Quote Examples

Quote Examples
A regular quotation
“I may truly never say I’ve never had this apron of mine off, since born you were. It’s bad enough to
be a blacksmith’s wife without being your mother,” (Dickens 8).
Explanation: The above example is in proper MLA format.
A quotation where there is dialogue, a break in dialogue, and a return to dialogue
“‘I may truly never say I’ve never had this apron of mine off, since born you were,’ said Mrs. Joe. ‘It’s
bad enough to be a blacksmith’s wife without being your mother’” (Dickens 8).
A quotation where there is dialogue and a break in dialogue that returns to the text
“‘I may truly never say I’ve never had this apron of mine off, since born you were. It’s bad enough to
be a blacksmith’s wife without being your mother,’ Mrs. Joe observed. I thought her to be rather
cruel” (Dickens 8).
Explanation: When there is dialogue (characters talking to one another) within a quote and the
dialogue stops to allow for other writing, you use apostrophes on the dialogue.
A quotation where there is dialogue, something is given emphasis within dialogue, and a break in
“‘Try to imagine what “living with one’s family” meant.’ They tried; but obviously without the
smallest success. ‘And do you know what a “home” was?’ They shook their heads” (Huxley 36).
Explanation: When using a quote from the novel, there is sometimes dialogue in the quote.
Sometimes within that dialogue, the author puts emphasis on something using quotation marks.
When that happens, use the examples above as a guide.
Quote Examples
A regular indented quotation
The differences between the myth and the recorded story are striking:
One widely circulated version of the myth was that Medea’s father had been ruler of Corinth
before going to Colchis, and that following the death of a regent, Medea and Jason were
offered the throne and reigned in Corinth for ten years before Jason decided to divorce
Medea. The contrast between this situation and that presented in the tragedy is striking, for
the difference is one which vitally affects the characterizations of the principal figures. (Smith
Explanation: Quotes longer than four full lines are indented 10 spaces. There are no quotation
marks used on long quotes.
Quote Examples
An indented quotation with dialogue
The relationship between Nelly and Mr. Barnes is a complicated one, with Nelly’s feelings toward Mr.
Barnes being clearly conflicted throughout the novel.
I went into the stairwell and was surprised at what I saw. ‘What are you doing here?’ Mrs.
Callar asked. ‘I’m searching for Mr. Barnes. Is he still on the grounds?’ I had hoped he was
gone. I wanted to avoid him after our awkward encounter the day before. There were odd
things going on with him since the fire last week. His behavior was strange and marked by
outbursts of anger and rage. (Sanders 27)
An indented quotation where something is given emphasis within dialogue
In the novel, Huxley shows how disconnected the characters are from normal activities. Their lack of
knowledge regarding emotions and family is evident.
‘Try to imagine what “living with one’s family” meant.’ They tried; but obviously without the
smallest success. ‘And do you know what a “home” was?’ They shook their heads. From her
dim crimson cellar Lenina Crowne shot up seventeen stories, turned to the right as she
stepped out of the lift, walked down a long corridor and, opening the door marked GIRLS'
DRESSING-ROOM, plunged into a deafening chaos of arms and bosoms and underclothing.
Torrents of hot water were splashing into or gurgling out of a hundred baths. Rumbling and
hissing, eighty vibro-vacuum massage machines were simultaneously kneading and sucking
the firm and sunburnt flesh of eighty superb female specimens. Every one was talking at the
top of her voice. A Synthetic Music machine was warbling out a super-cornet solo. (Huxley
Explanation: When using a quote from the novel, there is sometimes dialogue in the quote.
Sometimes within that dialogue, the author puts emphasis on something using quotation marks.
When that happens, use the examples above as a guide.
Quote Examples
An indented quotation where there is dialogue and something is given emphasis separate from the
The harsh attitude of the World controllers toward the people is seen often in the novel and their
general disregard for human growth is shocking.
‘We also predestine and condition. We decant our babies as socialized human beings, as
Alphas or Epsilons, as future sewage workers or future…’ He was going to say ‘future World
controllers,’ but correcting himself, said ‘future Directors of Hatcheries,’ instead. The D.H.C.
acknowledged the compliment with a smile. They were passing Metre 320 on Rack 11. A
young Beta-Minus mechanic was busy with screw-driver and spanner on the blood-surrogate
pump of a passing bottle. The hum of the electric motor deepened by fractions of a tone as he
turned the nuts. Down, down … A final twist, a glance at the revolution counter, and he was
done. He moved two paces down the line and began the same process on the next pump.
(Huxley 13)
Explanation: The first part of this quote is dialogue from a character. The second part returns to the
text, but the author gives emphasis to “future World controllers” and “future Directors of
Hatcheries.” Since the emphasis is being given to something not within the dialogue, apostrophes
are appropriate for “future World controllers” and “future Directors of Hatcheries.” Notice the
difference from the preceding example, where something is given emphasis within the dialogue.