Taking Point-Form Notes

Point Form Notes: In Class Activity
Name: _____________________________
A/ Read the information in the paragraphs below, and then do the following:
1. Circle/underline the key words (most important words/ideas).
2. Write point form notes based on the key words.
3. Add some of your own ideas about the information you have read.
4. Number your point form notes/own ideas in the order that sounds best to you.
5. Use your ordered points to help you write your rough copy paragraph.
The transmission of biological traits from one generation to the next is governed by
the process of heredity. Heredity determines certain specific characteristics of plants and
animals. Plants inherit traits that affect their physical and metabolic processes. Animals
can inherit behavioral, mental, and physical traits. Some trait characteristics of a plant or
animal species are generally inherited no matter who the parents are—all bats have
wings, for example, regardless of their individual parents. Other traits, such as hair length
in cats, are specific to individuals, and their inheritance is directly dependent on the
genetics of the parents.
The physical key to heredity lies within the nucleus of the cell in structures
called chromosomes. These chromosomes carry smaller units called genes,
which contain information about the organism’s heritable traits. Each species of
plant and animal has a particular number of chromosomes, which are carried in
pairs within each cell of the body.
Source: "Heredity." Britannica School. Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 2014. Web. 23 May 2014.
< http://school.eb.com/levels/middle/article/274855>
Subtopic: ________________________________
St. Augustine C.H.S. – Library Information Centre
My Own Ideas/Opinions
B/ Write a paragraph using your ordered point form notes and personal ideas. Make
sure you include your topic in the first sentence of your paragraph.
St. Augustine C.H.S. – Library Information Centre