APPLICATION FOR ASSOCIATE POSITION PROGRAM OVERVIEW Fairmount Ventures, Inc. (Fairmount), a leading Philadelphia consulting firm specializing in nonprofits, has one (1) Associate position available. Associates work closely with Fairmount's senior professionals on a range of capacity-building projects for nonprofit organizations, including public and private sector fundraising, program design and assessment, and strategic and business planning. Associates will develop skills and knowledge of fundraising for nonprofits, including research and strategy development; facilitating, writing and submitting grant proposals; interacting with clients and external informants; & conducting interviews, best practices research and strategy development related to planning studies. Successful candidates possess: excellent writing, editing & organizational skills; strong analytical & communication skills; precise attention to detail & ability to multi-task; facility with Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint & online research; a Bachelor’s degree in liberal arts, Communications, Urban Studies, Economics, or other relevant field; and up to 1-2 years’ experience in nonprofit development or administration (not required). Applications are now being accepted ONLINE (only) at Direct any questions to APPLICATION DEADLINES Applications will be reviewed and interviews scheduled on a rolling basis, for a position to begin in midMay to early June 2013. Submit your application as soon as possible to: HIRING PROCESS Fairmount’s selection committee reviews all applications and invites the most promising candidates to participate in an interview, which includes meeting with senior staff and also a short writing practicum. SUBMITTING YOUR APPLICATION A complete application package includes this application, a resume, references and two (2) original writing samples. Please download and fill out the application below. Email your completed application package as soon as possible to In the subject-line of your email, please write “2013 Associate Application”. QUESTIONS Direct any questions you have prior to or after submitting your application to If, once you submit your application, you are no longer available or interested in pursuing the Associate position, please let Fairmount know as soon as possible. ASSOCIATE POSITION APPLICATION First Name: Last Name: Home/Cell Phone: Work Phone: E-Mail Address: Permanent Address Information: Street Address: City/State: Zip Code: School Information: College/University: Address: City/State/Zip: Graduation date: Academic Major(s): How did you first learn about the Development Associate Position? REFERENCE INFORMATION Below please provide the name, phone number, e-mail address (if available) and job title for three (3) professional references. For each reference, please include one sentence regarding how they are familiar with your work. REFERENCE #1 Name Job title Phone number E-mail address (if available) How they know your work skills, experience, knowledge, etc. REFERENCE #2 Name Job title Phone number E-mail address (if available) How they know your work skills, experience, knowledge, etc. REFERENCE #3 Name Job title Phone number E-mail address (if available) How they know your work skills, experience, knowledge, etc. NARRATIVE QUESTIONS Please respond to each of the following questions separately, limiting your answer to each one to no more than 2-3 paragraphs. 1. Summarize your career/professional goals for the next 2-5 years. 2. What else are you considering doing over the next two years (e.g., another type of job, graduate school, etc.)? Given your professional goals, why would the Associate position be better for you than these other options? 3. Describe a past job, volunteer activity, coursework and/or life experience that contributed to your interest in working with the nonprofit sector.