SCHISTOSOMIASIS RESEARCH PROJECT EPI 123 FINAL ANALYSIS REPORT ROUND ONE DATA FAYOUM GOVERNORATE SUBMITTED : TO SECRETARIAT OF SRP BY CORE TEAM Members of The Core Team: Prof. Dr. Mohamed Hasan Husein, PI Prof. F. DeWolfe Miller, USA Collaborator Dr. Medhat Kamal ElSayed, Deputy PI Dr. Maha Talaat, Co-PI Prof. Dr. Amal El-Badawy, Co-PI Prepared by: Prof. Dr. Amal El-Badawy TABLE OF CONTENT INTRODUCTION ....................................................... OBJECTIVES ................................................... SAMPLE DESIGN AND SAMPLE SELECTION ........................... DATA COLLECTION AND DATA RECORDING ........................... DATA ANALYSIS ................................................ DROP OUT RATES ............................................... COMMENTS ..................................................... 1 1 2 2 3 5 6 RESULTS ............................................................ TESTING SAMPLE VERSUS TOTAL CENSUS ........................... OBJECTIVE EPI 1 .............................................. PREVALENCE OF S. haematobium IN URINE AND GEOMETRIC MEAN EGG COUNT IN DIFFERENT EZBAS OR SATELLITES ... PREVALENCE OF S. haematobium IN URINE AND GEOMETRIC MEAN EGG COUNT BY DISTRICT .............. AGE AND SEX DISTRIBUTION OF S. haematobium IN URINE AND GEOMETRIC MEAN EGG COUNT ...................... AGE AND SEX DISTRIBUTION OF S. haematobium AND GEOMETRIC MEAN EGG COUNT .......................... PREVALENCE OF S. haematobium IN URINE AND GEOMETRIC MEAN EGG COUNT BY LEVEL OF EDUCATION .............. PREVALENCE OF S. haematobium IN URINE AND GEOMETRIC MEAN EGG COUNT BY OCCUPATION ...................... PREVALENCE OF S. haematobium IN URINE AND GEOMETRIC MEAN EGG COUNT BY HISTORY OF PREVIOUS TREATMENT FOR BILHARZIASIS .................................. PREVALENCE OF S. haematobium IN URINE AND GEOMETRIC MEAN EGG COUNT BY HISTORY OF PREVIOUS INFECTION WITH BILHARZIASIS ................................. PREVALENCE OF S. haematobium IN URINE AND GEOMETRIC MEAN EGG COUNT BY BATHING IN CANAL WATER .......... PREVALENCE OF S. haematobium IN URINE AND GEOMETRIC MEAN EGG COUNT BY WASHING IN CANAL WATER .......... PREVALENCE OF S. haematobium IN URINE AND GEOMETRIC MEAN EGG COUNT ACCORDING TO THE DEGREE OF USING CANAL IN WASHING .................................. PREVALENCE OF S. haematobium IN URINE AND GEOMETRIC MEAN EGG COUNT BY PLAYING IN CANAL WATER .......... PREVALENCE OF S. haematobium IN URINE AND GEOMETRIC MEAN EGG COUNT ACCORDING TO THE DEGREE OF PLAYING IN CANAL WATER .................................... PREVALENCE OF S. mansoni IN STOOL AND GEOMETRIC MEAN EGG COUNT IN DIFFERENT EZBAS OR SATELLITES ........ PREVALENCE OF S. mansoni IN STOOL AND GEOMETRIC MEAN EGG COUNT BY DISTRICT ............................. PREVALENCE OF S. mansoni IN STOOL AND GEOMETRIC MEAN EGG COUNT BY AGE AND SEX .......................... AGE AND SEX DISTRIBUTION OF S. mansoni AND GEOMETRIC MEAN EGG COUNT ................................... PREVALENCE OF S. mansoni IN STOOL AND GEOMETRIC MEAN 7 8 10 Analysis Report Fayoum Gov 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 i EGG COUNT BY LEVEL OF EDUCATION ................... PREVALENCE OF S. mansoni IN STOOL AND GEOMETRIC MEAN EGG COUNT BY OCCUPATION ........................... PREVALENCE OF S. mansoni IN STOOL AND GEOMETRIC MEAN EGG COUNT BY HISTORY OF PREVIOUS TREATMENT FOR BILHARZIASIS ...................................... PREVALENCE OF S. mansoni IN STOOL AND GEOMETRIC MEAN EGG COUNT BY HISTORY OF PREVIOUS INFECTION WITH BILHARZIASIS ...................................... PREVALENCE OF S. mansoni IN STOOL AND GEOMETRIC MEAN EGG COUNT BY BATHING IN CANAL WATER ............... PREVALENCE OF S. mansoni IN STOOL AND GEOMETRIC MEAN EGG COUNT BY WASHING IN CANAL WATER ............... PREVALENCE OF S. mansoni IN STOOL AND GEOMETRIC MEAN EGG COUNT ACCORDING TO THE DEGREE OF USING CANAL WATER IN WASHING ...................... PREVALENCE OF S. mansoni IN STOOL AND GEOMETRIC MEAN EGG COUNT BY PLAYING IN CANAL WATER ............... PREVALENCE OF S. mansoni IN STOOL AND GEOMETRIC MEAN EGG COUNT ACCORDING TO THE DEGREE OF PLAYING IN CANAL WATER ....................................... OBJECTIVE EPI 2 .............................................. ENVIRONMENTAL CHARACTERISTICS OF DWELLING UNITS (HOUSES) AND ITS RELATIONSHIP TO SCHISTOSOMIASIS INFECTION INSIDE THE HOUSE ........................ RESULTS OF MULTIPLE REGRESSION ANALYSIS USING STEPWISE METHOD FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CHARACTERISTICS OF HOUSES AND ITS RELATION TO INFECTION INSIDE THE HOUSE ............................................ OBJECTIVE EPI 3 .............................................. DISTRIBUTION OF LIVER FIBROSIS IN THE DIFFERENT EZBAS OR SATELLITES ..................................... AGE SEX DISTRIBUTION OF LIVER FIBROSIS .................. DISTRIBUTION OF LIVER FIBROSIS ACCORDING TO HISTORY OF PREVIOUS INFECTION WITH BILHARZIASIS .............. AGE SEX DISTRIBUTION OF LIVER MORBIDITY ................. Analysis Report Fayoum Gov 30 31 32 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 41 42 43 40 45 46 ii ANALYSIS REPORT FOR EPI 123 FAYOUM GOVERNORATE INTRODUCTION The present document reports on the findings in the data collected for the epidemiological study EPI 123 for the Fayoum Governorate. The field team was lead by Dr. M. Farid Abdel-Wahab. Other members of the field team included Drs. Eman Medhat, Gamal Esmat, Shaker Narooz, Iman Ramzy, and Yasser El-Boraey. The report starts by a brief reminder of the objectives, sample design and data recording. It also includes a description of the direction of analysis with limitations found in the data collected. Finally; the document include the findings tabulated and organized according to the objectives. OBJECTIVES EPI 123 survey was designed to provide epidemiological data about schistosomiasis in Egypt that could be combined with data from other directed research to allow MOH to more effectively control schistosomiasis. The EPI 123 survey, therefore, had three study objectives which were as follows: I. The First Objective (EPI 1): The first objective was to describe the changing patterns of S. haematobium and S. Mansoni infection and intensity of infection independently in each of the nine purposively selected governorates and also to identify major transmission factors that could explain these changes. II. The Second Objective (EPI 2): The second objective was to identify factors that explain the variation in schistosomiasis prevalence and intensity of infection among villages. Analysis Report Fayoum Gov iii III. The Third Objective (EPI 3): The third objective was to describe the public health impact of schistosomiasis morbidity. The ultrasonographic measures of morbidity were the main outcome of interest. Also to identify determinants of this morbidity. SAMPLE DESIGN AND SAMPLE SELECTION In brief, the sample selection; designed to achieve the above stated objectives, was a multi-stage probability sample selection. Within each governorate, villages were selected by stratified random sampling technique. Stratification of villages was made by District. Ezbas (satellites) were selected within each village by a stratified random selection process. Stratification of ezbas within villages was based on the number of houses in each ezba. Houses were selected within each ezba by a systematic random sampling techniques. Finally; all individuals living in the selected houses were recruited in the sample. Individuals living in only 20% of the selected houses were identified for ultrasound and clinical examination. DATA COLLECTION AND DATA RECORDING Data were collected on specially developed data forms. The forms included: . Roster : Considered as a complete list of all individuals selected in the sample. . House : Included environmental data about houses (and dwelling units) selected in the sample. . Person : Included personal demographic data, history of previous infection, previous treatment and water contact behavior. . Stool : There were three stool forms that included data about stool characteristics, schistosomiasis ova count as well as other parasitic infection. . Urine : There were two urine forms for the collection Analysis Report Fayoum Gov 2 of urine data that included the schistosomiasis ova count and dip stick findings in the urine. . Ultrasound: Included data about ultrasound measurements for the liver, spleen and urinary system. . Clinical Included some clinical findings. : Special computer screen data forms were developed in Arabic and English languages to enter data on computers. These forms were complied in a specially developed program. Data entry used the software called EPI INFO 5. DATA ANALYSIS The software called Survey Data Analysis (SUDAAN) was used in the final analysis. This software has the advantage of including the probability of selection and thereby can provide estimate that are representative to the population from which the sample was drawn. It also has the advantage of adjusting for non response. The use of this software was essential because of the complexity of the sample design. Table 1 shows the identified sample distributed by district, village and ezba. The table shows the number of households identified through the sample design in each ezba. Analysis Report Fayoum Gov 3 TABLE 1: DISTRICT ABSHAWAY SENNORES EL-FAYOUM SAMPLE SELECTED VILLAGE Kafr-Abboud Monshaat Sennores Senofar EZBA Kafr-Abboud 92 Abdel-Alim Ibrahim 93 Wahdan 87 Amin Fanous El-Bahria 14 