CIVIL AVIATION REQUIREMENTS SECTION 6- DESIGN STANDARDS & TYPE CERTIFICATION SERIES 'B', PART I ISSUE I, DATED 20th AUGUST, 1999 EFFECTIVE: FORTHWITH Subject: APPROVAL OF DESIGN ORGANISATIONS 1. INTRODUCTION Rule 133B of the Aircraft Rules, 1937 stipulates that organisations engaged in design and manufacture of aircraft, aircraft components and items of equipment including materials, forgings, castings and standard parts shall be approved by the Director General of Civil Aviation. DGCA may, on request and being satisfied, approve an organisation to operate under the system of approval. For operating under an approved system, the organisation or person shall comply with such requirements as may be specified by the DGCA. An approved organisation shall provide, for the use and guidance of its personnel, manuals which shall contain details of information concerning policies, procedures, practices and quality control methods relating to activities of that organisation and as may be specified by the DGCA. This CAR lays down the requirements for approval of design organisation and is issued under the provisions of Rule 133A of the Aircraft Rules, 1937. 2. APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL An organisation seeking approval for design activities should apply to DGCA on the form CA 182E (Appendix 'A') along with the applicable fees as laid down in Rule 133C of Aircraft Rules, 1937. The application along with the enclosures, should be submitted in duplicate to: DGCA (Attn.: Director, Research and Development), Technical Centre, Opposite Safdarjung Airport, New Delhi -110003. CIVIL AVIATION REQUIREMENTS SERIES 'B' PART I SECTION 6- DESIGN STANDARDS & TYPE CERTIFICATION 20TH AUGUST, 1999 3. REQUIREMENTS FOR GRANT OF APPROVAL An organisation seeking approval for the design and development of product or part shall comply with the following requirements: 3.1 The design organisation shall have sufficient staff as may reasonably be expected to undertake the airworthiness investigation of the volume of work in the class for which approval is sought. The staff shall include (as applicable) specialists qualified in all branches of aeronautics. It shall be demonstrated that satisfactory formal arrangements exist by which adequate access to such necessary expertise is available for the purpose of conducting work under the authority of the organisation' s design office. 3.2 The applicant for approval shall nominate the following persons: a) The person in direct charge of the design organisation: Chief of Design b) The technical director or senior executive to whom the person directly in charge of the design organisation is responsible. c) Other senior members of the design organisation and of related departments. d) Authorised persons to approve design and test reports, certificates and other documents. 3.3 The applicant shall provide a "Design and Engineering Organisation Manual" (refer Appendix B for guidelines) of the design organisation, including the following information: a) The terms of reference of senior personnel, as applicable to activities under DGCA approval. b) The associated chains of responsibility. c) The scope of the design office facility, together with information on essential procedures, test equipment and records. d) The procedures adopted for conducting inspections, tests, examinations, and reporting thereon. e) Any further matters that the DGCA decides as necessary arising from initial assessment or subsequent supervisory visits. f) The arrangements by which work may be undertaken on behalf of the organisation. CIVIL AVIATION REQUIREMENTS SERIES 'B' PART I SECTION 6- DESIGN STANDARDS & TYPE CERTIFICATION 20TH AUGUST, 1999 3.4 Two copies of the Design and Engineering Organisation Manual and all subsequent amendments shall be supplied to the R & D Directorate of DGCA and one copy each to the Regional office of R & D Directorate and Airworthiness Directorate wherever applicable. 3.5 The design office shall be so organised that, unless otherwise agreed by the DGCA, all assumptions, calculations, drawings and reports on which airworthiness depends are subject to verification. Such verification shall involve checking by a person other than the one who did the original work and may take the form of suitable tests ensuring the basic accuracy of the calculations and drawings. 3.6 Design records shall be such as to provide substantiation of, and proper correlation between, all the data comprising the design. The method used shall be such as to make possible the provision of the necessary design information of any product on which the airworthiness of an aircraft may depend as long as the product may be in service, and until such time after as may be agreed by the DGCA. 3.7 The qualifications and experience of the design office staff shall, to the satisfaction of the DGCA, be adequate to conduct the work and in establishing compliance with the requirements, and shall be such as to ensure that good judgment is exercised with a full appreciation of current aeronautical practices in design matters, whether or not specifically covered by requirements. The management of the organisation shall take into account the needs of airworthiness requirements as appropriate to the class of work to be undertaken under the Terms of Approval. 