Assignment: Shaded Perspective Drawing


M Assignment: Shaded Perspective Drawing

Name: First________________________Last______________________________________________Date:________ Per:_______

Title of artwork:__________________________________________

Exceeds Standard Meets Standard Approaching Standard Needs Improvement



Criteria 1 – Technique:

-Demonstrates understanding of materials and various techniques learned in class

(perspective and use of value to create form.

Smooth and texture shading ).

Criteria 2 – Successful composition:

- All listed requirements met.

- A sense of unity to the drawing.


-Value variations are used very effectively, helping to communicate a convincing

3-D form.

- 1 and 2 point perspective “spot on.”

- Smooth shading is flawless – has no texture and makes the objects


-Texture shading is precise and makes the objects “pop”.

-Attention to detail is outstanding.


- At least 1 of each object listed drawn.

- 3 objects with holes.

- 1 clear light source.

- A strong sense of unity brings the composition together.

8 7

-Evidence of value variation helps -The drawing appears flat. to communicate a 3-dimensional -Use of value variation is form.

very minimal.

- 1 and 2 pt. perspective is accurate -Smooth shading is not with perhaps minor errors.

- Smooth shading is well done smooth and does not imply form. without much texture and gives the -Texture shading is poorly appearance of three dimension. done and does not imply

- Texture shading is well done and form. gives the appearance of three dimension.

- Some attention to detail.


- 5 of the 6 objects listed drawn.

- At least 2 objects with holes.

- An obvious light source.

- An obvious attempt made to create a sense of unity.

-This artwork is not complete and/or does not meet the criteria of the project

6 or less


- 4 or less of the objects

6 or less

-This artwork is not drawn. complete and/or does not

- 1 or no objects with a hole. meet the criteria of the

- Some shading done, but no project apparent light source.

- No obvious attempt at unity.

Criteria 3 – Work Ethic:

-Put forth the perseverance needed to complete project

-Willingness to experiment and take risks.

-Contributed to clean up on daily basis

-Stayed on task


-Drawing completed with positive attitude, extra time taken to complete by due date.

-When faced with decision or challenge, artist was willing to take a risk to meet that challenge.

-Materials put away each day without being asked.

-Worked diligently without any warnings.

- Assisted peers to problem solve.


-Good effort put forth to complete


-Poor attitude was shown portrait on time.

– When faced with challenge or decision, artist hesitated to take risks and may have chosen an

“easy” solution to the problem.

-Materials put away.

-Worked hard, with some reminders to stay on task. towards this artwork.

– Did not consider taking risks when challenge arose; took he “easy” approach.

-Lacks finishing touches that show desire for care.

- Needed several reminders to clean up.

-Had several warnings to stay on task.

6 or less

-No effort shown to complete a successful artwork.

-No care shown for studio space or supplies.



Criteria 4 –


-Work is original/ innovative, shows a personal vision

- Originality and creativity shown in the arrangement of the objects.

- Drawing is unique and interesting to look at.


Criteria 5 –

Craftsmanship :


-No unintentional marks, rips, or

-Student has taken extra care in the presentation of the piece and it is not wrinkled, torn, or otherwise


-Skillful use of the art tools

& medias? bends.

- Medium is used with mastery.

-Shading technique is apparent.

Teacher comments:


- Some thought put into an

7 6 or less

–.Not much thought put into –The artwork is not interesting arrangement of objects. the object arrangement. complete and/or does not



-Minor extraneous marks present but are not obvious.

–Medium is used properly to shade with no “scribble” marks in smooth shading areas.


-Extraneous marks, folds, or bends detract from the artwork.

- Media is poorly used and work appears rushed. meet the criteria of the project

6 or less

-This artwork is not complete and/or does not meet the criteria of the project

Questions: Please answer the following questions using complete sentences.


What skills did you gain from doing this project?


What do you like about your drawing?

3. What could you have done to improve your drawing?