Mohamed Mostafa Osman 12 Senofar El-Wabour TAMIA Khalaf Fayoum Sersena Monshaat Seif El-Nasr 118 46 5 Khalaf Fayoum 79 Shaker 72 Badr-Khan 21 El-Bitar 20 Sersena 100 Abu-Kelib 48 Besseis Mohamed 34 Mahgoub El-Gebali ATSA 110 El-Tamawi Mohamed Genedy ATSA NUMBER OF SAMPLED HOUSES 9 Monshaat Seifel-Nasr 77 El-Kashaf Abdel Gelil 62 Hafaz Hussein 17 Abdel-Hafiz Allak TOTAL SAMPLED HOUSHOLDS Analysis Report Fayoum Gov 5 1151 4 DROP OUT RATES The sample design lead to the identification of 1151 households to be recruited. The number of households actually recruit in the sample was 1210 households. Only 90 households were either found empty or refused co-operation and these represented 7.4% household drop out. The number of individuals living in the households actually recruit were 7733 individuals. Individuals that did not respond to person interview were 550 individuals representing 7.1% person drop out. Of the 7733 individuals, only 2591 individuals did not have stool results representing 33.5% stool drop out and 2509 individuals did not have urine results representing 32.4% urine drop out. The number of individuals identified for ultrasound examination were 1584 individuals. Only 1089 individuals had ultrasound data. Accordingly the drop out rate for ultrasound examination was 31.3%. Table 2 summarizes the drop out rate for different parameters. TABLE 2: DROP OUT RATES ITEM REFERENCE FOR DROP OUT CALCULATION HOUSE SAMPLE OF HOUSEHOLDS 7.4% PERSON INDIVIDUALS IDENTIFIED TO BE LIVING THE RECRUITED HOUSEHOLDS 7.1% STOOL INDIVIDUALS IDENTIFIED TO BE LIVING THE RECRUITED HOUSEHOLDS 33.5% URINE INDIVIDUALS IDENTIFIED TO BE LIVING THE RECRUITED HOUSEHOLDS 32.4% ULTRASOUND INDIVIDUALS SAMPLED FOR ULTRASOUND 31.3% % DROP OUT Analysis Report Fayoum Gov 5 COMMENTS There was limited involvement by the Core design and analysis team in the implementation of the Fayoum field work and data collection phase. This constraint was placed on the Core team at the request of the Fayoum team leaders. The impacted on the study in a number of ways some of which are indicated below. The number of households recruited was more than that identified by the sample selection. The census carried out by the field team was most probably inaccurate especially in small villages. The number of individuals recorded to be living in each households was different in different forms (Roster, House and Person). The drop out rates were only acceptable for house and person data. Stool, urine and ultrasonographic data had a high drop out rates reaching 33.5%, 32.4% and 31.4% respectively. Two villages number 9 and 21 had no ultrasonographic data. RESULTS TESTING SAMPLE VERSUS TOTAL CENSUS The actual sample of individuals were examined for the age and sex distribution. Age groups of five years were used. The age and sex distribution of the whole rural population was obtained from the 1986 census of the Central Agency for Population Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS). This was used as an indication for how far the sample drawn was representative of the population from which it was drawn. Figure 1 shows the age and sex distribution of the actually sampled individuals versus the total census. The figure gives a clear idea for how far the actual sample was representative for the total rural population for the governorate. The largest differences were in the two youngest age groups. The 0 to 4 were under represented and the 5 to 9 were over represented. The large size of these two age groups must also be borne in mind. Analysis Report Fayoum Gov 6 FIGURE 1: TESTING SAMPLE VERSUS RURAL POPULATION 20 18 16 TOTAL CENSUS TOTAL SAMPLE 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 0-4 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60+ Analysis Report Fayoum Gov 7 OBJECTIVE EPI 1 Objective EPI 123 was achieved as a description of the prevalence and intensity of infection for both S. mansoni and S. haematobium according to different parameters. First, the pattern of distribution of the type of infection and its intensity over the governorate will be presented in different ezbas (or satellites). The burden of infection will be described in different age groups, sex, occupation, level of education and according to some water contact behavior (e.g. bathing in canals, washing clothes in canals and playing in canals). Analysis Report Fayoum Gov 8 TABLE 3: PREVALENCE OF S. haematobium IN URINE AND GEOMETRIC MEAN EGG COUNT IN DIFFERENT EZBAS OR SATELLITES VILLAGE / SATELLITE N1 EXAMINED PREV. S.E. GMEC S.E. 10ml URINE % KAFR ABBOUD 557 14.52 0.35 6.37 0.23 EZBET EL-TAMAWI 396 19.26 0.41 11.92 0.47 ABDEL-ALIM IBRAHIM 552 20.51 0.18 10.26 0.14 WAHDAN 426 5.13 0.05 5.05 0.06 AMIN FANOUS EL-BAH 73 0 0 ... MOHAMED MOSTAFA OSMAN 85 3.24 0.09 1.26 