Geology 12 - Unit 2B (PLO B1, B3, B4 & E4) Earth Materials 1. Read A. Earth: Then and Now -“Igneous Rocks and Processes” pp. 33 – 48 -Read to help complete: Handout ‘Igneous Rocks and Processes’ – 16 MARKS B. Lab Manual in Physical Geography -“Rocks Forming Process and the Rock Cycle” pp. 75 – 88 -Handourt: Figure 4.13 (Rock Cycle) – 5 MARKS -complete according to instruction at bottom of page C. A. Earth: Then and Now -“Igneous Rocks and Processes” pp. 33 – 48 -Read to help complete: Handout ‘Igneous Bodies’ – 10 MARKS D. Lab Manual in Physical Geography “Igneous Rocks and Volcanic Hazards” pp. 89 - 108 -Complete: - 5 MARKS 1. Draw/Copy p. 91, Figure 5.1 ‘Intrusive & Extrusive Bodies’ 2. Under each term label it as: i. Extrusive/Intrusive ii. Concordant/Discordant e.g. Sill -Intrusive, Concordant 2. Know Terms ‘Student Achievement’ p. 40 - be able to define term within context of PLO - e.g. Bowen’s reaction series = B3 3. Powerpoint(s) – See Toews homework page Unit 2 -Take notes/ Use to complete handouts (see above) 4. Projects See other side 5. Test One big test for UNIT 2A, 2B & 2C Projects A. Bowen’s Reaction Series PLO B3.3, B3.5 – 15 MARKS i. Go to website -or just TOEWS’ homework page, open ‘3 geology ign rx0.ppt’, play slideshow and click through until you find full slide image of ‘Bowen’s Reaction Series’ – double click on this title and ride to the site ii. Complete Handout ‘Introduction to Igneous Petrology’ B. ‘Description and Interpretation of Igneous Rock Samples Mineral’ PLO B3 – 20 MARKS i. Turn to Lab Manual p. 105, Question 8, all letters ii. Choose a partner and together pick 8 Igneous rocks iii. Together, USE THE LAB MANUAL to complete: Handout Figure 5.24 ‘Igneous Rocks Worksheet’ Mistakes are OK, but every space must be filled iv. Then use the Internet to correct, where possible, the mistakes and create a perfect answer key. v. I expect a rough copy and a good copy to be submitted ‘Introduction to Igneous Petrology’ – 15 marks Feel free to use other paper. 1. 2 marks Explain what is meant when we say igneous rocks are crystalline. 2. 2 marks Explain differentiation and how the process relates to the evolution of Igneous rocks. 3. 5 marks Use pencil crayons/markers to illustrate the 1,2, 3’s/ A, B, C’s (see bottom of page 1) of Bowen’s Reaction Series. Do not colour Bowen’s reaction series, rather create a simple diagram. (Separate piece of paper). 4. 2 marks Give the common names for Na2O, K2O, CaO, FeO and MgO. How does knowing about these compounds help identify igneous rock? 5. 2 marks Define euhedral and anhedral. What type of diamond would you rather have and why? 6. 2 marks Explain the difference between Basalt and Gabbro. ‘Igneous Rocks and Processes’ – 16 marks - (3 geology ign rx.ppt) 1. 3 marks List and briefly explain 3 ways magma forms. 2. 2 marks Explain briefly the effect of ____ on the melting temperature of rock a. changes in pressure b. presence of water. 3. 2 marks Refer to Bowen’s Reaction series. How do the continuous and discontinuous branches differ? 4. 4 marks Draw and label two ways magma is modified. 5. 3 marks Define each of the following terms: A. Phaneritic B. Aphanitic C. Porphyritic 6. a. 1 mark How is the grain size of an igneous rock related to its cooling rate? 7. b. 1 mark What does a porphyritic texture indicate? 8. 1 mark Assimilation of felsic rocks by mafic magmas is more common than the reverse. Why? 9. 1 mark All igneous rock are classified by: (2 things) ‘Igneous Bodies’ – 10 marks – Igneous Bodies Chp 4.ppt) 1. 1 mark What is a pluton? 2. 2 marks What is a kimberlite pipe? Explain its relationship to diamonds. 3. 7 marks DIAGRAM VISCOSITY TYPE of LAVA e.g. Felsic/Mafic LOCATION COLOUR Create a table/chart that explains the difference between Volcanoes: I suggest using your own piece of paper. .Composite/Strato Lava Cinder Shield Dome Cone Basalt Flood