902.06 Emergency Notification System

902.06 Emergency Notification System
03/25/2010; 03/14/07;08/31/05; 05/30/2008; 01/01/09
The College operates an opt-in alert system that allows students, employees, and others to
be notified via telephone, cell phone, and/or e-mail in case of emergency. This system,
along with the College’s audible alarm public address notification system is referred to as
JD Alert. In addition, the telephone and campus runners remain a means of emergency
notification. JD Alert is intended for the immediate transmission of specific information
regarding an emergency to all affected areas of the Atmore and/or Brewton campuses.
The College Switchboard is the focal point for two-way transmission of official
emergency telephone communications to college administrators. However, college
employees should call 911 to notify local authorities if there is an emergency that requires
their services. For other emergencies, call the switchboard operator. He/she will initiate
the notification system by calling the following college administrators as appropriate. The
calling order should be considered flexible depending on the location and nature of the
President or designee
Dean of Business Affairs
Dean of Student Affairs
Dean of Instruction
Director of Adult Education
Director of Administration and Personnel
Director of Technology and Information Services
Maintenance Supervisors
The President or designee will determine how JD Alert will be used to notify employees,
students, and others. Possible uses include, opt-in notification system, audible alarm, oncampus telephones, or in the absence of phone services, runners.
During an emergency, campus phones must be restricted to official college use only.
Circumstances JD Alert opt-in notification and/or audible alarm system should be used for
include, but are not limited to:
Chemical or Radioactive Material Spill
Explosion or Downed Aircraft
Gas Leak
Utility Failure – depends on the circumstances
Bomb/Bomb Threat – depends on the circumstances
Firearms on Campus
Hostage Situations
Violent or Criminal Behavior, including, but not limited to, escaped prisoners,
work-release walk-aways, and other suspected criminals that may be headed
toward a campus.
Hurricane – general notice of campus closing schedule
Severe Weather
JD Alert will be tested during the first 30 class days of each semester.
JD Alert Messages
The person using JD Alert should take a minute to prepare a brief script. This script
should include at least the following information:
 brief description of the event/situation
 where the event has occurred or will occur (e. g. which campus or area of campus)
 action needed on part of person receiving the message (take cover, move to a safe
area, evacuate the campus, etc.)
 date and time of the message (not used for PA announcements)
Class Cancellations
JD Alert can also be used by individual faculty to notify the students in their classes of
class cancellations. If a faculty member plans to use the System for class cancellation
notifications, students should be asked to opt-in to the System at the beginning of the
If campus telephone/runners are to be used the following people will be responsible for
making the identified notifications.
Upon notification, the Dean of Business Affairs should notify:
Business Office
The Dean of Student Affairs should notify:
Financial Aid
Student Support Services
Upward Bound
The Dean of Instruction or designee should notify:
Division Chairs
Instructional Support
Atmore Campus
Fountain and Holman Correctional Sites
Technical Shop Areas
The Director of Administration and Personnel should notify:
Museum Coordinator
Division Chairs should notify:
All instructors in their division