0.01 SENOFAR 553 14.06 0.33 10.93 0.36 EZBET MOHAMED GENEDY 229 13.61 0.23 8.85 0.17 19 24.82 0.41 8.21 0.26 EZBET EL-WABOUR KHALAF FAYOUM 340 1.34 0.07 1.70 0.04 EZBET SHAKER 240 5.45 0.12 3.46 0.10 EZBET EL-BITAR 86 0 0 ... EZBET BADR-KHAN 83 4.92 0.20 5.03 0.05 SERSENA 439 6.47 0.27 8.21 0.83 EZBET ABOU-KELIB 170 13.51 0.64 13.81 0.98 EZBET BESSEIS MOHAMED 163 12.34 0.22 26.57 0.89 EZBET MAHGOUB EL-GEBALI 141 26.97 0.31 22.53 0.59 MONSHAAT SEIF EL-NASR 307 27.15 0.30 11.82 0.23 EZBET EL-KASHEF & ABDEL-GELIL ELSE'EDAWY 270 23.11 0.55 23.13 1.05 EZBET HAFEZ HUSSEIN 70 20.28 0.42 13.17 0.23 EZBET ABDEL-HAFIZ ALAK 25 20.51 0.50 16.81 0.78 5224 13.69 1.40 9.95 1.11 TOTAL Analysis Report Fayoum Gov 9 TABLE 4: DISTRICT PREVALENCE OF S. haematobium IN URINE AND GEOMETRIC MEAN EGG COUNT BY DISTRICT NUMBER EXAMINED PREV.% S.E. GMEC S.E. 10ml URINE ABSHAWAY 953 15.16 0.31 7.10 0.22 SENNORAS 1136 14.91 1.31 9.43 0.29 EL-FAYOUM 801 14.11 0.29 10.64 0.31 ATSA 1421 11.46 8.95 13.63 7.38 TAMIA 913 10.08 0.45 14.19 0.70 5224 13.69 1.40 9.95 1.11 TOTAL Analysis Report Fayoum Gov 10 TABLE 5: AGE AND SEX DISTRIBUTION OF S. haematobium IN URINE AND GEOMETRIC MEAN EGG COUNT AGE / SEX N1 EXAMINED PREV. S.E. % 8.16 1.73 6.56 2.87 9.91 2.58 15.24 3.64 14.06 3.90 16.17 4.41 GMEC S.E. 10ml URINE 0-4 TOTAL MALE FEMALE 645 348 297 5-9 TOTAL MALE FEMALE 1097 584 513 18.61 2.58 19.01 2.97 18.14 3.37 12.37 2.38 13.71 3.23 10.93 2.20 10-14 TOTAL MALE FEMALE 807 419 388 24.20 2.16 27.15 2.22 20.90 2.77 10.42 0.69 11.66 1.00 8.85 0.85 15-19 TOTAL MALE FEMALE 519 288 231 18.94 2.47 21.47 3.13 15.29 2.97 10.27 2.28 10.43 2.30 9.95 3.29 20-24 TOTAL MALE FEMALE 349 142 207 17.77 1.05 23.15 2.36 11.15 2.94 9.26 2.05 11.97 2.81 4.79 1.22 25-29 TOTAL MALE FEMALE 337 131 206 10.28 0.84 12.14 1.65 8.52 1.05 5.21 2.32 4.70 2.03 6.00 3.40 30-34 TOTAL MALE FEMALE 260 110 150 7.60 3.13 12.19 5.86 2.12 1.20 17.98 6.72 25.60 5.29 1.59 0.31 35-39 TOTAL MALE FEMALE 263 102 161 5.74 1.44 8.51 4.06 3.24 1.45 4.03 1.46 4.69 1.86 2.81 1.02 40-44 TOTAL MALE FEMALE 208 106 102 11.16 2.23 13.81 1.44 7.38 4.04 3.63 0.95 3.70 1.18 3.45 2.11 45-49 TOTAL MALE FEMALE 165 72 93 3.49 1.76 6.57 3.29 0.60 0.68 2.96 1.56 2.66 1.32 8.74 0.22 50-54 TOTAL MALE FEMALE 164 65 99 8.73 2.39 10.68 4.59 7.16 1.05 5.16 1.21 8.97 7.35 2.65 1.24 55-59 TOTAL MALE FEMALE 125 67 58 3.33 1.84 5.88 3.29 0.21 0.24 8.86 2.63 9.15 2.68 3.00 0 60-64 TOTAL MALE FEMALE 127 50 77 7.50 1.66 7.67 5.06 7.36 2.74 10.03 2.54 6.10 0.89 12.61 2.92 65-69 TOTAL MALE FEMALE 51 27 24 3.66 3.40 6.29 5.21 1.00 0 1.00 0 Analysis Report Fayoum Gov 11 70 + TOTAL MALE FEMALE 107 52 55 1.31 1.34 1.00 0 1.37 0.68 2.41 1.46 0.53 0.58 1.00 0 1.00 0 1.00 0 5224 13.69 1.40 9.95 1.11 MALE 2563 15.75 1.71 10.67 1.49 FEMALE 2661 11.38 1.91 8.94 0.99 TOTAL Analysis Report Fayoum Gov 12 FIGURE 2: AGE AND SEX DISTRIBUTION OF S. haematobium AND GEOMETRIC MEAN EGG COUNT Analysis Report Fayoum Gov 13 TABLE 6: PREVALENCE OF S. haematobium IN URINE AND GEOMETRIC MEAN EGG COUNT BY LEVEL OF EDUCATION N1 EXAMINED PREV. S.E. % PRIMARY 963 14.57 2.07 8.62 1.74 PREPARATORY & SECONDARY 478 12.77 2.53 8.49 1.33 UNIVERSITY 20 7.92 7.02 1.38 0.54 BELOW AGE 1010 11.18 1.92 12.77 3.38 DIDN'T VISIT SCHOOL 2646 15.03 1.89 10.10 1.72 TOTAL 5117 13.92 1.38 9.93 1.11 LEVEL OF EDUCATION GMEC S.E. 10ml URINE Analysis Report Fayoum Gov 14 TABLE 7: PREVALENCE OF S. haematobium IN URINE AND GEOMETRIC MEAN EGG COUNT BY OCCUPATION N1 EXAMINED PREV. S.E. % FARMER 686 18.78 2.19 8.18 1.41 FARMING LABORER 30 22.62 16.76 3.98 0.49 SKILLED LABORER 24 22.46 5.82 6.86 3.57 1319 8.10 1.99 6.66 0.57 PROFESSIONAL 28 0 0 ... CLERK 19 10.10 5.56 3.81 4.61 STUDENT 887 15.17 2.34 9.23 1.47 LABORER 49 20.10 1.80 3.12 0.34 ORZOKI 63 16.58 3.27 28.26 8.41 MERCHANT 11 7.65 8.45 MEKAWEL 2 30.31 29.70 FISHERMEN 4 0 0 ... OTHER JOB 106 8.36 5.53 45.78 23.51 NOT WORKING 250 17.57 2.90 22.01 6.45 NOT APPLIED 1639 15.23 2.09 11.88 1.1 TOTAL 5117 13.92 1.38 OCCUPATION HOUSEWIFE S.E. GMEC 10ml URINE 18.00 0 3.00 0 9.93 1.11 Analysis Report Fayoum Gov 15 TABLE 8: PREVALENCE OF S. haematobium IN URINE AND GEOMETRIC MEAN EGG COUNT BY HISTORY OF PREVIOUS TREATMENT FOR BILHARZIASIS N1 EXAMINED PREV. S.E. % YES 973 15.97 2.06 NO 4051 13.58 1.55 10.27 1.24 90 6.54 2.39 5.75 2.88 5114 13.93 1.38 9.95 1.09 WERE YOU TREATED FOR SCHISTO BEFORE ? DON'T KNOW TOTAL TABLE 9: GMEC S.E. 10ml URINE 9.08 2 PREVALENCE OF S. haematobium IN URINE AND GEOMETRIC MEAN EGG COUNT BY HISTORY OF PREVIOUS INFECTION WITH BILHARZIASIS N1 EXAMINED PREV. S.E. YES 994 15.83 1.98 9.39 1.97 NO 2470 14.45 1.81 10.15 2.16 DON'T KNOW 1650 11.87 1.71 10.05 1.22 TOTAL 5114 13.92 1.38 9.95 1.09 DID YOU GET SCHISTO BEFORE ? % GMEC S.E 10ml URINE Analysis Report Fayoum Gov 16 TABLE 10: PREVALENCE OF S. haematobium IN URINE AND GEOMETRIC MEAN EGG COUNT BY BATHING IN CANAL WATER N1 EXAMINED PREV. S.E. % NO 3413 11.98 1.46 9.65 1.36 < 1 WEEK 325 18.67 4.01 11.20 4.29 1-4 WEEKS 169 18.77 4.11 5.83 2.66 1-12 MONTHS 520 23.70 2.97 12.88 1.63 1 YEAR AND MORE 660 13.29 1.68 9.10 1.11 DON'T REMEMBER 2 0 0 ... OTHER 25 10.15 0.94 2.96 0.30 NOT APPLIED 2 0 0 ... 