HSM401 Reflective Journal

Example assessment & marking criteria
Assessment type:
Reflective journal
HSM401 Reflecting on Health Care Systems
Students examine the components of a health care system, building on their own experiences, to establish a
personal development framework. They investigate definitions and models of health; how health, illness and
disability are measured, particularly the determinants of health; how value can be measured and applied to different
interventions and the impacts they have on health status; and how choices are made in resource allocation.
Emerging trends linked to some complex and real issues confronting managers are considered in detail.
 be able to describe several models of health and illness;
 be able to identify, describe and analyse a variety of determinants of health;
 be able to identify, describe and analyse a model or framework of health most applicable to the health care
service they are involved with;
 be able to discuss different measures of health and illness, including morbidity and mortality;
 be able to identify and evaluate the principal statistics, including demographic statistics, required to measure
these concepts;
 be able to identify, describe and evaluate categories and examples of the typical measures currently used to
assess performance at service and system levels of delivery;
 be able to discuss the contribution of economic theory to the process of resource allocation in a health or
aged care context;
 be able to identify the role and contribution of different stakeholders to shaping the policy and delivery of
health and aged care services;
 be able to describe the relative significance of the principal components of health care system - by volume,
cost, mode of delivery, provider, funder, sector;
 be able to analyse the performance of the health and aged care systems from perspectives of equity,
accessibility, efficiency and accountability;
 be able to describe the components and characteristics of the health workforce;
 be able to evaluate the impact of gender, demographic, education, technology, economic, and industrial
conditions and issues on the health workforce;
 be able to analyse the effectiveness, efficiency and acceptability of current funding arrangements from a
Subject learning
Assessment task:
Value & length:
Task description:
variety of stakeholder perspectives;
be able to discuss predictions of changes to funding models and the degree of acceptance from a variety of
stakeholder perspectives;
be able to describe health systems developments in a number of health systems other than their own;
be able to develop an ability to reflect deeply and critically to analyse experience and new information to
enhance an understanding of managerial thinking;
be able to use the approach of reflection to integrate new insights with their current understanding of health
system related issues;
be able reflect on the differences in thinking between clinicians, clinician-managers and managers on
conceptions of clinical work and accountability for the use of resources in a health or aged care context.
Part 1 and 2 of the Assignment will need to be submitted through EASTS in word format for audit purposes, but can
be developed within PebblePad as you progress. The mark and feedback on the EASTS document will include the
web-folio assessment.
1. The Reflective Journal should include a review towards the end of the subject of the original definitions you
presented as Part A of Assignment 1, as well as a reflection on the subject’s learning outcomes. (Note: Please
present your original definition paired with your revised or final definition to enable the marker to easily compare
the versions. A summary review of your attainment and/or progress towards achieving the learning outcomes
identified in this subject is expected. Approximately 500 words - 5% of this assignment's value)
2. Please conclude your Reflective Journal with an entry indicating which issues you felt you reflected and gained
the most from. You should also identify what most assisted you with developing your reflection, and the criteria
that guided you to deciding what to reflect on, and whether that changed over the session. (Approximately 500
words - 5% of this assignment's value)
3. Presentation of your entire Reflective Journal (including all materials submitted in Assignment 1) for review
and assessment in PebblePad by the due date. As a guide past students have averaged 19,000 words (no
word limit and worth 90% of this assignment's value). As your Reflective Journal has been developed and
maintained in PebblePad you DO NOT need to copy it into word format to submit through EASTS.
This assignment provides a personal learning record that evidences the shift from your baseline understandings
about some important key concepts to health services management. It should also provide evidence of the nature
of your engagement with the learning resources and activities to enable an assessment of the extent to which you
have developed your managerial thinking.
Marking criteria & standards of performance
Developed by David Ritchie
A review of the
A clear and succinct
original key
presentation of original
concept definitions and revised key concept
presented as Part
definitions with
A of Assignment 1
discussion of the
comparing the
process of revision. A
original definition
critical and succinct
followed by your
analysis of those
revised or final
learning outcomes
definition. A
achieved and those
summary review of remaining incomplete.
progress towards
3.5 marks
the learning
outcomes identified
in this subject is
Discussion of the
Detailed analysis of
issues you felt you
several issues felt to be
reflected and
most significant
gained from the
examples of reflection.
most. You should
Clear and succinct
also identify what
analysis of factors
assisted you most
influencing the
with developing
development of
your reflection, the
reflective thinking and
criteria used to
writing, elements
decide what to
contributing to the
reflect on, and
process of reflection and
whether they
a summary assessment
changed over the
of what changes
occurred. 3.5 marks
A clear presentation of
original and revised key
concept definitions with
brief discussion of the
process of revision.