3.8 The organisation shall, to the satisfaction of the DGCA, be such as to ensure that, in all matters affecting airworthiness, full and efficient co-ordination exists within the design office and related technical departments, and between the design office and other departments of the organisation. 3.9 The organisation shall have facilities, or access to suitable approved facilities, for making such tests as are necessary to establish compliance with the requirements. The calibration of test equipment shall be checked as frequently as is necessary to maintain confidence in the accuracy of the equipment. 3.10 The applicant shall have facilities, or access to suitable approved facilities, for producing and publishing the appropriate technical information required for the safe operation, maintenance, overhaul and repair of the items for which the organisation is approved and, where applicable, the arrangements shall include notification, by documents such as Service Bulletins, of mandatory modification and inspections duly approved by DGCA. The manufacturer and owner of the aircraft shall be provided with such information. 3 CIVIL AVIATION REQUIREMENTS SERIES 'B' PART I SECTION 6- DESIGN STANDARDS & TYPE CERTIFICATION 20TH AUGUST, 1999 3.11 An organisation approved as a design organisation placing orders on suppliers and unapproved organisations shall satisfy itself that the origin of each item supplied is identified and satisfied that the item is acceptable and suitable for the intended purpose. DGCA representative shall have access to such organisations. 3.12 The design organisation and the manufacturing organisation shall submit to the DGCA a detailed description of the means by which they will meet the DGCA' s requirements for continued airworthiness, for the project and will provide suitable undertakings to ensure that such requirements are met throughout the life of the product. 3.13 The organisation, seeking approval, shall provide suitable office space and facilities within the premises of design organisation for DGCA representatives. 4. 4.1 GRANT OF APPROVAL Granting of the approval for design and development of product or part will be dependent upon the request of the applicant and his capability/ capacity to perform the design work as adjudged by DGCA. The scope of work will be specified in the approval while granting initial approval or extending the approval of the organisation. Part approval or provisional approval shall not be granted. 4.2 On receipt of completed application form and its scrutiny by DGCA, a preliminary meeting will be convened with the applicant to get familiarised with the organisation. The organisation will be apprised of the various requirements of DGCA and the documents required to be submitted, including compliance against various paragraphs of this CAR. 4.3 On scrutiny of the documents if the applicant is found to meet the requirements, a team of experts from DGCA will visit and inspect the organisation to confirm that the applicant has established the required capability. 4.4 The DGCA team during its course of visit shall satisfy that the organisation can satisfactorily accomplish the work relevant to the proposed scope of work. 4.5 Subject to the satisfactory report made by the DGCA team, the organisation may be authorised to undertake the work and issue 'design/analysis/test report' in respect of the product. The organisation shall be approved and the scope of work will be defined. 4.6 The validity of approval shall not exceed one year. 4 CIVIL AVIATION REQUIREMENTS SERIES 'B' PART I SECTION 6- DESIGN STANDARDS & TYPE CERTIFICATION 20TH AUGUST, 1999 4.7 In the event of organisation wishing to increase the scope of its existing approval, it must make a fresh application to the DGCA [Attn.: Director (Research & Development)]. On being satisfied that the proposed additional work can be carried out and the applicant has developed sufficient capability to carry out the additional work in accordance with this CAR, DGCA may enlarge the scope of work. 5. 5.1 RESPONSIBILITIES OF DESIGN ORGANISATION The organisation shall be responsible for ensuring: a) That the Type Record associated with the Type Certification standard of the aircraft, including the Type Certificate Data Sheet and other associated documents, and all approved variants and modifications introduced with their agreement since the original Type Certification, is held, maintained and updated as necessary. b) That inspection records of all aircraft/components released by them for Airworthiness Certification under the Type Certificate are properly maintained. c) That where possible, service experience is monitored to provide them with information on problems and defects affecting aircraft in service. d) That all problems and defects affecting airworthiness, of which they become aware, are investigated and, where appropriate, corrective action made available to operator. This may be by introducing modifications and/or by promulgating instructions/advice to users by Service Bulletins or by other suitable means. e) That the investigation carried out under sub-para (d) identifies those significant problems and defects affecting the intended airworthiness certification standard of the aircraft and that Regional Airworthiness and R & D Offices of DGCA are notified accordingly. f) Co-operation with the DGCA to determine and publish those actions essential for airworthiness reasons, based on the result of service or other experience. g) That master copies of all Flight and Technical Manuals are maintained and updated as necessary to reflect changes for which they are responsible. Amendments to manuals shall be published and distributed. 