5116 13.93 1.38 9.94 1.09 LAST TIME TO BATH IN CANAL TOTAL GMEC S.E. 10ml URINE TABLE 11: PREVALENCE OF S. haematobium IN URINE AND GEOMETRIC MEAN EGG COUNT BY WASHING IN CANAL WATER LAST TIME TO WASH CLOTHES IN CANAL N1 EXAMINED PREV. S.E. % GMEC S.E. 10ml URINE NO 3567 14.56 1.50 10.60 1.11 < 1 WEEK 835 16.18 1.99 9.79 2.60 1-4 WEEKS 204 9 2.28 5.70 0.93 1-12 MONTHS 186 14.26 1.47 6.26 1.94 1 YEAR AND MORE 307 5.03 1.29 5.81 1.47 DON'T REMEMBER 0 ... ... OTHER 7 28.60 2.40 4.22 0.77 NOT APPLIED 1 0 0 ... Analysis Report Fayoum Gov 17 TOTAL 5107 13.93 1.38 9.95 1.09 TABLE 12: PREVALENCE OF S. haematobium IN URINE AND GEOMETRIC MEAN EGG COUNT ACCORDING TO THE DEGREE OF USING CANAL IN WASHING DO YOU ALWAYS USE CANAL IN WASHING ? N1 EXAMINED PREV. S.E.% GMEC S.E. 10ml URINE ALWAYS 545 14.55 2.82 6.58 1.47 SOMETIMES 784 12.11 1.35 8.70 0.77 RARELY 167 4.80 1.13 4.77 1.71 NEVER 1 0 0 ... TOTAL 1497 11.93 1.58 7.56 1.09 TABLE 13: PREVALENCE OF S. haematobium IN URINE AND GEOMETRIC MEAN EGG COUNT BY PLAYING IN CANAL WATER LAST TIME TO PLAY IN CANAL N1 EXAMINED PREV. S.E.% GMEC S.E. 10ml URINE NO 3937 12.77 1.40 8.83 1.01 < 1 WEEK 818 17.96 2.25 11.98 2.91 1-4 WEEKS 148 18.76 6.72 14.63 9.37 1-12 MONTHS 160 23.68 4.57 20.07 6.10 1 YEAR AND MORE 34 3.74 3.13 5 0 DON'T REMEMBER 1 0 0 ... OTHER 10 5.75 0.96 2 0 NOT APPLIED 0 ... ... 5108 13.92 1.38 9.93 1.1 TOTAL Analysis Report Fayoum Gov 18 TABLE 14: PREVALENCE OF S. haematobium IN URINE AND GEOMETRIC MEAN EGG COUNT ACCORDING TO THE DEGREE OF PLAYING IN CANAL WATER DO YOU ALWAYS PLAY IN CANAL? N1 EXAMINED PREV. S.E. % GMEC S.E. 10ml URINE ALWAYS 462 20.97 3.27 14.79 2.31 SOMETIMES 608 17.53 2.50 14.24 2.04 RARELY 62 12.49 2.23 5.94 0.61 NEVER 0 ... ... TOTAL 1132 18.44 2.62 13.91 1.89 Analysis Report Fayoum Gov 19 TABLE 15: PREVALENCE OF S. mansoni IN STOOL AND GEOMETRIC MEAN EGG COUNT IN DIFFERENT EZBAS OR SATELLITES VILLAGE / SATELLITE N1 PREV. S.E. EXAMINED % GMEC S.E. /gm STOOL KAFR ABBOUD 542 1.06 0.10 24.40 1.94 EZBET EL-TAMAWI 386 0 0 ... ABDEL-ALIM IBRAHIM 569 8.85 0.12 40.33 0.63 WAHDAN 423 0.30 0.01 12.00 0 AMIN FANOUS EL-BAH 68 0 0 ... MOHAMED MOSTAFA OSMAN 86 1.02 0 ... SENOFAR 555 0.17 0.03 EZBET MOHAMED GENEDY 235 0 0 ... EZBET EL-WABOUR 18 0 0 ... KHALAF FAYOUM 351 25.70 0.29 62.39 1.00 EZBET SHAKER 246 34.30 0.27 48.65 0.45 EZBET EL-BITAR 90 30.79 0.37 47.13 0.88 EZBET BADR-KHAN 80 28.33 0.37 34.71 0.52 SERSENA 425 0.22 0.06 72.00 0 EZBET ABOU-KELIB 140 0.91 0.21 36.00 0 EZBET BESSEIS MOHAMED 144 0 0 ... EZBET MAHGOUB EL-GEBALI 132 0 0 ... MONSHAAT SEIF EL-NASR 301 0 0 ... EZBET EL-KASHEF & ABDEL-GELIL EL-SE'EDAWY 261 0.50 0.08 EZBET HAFEZ HUSSEIN 65 24.00 0 12.00 0 ... Analysis Report Fayoum Gov 20 0 0 EZBET ABDEL-HAFIZ ALAK TOTAL 25 4.08 0.20 24.00 0 5142 4.33 2.70 44.00 4.02 TABLE 16: PREVALENCE OF S. mansoni IN STOOL AND GEOMETRIC MEAN EGG COUNT BY DISTRICT NUMBER EXAMINED PREV.% S.E. ABSHAWAY 928 0.91 0.09 24.40 1.94 SENNORAS 1146 6.01 0.71 39.72 0.67 EL-FAYOUM 808 0.15 0.03 24.00 0 ATSA 1419 19.28 13.96 49.62 1.51 TAMIA 841 0.21 0.04 61.48 2.62 5142 4.33 2.70 44.00 4.02 DISTRICT TOTAL GMEC S.E. /gm STOOL Analysis Report Fayoum Gov 21 TABLE 17: PREVALENCE OF S. mansoni IN STOOL AND GEOMETRIC MEAN EGG COUNT BY AGE AND SEX AGE / SEX N1 EXAMINED PREV. S.E. GMEC S.E. /gm STOOL % 0-4 TOTAL MALE FEMALE 674 352 322 2.81 2.38 1.77 1.86 3.95 2.99 37.47 5.25 34.58 4.06 38.98 8.85 5-9 TOTAL MALE FEMALE 1068 571 497 6.58 4.68 8.78 6.17 4.03 3.03 43.65 8.55 44.78 10.85 40.93 4.00 75.19 9.97 86.78 9.93 39.49 17.21 10-14 TOTAL MALE FEMALE 804 420 384 7.49 4.88 11.93 7.58 2.52 1.85 15-19 TOTAL MALE FEMALE 512 282 230 5.11 3.44 7.84 5.24 1.19 0.81 27.33 5.73 29.13 6.12 14.90 2.53 20-24 TOTAL MALE FEMALE 330 137 193 2.10 1.37 3.80 2.55 0 0 37.88 4.16 37.88 4.16 ... 