Canine Parov Virus - Alaska Dog & Puppy Rescue


Canine Parvovirus

Parvovirus has been around for a long time, there have been several strains and mutations since first diagnoses, and treatment had been reported in 1978.

How is parvo transmitted?

Through feces is the best-known way of transporting the virus from place to place.

It takes microscopical particles for infection to spread. It grows at an alarming rate and survives the most severe of weather. It can live a long time in contaminated soil. It takes 7-10 days for signs of infection and exposure of parvo to show.

As an example lets say you went to your local vets office and an effected puppy was allowed to be on the floors in the waiting room or exam room. If the places that puppy or you were in contact with are not cleaned properly, it can be transmitted onto anything that touches it. Your shoes or unsuspecting guest’s shoes can track in it. You can come into contact with it almost anywhere public. Many dogs carry the virus yet show no clinical signs of the disease. This is why having a fenced in yard is very helpful. Not allowing other dogs to defecate in your yard is very important not only for the spread of parvo but for other infectious diseases as well.

How is parvo treated?

Replacement or maintenance fluids treat parvo.


Plasma transfusion

Blood transfusion

Deworm if necessary.

Death usually occurs from dehydration and loss of proteins. There is no cure for parvo and treatment only consists of supporting the different systems in the body during the course of the disease.

Sometimes euthanization will be discussed in extreme cases that are not responding to treatment, which occurs often. Your pup has a 50/50 chance if treated early. As the virus progresses so does your pups chances of survival. I hate to put a number on it but in my studies, it seems that only 2 out of 10 will survive. It kills quickly and efficiently.

What dogs are most effected?

Small puppies and elderly dogs. It is not affecting all elderly dogs but can affect them if their immune system is compromised by either age or illness.

Puppies who have been wiened for 2 weeks are most susceptible as they loose their mother’s immunity after 2 weeks of being weaned. That’s when the series of vaccinations start. I have done many studies on vaccination protocols and I recommend not vaccinating before 2 weeks of being weaned as mother’s immunity and the vaccine could cancel each other out and leave your pup with a compromised immunity. Titer tests can be performed by your vet to see what immunizations are needed. Parvo does not transmit to humans or pets of another species. There is a new strain that is being studied and a new vaccine and cure is in the works. They are experimenting with dog’s blood that have survived parvo. Of course, this could take years to complete. Don’t take for granted that your dog is immune this new strain is killing all ages of dogs. Have your vet to a titer test.

What are some symptoms of parvo?

Laziness and lethargy, high fever, vomiting, and diarrhea. Parvovirus attacks the intestinal lining and multiplies there causing the effected dog or pup to be unable to absorb fluids and nutrients. It can attack the heart causing sudden death by congestive heart failure.

Often the vomit and diarrhea is foul smelling and can be yellow, mucousy and

bloody. The smell is often compared with the smell of a rotten fish.

What should you do if you believe your dog or pup has parvo?

Please put your dog or pup in a crate or some type of enclosure and bring it to your vet to be diagnosed. You can then along with your vet determine what course to take. Sometimes euthanization is discussed as a treatment so dont be alarmed.

Parvo is a traumatic disease and will take a life within hours to just a few days. After seeing two pups die from the disease euthanization is the most kind option for a very effected pup. I have seen a pup literally have tears of blood. Its a very hard situation to find yourself in.

How can you prevent the spread?

If your yard where your pup was allowed to roam is not fenced off, please post a sign in your front yard warning unsuspecting neighbors. This is a good way to help in the spread of the virus. I know it seems extreme but I would not want to feel responsible for a neighbors dog getting sick because I was too proud to post a sign.

When taking a pup to the vet office take it in a crate or hold it. Do not let it touch any surface you have not personally seen cleaned. Even the exam table. Ask the tech or vet to clean the surface again if necessary. I know seems extreme...not to me though. Its my puppies lives that are at risk.

Remove your shoes before entering the house. Keep a bottle of bleach/water solution and spray the bottom after a vet visit or a visit to any public place where there are pets. Have company remove shoes and if they had been petting other puppies have them wash thier hands as well.

Again, it may seem rude but it is a life/lives you are trying to protect.

Make sure your puppy is worm free. Worms compromise the pups immune system and make them more susceptible to infectious diseases.

Do not allow your puppy to interact with other puppies or dogs in public places until the last series of shots or a titer test is done to prove immunity. Between 4-6 months the pups immunity should be developed enough to risk exposure. There are other ways of socializing that are safer such as.

Having over company. Allow their older dog who has its full immunizations done. Be creative but safe. Especially if your area is known for a large number of infected dogs/pups.

Do not allow your dogs or pups to wonder into other peoples yards when on walks.

Do not allow other dogs and pups to wonder into yours if you can.

Ok so you have had parvo how can you rid your home and yard of it?

Bleach is the only agent that will kill the virus. There are many cleaning solutions but many do not kill parvo. Parvo is very hearty.

There are several suggestions as to the dilusion of the bleach.

I used a 50/50 solution of water and bleach. I spray the ground completely until it is soaking wet. Not missing one inch of yard. I did this once a week for a month and once a month after that for a total of six months. I continue using it once a month to this day. It’s most effective if done on a dry day that follows at least two dry days before hand and followed by at least 24 hours of dry weather after applied. Rain will dilute and cause the bleach to be not as effective as you want it to be.

I also tore out my carpet and pad and used the bleach on the subflooring. I threw away all my furniture and bleached all surfaces including walls, doors and any surface that could have been touched. I was in close contact with my pups and anything I touched I wanted to either be clean or thrown away if possible. If you cannot do this then ask your vet for an antiviral solution to use in your home on fabrics. Most are no guarantee they won’t stain or damage but most wont. If you can bleach your carpets and furniture. Not the 50/50 but a more mild solution like

20/80. 20 being the bleach of course.

I did this along with the treatment of my yard as to not cross contaminate.
