Human – Environment Interconnections… a super theme

FEEDBACK Geog3600 – Geography of Utah –
HW A04 – Atlas for a Utah School – Chapter 4: Topography, Landmarks, and the Geosphere –
Physical Geography, Utah, and ____________ School.
Purpose of the homework assignment:
Apply concepts of geography to Utah and to Utah places.
Geography is the web of relationships among people, places, and environments.
Your atlas chapter presents information about Utah’s geosphere and how Utah’s geosphere is
part of the web of relationships that defines your school / county / state geography.
1. Present information
2. Analyze information
3. Interpret information
CONCEPTS of the GEOSPHERE from lectures include:
 TOPOGRAPHY defines the shape of the land by showing contours of equal elevation above
sea level.
 RELIEF: is the difference of elevation and defines relative steepness.
 LANDFORMS are characteristic natural features on Earth’s surface made by natural
processes working on natural materials. Virtually all landforms are the product of tectonics
(that sets the stage, such as regional elevation and relief), and erosion / deposition that sculpts
the scene.
 PHYSIOGRAPHIC PROVINCES: are regions defined by their landforms.
 LANDMARKS: are recognizable places that help orient. Landmarks can contribute to a
sense of place.
25% on map files.
75% on cover page discussion…
(a) Observations of geographic characteristics of your area’s geosphere;
(b) Analysis and discussion of those patterns
(c) Recognition, description and discussion three possible landmarks for your school.
Map files (____ of 15) - Complete? Tell a story. Present substantial information. Basis for your
observations, analysis, interpretation. Diverse sources.
Just fine
Cover page Chapter 4: Topography, Landmarks, and the Geosphere – Physical Geography,
Utah, and ____________ School.
Observation: concerning the topography of your school’s vicinity, city, and / or county.
Analysis of information and interpretation
Connection to themes of geography (location, place, interaction, migration, and regions…
regions are very big deal).
Discussion of aspects of geosphere: topography, landforms, landmarks, physiographic
Interpretation… webs of relationships… people, places and environments
Critical thinking: impacts and relationships of GEOSPHERE with
 other subsystems of Earth systems (hydrosphere, atmosphere, biosphere, and
 Social and behavioral systems (anthropology, economics, family and consumer
studies, (geography), political science, psychology, and sociology.
Observation, analysis, interpretation
(A few concepts… to you)
Landmarks (weight = 10) ____ of 10.
Terrific: (a) identified… physical places that stand out – and (b) have connections to populace,
hopefully to the school, and (c) interpreted in the context of geography… tie to concepts of the
Very good: (a) identified and (b) justified as important
Just fine: identified… some discussion of why special
Not quite: not physical landmarks (could be cultural… but assignment’s theme is geosphere); not
Trouble: missing; or concept of landmarks not make sense in the context your other files
Observations (weight = 10) ____ of 10.
Terrific: abundant, meaningful, show and understanding of what is special or important about the
topography, landscape, and landforms
Very good: important information provided. A “local” person would recognize key landscape
Just fine: 3-8 observations… some diversity… evidence that you understand that topography and
landforms help define a place
Not quite: observations aren’t quite observations (might be interpretations, or feelings); or lack
of diversity (five observations of exactly the same theme); or narrow focus that doesn’t convey a
sense of place; problem with scale (all local, or all state);
Trouble: concepts not understood, such as, observations are not about topography, relief,
landforms, landscape, or landmarks.
Analysis (weight = 10) ____ of 10.
Terrific: conveys concepts of geography… physiographic province is identified and discussed;
for example, how your area’s landforms and landscape are characteristic of the physiographic
province or are anomalous.
Very good: concepts of geography presented; discussion of region. Word such as physiographic
province and landforms appear in your write up;
Just fine: concepts are clear… geosphere, landforms, physiographic provinces.
Not quite: analysis is minimal or superficial… or your analysis does not tie to your observations
or map files. Not quite clear how your analysis defines your place, specifically its aspects of
physical geography
Troubles: concepts jumbled, physiographic provinces confused; … or missing.
Interpretation (weight = 10) ____ of 10.
Terrific: the web of relationships is explored; of the 17 words/phrases I am delighted to see in
your discussions… a few (2 or 3)are explored with some depth or a bunch (4-8) are explored
superficially. The 17 key words are:
Themes of geography: location, place, interaction (human and physical environments),
migration, and regions;
Subsystems of Earth systems (physical geography): geosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere
(weather and climate), biosphere, and anthrosphere
Fields of social and behavioral sciences (human geography): anthropology, economics,
family/consumer studies, (geography), political science, psychology, and sociology.
Very good: geosphere discusses as part of the web of relationships, or as big part of the physical
geography of a place. Themes of geography are there, and / or aspects of physical geography,
and / or aspects of human geography.
Just fine: clear evidence that you’ve thought about what matters about your area’s geosphere…
that the geosphere makes a difference to your place.
Not quite: connections aren’t clear, discussion is missing
Troubles: I’m concerned that the fundamental concept that every thing is related to everything is
missing… that you may not see connections between characteristics of the geographer and your
Assessment… ___________ OUT OF A TOTAL OF 55 points…