APPENDIX G REFERENCE SHEET FOR CLASSROOM ACCOMMODATIONS/ASSESSMENTS AND STANDARIZED ASSESSMENTS A. Classroom Accommodations/Modifications: Accommodations are provided to students with disabilities as part of the general instructional and assessment process to allow the student equal opportunity to access the curriculum and demonstrate achievement. Accommodations based solely on the potential to enhance performance beyond providing equal access are inappropriate. The Section 504 Team may want to consider the following areas: a. Time/Scheduling - the student may need additional time to complete assignments, take untimed tests/quizzes, or have additional time for tests, etc. b. Setting - the student may need preferential seating, small group instruction, use of study carrels, opportunities for movement or breaks, etc. c. Presentation - assignments (length of or quantity of) may need to be shortened, extra set of textbooks for home use, break long assignments into smaller parts, utilize visual aids to supplement verbal information, provide copy of lecture notes, etc. d. Response - the student may need oral test administration, word banks for fill-in-the-blank items, use of a scribe or tape recorder for written responses, accept print or cursive, etc. e. Other - the 504 Team may consider many other accommodations or modifications that are necessary for the unique needs of the student. The following websites might provide some additional ideas:;; Remember to accommodate the individual, not the disability. B. Standards of Learning Assessments: Students participate in the SOL tests in grades 3-8 and after completing specific high school courses. Students desiring a general or advanced studies diploma will need to earn a prescribed number of credits as well as specified units of verified credit “based on a minimum of 140 clock hours of instruction and the achievement by the student of a passing score on the end-of-course Standards of Learning for that course.” A student with an identified disability who has passed an SOL assessment utilizing any accommodation including a non-standard accommodation has passed for all purposes. TIMING/SCHEDULING – Standard 1. Time of day 2. Breaks during test 3. Multiple test sessions* 4. Order of test administration SETTING – Standard 1. Preferential seating (e.g., at the front of the room or in a study carrel) 2. Small group testing 3. Individual testing (one-on-one) 4. Special lighting 5. Adaptive or special furniture 6. Test administered in locations with minimal distractions 7. Noise buffers 8. Hospital/home/non-school setting PRESENTATION – Standard 1. Braille* 2. Larger print* 3. Enlarging the answer document 4. Reading directions to student 5. Simplifying directions 6. Interpreting/transliterating directions (e.g., sign language, cued speech)* 7. Written directions to accompany oral directions * Special procedures are to be followed for any accommodation accompanied by an asterisk (*). Please contact your building test coordinator and/or Central Office Special Services Department for additional information and guidance. 1 APPENDIX G REFERENCE SHEET FOR CLASSROOM ACCOMMODATIONS/ASSESSMENTS AND STANDARIZED ASSESSMENTS 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Clarifying directions Reading of test items aloud (this is a nonstandard accommodations on the English: Reading test)* Masks or markers to maintain place Audio-tape version of test items (this is a nonstandard accommodations on the English: Reading test)* Interpreting/transliterating (e.g., sign language, cued speech) test items (this is a nonstandard accommodation on the English: Reading test)* Magnifying glass Amplification equipment (e.g., hearing aid or auditory trainer) Templates PRESENTATION – Nonstandard 1. Reading of test items aloud on the English: Reading test* 2. Audio-tape version of test items on the English: Reading test* 3. Interpreting/transliterating (e.g., sign language, cued speech) test items on the English: Reading test* RESPONSE – Standard 1. Student marks booklet and teacher/proctor transfer answer to answer sheet* 2. Student responds verbally, points, or indicates an answer an teacher/proctor marks answer sheet* 3. Abacus 4. Arithmetic tables (standard accommodation only if test allows a calculator) 5. Brailler* 6. Larger diameter/special grip pencil 7. Pencil grip 8. Word processor* 9. Typewriter* 10. Augmentative communication device* 11. Spell checker (including spell checkers) 12. Spelling dictionary 13. Tape recorder (only for pre-writing activity to tape response for English writing test) RESPONSE – Nonstandard 1. Dictation to a scribe (writing sample component of the English writing test only)* 2. Use of a calculator with additional functions to those routinely supplied to all students * Special procedures are to be followed for any accommodation accompanied by an asterisk (*). Please contact your building test coordinator and/or Central Office Special Services Department for additional information and guidance. 2