5.2 The organisation shall retain these responsibilities until there are, to their knowledge, no aircraft of the type registered and eligible for airworthiness certification in India and elsewhere under the Type Certificate. 5 CIVIL AVIATION REQUIREMENTS SERIES 'B' PART I SECTION 6- DESIGN STANDARDS & TYPE CERTIFICATION 20TH AUGUST, 1999 6. RENEWAL OF APPROVAL The organisation shall apply at least 30 days before the expiry of the validity of approval and specifically confirm that the capability of the organisation has not degraded in any manner. 7. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS The organisation shall meet the following requirements at all times during the validity of approval: 7.1. The organisation shall be maintained at the standard necessary to undertake the work for which it is approved and the DGCA shall, at all reasonable times, have access to the organisation for the purpose of assessing the standard in use. 7.2. Any change of the Chief Executive shall be notified to the DGCA in writing. The DGCA may require the organisation to supply further information in order to satisfy itself of the suitability of the official concerned insofar as it may affect the DGCA approval of the organisation. 7.3. Changes in the persons nominated in accordance with paragraph 3.2 shall be notified to the DGCA in writing. Such changes require prior approval of DGCA. 7.4. The "Design and Engineering Organisation Manual" required under para 3.3 shall be reviewed periodically by the Organisation and necessary amendments should be promulgated after due approval from DGCA. 7.5. An approved organisation shall provide, for the use and guidance of its personnel, manuals which shall contain details of information concerning policies, procedures, practices and quality control methods relating to activities of that organisation and as may be specified by the DGCA. 7.6. The organisation shall consult the DGCA if in any difficulty about the interpretation of the Civil Aviation Requirements, associated procedures or on any airworthiness matter which in their opinion involves new problems or techniques. 7.7. At all reasonable times DGCA representatives shall have access to all drawings, calculations, reports and records relating directly to the airworthiness of an aircraft, engine, or any part thereof. Before conducting any test, the organisation shall inform DGCA about the test program and furnish test schedules at least one week in advance. 7.8. The organisation shall keep the DGCA representatives fully informed of all defects and problems that may arise during design, development and inspection and which could have a bearing on airworthiness. 6 CIVIL AVIATION REQUIREMENTS SERIES 'B' PART I 7.9. SECTION 6- DESIGN STANDARDS & TYPE CERTIFICATION 20TH AUGUST, 1999 To review the deviations, limits and tolerances beyond those given in drawings, manufacturing defects, material substitution, etc., a Material Review Board (MRB) should be constituted by the organisation. The MRB should comprise designers, production & quality control personnel and DGCA representatives. 7.10. In order to provide information on problems and defects of aircraft, engine or part in service, the organisation shall maintain a suitable monitoring system. If, subsequent to approval of an aircraft, engine or part, the organisation becomes aware of defects which affect the continuing airworthiness of the product, the organisation shall take necessary corrective action. Organisation shall also maintain the record of such defects/ deficiencies. DGCA shall be informed of all such corrective actions. 7.11. The DGCA may withdraw, suspend or vary the terms of approval if, in the opinion of the DGCA, the conditions required for approval are not complied with. The terms of approval may also be varied as a result of changes in the company. Sd/(B.K. JOSHI) Dy. DIRECTOR GENERAL OF CIVIL AVIATION 7 CIVIL AVIATION REQUIREMENTS SERIES 'B' PART I SECTION 6- DESIGN STANDARDS & TYPE CERTIFICATION 20TH AUGUST, 1999 APPENDIX 'A' APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF DESIGN ORGANISATION FORM CA-182E 1. Name & Address of the Firm/Organisation 2. Brief Details of the nature of work for which approval is sought 3. Location of the firm/organisation 4. Number of employees (a) Design office (b) Production and inspection staff 5. Names, qualifications and experience of (a) Chief of Design (b) Dy. Chief of Design (c) Chief Quality Control Manager 6. List of facilities/infrastructure (a) Design/Drawing offices (b) Manufacturing facilities/infrastructure (c) Inspection equipment including special equipment 7. Existing DGCA authority, if any 8. Whether a general layout of the firm/ organisation is attached (write Yes or No) 9. Details of Fees remitted Date : _______________ (Signature of the applicant) Note : Extra sheets may be attached to furnish additional information, if any. 8 CIVIL AVIATION REQUIREMENTS SERIES 'B' PART I SECTION 6- DESIGN STANDARDS & TYPE CERTIFICATION 20TH AUGUST, 1999 APPENDIX 'B' GUIDELINES FOR PREPARATION OF DESIGN AND ENGINEERING ORGANISATION MANUAL 1. The Design and Engineering Organisation Manual will form the basis of DGCA approval of the Organisation. Requirements for preparation of Manual 2. Identification. The Manual should contain the following: a) Name of the organisation, document title and reference number. b) Amendment standard by issue number/date/amendment record. c) Approval by Chief of Design. d) Distribution list. e) Official title of person responsible for administration of the Manual. f) Contents List or Index. 