
Multiple Choice
True - False
Short Answer
Multiple Choice
__ 1. Before a glucose molecule can be broken down to release energy
a) one ATP molecule must be added to glucose
b) two ATP molecules must be added to glucose
c) two phosphate groups must be added to glucose
d) one ATP molecule must be removed from glucose
e) two ATP molecules must be removed from glucose
__ 2. The amount of energy released from a glucose molecule is dependent on what happens to
a) carbon atoms
b) oxygen atoms
c) electrons
d) phosphorus atoms
e) water molecules
__ 3. Glycolysis would quickly halt if the process ran out of ___________, which serves as the
electron acceptor.
b) ADP
c) NAD
d) water
e) none of these
__ 4. Glycolysis
a) takes place in the mitochondria
b) only happens to glucose
c) is the first step in the breakdown of glucose
d) results in the formation of pyruvates
e) both C and D, but not A or B
__ 5. The net yield per molecule of glucose used during glycolysis is
a) one ATP
b) two ATP
c) four ATP
d) thirty-six ATP
e) thirty-eight ATP
__ 6. Pyruvate can be regarded as the end product of
a) glycolysis
b) acetyl CoA formation
c) fermentation
d) the Kreb’s cycle
e) none of these
True - False
Short Answer
Multiple Choice
__ 7. Under anaerobic conditions muscle cells produce
a) ethanol
b) acetaldehyde
c) pyruvate
d) lactic acid
e) citric acid
__ 8. If fermentation follows glycolysis,
a) carbon dioxide will be one of the products as pyruvate is converted to lactate
b) the two NADH molecules produced during glycolysis will be used to reduce pyruvic acid to either lactic
acid or ethanol and carbon dioxide.
c) oxidative phosphorylation occurs either on the plasma membrane or on derivatives of the plasma
__ 9. Which of the following liberates the most energy?
a) aerobic respiration
b) alcoholic fermentation
c) lactate fermentation
d) all of these are the same
True - False
Short Answer
Kreb’s TCA cycle
Multiple Choice
__ 10. The Kreb’s cycle takes place in the
a) ribosomes
b) centromeres
c) cytoplasm
d) mitochondria
e) plastids
__ 11. The breakdown of pyruvate by the Kreb’s cycle results in the production of
a) ATP
b) carbon dioxide
c) oxygen
e) all except C
__ 12. To completely break down a glucose molecule requires _______ trips around the Kreb’s
a) two
b) three
c) four
d) six
e) twelve
__ 13. The last intermediate produced in the Kreb’s cycle is
a) pyruvate
b) acetyl CoA
c) fructose diphosphate
d) oxaloacetate
e) citrate
__ 14. Which of the following serves as a bridge from glycolysis to the Kreb’s cycle?
a) acetyl CoA formation
b) the conversion of phosphoenolpyruvate to pyruvate
c) the regeneration of NAD
d) chemiosmotic coupling
e) none of these
True - False
Short Answer
Electron transport & Oxidative Phosphorylation
Multiple Choice
__ 15. If the organism is performing aerobic respiration, it uses _____________ as the final
electron acceptor.
a) hydrogen
b) carbon
c) water
d) oxygen
e) NAD
__ 16. The greatest number of ATP molecules are produced in
a) glycolysis
b) alcoholic fermentation
c) anaerobic electron transport
d) Kreb’s cycle
e) electron transport and oxidative phosphorylation
__ 17. When glucose is used as an energy source, the largest amount of ATP is produced:
a) glycolysis
b) acetyl CoA formation
c) the Kreb’s cycle
d) electron transport oxidative phosphorylation
e) none of the above
__ 18. The ultimate electron acceptor in aerobic respiration is:
b) carbon dioxide
c) water
d) oxygen
e) ATP
__ 19. The free energy released when electrons are passed from _________ to __________ is
used to generate ATP in respiration.
a) NADH : oxygen
b) pyruvic acid : acetyl CoA
c) FADH : oxygen
d) glucose : carbon dioxide
e) organic compound : NAD
__ 20. During electron transport, _____ ions accumulate in the outside of the inner mitochondrial
a) calcium
b) hydrogen
c) oxygen
d) protons
e) sodium
__ 21. Each NADH produced in the Kreb’s cycle yields ______ molecules of ATP during electron
transport and oxidative phosphorylation.
