NEW EVIDENCES FOR TECTONIC ESCAPE MODEL AS ORIGIN OF THE NAJD FAULT SYSTEM Interpretation of gravity and magnetic data indicates that the Najd shearing domain extends beyond the exposed Arabian Shield into the whole Arabian plate. The shear movement diminishes towards the northwest due to splaying of the shear strands along the N-S Nabitah weakness planes. Between these major shear zones, some sinistral translation planes are common associated with S-shaped drags of the N-S Nabitah fabric. This paper indicates a tectonic escape model is most probable origin for the Najd fault system NFS. Potential field data were comprehensively used to map the tectonic fabric of the NFS and its extension beneath the Phanerozoic cover, enabling a better understanding of basement evolution. In addition, ten gravity profiles with detailed GPS levelling were also acquired in the field and used to model the Najd fault system. The numerous sets of magnetic and gravity surveys were merged to form a new seamless high-resolution data set, showing more detailed features of the NFS and, Arabian Shield and the Cover Rocks than any of the existing compilations. The use of potential field, geological and geochronological data, integrated within a GIS environment, has helped to obtain a better understanding of the tectonic development of the NFS .