CHECKLIST for when you are the . . . TOASTMASTER OF THE DAY READ: "Meeting Roles & Responsibilities" in the Communication & Leadership Manual, Pages 75 & 76 You are responsible for the tone and flow of the meeting and keeping the meeting moving. BEFORE THE MEETING Prepare your introduction for the President. 7 DAY IN ADVANCE of the meeting CALL: 1. Vice President of Education: For Theme and Agenda changes (Stay in constant touch with the VP Education, especially if there are problems) 2. Table Topics Master: Remind him to read Checklist, etc. Discuss duties & give agenda changes Ask for an Introduction Tell him how many Table Topics to prepare. * Remind him never to call on Toastmaster, Speakers, or General Evaluator 3. Speakers: Remind him to read checklist, etc. Ask for an Introduction. (Remind of Introduction Form) Always include: 4. Title Manual Project # Speech Objectives Time Limitations Information to set up speech General Evaluator Ask for Introduction Discuss Agenda changes Remind him to call his evaluation team about their responsibilities Remind him to sit near the back of the room to fully observe meeting 5. Prayer & Pledge: Remind him to read the Prayer & Pledge Checklist. Ask all participants to arrive early. On time is TOO LATE. Page 1 TOASTMASTER OF THE DAY CHECKLIST cont . . . UPON ARRIVAL AT THE MEETING Consult Speakers for changes. Remind Speakers to begin getting out of their seats and moving toward lectern as you begin their introductions. In fact, remind the General Evaluator, Table Topics Master, i. e., anyone coming to the lectern. Give your Introduction to the President. Sit up front so you can be ready to return to lectern without taking a lot of walking time. DURING THE MEETING Keep the Flow IT MUST END ON TIME. Be aware of all things in the meeting. Do not become bogged down in your notes. BE FLEXIBLE. PAY ATTENTION TO ALL SPEAKERS AT THE LECTERN (It is the polite thing to do) Make the audience feel at ease by staying in control. Lead the applause. (Or assign someone in the audience to start the applause for you.) Page 2 TOASTMASTER FORM President's responsibilities = INTRODUCTION OF TOASTMASTER OF THE DAY RESPONSIBILITIES of the TOASTMASTER OF THE DAYYY 1. ANNOUNCE ANY CHANGES IN THE AGENDA INTRODUCE ANY GUESTS (if the President did not) EXPLAIN WHAT TOASTMASTER'S JOB IS Name 2. WORD FOR THE DAY ________________________________ 3. INTRODUCE GENERAL EVALUATOR ________________________________ 4. INTRODUCE SPEAKER #1 ________________________________ After each speech, give about 20 seconds for people to fill in the upper portion of Ballot, then begin next introduction. INTRODUCE SPEAKER #2 ________________________________ INTRODUCE SPEAKER #3 ________________________________ INTRODUCE SPEAKER #4 ________________________________ INTRODUCE SPEAKER #5 ________________________________ 5. Ask for Timer's Report on Speeches, then . . . 6. 7. Ask members to VOTE for Best Speaker. (Only those who stayed within the time constraints of their speeches are eligible. Explain this. If there are only two eligible, do not vote.) INTRODUCE TABLE TOPICS MASTER ________________________________ 8. If Table Topics Master forgets, ask for times and vote on Table Topics for those eligible. 9. Bring GENERAL EVALUATOR back to lectern for General Evaluation portion of the Meeting. 10. If the General Evaluator has forgotten anything, such as times and votes, you take care of it. 11. If we had guest, thank them for coming and ask for comments. 12. Ask for results of the voting from the Ballot Counter. (if it ballot counter has not finished, then . . . . BRING THE PRESIDENT BACK TO LECTERN __________________________________