a) two
b) three
c) tour
d) six
e) either 2 or 3
__ 22. Compared to FADH2, energy produced from NADH is
a) one-half as much
b) two-thirds as much
c) the same
d) three-halves more
e) twice as much
__ 23. The efficiency of the complete aerobic breakdown of a molecule of glucose is approximately
____ percent
a) five
b) twenty
c) thirty three
d) eighty
e) one hundred
True - False
Short Answer
Non-carbohydrate metabolism
Multiple Choice
__ 24. Deaminatiion is a step in the utilization of
a) carbohydrates
b) lipids
c) amino acids
d) nucleic acids
e) fats
__ 25. The beta-oxidation pathway is involved in the breakdown of
a) carbohydrates
b) lipids
c) amino acids
d) nucleic acids
e) fats
True - False
Short Answer
__ 26. At the end of glycolysis, the original carbons of the glucose molecule form:
a) six molecules of carbon dioxide.
b) two molecules of NADH.
c) two molecules of pyruvic acid.
d) two molecules of citric acid.
e) two molecules of fructose.
__ 27. The anaerobic breakdown of glucose is called:
a) Fermentation
b) Respiration
c) Phosphorylation
d) Chemosmosis
e) Glycoysis
__ 28. What results if glucose is metabolized under completely anaerobic conditions?
a) Pyruvate immediately enters the Krebs cycle.
b) Pyruvate is converted by fermentation into CO2 and ethanol or lactic acid.
c) Pyruvate is converted back to fructose until the concentration of oxygen increases.
d) Pyruvate leaves the cytosol and enters the mitochondrial matrix.
e) Pyruvate is converted to NADH.
__ 29. During glycolysis, what is the net gain of ATP molecules produced?
a) 2
b) 4
c) 34
d) 36
e) 38
__ 30. Which event occurs in the cytosol of a cell undergoing glucose metabolism?
a) Krebs (citric acid) cycle
b) Electron transport
c) chemiosmosis
d) Acetyl-CoA formation
e) Glycolysis
__ 31. Where does fermentation occur within a cell undergoing anaerobic metabolism of glucose?
a) Surface of cell membrane
b) Stroma of chloroplast
c) Mitochondrial matrix
d) Cytoplasm
e) Nucleus
__ 32. You are playing a long tennis match and your muscles begin to switch to anaerobic
respiration. Which of the following is NOT a bad consequence?
a) Your cells convert NADH to NAD+.
b) Lactic acid is produced.
c) ATP production declines.
d) Oxygen debt increases.
e) All of these ARE problems.
__ 33. After fermentation, lactic acid is converted to pyruvic acid in the:
a) Blood stream
b) Liver
c) Muscles
d) Heart
e) Lungs
__ 34. What is the significance of the conversion of pyruvic acid to lactic acid during fermentation?
a) Pyruvic acid becomes available to enter matrix reactions.
b) The citric acid cycle is initiated.
c) NAD+ is regenerated for use in glycolysis.
d) The oxidation of pyruvic acid becomes possible.
e) ATP is produced.
__ 35. In vertebrate animal cells, where does the synthesis of lactic acid occur?
a) Cytosol
b) Surface of ribosomes
c) Mitochondrial matrix
d) Mitochondrial inner membranes
e) Nucleus
__ 36. How does one account for the bubbles that "tickle your nose" when one drinks a glass of
a) Bubbles of CO2 are trapped due to the chemistry of aerobic respiration by yeast cells.
b) Lactic acid fermentation accounts for the bubbles in a bottle of sparkling wine such as champagne.
c) The champagne was bottled while the yeast were still alive and fermenting, so bubbles of CO2 were
d) The bubbles are simply air bubbles which resulted from the wine-making process.
e) The bubbles were formed by the yeast cells during glycolysis.
__ 37. Strenuous exercise increases CO2 production. Specifically, where is the CO2 coming from?
a) glycolysis
b) C3 cycle
c) Krebs cycle
d) chemiosmosis
e) fermentation
__ 38. How do fatigued human muscle cells repay an "oxygen debt"?
a) Cells produce more oxygen.
b) The cells convert glucose into pyruvic acid.
c) The tired cells increase production of ATP.
d) The cells decrease CO2 production.
e) Lactic acid is converted back into pyruvic acid by the cells.
