Abhishek Biswajit Mishra NIT Kurukshetra, 136 119, Haryana +91

Abhishek Biswajit Mishra
NIT Kurukshetra, 136 119, Haryana
+91-9034184520 email: abhishekgudu@gmail.com
Bachelor of Technology, Computer Engineering(pursuing)
NIT Kurukshetra
Cumulative GPA 8.01(till 5 semester)
Semester GPA 7.9(of 5 semester)
Summer Training, May 2009 to July 2009
Interface Institute, Bhubaneshwar, Orissa
Received industry level training in Core Java
Received industry level training in Advanced Java(including JSP, Servlets, Struts, EJB, RMI, JMS)
Designed and implemented internet-shopping project single-handedly using JSP and Servlets
Summer Training, May 2008 to July 2008
SQL Star, Bhubaneshwar, Orissa
Received industry level training in Oracle SQL
Received industry level training in Oracle PL\SQL
Completed SQL part of OCA certification
Internet Shopping project
 Developed during course of summer training at Interface Institute- a leading
organization in the field of training Java professionals
 Developed using JSP(Java Server Pages) and Java Servlets
 Project involved database connectivity
 Oracle 10g served as the DBMS at back-end
 My Eclipse 5.5 was used as the IDE
 Implemented Model 2 architecture of Java Server Pages
 Project tested extensively by professionals at Interface software
 Envisioned as a revolution in the field of cryptology
 Developed using Java Swing
 My Eclipse 5.5 was used as the IDE
 Classical ciphers like Vigenere, KeyWord, Autokey, Playfair were implemented
 Contemporary ciphers like RC4, DES were implemented
 Cryptanalytic tools like cipher guessing, frequency analysis were implemented
 Extensive help was crafted and integrated into the software
Was selected after national level elimination in a team to participate in Brainf*ck at Shaastra 2008, Annual
Technical Fest of IIT Madras. Brainf*ck is an esoteric programming language noted for its minimalism and
Organized a programming event, “Code Ab Initio” in Iris 2009, Technical Fest of Computer Engineering
Department. A on-site workshop was given to the participants on the language “Whitespace” ( a language
consisting of only spaces, tabs and line feeds in its instruction set) which was followed by a contest
requiring contestants to code the solutions to problems in Whitespace.
Co-organized a hacking event, “Leet Speak” in Iris 2009. Participants were given a batch file, which
contained a program to guide them through a series of questions on basic computer security, elementary
cryptology and general aptitude.
Have been selected to give a presentation on “Quantum Computing” in Literati 2008, Annual Technical
Fest of NIT Kurukshetra. Quantum Computing is an exciting area of research, due to its tempting promises
to achieve unimaginable computational speed.
Have been selected to give a presentation on “Steganography” in Literati 2010, Annual Technical Fest of
NIT Kurukshetra. Steganography is an evolving field of research, that promises to achieve new levels of
information security.
Have twice participated in Excalibur, software development contest, at Iris 2010 and Literati 2010, with
cryptologic project, Cryptoware.
Have won the second prize in Techilla, technical quiz on Computer Engineering, at Literati 2010.
A regular competitor at topcoder and other programming contests
Have won second prize in Headbutt(IT trivia quiz) twice
Have won first prizes in many quizzes like Savante, Blitzkrieg, Brainstorm- all held in different fests
Won Mr. Aristotle(event for aspiring managers) in Alchemia 2009, techno-managerial fest of Computer
Engineering and Electronics and Communication Departments.
C(Programming with C by Byron S. Gottfried)
C++ (using Borland and Dev compilers) (C++ the Complete Reference by Herbert Schildt)
Java(including extensive hands on experience in Java Swing) (Java, the complete reference)
Extensive knowledge of classical and contemporary cryptography.(Classical and contemporary cryptology
by Richard J. Spillman)
Advanced Java(JSP, Servlets, Struts, EJB, JMS, RMI) ( Interface Software material)
Oracle SQL and PL/SQL (Oracle university published student material)
Microsoft Visual Basic (Microsoft Visual Basic by Sumita Arora)
Whitespace( an esoteric programming language) (http://compsoc.dur.ac.uk/whitespace)
Brainf*ck(an esoteric programming language) (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brainfuck)
Developing and analyzing algorithms pertaining to practical problems like optimizing search in search
engines, increasing throughput of real-time systems, making voice to text conversion more RAM-efficient.
Strengthening information security using a combination of secure cryptography and steganography.
Research in the field of devising new cryptographic algorithms or modifying the existing ones
Research in the field of language recognition, and language acceptance
Development of crack-proof applications over the web
Writing short-stories(part of the college magazine team) and blogging http://abhisheknitkkr.blogspot.com
Acting(participated and won in many acting events)
Quizzing(participated and won a number of trivia quizzes)