GEORGETTE IOUP Department of English The University of New

Department of English
The University of New Orleans
Ph.D., Linguistics, The City University of New York: Graduate Center.
Dissertation: The Treatment of Quantifier Scope in a Transformational
M.A., Linguistics, New York University
B.A., Classical Languages, Wilson College
A. Academic
Professor Emerita, Dept. of English, University of New Orleans
Professor, Department of English, University of New Orleans
Associate Professor, Dept. of English, University of New Orleans
Visiting Associate Professor Invited, TEFL M.A. Program. The
American University in Cairo
Visiting Associate Professor, TEFL M.A. Program, The American
University in Cairo
Assistant Professor, Dept. of English, University of New Orleans.
Visiting Assistant Professor Invited, Department of Linguistics,
University of Texas at Austin
Summer 1983
Visiting Professor Invited, VIII International Linguistics Institute,
Mohamed V University, Rabat, Morocco
Visiting Assistant Professor, TEFL M.A. Program, The American
University in Cairo
Assistant Professor, Department of Linguistics, University of
Lecturer, English Language Institute, Queens College of the City
University of New York
B. Other Professional
Program Administrator, Arabic Language Studytour in Egypt.
Developer and Director of University of Washington Study-Abroad
Consultant to the Language Communication Skills of Deaf Children
Project. Director: Prof. Harry Levitt, CUNY Ph.D. Program in
Speech and Hearing Sciences
Research Assistant, Lexington School for the Deaf, Jackson
Heights, N.Y.
Language Laboratory Director, Bloomfield College, Bloomfield, N.J.
Language Teacher, Tewksbury Memorial High School, Tewksbury,
MA. Subjects: Latin, French, English
Generative Syntax and Semantics
Language Acquisition
Language and Cognitive Development
Second Language Research
A. Books
Ioup, G. and S. Weinberger. (Eds.) Interlanguage Phonology: The Acquisition of a
Second Language Sound System. New York: Harper and Row, 1987.
Book Chapters
Ioup, G. Exploring the role of age on the acquisition of a second language sound
system. Invited. In M. Zampini & J. Hansen (Eds.). Phonology and Second
Language Acquisition. Philadelphia: John Benjamins , 2008, pp. 41-62
Ioup, G. Age in Second Language Development. Invited. In E. Hinkel (Ed.), Handbook
of Second Language Learning and Teaching. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum, 2005, pp.
Ioup, G. The Debate Over Error Correction: Accommodating Both Positions. Invited. In
S. Aydelott, N. Kassabgy, & Z. Ibrahim (Eds.). Contrastive Rhetoric: Issues,
Insights and Pedagogy. Cairo: American University in Cairo Press. (2004), pp.
115-130 .
Ioup, G. Evaluating the need for input enhancement in post-critical period
language acquisition. Invited. In D. Singleton & Z. Lengyel (Ed.) The Age Factor
in Second Language Acquisition: A Research Update. Clevedon: Multilingual
Matters, 1995, pp. 95-123.
Ioup, G. Immigrant Children Who Have Failed to Acquire Native English. In Gass, S.,
Madden, C., Preston, D., and Selinker, L. (Eds.) Variation in Second Language
Acquisition: Psycholinguistic Issues. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters, Ltd., 1989,
pp. 160-175.
Ioup, G. and A. Tansomboon. The acquisition of tone: A maturational perspective. In
G. Ioup, and S. Weinberger. (Eds.) Interlanguage Phonology: The Acquisition of
a Second Language Sound System. NY: Harper and Row, 1987. pp.333-349.
Also appears in Heim, I. and Woodbury, A. (Eds.) Texas Linguistic Forum 28.
Austin: University of Texas, 1987. pp. 1-23.
Ioup, G. A markedness contrast in the second language acquisition of syntax and
phonology. In M. Brame, H. Contreras and F. Newmeyer (Eds.) Festschrift for
Sol Saporta. Seattle, WA: Noit Amrofer, 1986. pp.203-212.
