Title CP107 Patrol and maintain border security in coastal, near continent and eurozone environments Summary This standard is about patrolling coastal, near continent and eurozone environments and screening vessels in the area for potential threats to the maintenance of border security. It includes controlling and navigating the patrol vessel, and also challenging those vessels requiring further enquiry. There are two elements: CP107.1 CP107.2 Control the patrol vessel Challenge vessels requiring further enquiry Target Group UKBA Staff Linked Standards CP101 Evaluate persons ahead of their arrivals at borders CP102 Evaluate vehicles/vessels and goods at borders This Standard has been developed by Skills for Justice Skills for Justice National Occupational Standards for UKBA 1 Final version approved August 2010 Element CP107.1 Control the patrol vessel Performance Criteria To meet the standard, you 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 check and confirm that critical systems are functioning properly before departing, including those controlling manoeuvring and navigation, addressing any faults as required check that the vessel is correctly manned by an accredited crew establish that the correct equipment is available for your crew to enable the intended activities to be undertaken, confirming that it is in good working order, and certificated where necessary set your vessel’s course and speed correctly and accurately, using available equipment and taking into account your current and required position, weather conditions, water depth and currents, tides and your vessel’s operating envelope set and use your navigation equipment correctly, in line with recommended practice and the manufacturers’ instructions, and interpret correctly the resultant information determine accurately your vessel’s position, course and speed using the available navigation equipment communicate information concerning your vessel correctly and as required manoeuvre your vessel correctly, taking action to avoid collisions where necessary and in line with the requirements of national and international legislation report defective equipment promptly and correctly monitor navigational broadcasts and warnings, taking the appropriate actions in response where necessary address engineering issues relating to the primary drivers ensure that the vessel is properly bunkered and stored maintain all required records accurately and correctly Range 1 a b c d Equipment operational navigational fire and safety life saving 2 a b c d Information position course speed destination Skills for Justice National Occupational Standards for UKBA 2 Final version approved August 2010 Element CP107.2 Challenge vessels requiring further enquiry Performance Criteria To meet the standard, you 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 obtain all relevant, available information relating to vessels within the coastal environment for which you are responsible, including their nationality and status review the information available and assess whether there is cause for further enquiry make the necessary enquiries in line with your organisation’s procedures and act within the law assess the information gathered and evaluate the potential risks to maintaining border security posed by the vessels identify correctly those vessels for which there is just cause to take further action towards monitoring and/or challenging their progress, and progress this in line with your organisation’s procedures inform all relevant people promptly of the outcomes of your assessments conduct the boarding of vessels at sea in accordance with organisational and legal requirements maintain accurate and up-to-date records in line with your organisation’s procedures Range 1 a b c Relevant people Operators of the vessel Colleagues Legal authorities Skills for Justice National Occupational Standards for UKBA 3 Final version approved August 2010 CP107 Patrol and maintain border security in coastal, near continent and eurozone environments Knowledge and Understanding To meet the standard, you need to know and understand Security knowledge and understanding 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 legal and organisational requirements relating to the screening of vessels within UK and near UK waters and their impact for your area of operations legislation, policies and procedures relating to data protection, health and safety, diversity and their impact for your area of operations the role of your organisation in maintaining and enhancing the security of the UK, and the principal areas of activity undertaken screening procedures relating to vessels within UK coastal environments, the information required and how to undertake a risk assessment of vessels in coastal environments the indicators of potential risk and how to assess these the nature of the risks for which you are screening and the actions to take where vessels are considered to pose a risk the types of forgery applied to vessel documentation and associated developing trends, and signs that such documentation may not be legitimate the importance of notifying all relevant personnel of the outcomes of your screening and how to do this Controlling patrol vessels 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 relevant international and national legislation, regulations and codes, as they affect operations within coastal environments how to interpret Admiralty and Harbour charts/plans and schedules for planned work how to use tidal stream atlases, tide tables, Nautical Almanacs and pilot/sailing directions how to plan, monitor and execute a passage plan, including the importance of set and leeway, in setting course and the different types of courses, including true, magnetic, compass and gyro and the impact of deviation and variation how to use electronic navigation aids, such as GPS, chart plotter and radar, as well as relevant non-electronic aids, and the limitations of navigation equipment how to make use of buoyage systems and navigation lights how to obtain and interpret weather information and how different types of adverse weather can impact upon vessel movements within coastal environments how to calculate tidal heights and ranges, and the local impact of tidal streams upon vessel movements the handling characteristics of your patrol vessel relevant to your area of operations how to determine the position of your vessel using navigation equipment relevant to your area of operations, in both good and restricted visibility how to operate equipment safely and within defined parameters/restrictions, by using instructions and procedures within your area of operations Skills for Justice National Occupational Standards for UKBA 4 Final version approved August 2010 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 the roles and responsibilities of those involved in facilitating vessel movement and their lines of communication to people, within your area of operations the effect of your vessel’s speed in relation to its impact upon other vessels, property and persons the importance of reporting promptly any defects in the vessel and/or equipment, and your organisation’s procedures for doing this local geography and water conditions, including navigable channels and tides, where these are applicable to your area of operations the organisation’s Safety Management System relevant to your area of operations workplace procedures for dealing with emergency situations on board your vessel, including fire, ingress of water, grounding, man overboard, collision, sea survival, casualty evacuation, distress situations, abandoning ship, first aid and medical care aboard ship the correct procedures for the boarding of vessels at sea, and relevant organisational and legal requirements Intelligence led operations 27 the use of intelligence to support operations Skills for Justice National Occupational Standards for UKBA 5 Final version approved August 2010