25-29 TOTAL MALE FEMALE 332 131 201 4.90 2.02 8.00 3.27 1.97 0.94 40.72 9.68 42.20 14.02 35.49 8.92 30-34 TOTAL MALE FEMALE 252 110 142 2.07 1.20 2.12 1.25 2.00 1.20 59.07 25.51 174.06 133.07 14.96 2.66 35-39 TOTAL MALE FEMALE 259 100 159 3.59 1.83 5.67 2.75 1.71 1.05 28.90 4.39 26.58 6.09 37.12 7.54 40-44 TOTAL MALE FEMALE 198 107 91 2.16 1.25 3.36 1.91 0.44 0.45 29.50 5.28 30.07 6.26 24.00 0 45-49 TOTAL MALE FEMALE 164 69 95 1.86 1.31 2.24 2.19 1.51 1.39 44.07 16.87 68.21 15.71 24.00 0 50-54 TOTAL MALE FEMALE 161 65 96 1.34 1.50 2.57 2.85 0.36 0.41 53.14 2.90 48.00 1.97 96.00 0 55-59 TOTAL MALE FEMALE 120 64 56 5.66 2.51 9.66 4.14 0.76 0.81 32.06 3.03 34.15 4.96 12.00 0 60-64 TOTAL MALE FEMALE 121 50 71 3.35 1.72 6.98 3.32 0.53 0.55 33.72 21.39 37.30 22.97 12.00 0 65-69 TOTAL MALE FEMALE 49 25 24 2.76 2.93 5.85 6.25 0 0 19.43 0.97 19.43 0.97 ... Analysis Report Fayoum Gov 22 70+ TOTAL MALE FEMALE 98 49 49 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... ... ... TOTAL 5142 4.33 2.70 44.00 4.02 MALE 2532 6.21 3.75 47.43 4.55 FEMALE 2610 2.23 1.56 35.05 7.11 TOTAL Analysis Report Fayoum Gov 23 FIGURE 3: AGE AND SEX DISTRIBUTION OF S. mansoni AND GEOMETRIC MEAN EGG COUNT Analysis Report Fayoum Gov 24 TABLE 18: PREVALENCE OF S. mansoni IN STOOL AND GEOMETRIC MEAN EGG COUNT BY LEVEL OF EDUCATION LEVEL OF EDUCATION N1 EXAMINED PREV. S.E. % GMEC S.E. /gm STOOL PRIMARY 955 5.37 3.68 52.76 7.30 PREPARATORY & SECONDARY 470 3.68 3.01 51.31 9.21 UNIVERSITY 20 0 0 ... BELOW AGE 1022 4.99 3.41 44.06 3.85 DIDN'T VISIT SCHOOL 2567 4.01 2.25 37.02 2.91 TOTAL 5034 4.41 2.79 43.05 4.65 TABLE 19: PREVALENCE OF S. mansoni IN STOOL AND GEOMETRIC MEAN EGG COUNT BY OCCUPATION PREV. S.E. % GMEC 677 8.10 3.73 41.17 5.42 FARMING LABORER 28 3.88 4.52 20.17 0.46 SKILLED LABORER 23 2.22 2.44 17.54 0.48 1276 0.92 0.57 32.92 5.66 PROFESSIONAL 29 2.15 2.31 12.00 0 CLERK 21 0 0 ... STUDENT 877 6.33 5.18 55.58 7.66 LABORER 47 6.34 2.35 21.08 5.07 ORZOKI 67 1.18 1.39 55.29 0.98 MERCHANT 11 0 0 ... MEKAWEL 1 0 0 ... FISHERMEN 4 0 0 ... OTHER JOB 104 3.74 1.69 27.23 12.92 NOT WORKING 242 0.17 0.20 12.00 0 NOT APPLIED 1627 5.42 3.45 43.45 6.15 OCCUPATION FARMER HOUSEWIFE N1 EXAMINED S.E. /gm STOOL Analysis Report Fayoum Gov 25 TOTAL 5034 4.41 2.79 43.05 4.65 Analysis Report Fayoum Gov 26 TABLE 20: PREVALENCE OF S. mansoni IN STOOL AND GEOMETRIC MEAN EGG COUNT BY HISTORY OF PREVIOUS TREATMENT FOR BILHARZIASIS N1 EXAMINED PREV. S.E. % YES 964 4.53 2.63 40.36 6.11 NO 3979 4.45 2.89 43.96 4.68 89 1.03 1.26 66.76 69.04 5032 4.41 2.79 43.39 4.50 WERE YOU TREATED FOR S. mansoni BEFORE ? DON'T KNOW TOTAL GMEC S.E. /gm STOOL TABLE 21: PREVALENCE OF S. mansoni IN STOOL AND GEOMETRIC MEAN EGG COUNT BY HISTORY OF PREVIOUS INFECTION WITH BILHARZIASIS DID YOU GET S. mansoni BEFORE ? N1 EXAMINED PREV. S.E.% GMEC S.E /gm STOOL YES 985 4.45 2.60 40.36 6.11 NO 2405 4.22 2.68 38.71 5.35 DON'T KNOW 1641 4.67 3.15 52.87 2.03 TOTAL 5031 4.41 2.79 43.39 4.50 Analysis Report Fayoum Gov 27 TABLE 22: PREVALENCE OF S. mansoni IN STOOL AND GEOMETRIC MEAN EGG COUNT BY BATHING IN CANAL WATER N1 EXAMINED PREV. S.E. % NO 3369 3.51 2.14 37.01 5.85 < 1 WEEK 314 9.23 5.72 38.47 3.37 1-4 WEEKS 166 9.44 8.03 42.91 6.12 1-12 MONTHS 510 8.59 5.13 60.46 2.04 1 YEAR AND MORE 643 2.76 2.32 66.28 17.74 DON'T REMEMBER 2 0 0 ... OTHER 27 0 0 ... NOT APPLIED 2 0 0 ... 5033 4.41 2.79 43.39 4.50 LAST TIME TO BATH IN CANAL TOTAL GMEC S.E. /gm STOOL TABLE 23: PREVALENCE OF S. mansoni IN STOOL AND GEOMETRIC MEAN EGG COUNT BY WASHING IN CANAL WATER N1 EXAMINED PREV. S.E. % 3529 5.35 3.40 44.65 4.43 < 1 WEEK 811 2.02 1.33 38.98 3.21 1-4 WEEKS 204 1.78 1.20 18.53 4.46 1-12 MONTHS 182 0.86 0.91 39.56 4.82 1 YEAR AND MORE 290 2.34 1.46 36.32 16.77 DON'T REMEMBER 0 ... ... OTHER 8 0 0 ... NOT APPLIED 1 0 0 ... 5025 4.41 2.79 43.39 4.50 LAST TIME TO WASH CLOTHES IN CANAL NO TOTAL GMEC S.E. /gm STOOL Analysis Report Fayoum Gov 28 TABLE 24: PREVALENCE OF S. mansoni IN STOOL AND GEOMETRIC MEAN EGG COUNT ACCORDING TO THE DEGREE OF USING CANAL WATER IN WASHING DO YOU ALWAYS USE CANAL IN WASHING? N1 EXAMINED PREV. S.E.% GMEC S.E. /gm STOOL ALWAYS 524 1.12 0.71 32.74 6.99 SOMETIMES 776 2.14 1.24 31.94 8.11 RARELY 155 2.38 2.54 49.36 3.74 NEVER 1 0 0 ... TOTAL 1456 1.85 1.19 34.78 6.84 TABLE 25: PREVALENCE OF S. mansoni IN STOOL AND GEOMETRIC MEAN EGG COUNT BY PLAYING IN CANAL WATER LAST TIME TO PLAY IN CANAL N1 EXAMINED PREV. S.E.% GMEC S.E. /gm STOOL NO 3890 4.03 2.57 42.35 3.99 < 1 WEEK 785 5.74 3.94 55.62 6.27 1-4 WEEKS 148 8.63 5.05 50.02 18.83 1-12 MONTHS 161 5.83 3.61 24.02 6.11 1 YEAR AND MORE 32 0 0 ... DON'T REMEMBER 1 0 0 ... OTHER 12 0 0 ... NOT APPLIED 0 ... ... 5029 4.41 2.79 43.39 4.50 TOTAL Analysis Report Fayoum Gov 29 Analysis Report Fayoum Gov 30 TABLE 26: PREVALENCE OF S. mansoni IN STOOL AND GEOMETRIC MEAN EGG COUNT ACCORDING TO THE DEGREE OF PLAYING IN CANAL WATER N1 EXAMINED PREV. S.E. % ALWAYS 443 2.33 2.25 43.61 13.75 SOMETIMES 595 8.56 5.18 48.39 4.39 RARELY 59 5.07 2.84 32.30 25.91 NEVER 0 ... ... TOTAL 1097 6.10 3.93 46.54 6.46 DO YOU ALWAYS PLAY IN CANAL ? GMEC S.E. /gm STOOL OBJECTIVE EPI 2 Objective EPI 2 was achieved through describing the environmental characteristics of households within each ezba and relating these characteristics to the number of infected houses within ezbas with a fashion similar to ecological analysis. Table 27 shows the percentage of houses with a particular characteristic and the percentage of houses with more than one member infected with schistosomiasis. The correlation coefficient (r) and its level of significance (p value) are presented in the table. Stepwise multiple regression analysis was performed to identify the variables most likely to explain the variation among villages. The results of multiple regression are shown in table 28. Analysis Report Fayoum Gov 31 TABLE 27: ENVIRONMENTAL CHARACTERISTICS OF DWELLING UNITS (HOUSES) AND ITS RELATIONSHIP TO SCHISTOSOMIASIS INFECTION INSIDE THE HOUSE VILLAGE / SATELLITE N1 OF HOUSES TAP IN WASH CANAL MUD BRICK ZERIBA ELECTRICITY WASHER RADIO TV LATRINE INFECTION KAFR ABBOUD 93 32.3 48.4 34.1 53.8 74.2 15.1 55.9 36. 