Some analysis of those
learning outcomes
achieved and those
remaining incomplete.
2.9 marks
A presentation of original
and partial revision of
key concept definitions.
Some discussion of
those learning outcomes
achieved and those
remaining incomplete.
2.3 marks
A presentation of original
and partial revision of
key concept definitions.
A summary of those
learning outcomes
achieved and those
remaining incomplete.
1.75 marks
A partial revision of key
concept definitions. A
brief statement on
achievement of learning
outcomes. 1.5 marks
Analysis of several
issues felt to be most
significant examples of
reflection. Analysis of
factors influencing the
development of
reflective thinking and
writing, elements
contributing to the
process of reflection and
a summary assessment
of what changes
occurred. 2.9 marks
Discussion of several
issues felt to be most
significant examples of
reflection. Discussion of
factors influencing the
development of
reflective thinking and
writing, elements
contributing to the
process of reflection and
a summary assessment
of what changes
occurred. 2.3 marks
Discussion of at least
one issue felt to be a
most significant example
of reflection. Brief
discussion of at least
one factor influencing
the development of
reflective thinking and
writing, elements
contributing to the
process of reflection and
a brief assessment of
what changes occurred.
1.75 marks
No identification of a
significant example of
reflection. Limited
discussion of influences
on the development of
reflective thinking and
writing. 1.5marks
Submission of your
entire Reflective
Journal (including
all materials
submitted in
Assignment 1) for
review and
assessment in a
webfolio asset in
Presentation of a highly
developed webfolio
asset in PebblePad, with
revisions to the
structure. Evidence of
regular entries, and
regular dated review of
entries. Clear
development and
progression from richly
descriptive entries based
on Pointers for
Reflection questions
initially, and sustained
engagement with
learning resources and
support activities with
frequent linkages to
workplace and personal
experience. Evidence of
engagement with
several issues that
developed reflective
thinking and writing to
achieve premise
reflection, and several
issues where reflection
remained a work in
progress. Able to justify
attainment of levels of
reflection on several
issues using the adapted
Mezirow framework. 58
Presentation of a
developed webfolio
asset in PebblePad.
Evidence of regular
entries, and regular
dated review of entries.
Clear development and
progression from richly
descriptive entries based
on Pointers for
Reflection questions
initially, and sustained
engagement with
learning resources and
support activities with
frequent linkages to
workplace and personal
experience. Evidence of
engagement with at
least two issues that
developed reflective
thinking and writing to
achieve premise
reflection, and at least
two issues where
reflection remained a
work in progress. Able to
justify attainment of
levels of reflection on at
least one issue using the
adapted Mezirow
framework. 48 marks
Presentation of a
developed webfolio
asset in PebblePad.
Evidence of regular
entries, and several
dated review of entries.
Development and
progression from richly
descriptive entries based
on Pointers for
Reflection questions
initially, and sustained
engagement with
learning resources and
support activities with
regular linkages to
workplace and personal
experience. Evidence of
engagement with at
least one issue that
developed reflective
thinking and writing to
achieve premise
reflection, and at least
one issue where
reflection remained a
work in progress. Able to
discuss the levels of
reflection using the
adapted Mezirow
framework. 38 marks
Presentation of a
developed webfolio
asset in PebblePad.
Evidence of regular
entries, and some dated
review of entries.
Development and
progression from richly
descriptive entries based
on Pointers for
Reflection questions
initially, and sustained
engagement with
learning resources and
support activities with
regular linkages to
workplace and personal
experience. Evidence of
engagement with at
least one issue that
developed reflective
thinking and writing to
achieve process
reflection. No reference
to the levels of reflection
using the adapted
Mezirow framework. 29
Presentation of a
webfolio asset in
PebblePad. Evidence of
regular entries. Largely
descriptive entries and
limited engagement with
learning resources and
support activities.
Infrequent linkages to
workplace and personal
experience. No evidence
of engagement with any
issue that developed
reflective thinking and
writing to achieve
process reflection. No
reference to the levels of
reflection using the
adapted Mezirow
framework. 25 marks