Ioup, G. Acquiring complex sentences in ESL. In M. Long, S. Peck and K. Bailey
(Eds.) Second Language Acquisition Studies. Rowley: Newbury House, 1983.
pp. 41-55.
Ioup, G. On Group Quantification. Invited. In E. Engdahl and M. Stein (Eds.) Studies
Presented to Emmon Bach By His Students. Amherst: University of
Massachusetts, 1979. pp. 134-146.
Ioup, G. and A. Kruse. Interference versus structural complexity in second language
acquisition: language universals as a basis for natural sequencing. In D. Brown,
C. Yorio and F. Crymes (Eds.) Teaching and Learning: Trends in Research and
Practice. Washington: TESOL, 1977. pp. 159-171.
Ioup, G. Some universals for quantifier scope. Invited. In J. Kimball (Ed.) Syntax and
Semantics, Vol. 4. New York: Academic Press, 1975, .pp. 37-58.
Also appears in M. Matsunaga (Ed.) Selected Theses on Linguistics (Kaigai
Eigogaku-ronso) Tokyo: Eichosha Co. Ltd., 1977.
Also appears in R.W. Fasold and R.W. Shuy (Eds.) Analyzing Variation in
Language. Washington: Georgetown University Press, 1975.
Reprinted in French as "Parametres pour la portee des quantificateurs en langue
naturelle." In J. Coursil (Ed.) Etudes de Linguistique Appliquee,
Juillet-September 1975. pp. 7-29.
Journal Articles
Ioup, G. Grammatical knowledge and memorized chunks: A response to Ellis. Studies
in Second Language Acquisition 18:3, 1996. pp. 355-360.
Ioup, G., Boustagui, E., El Tigi, M., Moselle, M. Re-examining the critical period
hypothesis: A case study of successful adult second language acquisition in a
naturalistic environment. Studies in Second Language Acquisition 16:1, 1994.
pp. 73-98.
Bley-Vroman,R., Felix, S. and Ioup, G. The Accessibility of Universal Grammar in
Second Language Learning. Second Language Research 4:1. 1988. pp. 1-32.
Ioup, G. Is there a structural foreign accent? A comparison of syntactic and
phonological errors in second language acquisition. Language Learning 34:2,
1984. pp. 1-17.
Ioup, G. Testing the relationship of formal instruction to the input hypothesis. TESOL
Quarterly 18:2, 1984. pp. 345-350.
Ioup, G. Specificity and the interpretation of quantifiers. Linguistics and Philosophy 1:2,
1977. pp. 233-245.
Also appears in Y. Minoru (Ed.) Selected Theses in Linguistics (Kaigai
Eigogaku-ronsu). Tokyo: Eichosha Co. Ltd., 1979.
Refereed Proceedings
Ioup, G. How Do You Keep a Language Once You’ve Acquired It? In A. El Shimi & H.
Grant (Eds.), Best Practice in TEFL: Proceedings of the Second Annual
Convention - Egypt TESOL, 2002, pp. 7-15.
Ioup, G., Boustagui, E., El Tigi, M., & Moselle, M. Learning strategies of a successful
untutored language learner. In New Policies and Strategies for English
Teaching: Proceedings of the Twelfth National Symposium on English Teaching
In Egypt. Cairo: CDELT. Ain Shams University, 1992. pp. 32-49.
Ioup, G. and A. Kruse. Interference versus structural complexity as a predictor of
second language relative clause acquisition. In C. Henning (Ed.) Proceedings of
the Los Angeles Second Language Research Forum. Department of English,
UCLA, 1977.
Ioup, G. Current issues in second language learning research and their implications for
the ESL classroom. In Proceedings: Conference on Compensatory/Remedial
Education. University of Washington, School of Education, 1976.
Ioup, G. The Impact of Formal Instruction on a Fossilized Grammar. IATEFL Newsletter
112, August 1991.
