Light: the Stained-Glass Windows of Boston College, by Virginia Chieffo
Raguin and
Gary Wayne Gilbert (Linden Lane Press at Boston College)
-China, by Guang Guo and Ming Tan (Abbeville Press Publishers)
33. Cookbooks
-FARMfood: Green Living with Chef Daniel Orr, by Daniel Orr (Indiana University Press)
-Flavors of Friuli: A Culinary journey through Northeastern Italy, by Elizabeth Antoine
-The Stocked Kitchen: One Grocery List..Endless Recipes, by Sarah Kallio and Stacey
Krastins (Stock
-Chocolate for Breakfast: Entertaining Menus to Start the Day with a Celebration From Napa
Oak Knoll Inn, by Barbara Passino (Hoberman Collection)
-Bite me: A Stomach-Satisfying Visually Gratifying, Fresh-Mouthed Cookbook, by Julie
Albert and
Lisa Gnat (Pinky Swear Press Inc.)
34. Current Events I (Political/Economic/Legal/Media)
-Junk News: The Failure of the Media in the 21 st Century, by Tom Fenton (Fulcrum
-The Chaos Scenario: Amid the Ruins of Mass Media, The Choice for Business is Stark:
Listen or
Perish, by Bob Garfield (Stielstra Publishing)
-Black Markets and Business Blues: The Man-Made Crisis of 2007-2009 and the Road to a
Capitalism, by Yvan Allaire and Mihaela Firsirotu
35. Current Events II (Social Issies/Public Affairs/Ecological/Humanitarian)
-The Death of Why: The Decline of Questioning and the Future of Democracy, by Andrea
Schlesinger (Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc.)
-The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness, by Michelle Alexander
New Press)
-Race Results: Hollywood vs. the Supreme Court Ten Decades of Racial Decisions and Film,
by Eileen
C. Moore (Cool Titles)
36. Current Events III (Foreign Affairs/Military)
-The Wayfinders: Why Ancient Wisdom Matters in the Modern World, by Wade Davis (House
Anansi Press)
-A Thousand Sisters: My Journey of Hope into the Worst Place on Earth to be a Woman, by
Shannon (Seal Press)
-Under the Blue Flag: My Mission in Kosovo, by Philip Kearney (Phoenix Books, Inc.)
-The End of Major Combat Operations, by Nick McDonell (McSweeny's Books)
37. Education/Academic/Teaching
- The Making of Americans: Democracy and Our Schools, by E.D. Hirsch, JR. (Yale
University Press)
- Energizers! 88 Quick Movement Activities that Refresh and Refocus, by Susan Lattanzi
(Northeast Foundation for Children)
- The New Social Story Book, by Carol Gray (Future Horizons)
- Performance Literacy through Stereotyping, by Nile Stanley and Brett Dillingham (Maupin
Publishing, Inc.)
38. Environment/Ecology/Nature
-Planet Ice: A Climate for Change, by James Martin (Braided River)
-Salmon in the Trees: Life in Alaska's Tongass Rain Forest, by Amy Gulick (Braided River)
-Plundering Appalachia: The Tragedy of Mountaintop-Removal Coal Mining, by Tom Butler
George Wuerthner (Earth Aware Editions)
-Green Intelligence: Creating Environments that Protect Human Health, by John Wargo
University Press)
-Trauma Farm: A Rebel History of Rural Life, by Brian Brett (Greystone Books)
-The Wealth of Nature: Ecosystem Services, Biodiversity, and Human Well-Being, by
Cristina G.
Mittermeier, Jeffrey A. McNeely, Russell A. Mittermeier, Thomas M. Brooks, Frederick Boltz,
Neville Ash. (CEMEX)
39. Erotica
-Do Not Disturb: Hotel Sex Stories, by Rachel Kramer Bussel (Cleis Press)
-Radical Encounters, by Radclyffe (Bold Strokes Books, Inc.)