__ 39. Which of the following statements is true of glycolysis followed by fermentation?
a) It produces a net gain of ATP.
b) It produces a net gain of NADH.
c) It is an aerobic process.
d) It can be performed only by bacteria.
e) It produces more ATP than aerobic respiration.
__ 40. Which kind of metabolic poison would interfere with glycolysis?
a) An agent that reacts with oxygen and depletes its concentration in the cell.
b) An agent that binds to pyruvate and inactivates it.
c) An agent that closely mimics the structure of glucose, but is not capable of being metabolized.
d) An agent that reacts with NADH and oxidizes it to NAD+.
e) An agent that inhibits the formation of acetyl coenzyme A.
__ 41. ATP is
a) a short-term, energy-storage compound.
b) the cell's principle compound for energy transfers.
c) synthesized within mitochondria.
d) the molecule all living cell rely on to do work.
e) all of the above.
__ 42. The end product of glycolysis is
a) pyruvate.
b) the starting point for the citric acid cycle.
c) the starting point for the fermentation pathway.
d) a and b.
e) a, b and c.
__ 43. In the first reaction of glycolysis, glucose receives a phosphate group from ATP. This
reaction is
a) respiration.
b) fermentation.
c) exergonic.
d) endergonic.
e) none of the above.
__ 44. For bacteria to continue growing rapidly when they are shifted from an environment
containing oxygen to an anaerobic environment, they must
a) increase the rate of the citric acid cycle.
b) produce more ATP per mole of glucose during glycolysis.
c) produce ATP using NADH.
d) increase the rate of transport of electrons down the respiratory chain.
e) increase the rate of glycolytic reactions.
__ 45. During the fermentation of one molecule of glucose, the net production of ATP is
a) one molecule.
b) two molecules.
c) three molecules.
d) six molecules.
e) eight molecules.
__ 46. In human cells (muscle cells) the fermentation process produces
a) lactic acid.
b) 12 molecules of ATP.
c) glucose-1-phosphate.
d) an excessive amount of energy.
e) acetyl coA.
__ 47. Products of the fermentation process can include
a) carbon dioxide
b) ethanol
c) lactic acid
d) all of the above
e) none of the above
__ 48. During which part of aerobic respiration is the oxygen actually used?
a) Glycolysis
b) Fermentation
c) Krebs cycle
d) Conversion of pyruvic acid to acetyl CoA
e) Electron transport system
__ 49. Why do you breathe more heavily during exercise?
a) because your cells need more O2
b) because your cells are producing more CO2
c) because your cells need more glucose
d) a and b
e) all of the above
__ 50. The most ATP is produced
a) Glycolysis
b) Krebs Cycle
c) ETS
__ 51. Occur(s) in the cytoplasm
a) Glycolysis
b) Krebs Cycle
c) ETS
d) All of these
e) None of these
f) No ATP is produced
__ 52. Occur(s) in a membrane
a) Glycolysis
b) Krebs Cycle
c) ETS
d) All of these
e) None of these
f) No ATP is produced
__ 53. Requires oxygen directly
a) Glycolysis
b) Krebs Cycle
c) ETS
d) All of these
e) None of these
f) No ATP is produced
__ 54. Requires enzymes
a) Glycolysis
b) Krebs Cycle
c) ETS
d) All of these
e) None of these
f) No ATP is produced
__ 55. ATP synthesizing enzymes
a) Glycolysis
b) Krebs Cycle
c) ETS
d) All of these
e) None of these
f) No ATP is produced
__ 56. Chemiosmosis
a) Glycolysis
b) Krebs Cycle
c) ETS
d) All of these
e) None of these
f) No ATP is produced
__ 57. CO2 is produced
a) Glycolysis
b) Krebs Cycle
c) ETS
d) All of these
e) None of these
f) No ATP is produced
__ 58. Glucose is synthesized
a) Glycolysis
b) Krebs Cycle
c) ETS
d) All of these
e) None of these
f) No ATP is produced
__ 59. Involves the citric acid cycle
a) Glycolysis
b) Krebs Cycle
c) ETS
d) All of these
e) None of these
f) No ATP is produced
__ 60. Occur(s) in plants
a) Glycolysis
b) Krebs Cycle
c) ETS
d) All of these
e) None of these
f) No ATP is produced
__ 61. The metabolic breakdown of one molecule of glucose harvests the greatest amount of
energy during:
a) Glycolysis
b) Krebs cycle
c) Matrix reactions
d) Fermentation
e) Electron transport
__ 62. Each turn of the Krebs cycle (including the intermediate reaction) produces ____ CO2
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
e) 5
__ 63. Where does the synthesis of pyruvic acid occur during glycolysis?
a) Cristae
b) Ribosomes
c) Matrix
d) Intermembrane compartment
e) Cytosol
__ 64. Which of the following is an example of an electron carrier molecule?
a) Citric acid
b) CO2
c) Acetyl CoA
e) ATP
__ 65. The electron transport chain receives electrons directly from:
b) FADH2
c) ATP
d) a and b
e) All of these
__ 66. In the matrix reactions, what happens to the original carbons in pyruvic acid?
a) They form the backbone chain of citric acid.
b) They form the ring structure of oxaloacetic acid.
c) They are incorporated into molecules of NADH and FADH2.
d) They end up in molecules of CO2.
e) They form glucose.
__ 67. Chemiosmosis in mitochondria directly results in the synthesis of:
b) FADH2
c) H2O
d) CoA
e) ATP
__ 68. What is the final electron acceptor in cellular respiration?
a) ATP
c) Carbon dioxide
d) Oxygen
e) FADH2
__ 69. In the matrix, oxygen combines with ______ to form ______.
a) electrons; water
b) hydrogen ions; water
c) electrons and hydrogen ions; water
d) carbon; CO2
electrons and carbon; CO2
__ 70. The cells of which of these organs undergo aerobic respiration?
a) heart
b) lungs
c) skin
d) kidneys
e) all of these
__ 71. Oxygen is necessary for cellular respiration because oxygen:
a) Combines with electrons and hydrogen ions to form water
b) Combines with carbon to form carbon dioxide
c) Combines with carbon dioxide and water to form glucose
d) Reduces glucose to form carbon dioxide and water
e) Combines with electrons to form CO2
__ 72. When oxygen is present:
a) Most cells utilize aerobic cellular respiration
b) Most animal cells will carry on fermentation and produce lactic acid
c) Most bacteria and yeasts carry on fermentation
d) Two ATP molecules are produced for each glucose molecule
e) Most animals will convert CO2 to glucose
__ 73. ATP can be used to drive nonspontaneous reactions because
a) nonspontaneous reactions are exergonic.
b) the breakdown of ATP to ADP is exergonic.
c) the breakdown of ATP to ADP is endergonic.
d) when ATP is broken down to ADP, phosphate is released.
e) ADP possesses more free energy than ATP.
__ 74. The portion of aerobic respiration that produces the most ATP per molecule of glucose is
a) chemiosmosis.
b) the citric acid cycle.
c) glycolysis.
d) lactic acid fermentation.
e) alcohol fermentation.
__ 75. In yeast, if the electron transport system is shut down because of a lack of oxygen,
glycolysis will probably
a) shut down.
b) increase.
c) produce more ATP per molecule of glucose.
d) produce more NADH per molecule of glucose.
e) produce more acetyl coenzyme A.
__ 76. As a biker pumps up a hill to the finish line of a race, his leg muscles are most likely
a) using cellular respiration to produce maximal ATP levels.
b) using more oxygen for maximal ATP production.
c) using lactic acid fermentation for ATP production.
d) both a and b.
e) all of the above.
__ 77. Which parts of the mitochondria are directly involved in the synthesis of ATP?
a) matrix
b) inner mitochondrial membrane
c) outer mitochondrial membrane
d) a and b
e) a and c
f) a, b and c
__ 78. Which of the following most closely matches the correct order of main events of cellular
a) glycolysis, pyruvate enters mitochondrion, Krebs cycle, major ATP production, electron transport
b) glycolysis, major ATP production, pyruvate enters mitochondrion, electron transport, Krebs cycle
c) glycolysis, Krebs cycle, electrons transport system, major ATP production
d) Krebs cycle, electron transport, major ATP production, glycolysis
e) major ATP production, pyruvate enters mitochondrion, Krebs cycle, electron transport
