Implementation of MQ based identification schemes (C/C++/Java)

Implementation of MQ based
identification schemes
Crypto Lab (WS2011/12)
At CRYPTO 2011 Sakumoto et al. presented a new identification scheme. It is the first
identification scheme which is based solely on the NP-hard problem of solving quadratic
systems of equations over a finite field. The scheme exists both as a 3- and a 5-pass version and
has moderate key size and communication cost.
The goal of this project is to implement the new MQ-based identification scheme in
C/C++ and/or Java (both the 3-pass and 5-pass versions). After having created a basic
version of the scheme, it can be extended to an identity based identification scheme
and/or via the Fiat-Shamir paradigm to a signature scheme.
The operations which have to be performed are basically evaluations of polynomials with the
finite field arithmetic (especially GF(2m)).
Required Skills:
 Basic knowledge about cryptography (identification schemes)
 Programming skills in C/C++/Java
Contact: Albrecht Petzoldt, S2/02, B209