-Flipside Erotica: Both Sides of the Story, by Darren Michaels (Flipside Erotica/Lightning
-Sweet Love: Erotic Fantasies for Couples, by Violet Blue (Cleis Press)
40. Finance/Investment/Economics
-Economics for the Rest of Us: Debunking the Science that Makes Life Dismal, by Moshe
Adler (The
New Press)
-The New Holy Wars: Economic Religion Vs. Environmental Religion in Contemporary
America, by
Robert H. Nelson (The Independent Institute/ The Pennsylvania State University Press)
-Making Sense of the Dollar: Exposing Dangerous Myths about Trade and Foreign Exchange,
by Marc
Chandler (Bloomberg Press)
-This Time is Different: Eight Centuries of Financial Folly, by Carmen M. Reinhart and
Kenneth S.
Rogoff (Princeton University Press)
41. Gay/Lesbian
- The Manly Art of Seduction: How to Meet, Talk to, and Become Intimate with Anyone, by
Perry Brass
(Belhue Press)
- All Screwed Up, by Steve Fellner (Benu Press)
-Mery Griffin, A Life in the Closet, by Darwin Porter (Blood Moon Productions)
-Sistine Herecy, by Justice Saracen (Bold Strokes Books, Inc.)
- So Much Better, by Terri Griffin (The Green Lantern Press)
-Secrets in the Stone, by Radclyffe (Bold Strokes Books, Inc.)
42. Gift/Holiday/Specialty
-Heart on my Sleeve, by Jodi Hills (TRISTAN Publishing)
-Grandma's Christmas Legacy: The Testimony of the Tree, by Casey Schutrop (W.O.W.
-Gifts of the Heart, by Karen Boes Oman (Karen Oman)
-This Is Not A Plate: Your Heritage. Your Language. Your Culture, by Moving Universe
Universe Productions Ltd.)
43. Health/Medicine/Nutrition
-The Chemical Carousel: What Science Tells Us About Beating Addition, by Dirk Hanson
-The Price of Ovulation: The Truth about Fertility Drugs and Birth Defects-and a Solution to
Problem, by Terence Mix (Trendril Press)
-My Time with Hippocrates: A Doctor's Journey In and Out of Medicine, by Maggie Kozel,
M.D. (Pond
House Press)
-Confessions of an Rx Drug Pusher, by Gwen Olsen (iUniverse)
44. Graphic Novel/Drawn Book - Humor/Cartoon
-Loose Threads: Observations of Life from the Slow Lane and Other Random Thoughts, by
Dave Ferry(Ferryland Publishing)
-Bumbling Through Sumatra, by Tom Schmidt (Kakibubu Media Limited)
-On the Spin Cycle, by Wendy Stout (Sprinkles LLC.)
45. Graphic Novel/Drawn Book - Drama/Documentary
-The Tempest, by William Shakespeare (Classical Comics Ltd.)
-Ars Memoria: The Art of Memory, by Menton J Matthews III (Prudentius Publishing)
-The Vampire Conspiracy, by Marc Morgenstern and Adam Gorham (Five Strangers Press)
-Hatter M: Mad With Wonder, by Frank Beddor (Automatic Pictures)
46. History
-Fromms: How Julius Fromm's Condom Empire Fell to the Nazis, by Gotz Aly and Michael
Sontheimer (Other Press)
-Democracy at the Crossroads: Princes, Peasents, Poets, and Presidents in the Struggle for
against) the Rule of La, by Craig S. Barnes (Fulcrum Publishing)
-Bosnia: In the Footsteps of Gavrilo Princip, by Tony Fabijancic (The University of Alberta
-1688: The First Modern Revolution, by Steve Pincus (Yale University Press)
-People of the Lakes: Stories of Our Van Tat Gwich'in Elders/Googwandak Nakhwach' ànjòo
Van Tat
Gwich in, by Shirleen Smith and Vuntut Gwitchin First Nations (The University of Alberta
47. Home & Garden