6 38.7 23.7 EZBET EL-TAMAWI 82 24.4 58.5 75.9 52.4 75.6 7.3 39 17. 1 19.8 24.4 ABDEL-ALIM IBRAHIM 94 27.7 76.6 89.4 85.1 63.8 4.3 46.8 21. 3 12.8 35.1 WAHDAN 74 40.5 79.7 54.8 68.9 79.7 17.6 82.4 10. 8 32.9 5.4 AMIN FANOUS EL-BAH 11 63.6 27.3 90.9 72.7 9.1 0 63.6 27. 3 18.2 0 MOHAMED MOSTAFA OSMAN 12 16.7 0 25 66.7 100 50 83.3 58. 3 58.3 0 SENOFAR 94 54.3 14.9 8.5 56.4 71.3 20.2 56.4 40. 4 31.9 20.2 EZBET MOHAMED GENEDY 30 6.7 63.3 24.1 70 80 6.7 46.7 46. 7 23.3 23.3 5 0 100 80 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 KHALAF FAYOUM 65 46.2 16.9 41.5 72.3 83.1 24.6 70.8 43. 1 36.9 0 EZBET SHAKER 56 1.8 48.2 64.3 75 0 1.8 50 1.8 5.4 8.9 EZBET EL-BITAR 19 5.3 47.4 11.1 73.7 78.9 5.3 63.2 36. 8 31.6 0 EZBET BADR-KHAN 20 0 65 50 85 0 0 25 0 0 5 SERSENA 77 49.4 16.9 72.7 58.4 81.8 28.6 50.6 49. 4 59.7 2.6 EZBET ABOU-KELIB 40 22.5 45 43.6 57.5 60 12.5 45 42. 5 25 15 EZBET BESSEIS MOHAMED 30 0 50 48.3 76.7 90 20 76.7 66. 7 23.3 16.7 EZBET MAHGOUB EL-GEBALI 27 29.6 81.5 29.6 74.1 74.1 7.4 44.4 33. 3 14.8 40.7 MONSHAAT SEIF EL-NASR 66 4.5 83.3 36.4 72.7 68.2 9.1 65.2 40. 9 10.6 36.4 EZBET EL-KASHEF & ABDEL-GELIL ELSE'EDAWY 55 0 92.7 1.9 76.4 1.8 0 20 10. 9 1.8 27.3 EZBET HAFEZ HUSSEIN 15 6.7 66.7 13.3 53.3 0 0 100 60 46.7 20 EZBET EL-WABOUR EZBET ABDEL-HAFIZ ALAK 7 r 0 0.142 p 71.4 0 85.7 0 0 0 0 0.07 5 0.0 81 -0.276 0.7 26 0.226 30. 9 25.7 0.480 -0.195 0.047 0.117 -0.274 0.028 0.397 0.840 0.613 0.229 0.539 TOTAL 972 26.6 0.74 6 52.9 46.2 67.1 62.0 12.7 54.0 0 14.3 18.3 ALL CELL ENTRIES ARE PER CENTS EXCEPT FOR No OF HOUSE WHICH IS THE NUMBER OF HOUSES (DWELLING UNITS) SAMPLE FOR THAT EZBA OR SATELLITE AND THE r (CORRELATION COEFFICIENT) AND p (p VALUE) TAP IN :TAP WATER INSIDE THE HOUSE WASH CANAL :USE CANAL WATER IN WASHING MUD BRICK :HOUSE BUILT OF MUD BRICK ZEREBA :HOUSE HAS AN ANIMAL SHED ATTACHED TO OR PART OF IT ELECTRICITY :THE HOUSE HAS ELECTRICITY WASHER :A WASHING MACHINE IS AVAILABLE INSIDE THE HOUSE RADIO :A RADIO IS AVAILABLE INSIDE THE HOUSE TV :A TV IS AVAILABLE INSIDE THE HOUSE LATRINE :A LATRINE IS AVAILABLE INSIDE THE HOUSE INFECTION :THE PERCENT OF HOUSES WITH AT LEAST ONE HOUSE MEMBER INFECTED WITH S. haematobium r p :CORRELATION COEFFICIENT :p VALUE FOR THE r Analysis Report Fayoum Gov 34 Multiple regression analysis was performed using stepwise method. The analysis revealed that the presence radio is important as a determinant of infection in households. Results of this variable is shown below. TABLE 28: RESULTS OF MULTIPLE REGRESSION ANALYSIS USING STEPWISE METHOD FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CHARACTERISTICS OF HOUSES AND ITS RELATION TO INFECTION INSIDE THE HOUSE Multiple R R Square Adjusted R square Standard Error 0.61776 0.38163 0.31292 10.91649 Analysis of Variance DF Sum of Squares Mean Square 2 1323.82325 661.91162 Residual 18 F = 5.55436 Regression 2145.05715 Signif F = 0.0132 ---------- Variables in the equation ---------------Variable B SE B Beta WASHCANAL 0.342775 TV 0.285351 (constant)-12.392000 0.1.3748 0.136136 8.965010 119.16984 0.717436 0.455154 T 3.304 2.096 -1.382 Analysis Report Fayoum Gov Sig T 0.0039 0.0505 0.1838 35 OBJECTIVE EPI 3 Objective EPI 3 was to estimate the public health impact of morbidity due to schistosomiasis. The distribution of liver fibrosis and its staging is presented in different ezba and by age and sex distribution. The relationships of liver fibrosis to history of previous infection and treatment are presented. Liver morbidity describing liver fibrosis, cirrhosis and mixed infection will be presented by age and sex distribution. Analysis Report Fayoum Gov 36 TABLE 29: SATELLITES DISTRIBUTION OF LIVER FIBROSIS IN THE DIFFERENT EZBAS OR VILLAGE / SATELLITE KAFR ABBOUD N1 NO FIBROSIS STAGE 1 STAGE 2 STAGE 3 0.9 116 71.6 21.6 6.0 70 61.4 32.9 5.7 100 38.0 44.0 18.0 0.0 WAHDAN 85 58.8 35.3 5.9 0.0 AMIN FANOUS EL-BAH 12 16.7 66.7 16.7 0.0 MOHAMED MOSTAFA OSMAN 22 63.6 36.4 0.0 0.0 SENOFAR 81 72.8 23.5 3.7 0.0 EZBET MOHAMED GENEDY 62 79.0 19.4 1.6 0.0 EZBET EL-TAMAWI ABDEL-ALIM IBRAHIM 0.0 EZBET EL-WABOUR KHALAF FAYOUM 101 59.4 38.6 2.0 0.0 EZBET