PASADENA CITY COLLEGE Music Division COURSE INFORMATION SHEET COURSE: MUSIC 171A - Techniques of Popular Singing CREDIT: 1 unit TIME and ROOM: 7-9pm Th; INSTRUCTOR: Phone #: Email address: MR. DAVID JOYCE 818/708-3530 K102 GENERAL STATEMENT OF PURPOSE: To give the student opportunities to grow as a singer, an artist, and as a person, through the study of the workings of their voice, through practicing and performing “popular” styles of music, and through various exercises and studies building self-awareness. OVERVIEW: Development of basic techniques and skills appropriate for singing various styles of commercial and popular music. Emphasis will be on fundamental singing techniques, song interpretation, and remembering how to enjoy performing. Music technology and the business of music will also be discussed. Ensemble and solo singing performance. COURSE OBJECTIVES: - Uncover an understanding of the elements of vocal technique. - Learn and build vocal skills - toward performing simple popular music - Gain experience singing in front of an audience - Learn a variety of vocal exercises, and develop an understanding of how to use them to strengthen and become more acquainted with one’s own instrument - Develop self-confidence as a singer - Study and gain understanding of various popular styles of singing - Uncover latent creativity, develop focus, and remember how to have fun CLASS ACTIVITIES: Class time will be divided between lecture/discussion, vocal exercises, guest lecturers, critical listening, and student performances. Students will be required to perform at least three times during the semester. All three songs must be memorized, and will be selected from amongst the styles of music covered in the scope of the course. EVALUATION AND GRADING: There will be a midterm and a final exam, comprised of listening, multiple choice, etc. Grading will be based on the following division: 40% class participation (good attention and students’ mutual support) – includes attendance; 20% singing performance and improvement;, 20% mid-term and final exams, and 20% homework, and lab time. REQUIREMENTS OF THE STUDENT: The text, The Complete Singer’s Guide by Wayland Pickard will be required, as will the reading of certain articles as homework and three book/video/cassette reviews – from the instructor’s Reserved section in the lab. (1-2 pages, typed.) Approximately three hours per week will be expected for vocal practice and studies. Please bring a tape recorder to class, for recording warm-ups and performances (yours). College policy requires that a student be dropped from the roll when absences total more than the number of hours the class meets in a two-week period (4 absences for this class). Individual problems of extended absence due to illness or other cause may be resolved by consultation with the instructor. Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to...... 1. Reclaim the enjoyment of singing solo and in groups. 2. Demonstrate important elements of singing, including: correct posture, breathing, support, relaxed speech/singing, etc. 3. Understand basic characteristics of different styles: Pop, R&B, Rock, Gospel, Jazz, Country, and Blues. 4. Perform simple vocal improvisation. 5. Analyze and label song structure; write/revise musical charts using symbols of form: DC, DS, coda, etc. 6. Describe use of microphones and explain basic recording terminology. 7. Explain basic techniques for self-promotion and marketing. 8. Describe the basic elements of good vocal health. Instructor’s Office Hours: I will generally be available for 10 minutes prior to class, as well as 10-15 minutes after class. Please check with me regarding scheduling a meeting….and please email me, or call me, if you need to talk to me (if you’ll be absent, late, missed an assignment, or if there’s a problem I can help you with.) IMPORTANT DATES TO REMEMBER: Last day to drop class: Last day to drop class without a “W”: 9/12 Mid-term exam: Final projects completed by: Holidays: Thursday 11/27 Thanksgiving Day RECOMMENDED COURSES (particularly if no previous study of music theory): **MUSIC 101 – Self-paced musicianship – on computers in the lab OR *MUSIC 102 – Music Fundamentals (sight-reading) MUSIC 1 – Music Theory MUSIC 41A – keyboard skills