__ 79. The major products of the Krebs cycle includes
a) ATP
b) carbon dioxide
c) electron carriers
d) b and e only
e) all of the above
__ 80. Under normal aerobic conditions, which of the following increases in the human body?
a) ATP
b) CO2
c) Water
d) a and b
e) All of the above
__ 81. The part of a mitochondrion that structurally compares to the stroma of a chloroplast is the:
a) Grana
b) Matrix
c) Thylakoids
d) Cristae
e) Outer membrane
__ 82. The cristae of the mitochondria can be compared functionally to the thylakoid membranes
of the chloroplast because both contain a system for:
a) Enzyme synthesis
b) Pyruvate production
c) Glucose synthesis
d) Anaerobic respiration
e) Electron transport
__ 83. Chemiosmosis links a hydrogen gradient to the production of ATP.
a) True
b) False
__ 84. Carbon dioxide is considered a waste product of cellular respiration.
a) True
b) False
__ 85. Glycolysis and the Krebs cycle reactions occur in the mitochondria.
a) True
b) False
__ 86. The process of fermentation is energetically more efficient than cellular respiration.
a) True
b) False
__ 87. Some bacteria are strict aerobes and others are strict anaerobes. Some bacteria, however,
are facultative anaerobes and can live with or without oxygen. If given the choice of using
oxygen or not, which should a facultative anaerobe perform?
a) Use oxygen since aerobic metabolism provides more ATP per molecule of carbohydrate broken down
than anaerobic metabolism.
b) Not use oxygen since it is a facultative anaerobe, it doesn't tolerate oxygen well.
c) Use oxygen because aerobic metabolism is easier.
d) It doesn't matter; both process will produce the same results.
__ 88. Which of the following molecules can enter the citric acid cycle?
a) proteins
b) amino acids
c) fatty acids
d) pyruvate
e) all of the choices are correct
__ 89. Which of the following molecules is NOT oxidized during the citric acid cycle?
b) CO2
c) FADH2
d) none of these are oxidized during the citric acid cycle
__ 90. Which of these processes occurs in the cytosol?
a) the citric acid cycle
b) glycolysis
c) the electron transport system
d) the transition reaction
__ 91. Complete oxidative breakdown of glucose results in ______ ATP molecules.
a) 2
b) 4
c) 32
d) 36
e) 39
__ 92. The prepartory reaction breaks
a) glucose into pyruvates.
b) pyruvates into glucose.
c) pyruvates into acetyl-CoA and carbon dioxide.
d) pyruvates into acetyl-CoA and water.
e) acetyl CoA into pyruvates and carbon dioxide.
__ 93. The first reaction in the citric acid cycle is binding
a) carbon dioxide to a four-carbon (C4) molecule.
b) carbon dioxide to a five-carbon (C5) molecule.
c) acetyl-CoA to a C4 molecule.
d) acetyl-CoA to a C5 molecule.
__ 94. Cellular respiration yields about ____ of the energy of glucose in ATP molecules.
a) 2%
b) 15%
c) 28%
d) 39%
__ 95. The process based on the Greek root words for "sugar" and "lysis" is
a) metabolism.
b) glycolysis.
c) phosphorylation.
d) fermentation.
e) chemiosmosis.
__ 96. The first process in breaking down glucose is
a) the citric acid cycle.
b) glycolysis.
c) the electron transport system.
d) fermentation.
e) the preparatory reaction.
__ 97. Which process produces both NADH and FADH2?
a) the citric acid cycle
b) glycolysis
c) the electron transport system
d) fermentation
e) the preparatory reaction
__ 98. Which process produces alcohol or lactate?
a) the citric acid cycle
b) glycolysis
c) the electron transport system
d) fermentation
e) the preparatory reaction
__ 99. Which process reduces molecular oxygen to water?
a) the citric acid cycle
b) glycolysis
c) the electron transport system
d) fermentation
e) the preparatory reaction
__ 100. Which process involves chemiosmotic phosphorylation?
a) the citric acid cycle
b) glycolysis
c) the electron transport system
d) fermentation
e) the preparatory reaction
__ 101. Which of the following produces the most electron carriers for the electron transport
a) glycolysis
b) fermentation
c) Kreb’s TCA cycle
d) oxidative phosphorylation
__ 102. Which connects glycolysis with the final stages of the aerobic pathways?
a) the citric acid cycle
b) glycolysis
c) the electron transport system
d) fermentation
e) the preparatory reaction
__ 103. Some desert beetles can live out their life without ever drinking liquid water. They survive
on "metabolic water," which
a) was produced as water in the organisms they eat.
b) is absorbed from the air along with respiratory oxygen.
c) is a breakdown product of pyruvate, along with carbon dioxide inside the mitochondria.
d) is a breakdown product from glycolysis in the cytoplasm.
e) is an original storehouse of water that is never allowed to pass out the cell membrane.