Review of Scholarly Books
Ioup, G. Review of Mayo, M & Lecumberri, M., Age and the Acquisition of English as a
Foreign Language. Studies in Second Language Acquisition. 27:4, 2005,
Review of Fodor, J.D. Semantics: Theories of Meaning in Generative Grammar.
Language 55:2, 1979, pp.425-430.
Review of Gluckster, S. and J. Danks. Experimental Psycholinguistics: An Introduction.
Modern Language Journal 62:1, 1978.
Review of Dobson, Julia M. Effective Techniques for English Conversation Groups.
Modern Language Journal 60:8, 1976.
Manuscripts Under Submission
Ioup, G. Age effects in language attrition. Second Language Research, accepted with
revisions, 29pp. ms.
Ioup, G. Age Effects in the Acquisition of a Sound System. Invited Presentation.
University of North Texas. Denton, TX, March 2005
Ioup, G. Age and the Acquisition of a Second Language Phonology. Invited
Presentation. University of Maryland, Department of Modern Languages.
College Park, February 2005
Ioup, G. Career Opportunities in Linguistics. Invited Presentation. Annual meeting of
the Linguistic Association of the Southwest. New Orleans, September 2004.
Ioup, G. Putting error correction into proper perspective. Invited Speaker. University of
California Consortium on Language Learning and Teaching: Workshop on
Grammar in Language Teaching. University of California at San Diego, June
Ioup, G. Age differences in second language phonological acquisition. Invited
Presentation. Colloquium on the State of the Art in L2 Phonology Research.
Second Language Research Forum. University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ. October
Ioup, G. What’s age got to do with it? Plenary Address. Annual meeting of the
American Association of Applied Linguistics. Arlington, VA, March 2003
Ioup, G. Theoretical and practical support for error feedback. Annual LaTESOL
Conference, Baton Rouge, LA. November 2002.
Ioup, G. The Error Correction Debate. Second International Conference on Contrastive
Rhetoric. Cairo, Egypt, March 2001
Ioup, G. Is Literacy Necessary for Language Retention? Poster Presentation. Emonds
Fest. Department of Linguistics, Durham University, Durham, England. March
Ioup, G. Exploring Age and Loss Using the Savings Paradigm. Invited Presentation,
Colloquium on Reactivating a Forgotten Language: The Savings-Paradigm
Applied. Annual Meeting of the American Association of Applied Linguistics, St.
Louis, MO. February 2001.
Ioup, G. Evaluating the Usefulness of Grammar Correction in Second Language
Writing. Invited Speaker. Center for Excellence in Research and Technology:
English Language Division. Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, January 2001
Ioup, G. How Do You Keep a Language Once You’ve Acquired It? Plenary Address.
Annual Meeting of Egypt TESOL, Cairo, Egypt, October 2000
Ioup, G. Age Differences in Forgetting a Language. Invited Presentation, Colloquium
on Language Attrition. Second Language Research Forum. University of
Wisconsin. Madison, September 2000.
Ioup, G. Language Attrition. Invited Presentation, Colloquium on “What’s Hot in
Second Language Research.” Annual Meeting of Teaching English to Speakers
of Other Languages, Vancouver, B.C., March 2000.
Ioup, G. Evaluating Recent Responses to Krashen’s Input Model. Annual Meeting of
LaTESOL., New Orleans, April 1999.
Ioup, G. Age and Language Loss: Is There a "Critical Period" for Language Attrition?
Annual Meeting of the American Association of Applied Linguistics. Seattle,
March 1998.
Ioup, G. The Language of the Free People of Color in Nineteenth Century New
Orleans. Annual Meeting of the American Dialect Society. New York City,
January 1998.
Ioup, G. Setting Versus Resetting a UG Parameter: Evidence from a Chinese Learner
of English. Invited Speaker. International Speakers Series, Department of
Linguistics, University of Durham, UK, April 1997.
Ioup, G. The Creole Vernacular in 19th Century New Orleans. Invited presentation.
Tulane Linguistics Colloquium. Tulane University, New Orleans, February 1997.