SHAKER 45 60.0 33.3 6.7 0.0 EZBET EL-BITAR 17 23.5 58.8 17.6 0.0 EZBET BADR-KHAN 19 78.9 21.1 0.0 0.0 SERSENA 78 70.5 23.1 5.1 1.3 EZBET ABOU-KELIB 24 91.7 8.3 0.0 0.0 EZBET BESSEIS MOHAMED 32 50.0 50.0 0.0 0.0 EZBET MAHGOUB EL-GEBALI 38 76.3 13.2 10.5 0.0 MONSHAAT SEIF EL-NASR 68 70.6 23.5 5.9 0.0 EZBET EL-KASHEF & ABDELGELIL EL-SE'EDAWY 53 75.5 20.8 3.8 0.0 EZBET HAFEZ HUSSEIN 24 87.5 12.5 0.0 0.0 1047 64.5 29.4 5.9 0.2 EZBET ABDEL-HAFIZ ALAK TOTAL Analysis Report Fayoum Gov 37 TABLE 30: AGE SEX DISTRIBUTION OF LIVER FIBROSIS AGE / SEX N1 NO LIVER FIBROS IS STAGE 1 STAGE 2 STAGE 3 TOTAL MALE FEMALE 5-9 TOTAL MALE FEMALE 10-14 TOTAL MALE FEMALE 80 40 40 236 135 101 184 112 72 88.8 87.5 90.0 75.4 70.4 82.2 67.4 65.2 70.8 11.3 12.5 10.0 23.3 27.4 17.8 31.0 32.1 29.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.3 2.2 0.0 1.6 2.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 15-19 TOTAL MALE FEMALE 112 63 49 60.7 50.8 73.5 34.8 44.4 22.4 4.5 4.8 4.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 20-24 TOTAL MALE FEMALE 74 37 37 55.4 40.5 70.3 31.1 37.8 24.3 13.5 21.6 5.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 25-29 TOTAL MALE FEMALE 75 27 48 52.0 37.0 60.4 34.7 37.0 33.3 10.7 22.2 4.2 2.7 3.7 2.1 30-34 TOTAL MALE FEMALE 51 21 30 62.7 47.6 73.3 33.3 42.9 26.7 3.9 9.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 35-39 TOTAL MALE FEMALE 53 22 31 43.4 40.9 45.2 45.3 36.4 51.6 11.3 22.7 3.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 40-44 TOTAL MALE 47 23 24 51.1 30.4 70.8 36.2 47.8 25.0 12.8 21.7 4.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 MALE 40 18 22 62.5 61.1 63.6 20.0 11.1 27.3 17.5 27.8 9.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 MALE 23 15 8 65.2 53.3 87.5 26.1 33.3 12.5 8.7 13.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 MALE 25 17 8 40.0 17.6 87.5 40.0 52.9 12.5 20.0 29.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 MALE 26 7 19 57.7 57.1 57.9 23.1 14.3 26.3 19.2 28.6 15.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 4 50.0 50.0 0.0 0.0 0-4 FEMALE 45-49 TOTAL FEMALE 50-54 TOTAL FEMALE 55-59 TOTAL FEMALE 60-64 TOTAL FEMALE 65-69 TOTAL Analysis Report Fayoum Gov 38 70+ TOTAL MALE FEMALE 3 1 33.3 100 66.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 TOTAL MALE FEMALE 17 10 7 47.1 40.0 57.1 52.9 60.0 42.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 TOTAL MALE FEMALE 104 7 550 497 TABLE 32: 64.5 57.6 72.0 29.4 33.3 25.2 5.9 8.9 2.6 0.2 0.2 0.2 DISTRIBUTION OF LIVER FIBROSIS ACCORDING TO HISTORY OF PREVIOUS INFECTION WITH BILHARZIASIS DID YOU GET BILHARZIA BEFORE? N1 YES 210 NO 448 DON'T KNOW 357 TOTAL 1015 NO LIVER FIBROSIS 60.5 65.2 66.7 64.7 STAGE 1 32.9 29.9 26.6 29.4 STAGE 2 6.7 4.7 6.4 5.7 STAGE 3 0.0 0.2 0.3 0.2 Analysis Report Fayoum Gov 39 TABLE 33: AGE SEX DISTRIBUTION OF LIVER MORBIDITY AGE / SEX N1 NO LIVER AFFECTION PURE FIBROSIS PURE CIRRHOSIS MIXED FIBROSIS AND CIRRHOSIS 0-4 TOTAL MALE FEMALE 78 39 39 88.5 87.2 89.7 11.5 12.8 10.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5-9 TOTAL MALE FEMALE 236 135 101 75.4 70.4 82.2 24.6 29.6 17.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 10-14 TOTAL MALE FEMALE 184 112 72 67.4 65.2 70.8 32.6 34.8 29.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 15-19 TOTAL MALE FEMALE 112 63 49 60.7 50.8 73.5 38.4 47.6 26.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.9 1.6 0.0 20-24 TOTAL MALE FEMALE 25-29 TOTAL MALE FEMALE 74 37 37 55.4 40.5 70.3 44.6 59.5 29.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 75 27 48 50.7 37.0 58.3 46.7 63.0 37.5 1.3 0.0 2.1 1.3 0.0 2.1 30-34 TOTAL MALE FEMALE 50 20 30 62.0 45.0 73.3 38.0 55.0 26.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 35-39 TOTAL MALE FEMALE 53 22 31 43.4 40.9 45.2 54.7 54.5 54.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.9 4.5 0.0 40-44 TOTAL MALE FEMALE 46 23 23 50.0 30.4 69.6 47.8 65.2 30.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.2 4.3 0.0 45-49 TOTAL MALE FEMALE 40 18 22 62.5 61.1 63.6 32.5 33.3 31.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.0 5.6 0.0 50-54 TOTAL MALE 23 15 8 65.2 53.3 87.5 30.4 40.0 12.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.3 6.7 4.5 55-59 TOTAL MALE 25 17 40.0 17.6 52.0 70.6 0.0 0.0 8.0 11.8 FEMALE Analysis Report Fayoum Gov 40 FEMALE 8 87.5 12.5 0.0 0.0 60-64 TOTAL MALE FEMALE 65-69 TOTAL MALE FEMALE 26 7 19 57.7 57.1 57.9 42.3 42.9 42.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4 3 1 50.0 33.3 100 50.0 66.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 70+ TOTAL MALE FEMALE 17 10 7 47.1 40.0 57.1 52.9 60.0 42.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1043 548 495 64.2 57.5 71.7 34.8 41.2 27.7 0.1 0.0 0.2 0.9 1.3 0.4 TOTAL MALE FEMALE Analysis Report Fayoum Gov 41