-Over the Rainbow: Living the Dream of Sustainable Farming, by Lisa Schwartz, Judith
Hausman, and
Karen Sabath (Rainbeau Ridge Publishing)
-Paint Saves the Day, by Lucianna Samu (Creative Homeowner)
-Kennedy Green House: Designing an Eco-Healthy Home from the Foundation to the
Furniture, by
Robin Wilson (Greenleaf Publishing)
48. How-To (Crafts/Hobby)
-Design It, Knit It: Secrets from the Designer's Studio, by Debbie Bliss (Sixth&Spring
-Artistic Photo Quilts: Create Stunning Quilts With Your Camera, Computer, & Cloth, by
Ziebarth (C&T Publishing)
-Homebrew Wind Power: A Hands-On Guide to Harnessing the Wind, by Dan Bartmann and
Dan Fink
(Buckville Publications LLC)
-The Absolute Beginners Guide: Stringing Beaded Jewelry, by Karin Buckingham (Kalmbach
-49. Humor
-L.A. Nuts: A Collection of the Cult-Hit Columns, by Joe Dungan (Trinco Publishing)
-A Hamster is Missing in Washington D.C., by Ed Spivey Jr. (Sólo Press)
-Long Time No See: Diaries of an Unlikely Messenger, by Kenneth Wapnick (A Wealth of
Wisdom LLC)
50. Inspirational/Spiritual
51. New Age (Mind-Body-Spirit)
52. Parenting
-Peek-A-Boo, I See You: Parenting From Your Child's Point of View, by Sandra Gunn
-Caring for your Newborn: How to Enjoy the First 60 Days as a New Mom, by Dr. Olson Huff
Nicole Rawson-Huff (Sixty Second Parent)
-1001 Great Ideas for Teachi9ng and Raising Children with Autism or Asperger's, by Ellen
and Veronica Zysk (Future Horizons)
53. Poetry
-Tongue of War: From Pearl harbor to Nagasaki, by Tony Barnstone (BkMk Press)
-Now and Then: New and Selected Poems, by Robert Phillips (The Ashland Poetry Press)
-Roses and Revolutions, by Dudley Randall and Melba Joyce Boyd (Wayne State University
-Racing Hummingbirds, by Jeanann Verlee (Write Bloody Press)
54. Popular Culture/Leisure
-Dear Andy Kaufman, I Hate Your Guts! by Lynne Margulies (Process Media)
-Love Vintage: A Passion for Collecting Fashion, by Nicole Jenkins (Carter's Publications)
-Roger Hane: Art, Times, and Tragedy, by R.C. Hunsicker (Vangaurd Productions)
-The Model as Muse: Embodying Fashion, by Harold Koda and Kohle Yohannan (The
Museum of Art)
55. Psychology/Mental Health
-The Imprinted Brain: How Genes Set the Balance Between Autism and Psychosis, by
Badcock (Jessica Kingsley Publishers)
-The Crisis in Psychoanalysis: In Search of a Lost Doctrine, by Ahmed Fayek, PhD
(Bridgeway Books)
-What You Don't Know: Our Hidden Motives in Life, Business, and Everything Else, by Ken
(Other Press)
56. Sports/Fitness/Recreation
-From the Corners of the Ring to the Corners of the Earth: The Adventure Behind the
Champions, by
Hank Schwartz and Paige Stover Hague (Acanthus Publishing)
-Kayak Fishing: The Ultimate Guide-2nd Edition, by Scott Null and Joel McBride (The
Heliconia Press)
-Golf Naked: The Bare Essentials Revealed, by Greg Rowley, PGA (Pick It Up Publishing)
-The T206 Collection: The Players and Their Stories, by Tom and Ellen Zappala (Peter E.
57. Reference
-Recarving Rushmore: Ranking the Presidents on Peace, Prosperity, and Liberty, by Ivan
Eland (The
Independent Institute)
-Black Powder Long Arms and Pistols: Reproductions and Replications, by Dennis Alder
(Blue Book
-Crimean Memories: Artifacts of the Crimean War, by Will Hutchison and Michael Vice, B.J.
(Schiffer Publishing Ltd.)