Ioup, G. Black English in 19th century New Orleans: Evidence from the journal of Sister
Mary Bernard Diggs. Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of the Southwest.
Baton Rouge, October 1996.
Ioup, G. Setting an L2 parameter is easier than resetting one. Second Language
Research Forum. Ithaca, NY, October 1995.
Ioup, G. Can uninstructed second language learners gain native proficiency? South
Central Modern Language Association. New Orleans, 1994.
Ioup, G. The input/intake discrepancy in first language attrition. Second Language
Research Forum. Montreal, October 1994.
Ioup, G. Comparing two near-native adult learners of Egyptian Arabic: One instructed,
one naturalistic. Conference on Generative Approaches to Language
Acquisition. University of Durham, England. September 1993.
Ioup, G. The place of grammar in the teaching of composition. Annual LaTESOL
Conference. New Orleans, March 1993.
Ioup, G. and Boustagui, E. J: An Exception to the Critical PeriodHypothesis? Annual
Meeting of the American Association of Applied Linguistics. Seattle, March 1992.
Ioup, G., Boustagui, E., El Tigi, M., and Moselle, M. Strategies of a Successful
Untutored Language Learner: Impllications for the L2 Classroom. Twelfth
National Symposium on English Teaching in Egypt. Cairo, February 1992.
Ioup, G. The Effects of Cognitive Maturation on Language Acquisition. Invited
Presentation. Linguistics Research Symposium, The National Institute for
Advanced Studies (NIAS). Wassenaar, The Netherlands. April 1991.
Ioup, G. The Impact of Formal Instruction on a Fossilized Grammar. IATEFL
Conference. Exeter, UK. April 1991.
Ioup, G. Working with L2 Learners According to Error Types. Invited. Workshop
presented to the Division of Consulting, Instruction, and Training, American
University in Cairo. Cairo, January 1991.
Ioup, G. The Selective Effect of Remediation on Fossilized Errors. Annual LaTesol
Conference. New Orleans, March 1989
Ioup, G. Fossilization and Its Relationship to Formal Instruction. Second Language
Research Forum. Los Angeles, February 1989.
Ioup, G. A Profile of the Unsuccessful Young Second Language Learner. Second
Language Research Forum. Hawaii, March 1988.
Ioup, G. Achievement and the Language Acquisition Profiles of Very Young Learners.
University of Michigan Conference on Applied Linguistics. Ann Arbor, October
Ioup, G. Immigrant Children Who Have Failed To Acquire English. Third Annual
Conference of LaTESOL. New Orleans, March 1987.
Bley-Vroman, R., Ioup, G., and Felix, S. The Accessibility of Universal Grammar in
Adult Language Learning: Evidence from the Acquisition of Wh-Movement.
Second Language Research Forum. Los Angeles, February 1987.
Ioup, G. Adapting Linguistic Insights to the Second Language Classroom. Southeastern
Regional TESOL Conference. New Orleans, November 1986.
Ioup, G. A New Perspective on Teaching Pronunciation. Second Annual Conference of
LaTESOL. New Orleans, April 1986.
Ioup, G. Cognitive Development and Language Learning, With Special Reference to
Tone. Invited. Tulane Linguistic Circle. Tulane University, New Orleans, March
Ioup, G. Maturational differences in the acquisition of tone. Colloquium on Interlanguage
Phonology, Annual Conference of Teachers of English to Speakers of Other
Languages. Houston, March 1984.
Ioup, G. A post-critical period contrast in the acquisition of syntax and phonology.
Second Language Research Forum. Los Angeles, October 1983.
Ioup, G.. Indefinites, Opacity and Substitutional Quantification. Invited. International
Workshop on Semantics. University of Urbino, Italy, July 1983.
Ioup, G. Testing the relationship of formal instruction to the input hypothesis. Annual
Conference of Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages. Honolulu,
April 1982.
Ioup, G. Acquiring complex sentences in L2 English. Second Language Research
Forum. Los Angeles, March 1980.
