All walks of life

It's an honor to sing with Joani. She's a great talent!
John Starnes, Nashville, Tennessee; tenor soloist,
13 years national television, pilot
Joani Tabor • 3105 Embassy Drive • Roanoke • VA 24019
Web Site •
The Lord has blessed you with a remarkable musical gift. I am so glad you
are able to use it for His glory. Mr. Graham wants me to express his sincere
gratitude for your kindness as his Parkinson’s disease makes writing virtually
Billy Graham, Ashville, North Carolina; evangelist
Joani, I’m so pleased to hear your singing. I appreciate you. Warm best
Rosalynn Carter, Plains, Georgia; former first lady
Thank you so much…You have a lovely voice and I’m enjoying it very much.
Andy Williams, Branson, Missouri; singer
God bless your voice Joani. I’m so grateful for your music. Thank you for
your prayers for me.
Gen. Manuel Noriega; Panamanian military leader
I send you my warmest best wishes and good luck with your career.
Nancy Reagan, Los Angeles, California; former first lady, actress
Joani, you have such an outstanding high vocal range! Could you teach me
to sing that high?
Barbara Fairchild, Branson, Missouri; country singer, performer
I am pleased to recommend Joani Tabor as a singer and as a wonderful
personality. The first time I heard her sing I said, 'Move over Sandi
Patti'...She is dynamite.
The late James Blackwood, Memphis, Tennessee; gospel singer,
founding member of Blackwood Brothers
I have come to appreciate her hard work, dedication, her effervescent
personality, and her love for Christ.
She is a talented singer and musician who has the ability to capture an
audience and then lead them into worship and praise. She also cares deeply
about ministering with her music and reaching the lost and hurting with the
good news of Jesus.
Roger Talley, Morristown, Tennessee; “The Talley Trio”, producer
With thanks for your singing and best wishes.
Gen. Colin L. Powell, Alexandria, Virginia; Secretary of State of the
United States, military leader, author
Your singing was such an inspiration and blessing to me. All the best.
Col. Oliver North, Bluemont, Virginia; former presidential aid,
author, television & radio talk show host
I wish you very good luck with your singing. Love.
Julie Andrews, Los Angeles, California; singer, actress
I always enjoy your singing.
Charlton Heston, Beverly Hills, California; actor, director
I appreciate your friendship and prayers. May God richly bless you – please
know you are loved.
Sandi Patty, Anderson, Indiana; Christian singer, symphony soloist
God bless you as you sing for His glory. I am praying for you.
Lloyd Ogilvie, Washington, DC: Chaplain United States Senate
Joani uses more energy in 15 minutes of singing than I use in a whole week.
Doug Oldham, Lynchburg, Virginia; soloist, Old Time Gospel Hour
(Bulletin • Use Twice • 2nd AND 4th Sundays before appearance)