58. Religion
-What He Said: The Words of Christ in the Four Gospels, by Breviloquent (Breviloquent,
-Pilgrims to Openness: Direct Realization Tantra in Everyday Life, by Shambhavi Sarasvati
(Jaya Kula
-Chosen Faith, Chosen Land: The Untold Story of America's 21 st-Century Shakers, by
Jeannine Lauber
(Down East Books)
59. Science
-Paradoxical Life: Meaning, Matter, and the Power of Human Choice, by Andreas Wagner
University Press)
-The Weeping Goldsmith: Discoveries in the Secret Land of Myanmar, by W. John Kress
-Biological Notes on an Old Farm: Exploring Common Things in the Kingdoms of Life, by
Glenn B.
Wiggins (Royal Ontario Museum)
60. Self Help
61. Sexuality/Relationships
-Best Sex Writing 2010, by Rachel Kramer Bussel (Cleis Press)
-Love and Pornography: Dealing with Porn and Saving your Relationship, by Victoria and
Prater (True Wind Publishing)
-Autumn Romance: Stories and Portraits of Love After 50, by Carol Denker (A-Shirley
62. Transportation (Automotive/Aviation/Railroad)
-Steam & Cinders: The Advent of Railroads in Wisconsin, by Axel Lorenzsonn (Wisconsin
Society Press)
-Morgan Exploration, by Neil A. Miller (Milmar Publishers)
-The Porsche Book: The Complete History of Types and Models, by Jurgen Barth and Gustav
(David Bull Publishing)
63. Travel Essay
-The Best Women's Travel Writing 2010: True Stories from Around the World, by Stephanie
E. Griest
(Solas House, Inc.)
-Edge Effects: The Border-Name Places, by Robert D. Temple (iUniverse)
-The University of Gravel Roads: Global Lessons from a Four-Year Motorcycle Adventure, by
Cormier (Renedian Adventures Ltd.)
64. Travel Guidebook
-Music + Travel Worldwide: Touring the Globe through Sounds and Scenes, by Museyon
(Museyon Guides)
-The Beatles' London: A Guide to 467 Beatles Sites in and around London, by Piet
Schreuders, Mark
Lewisohn, and Adam Smith (Interlink Books, an imprint of Interlink Publishing Group, Inc.)
-Snow-Search Japan, by Keith Stubbs (WSG Media)
65. Women's Issues
-The Purity Myth: How America's Obsession with Virginity Is Hurting Young Women, by
Valenti (Seal Press)
-Called Back: My Reply to Cancer, My Return to Life, by Mary Cappello (Alyson Books)
-Womansong: Balance and Harmony in a Feminine Key, by Gwen Suesse (Contando Press)
-Goddess Shift: Women Leading for a Change, by Stephanie Marohn (Elite Books/Energy
-66. Writing/Publishing
-The Well-Fed Writer: Financial Self-Sufficiency as a Commercial Freelancer in Six Months or
Less, by
Peter Bowerman (Fanove Publishing)
-A Memoir of Creativity: Abstarct Painting, Politics, and the Media, 1956-2008, by Piri
-Finding Alaska: The Life and Art of Shannon Cartwright, by Shannon Cartwright
67. Best Book Marketing
2010 Independent Publisher Regional Book Awards Results
U.S. North-East - Best Regional Fiction
U.S. North-East - Best Regional Non-Fiction
Mid-Atlantic - Best Regional Fiction
Mid-Atlantic - Best Regional Non-Fiction
South-East - Best Regional Fiction
South-East - Best Regional Non-Fiction
South - Best Regional Fiction
South - Best Regional Non-Fiction
Great Lakes - Best Regional Fiction
Great Lakes - Best Regional Non-Fiction
Mid-West - Best Regional Fiction
Mid-West - Best Regional Non-Fiction
West-Mountain - Best Regional Non-Fiction
West-Pacific - Best Regional Fiction
West-Pacific - Best Regional Non-Fiction
Canada-East - Best Regional Fiction
Canada-East - Best Regional Non-Fiction
Canada-West - Best Regional Fiction
Canada-West - Best Regional Non-Fiction
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