We would like to say a big THANK YOU to One Stop who had a raffle and made a donation to school
from the proceeds, a total of £262.00.
We would like to welcome Mrs Wolstenholme into school, she will be covering Mrs Smith’s classes
whilst she is off on maternity leave.
The timetable for swimming lessons this term is as follows:Miss Evans, Mrs Ross, Mrs Gregory - Monday
Miss Rhodes, Mrs Riley - Wednesday
Miss Shemwell, Mrs Rawthore - Thursday
Community Swimming will be each Thursday 11.00 am to 11.45 am
I would like to remind you that all children need to wear a swimming cap, which may be purchased from
Mrs Yeowart or from the school office at a cost of £1.50. Full one piece swimming costumes are
required for girls and swimming trunks for boys, not swimming shorts. All of these items must be in a
bag clearly labelled with your child’s name.
Children who use inhalers must bring them to the swimming pool for their lessons, labelled with their
We would like to remind everyone that jewellery, temporary tattoos, plasters or make-up are not allowed
to be worn in the pool.
We have organised another Bags 2 School collection on Tuesday 17 March 2015.
If you can collect any clean re-usable clothes it will be collected in the main entrance from 3.00 pm on
Monday 16 March 2015 and up to 9.00 am on Tuesday 17 March 2015. They also accept hats, belts,
bags, soft toys and shoes (please tie together in pairs).
Donation bags have been sent out. If you manage to fill the donation bag and still have more you can
use any other bag to donate.
Please ask grandparents, family, friends and neighbours to donate too.
Please DO NOT send any bags into school before the date as we have nowhere to store them.
Thank you for your support.
Order forms for sweatshirts/polo shirts/fleeces/cardigans/and waterproof coats are in the secretaries’
office or on the school website. Also available are P.E. bags and the school book bags.
If you wish to purchase any items orders should be in by tomorrow Friday 13 March 2015 in order for
you to receive them for the end of term.
The Nursery staff would like to invite Grandparents on Friday 20 March 2015 to join them in the Nursery.
The children will serve you with drinks and baked goodies, and sing you some songs.
For morning grandparents this will be at 10.30 am and afternoon grandparents 2.30 pm.
We understand that some of you look after younger brothers and sisters, so it is fine to bring them along
We really hope can make it.
Jay Smith, the mother of one of our children, Harlow Reid in Mrs Wilkinson’s class, suffers from cystic
There is a physio vest that can be purchased for £7000.00 which would help to ease Jay’s condition and
allow her to have a more active life.
Some of the parents in school have started a fund raising campaign to help to buy the vest or any other
equipment that would help Jay.
There will be a sponsored spin at Simply Gym from 8.00 am to 7.00 pm on Saturday 14 March 2015.
This will include a raffle and cake sale. Nicola Buxton will also be selling raffle tickets on the playground
for £1.00 per strip.
We are having a dressing up day on Friday 20 March 2015. The theme is kings, queens, knights,
princesses etc. Children are asked to bring in a donation of £1.00 which will go towards the appeal.
The bucket collection last Friday raised £115.00. Thank you for your donation.
We will keep you informed of any other fund raising events.
We have recently had several cases of chicken pox in school. We would like to remind you that children
should stay off school for five days from the first appearance of the rash. Pregnant women who have
not had chicken pox should contact their doctor.
There are unfortunately some cases of headlice in school again. The advice is to use conditioner and
the wet hair combing method daily as a preventative measure. Then if insecticide treatment is needed
follow the manufacturer’s instructions and repeat the treatment after one week.
Please remain vigilant, check your child’s hair regularly and take immediate action if you find headlice so
that the problem does not spread to other children. Fastening long hair back would also help to
minimise the problem.
You should have had a letter last week about Red Nose Day - it is also absolutely fine for the children to
wear non-uniform and come in disguise for the day!
Some of the Year 6 children have organised activities for the children at lunchtime which will cost 20p
per activity and will be performing a dance after school for parents. A bucket for donations will be
Thank you.