Unit 2-B - feb11-13 Igneous Rocks

Geology 12 - Unit 2B (PLO B1, B3, B4 & E4)
Earth Materials
1. Read
A. Earth: Then and Now
-“Igneous Rocks and Processes” pp. 33 – 48
-Read to help complete:
Handout ‘Igneous Rocks and Processes’ – 16 MARKS
B. Lab Manual in Physical Geography
-“Rocks Forming Process and the Rock Cycle” pp. 75 – 88
-Handourt: Figure 4.13 (Rock Cycle) – 5 MARKS
-complete according to instruction at bottom of page
C. A. Earth: Then and Now
-“Igneous Rocks and Processes” pp. 33 – 48
-Read to help complete:
Handout ‘Igneous Bodies’ – 10 MARKS
D. Lab Manual in Physical Geography
“Igneous Rocks and Volcanic Hazards” pp. 89 - 108
-Complete: - 5 MARKS
1. Draw/Copy p. 91, Figure 5.1 ‘Intrusive & Extrusive Bodies’
2. Under each term label it as:
i. Extrusive/Intrusive
ii. Concordant/Discordant
e.g. Sill
-Intrusive, Concordant
2. Know
Terms ‘Student Achievement’ p. 40
- be able to define term within context of PLO
- e.g. Bowen’s reaction series = B3
3. Powerpoint(s) – See Toews homework page Unit 2
-Take notes/ Use to complete handouts (see above)
4. Projects See other side
5. Test
One big test for UNIT 2A, 2B & 2C
A. Bowen’s Reaction Series PLO B3.3, B3.5 – 15 MARKS
i. Go to website
-or just TOEWS’ homework page, open ‘3 geology ign rx0.ppt’, play slideshow
and click through until you find full slide image of ‘Bowen’s Reaction Series’ –
double click on this title and ride to the site
ii. Complete Handout ‘Introduction to Igneous Petrology’
B. ‘Description and Interpretation of Igneous Rock Samples Mineral’
i. Turn to Lab Manual p. 105, Question 8, all letters
ii. Choose a partner and together pick 8 Igneous rocks
iii. Together, USE THE LAB MANUAL to complete:
Handout Figure 5.24 ‘Igneous Rocks Worksheet’
 Mistakes are OK, but every space must be filled
iv. Then use the Internet to correct, where possible, the mistakes and create a
perfect answer key.
v. I expect a rough copy and a good copy to be submitted
‘Introduction to Igneous Petrology’ – 15 marks
Feel free to use other paper.
1. 2 marks Explain what is meant when we say igneous rocks are crystalline.
2. 2 marks Explain differentiation and how the process relates to the evolution of
Igneous rocks.
3. 5 marks Use pencil crayons/markers to illustrate the 1,2, 3’s/ A, B, C’s (see
bottom of page 1) of Bowen’s Reaction Series. Do not colour Bowen’s
reaction series, rather create a simple diagram. (Separate piece of paper).
4. 2 marks Give the common names for Na2O, K2O, CaO, FeO and MgO. How
does knowing about these compounds help identify igneous rock?
5. 2 marks Define euhedral and anhedral. What type of diamond would you
rather have and why?
6. 2 marks Explain the difference between Basalt and Gabbro.
‘Igneous Rocks and Processes’ – 16 marks - (3 geology ign rx.ppt)
1. 3 marks
List and briefly explain 3 ways magma forms.
2. 2 marks
Explain briefly the effect of ____ on the melting temperature of rock
a. changes in pressure
b. presence of water.
3. 2 marks
Refer to Bowen’s Reaction series. How do the continuous and
discontinuous branches differ?
4. 4 marks
Draw and label two ways magma is modified.
5. 3 marks
Define each of the following terms:
A. Phaneritic B. Aphanitic
C. Porphyritic
6. a. 1 mark How is the grain size of an igneous rock related to its cooling rate?
7. b. 1 mark What does a porphyritic texture indicate?
8. 1 mark
Assimilation of felsic rocks by mafic magmas is more common than
the reverse. Why?
9. 1 mark
All igneous rock are classified by: (2 things)
‘Igneous Bodies’ – 10 marks – Igneous Bodies Chp 4.ppt)
1. 1 mark
What is a pluton?
2. 2 marks
What is a kimberlite pipe? Explain its relationship to diamonds.
3. 7 marks
Create a table/chart that explains the difference between
Volcanoes: I suggest using your own piece of paper.
.Composite/Strato Lava