ATTENTION 7th Level Fort Couch Basketball Parents:

ATTENTION Fort Couch Basketball Parents:
Coaches: Mark Goelz (8th Grade Coach), Justin Gremba (7th Grade Coach)
Dear Parents,
As we embark on this basketball season, we thought it would be best to review some of our team policies and
procedures . . .
PRACTICES: Practices will be held daily (on days without games) from 3:30 to roughly 5:15 at Boyce. There will be no
practice on in-service days. There will be no practices on certain pre-determined days due to school district faculty meetings,
during which the coaches may not be able to have practice. Players will be notified prior to cancelled practices but be
prepared for schedule adjustments. We will do our best to send a weekly email to update you on the plans for that week.
Players should be picked up by parents outside the gym no later than 5:15. The coaches need to leave to pick up their own
children immediately following our team games/practices. We ask that parents refrain from entering the gym prior to the end
of practice due to the already limited space we have.
HOME GAMES: Home games are currently scheduled to be played at Boyce. Players can be picked up to go home
immediately after the game ends (approximately 4:45-5:00 for 8th grade and 5:45-6:00 for 7th grade).
AWAY GAMES: Players will ride a bus from Fort Couch to away games. At the end of away games, players must ride the
bus back to USC. The bus will return the players to FORT COUCH! Please plan to pick up your player at Fort Couch by
approximately 5:45, depending on distance of away site. Students can only ride home from away games with their own
parents and only if they have a written note from the parent and signed/stamped by the principal, Mr. Demar.
NO EXCEPTIONS! No note = must ride the bus!
PLAYING TIME: While efforts will be made to get all players some playing time in every game, playing time in games is
not guaranteed and will be dictated by the game situation. Our goal is to allow the players to learn and have fun, but also to
win games and uphold the winning tradition established in USC athletics. Playing time can also be affected by behaviors
(academic, practice, on and off court).
ATTENDANCE: While missed practices are often inevitable, it is vital that players notify their coach ahead of time when
they will be missing practice or games. With the limited practice time we have, it is important that all players be at all
scheduled practices and games. Unexcused absences or simply “skipping practice” will not be tolerated and will affect game
participation. At the same time, even excused absences could lead to limited game time based on whether or not new
schemes were put in place during practices missed.
I have read the above policies and requirements for participation in Ft. Couch hoops!
PLAYER NAME:______________________ PHONE #___________________
PARENT SIGNATURE: __________________________________
Please also register your player and email (if you have not already) on the Fort Couch
Athletics Website on the Boys Basketball-White Team page. All emails registered on the
site will be added to our contact list and receive our emails updating schedule changes.
1) Name:_____________________________ #:__________________________
2) Name:_____________________________ #:__________________________
* Please note that an updated sports physical packet must be on record at Fort Couch in order for a student to be eligible to play.