__ 104. The large number of ATPs produced are
a) embedded in the cristae membranes and diffuse both directions.
b) inside the mitochondria matrix and diffuse out through the membrane.
c) inside the mitochondria matrix and leave through a channel protein.
d) outside the mitochondria and diffuse in through the membrane.
e) outside the mitochondria and enter through a channel protein.
__ 105. The enzymes of the electron transport chain are bound to the surface of the cristae. The
cristae are folded inward in order to
a) decrease the intermembrane space.
b) increase diffusion surface for glycolysis.
c) separate the products from the substrate in the citric acid cycle.
d) form battery-like "cells" for the electron transport chain.
e) increase surface area for the electron transport chain
__ 106. Compared with other cell components (organelles, cell membrane or nucleus), the
mitochondria would be the only fraction that would
a) form an electrochemical gradient across a membrane.
b) use significant amounts of oxygen.
c) use a chemiosmotic complex to produce ATP.
d) produce ATP via glycolysis.
e) release protons (H+).
__ 107. One turn of the citric acid cycle produces
a) 2 NADH, 2 FADH2, 2 ATP.
b) 3 NADH, 1 FADH2, 1 ATP.
c) 1 NADH, 3 FADH2, 2 ATP.
d) 3 NADH, 2 FADH2, 1 ATP.
e) 3 NADH, 1 FADH2, 2 ATP.
__ 108. Acetyl-CoA is produced from
a) pyruvate and a coenzyme.
b) citric acid and a coenzyme.
c) ATP and pyruvate.
d) CO2 and pyruvate.
e) citric acid and CO2.
__ 109. The carbon dioxide we exhale is produced in
a) glycolysis.
b) the electron transport system.
c) lactate fermentation.
d) the citric acid cycle.
__ 110. The primary energy carrier between the citric acid cycle and the electron transport system
a) NADH.
b) ADP.
c) FADH2.
d) H2O.
e) CO2.
__ 111. About _____ of the energy in the glucose molecule is captured in ATP through the
reactions of cellular respiration.
a) 12%
b) 26%
c) 39%
d) 57%
e) 84%
__ 112. Which process must occur before fermentation?
a) the citric acid cycle
b) glycolysis
c) the electron transport system
d) fermentation
e) the preparatory reaction
__ 113. Why would an organism utilize fermentation if it was wasteful of the energy in food
molecules and posed the threat of killing itself with high levels of toxic alcohol?
a) The organism can survive short spells of anaerobic conditions and maintain growth and reproduction.
b) If glucose levels are not high, there may be time to disperse the alcohol "waste."
c) Fermentation can provide a rapid burst of ATP since it does not have to go through the full breakdown
d) All of the choices are advantages.
e) None of the choices is an advantage; anaerobes only survive where aerobes cannot.
__ 114. The critical factor driving yeasts to use fermentation to metabolize sugar is
a) inability to carry on glycolysis.
b) lack of oxygen.
c) lack of any enzymes.
d) that yeast is intolerant to alcohol.
e) that yeasts can secure 38 ATP molecules from fermentation.
__ 115. Which of these pairs of processes are anaerobic?
a) fermentation and glycolysis
b) fermentation and the citric acid cycle
c) glycolysis and the citric acid cycle
d) the citric acid cycle and the electron transport system
e) glycolysis and the electron transport system
__ 116. The energy stored in 36 ATP molecules produced by aerobic respiration is 39 percent of
the energy available in a six-carbon glucose and the other 61% of the glucose bond energy
is lost. The respiration of an 18-carbon fatty acid produces 216 ATP. We can expect that
a) the degradation of a fatty acid is totally unrelated to the citric acid cycle.
b) six times as much energy was stored in this molecule but also a similar proportion is lost.
c) because the molecules are so large, fats are an inefficient form of stored energy.
d) this respiration pathway must occur in some cell organelle besides the mitochondrion.
__ 117. Degradative reactions
a) cause death.
b) can drive anabolism.
c) tend to be endergonic.
d) include the buildup of products such as complex proteins and nucleic acids.
e) All of the choices are true.