Ioup, G. Is there a structural foreign accent? Annual Conference of Teachers of English
to Speakers of Other Languages. Boston, February 1979.
Ioup, G. Interlanguage stages in second language relative clause acquisition. Annual
Conference of Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages. Miami, April
Ioup, G. and Kruse. A. Sources of error in second language relative clause acquisition.
Second Language Research Forum. February 1977.
Ioup, G. Current Issues in Second Language Learning Research, and Their Implication
for the ESL Classroom. Keynote Address. Conference on
Compensatory/Remedial Education. University of Washington, Seattle,
November 1976.
Ioup, G. Analyzing errors in the ESL classroom. Annual Meeting of WAESOL. Seattle,
November 1976.
Ioup, G. The role of deep structure command in defining quantifier scope. Annual
Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America. New York, December 1974.
Ioup, G. Grammatical relations as a parameter of relative quantifier scope. Annual
Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America. San Diego, December 1973.
Ioup, G. Some universals for quantifier scope. Second Georgetown Conference on
New Ways of Handling Variation in English. Washington, D.C., October 1973.
de Boysson-Bardies, B., Carey, P., and Ioup, G. Induced questions: a technique for
examining the processing of negation. Southeast Conference on Linguistics.
College Park, MD., May 1971.
A. Discussant
Panel on Writing Across the Curriculum. AICU Conference. American University
in Cairo. Cairo, April 1992
B. Panelist
Colloquium on Experimental Methodology. International TESOL Conference.
Detroit, March 1981
C. Reviewer
Reviewer of Abstracts:
Research Section, Annual Meeting of International TESOL,
1990, 1991, 1992.
West Coast Conference on Linguistics. 2002
Referee of Journal Submissions
Second Language Research
Studies in Second Language Acquisition
International Journal of Applied Linguistics
Language Learning
TESOL Quarterly
Modern Language Journal
Reviewer of Grant Proposals
National Science Foundation, Linguistics Division.
External Evaluator for Promotion and Tenure
University of Maryland, Department of Modern Languages: Alaa Elgibali
2005 - Promotion to Full Professor
Hofstra University, Department of Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences:
Evelyn Altenberg
2004 - Tenure and Promotion to Associate Professor
Iowa State University, Department of English: Janet Anderson
1994 - Promotion to Full Professor
1987 - Tenure and Promotion to Associate Professor
Lehman College of the City University of New York, Department of
Bilingual Education: Nathalie Bailey
1990 - Tenure and Promotion to Associate Professor
American University in Cairo, Department of Arabic Studies: Alaa Elgibali.
1991 - Tenure and Promotion to Associate Professor
D. Service to Professional Organizations
American Association of Applied Linguistics. Resolutions Committee, 2003-
LaTESOL, Board Member 1999-present
LaTESOL, International TESOL Liaison, 2004 - present
LaTESOL, Past President, 2001-2002
LaTESOL, President, 2000-2001
LaTESOL, Vice President (1999-2000) and Conference Chair: Annual
Conference, New Orleans, 2000.
Southeast Regional TESOL, Organizing Committee, Annual Meeting. New
Orleans, September, 2003.
Linguistic Society of America, Represented the Society at the National Science
Foundation Conference on Exploring the Role of Social & Behavioral Science
Careers. April, 1977
Linguistics Society of America, Local Arrangements Committee, Annual Meeting.
New Orleans, January 1995.
Linguistics Society of America, Chair: Resolutions Committee, 1995.
LaTESOL, Workshop Organizer: Workshop on Teacher Education, Annual
Conference. Baton Rouge, March 1990.
Linguistics Society of America, Program Committee. 1988-1989.
Linguistics Society of America, Chair: Local Arrangements Committee, Annual
Meeting. New Orleans, December 1988.
International TESOL, Colloquium Organizer: Colloquium on Interlanguage
Phonology, Annual Conference. Houston, March 1988.
E. Professional Society Membership
Linguistic Society of America
American Association of Applied Linguistics
Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (International TESOL)
Louisiana TESOL
Linguistic Society of the Southwest