3. Introduction. The introduction should explain the purpose of the document for the guidance of the Organisation' s own personnel, and should give general information and profile of the organisation, in order to provide background information to the DGCA. Where appropriate, relationships with other Organisations, forming part of the same group, should be mentioned. 4. Organisation's Premises and Undertakings. Brief details of premises should be included quoting addresses, approximate floor space, and types of buildings. The scope of the Organisation' s aerospace undertakings, at the addresses of the various premises, should be defined. 5. Terms of Approval. The Manual will form the basis of DGCAs approval. A concise definition of the work authorised will be prescribed in the DGCA terms of approval. It is recommended that the DGCA approval are reproduced and included in the Manual. The schedule of approval may, in some cases, be supplemented by Capability Lists. A Capability List must bear an issue number and date and may not be amended without the agreement of the DGCA. A note to this effect should be included at the bottom of the page. 6. Personnel. This Section of the Manual should nominate the persons required under paragraph 3.2 of this CAR, giving their terms of reference within the Organisation, and, in particular, outlining responsibilities for liaison with DGCA. 9 CIVIL AVIATION REQUIREMENTS SERIES 'B' PART I SECTION 6- DESIGN STANDARDS & TYPE CERTIFICATION 20TH AUGUST, 1999 a) A diagram, or diagrams, showing chains of responsibility of nominated departmental heads, and senior technical personnel up to the Chief Executive, should be included. These diagrams should also indicate, by suitable means, and/or written description, how technical co-ordination through out the organisation is effected. b) The "Personnel" Section should also contain a list of Approved Persons as design/analysis/test reports signatories giving their names, positions in the company, and three sample signatures. Details of certification responsibilities should be included. c) In some cases, the Organisation may wish to include more information, concerning personnel and their responsibilities, than is required by the DGCA, but amendments to the Manual which affect nominated staff, as required by CAR, must not be made without DGCA concurrence. 7. Facilities. This Section should provide information concerning the organisation' s technical facilities and associated essential equipment, which will vary according to the type of activity involved and the specific terms of approval sought. 7.1 Under the Section devoted to facilities, information under the headings given below should be included, where applicable. If there is a good deal of detailed information the use of Appendices is recommended. a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) l) m) n) o) p) Research. Design/Drawing Office. Development. Type Testing. Planning. Manufacture and/or Process. Overhaul and Repair. Routine Testing. Storage. Quality assurance and /or Inspection. Metrology and Standards. Specialised Facilities e.g. NDT, Spectrography. Publications and Library. Technical Records. Product Support. Training. 7.2 The headings should be varied to suit the size of the Organisation and its activities. 10 CIVIL AVIATION REQUIREMENTS SERIES 'B' PART I SECTION 6- DESIGN STANDARDS & TYPE CERTIFICATION 20TH AUGUST, 1999 8. Procedures. A concise description is required of the Organisation' s technical procedures covering all aspects of work conducted within the DGCA Terms of Approval; this should show how matters affecting airworthiness are controlled, by references, where appropriate, to existing internal instructions. In order to meet the Requirements, Organisations may elect to establish a Quality control system. The system adopted will, obviously, depend on the size and complexity of the Organisation and the nature of the work undertaken. 8.1 The headings below are examples of the procedures which may need to be covered in this Manual: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) l) m) n) o) p) q) Quality program, policy and administration, including the Quality Audit system. Product design and development control. Modification procedures. Concession procedure. Product evaluation, including product approval, field responsibility and defect investigation. Reliability programs. Control of bought-out items, including Quality Control Surveillance of subcontractors. Manufacture and process control. Control of stock, including procedures for handling non-conforming parts. Tool, metrology and test equipment control. Process Control. Technical records. Technical publications control, including Service Bulletin procedures. Equipment overhaul, modification and repair procedures, including certification. Test flight procedures. Training. Appendices, giving examples of (i) standard forms, cross referenced to the written procedures section; (ii) tags indicating the purpose and use of each (III) inspection stamps, and other identification symbols used top indicate status of parts;(IV) approved certificate and/or Test Certificate. 11