__ 118. For fatty acids to be able to enter the pathways of cellular respiration, they must be
a) deaminated.
b) combined with glycerol.
c) combined with ATP.
d) broken into acetyl groups.
e) be converted into five-carbon sugars.
__ 119. Adult humans cannot synthesize _____ out of _____ amino acids.
a) eleven, twenty
b) nine, eleven
c) nine, twenty
d) any, twenty
e) half, all
__ 120. The amino acids we cannot synthesize are called _____ because we _____.
a) unnecessary, therefore do not need them
b) limiting, must include them in our diet
c) anabolic, must use alternative amino acids
d) essential, must include them in our diet.
e) superfluous, must survive without them.
__ 121. The end products of eukaryotic cellular aerobic respiration include(s)
a) carbon dioxide.
b) water.
c) ATP.
d) All of the choices are correct.
__ 122. The correct sequence for aerobic metabolic breakdown of glucose is
a) glycolysis—preparatory reaction--cirtric acid cycle--electron transport system
b) preparatory reaction --glycolysis---electron transport--citric acid cycle
c) electron transport system--citric acid cycle--- preparatory reaction --glycolysis
d) None of the choices are correct.
__ 123. Where is the electron transport chain located in the mitochondrion?
a) ribosomes
b) cytochrome system
c) outer membrane
d) inner membrane
e) matrix
__ 124. Of the following processes which does not require oxygen to occur?
a) electron transport system
b) preparatory
c) glycolysis
d) citric acid cycle
__ 125. Which of the following is the most electronegative?
a) oxygen
b) water
d) FADH2
e) electron transport chain
__ 126. Which of the following is least electronegative?
a) oxygen
c) FADH2
d) electron transport chain
__ 127. The end product of glycolysis
a) is pyruvate in aerobic respiration.
b) can form alcohol and/or lactate if fermentation occurs.
c) nets the cell 2 ATP.
d) All of the choices are correct.
__ 128. For aerobic respiration to occur
a) pyruvate must be transported to the mitochondrion.
b) oxygen must be available to the mitochondrion.
c) hydrogen ions released from the breakdown of pyruvate must be carried to the electron transport system.
d) All of the choices are correct.
__ 129. The citric acid cycle
a) must occur twice for each glucose molecule metabolized.
b) produces 2 ATP directly from the cycle intermediates.
c) produces 4 carbon dioxide molecules per glucose molecule.
d) All of the choices are correct.
__ 130. The electron transport system produces ______ATP from each NADH and/or
_________ATP from each flavin mononucleotide entering the system.
a) 4; 2
b) 3; 2
c) 2: 4
d) 2; 3
__ 131. Organisms that can undergo aerobic metabolism and fermentation have more enzymes
than those organisms that cannot undergo fermentation.
a) True
b) False
__ 132. The preparatory reaction involves the oxidation of pyruvate and the reduction of NAD+.
a) True
b) False
__ 133. Active cells must continually produce ATP.
a) True
b) False
__ 134. The most efficient pathway for ATP production in animal cells is by glycolysis.
a) True
b) False
__ 135. Metabolism of fats produces more ATP molecules per gram than metabolism of
carbohydrates or proteins.
a) True
b) False
__ 136. The final electron acceptor in glycolysis is oxygen.
a) True
b) False
__ 137. The carrier molecules of the electron transport system are located in the cytosol.
a) True
b) False
__ 138. Glycolysis is linked to the citric acid cycle when oxygen is not available.
a) True
b) False
__ 139. Fermentation follows glycolysis in some cells when oxygen is not available.
a) True
b) False
__ 140. The highest concentration of hydrogen ions in the mitochondria is in the intermembrane
a) True
b) False
__ 141. Because NAD+ and FAD are critical coenzymes in cellular respiration, huge quantities must
be synthesized in the cell to ensure there is no shortage.
a) True
b) False
__ 142. Each molecule of NADH produced in the mitochondria provides the energy for two ATP
a) True
b) False
__ 143. The breakdown of glucose in cellular respiration is a catabolic reaction.
a) True
b) False
__ 144. All of the molecules available for biosynthesis constitute the metabolic pool.
a) True
b) False
__ 145. Fermentation is the process that produces bubbles of carbon dioxide that makes bread
dough rise.
a) True
b) False
__ 146. Glycolysis and fermentation are thought to be older processes than the electron transport
system and the citric acid cycle.
a) True
b) False
__ 147. Fermentation is the process that causes your muscles to be sore after a long, strenuous
a) True
b) False
__ 148. The final electron acceptor in the electron transport system is oxygen.
a) True
b) False
__ 149. Photosynthesis is the most abundant form of anabolic metabolism in life.
a) True
b) False
__ 150. The totality of metabolism in humans must include both anabolism and catabolism.
a) True
b) False
__ 151. Explain why the process of glycolysis and cellular respiration releases the energy of
glucose in small quantities rather than all at once.
