RESEARCH PROJECT INTO EQUINE ASSISTED THERAPY/ LEARNING AND THERAPEUTIC HORSEMANSHIP Information sheet for Social Workers, Teachers, Carers and Parents Who is doing the research? Hannah Burgon is undertaking research into Therapeutic Horsemanship (TH) and Equine Assisted Learning (EAT/L) as part of a PhD at Cardiff University. Hannah is a qualified social worker and project manager of a TH project to be included in the study. What are Therapeutic Horsemanship and Equine Assisted Therapy/Learning? These interventions are new approaches to working with young people by employing the horse as a therapeutic and educational medium. Being with animals has been proven to have many therapeutic benefits and horses, especially, offer unlimited potential in terms of promoting greater self-esteem and self-confidence as well as teaching responsibility together with the obvious physical and mental health benefits associated with being outdoors in the natural environment. What is the purpose of the research? To date very little research has been carried out into TH and EAT/L. This study hopes to provide further insight into the interventions and so contribute to further research, thereby assisting in providing an evidence-base to EAT/L and TH in the future. Who is being invited to participate? Children and young people who are participating or referred to EAL/T and TH projects will be invited to become involved in the research. This will take place through Hannah conducting the research as a participant observer/assistant and/or asking them to complete a small questionnaire/participate in a semi-structured interview depending on their wishes. The research will make no difference, nor have any effect, on the sessions, as the purpose of the study is to look at what is happening, and naturally occurring, between the child/young person and the horses in a session. Children/young people can choose how long they wish to take part, from just one session or throughout the year of the project, depending on how long they participate in the programme and/or wish to take part. Obtaining consent All children and young people identified will be provided with a separate information sheet (enclosed) and asked if they would consider taking part in the study prior to being visited to discuss their possible involvement. Children and young people will be given plenty of time to consider the implications of the research and encouraged to talk to their carers/parents/socialworker/teacher etc about it before agreeing to participate. Not participating in the research will in no way influence whether a child/young person can access the equine sessions and they will be made aware that they can withdraw from the research at any time without it having any effect on their continuing participation in equine sessions. The research hopes to involve the children/young people by employing a participatory approach so that they have the opportunity to be involved in all aspects of the research. This includes choosing whether they wish to provide written consent or verbal consent. The person who holds responsibility (local authority/parent) will be asked to provide written consent in all cases. Confidentiality All information that is collected during the research will be strictly anonymised and all names changed, with the children/young people being asked to choose their own pseudonym if they wish. The location, other staff, horses and any other identifying factors will also be anonymised in any reports or publications arising from the research. All children/young people and other relevant parties will have the opportunity to comment on any articles prior to publication as part of the participatory nature of the research. The Data Protection Act will be adhered to with all material stored in a locked filing cabinet as is current project policy. A child protection policy is in place that will be followed as standard procedure during the research. The project has the full support and consent of the equine projects involved and Cardiff University School of Social Sciences Ethics Committee. Contact Information If you would like more information about the research project please contact; Hannah Burgon 01803 866248 or 07958 356114 email: or Cardiff University Cardiff School of Social Sciences Glamorgan Building King Edward VII Avenue Cardiff CF10 3WT Cardiff University Cardiff School of Social Sciences Glamorgan Building King Edward VII Avenue Cardiff CF10 3WT Consent Form Equine Assisted Therapy/Learning and Therapeutic Horsemanship research project Name of Researcher Hannah Burgon Please initial 1. I………………………………………………….. confirm that I have read and understood the information sheets enclosed and had any questions about the research answered to my satisfaction (participant) 2. I give my consent to take part in the study and understand that I can withdraw from the research at any time without it affecting my participation in EAT/TH/Equine Activities (participant) 3. I confirm that I have read and understood the information sheets enclosed and had any questions about the research answered satisfaction (SW/Parent/carer/teacher) 4. I give my consent for …………………………………………………………………………. to take part in the study and understand that s/he can withdraw from the research at any time without affecting participation in EAT/TH/Equine Activities (SW/Parent/carer/teacher) Name of person participating in study………………………………………………………………………………………(Print name) Signature…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Date……………………………………. Person with consent authority…………………………………………………………………………………………………….(Print name) (Parent/Carer/Social Worker/Teacher etc Signature of above ………………………………………………………………………………………………Date……………………………………. Copy for participant/person with authorised consent and copy for research file