__ 152. A little knowledge is sometimes a dangerous thing. For instance, the overall equation for
cellular respiration of sugar is essentially the same as for taking a match and burning a sugar
cube! Some people believe "spontaneous human combustion" is a simple runaway of normal
cell processes. From your study of both cellular respiration, and the tissue environment of
cells, why would scientists question the existence of "spontaneous human combustion" and
not even consider the idea that it is linked to cellular respiration?
__ 153. Describe how the processes of photosynthesis and cellular respiration are linked, and what
aspects they have in common.
__ 154. List and describe the four processes in the oxidation of glucose to carbon dioxide and
__ 155. Discuss the differences in actions, locations, products, and energy yield of anaerobic and
aerobic breakdown of glucose.
__ 156. Describe what fermentation is and how it is different in animals versus yeast.
__ 157. Explain how fermentation is useful in humans, and why most of the body's glucose
breakdown is done using the aerobic pathway.
__ 158. Discuss what the metabolic pool is and its links to cellular respiration and biosynthesis.
__ 159. In the process of cellular respiration, a molecule of __________ is completely broken
down to form __________, __________, and __________.
__ 160. Louis Pasteur (a french Biochemist) investigated the metabolism of yeast which can
survive under aerobic or anaerobic conditions. He observed that the yeast consumed sugar
at a much faster rate under anaerobic conditions that it did under aerobic conditions. Explain
this Pasteur effect.
__ 161. You are running five miles to get some exercise. Describe how your muscle cells are
getting energy. Discuss the processes involved and detail the differences that will occur at
the start of your run and toward the end of your run.
__ 162. Briefly describe the three main steps of aerobic glucose metabolism.
__ 163. Respiration rates are measured by the amount of oxygen per gram of tissue and it was
determined that a warm blooded mouse has 2.5 ml O2/gram tissue/hour whereas a cold
blooded crayfish has a 0.047 ml O2/gram tissue/hour. Why is there such a dramatic
__ 164. In the 1940s, some physicians prescribed low doses of a drug called dinitrophenol to help
patients lose weight. This unsafe method was abandoned after a few patients died. DNP
uncouples the chemiosomotic machinery by making the lipid bilayer of the inner
mitochondrial membrane leaky to hydrogen ions. Explain how this causes weight loss.
__ 165. Explain the relationship among the respiratory system, the circulatory system, and cellular
respiration. How are they tied together?
__ 166. ________________________ is a series of reactions, occurring under aerobic conditions,
in which large amounts of ATP are produced.
__ 167. Most of the ATP produced during cellular respiration is generated in the _____________
after the movement of hydrogen ions through ATP-synthesizing proteins in the inner
membrane of the mitochondrion.
__ 168. ______________________ is the process by which hydrogen ions move via a
concentration gradient through ATP-synthesizing enzymes resulting in the production of ATP.
__ 169. Briefly compare and contrast the processes of cellular respiration and photosynthesis.
__ 170. How does the lack of oxygen influence energy availability in animals?
__ 171. Most of the energy produced by the breakdown of glucose is released as ____________
and the remaining energy is converted to __________.
__ 172. The organelles responsible for the bulk of ATP production in cellular respiration are the
__ 173. How does Baker's yeast in bread dough make the bread rise?
__ 174. Why is it important to regenerate NAD+ molecules during fermentation?
__ 175. __________ is the only state in glucose metabolism that does not require oxygen to
__ 176. Two possible end products of fermentation are __________ as is produced by our muscle
cell under anaerobic conditions and __________ by yeast under anaerobic conditions.
__ 177. The conversion of glucose to lactic acid is a form of _____________________.
__ 178. Yeast in a bottle of champagne produce _______________ and _________________.