An Arm Chair Tour of Israel

An Arm Chair Tour of Israel.
6. The Sea of Galilee.
Jn.6:1. Pray.
Compared to the Dead Sea, which we studied last time, the Sea of Galilee is absolutely
divine. Rabbis say of all the Seas created by Jehovah, this one is His delight. It is a
highlight of any tour of Israel. The lake is known by 5 names. Two are mentioned in
our text. The Sea of Galilee and the Sea of Tiberius (for a Roman Emperor),
Chinnereth (Hebrew for Harp-shaped) Num.34:11, Kinneret (the modern name) and
Genneseret Lk.5:1.
The Jordon River begins up North by Mt. Hermon and is the major supply for the Sea
of Galilee. At 700 feet below sea level, it is the lowest freshwater lake in the world. It
is the only fresh water lake in Israel and an important source for drinking water. It is
13 miles long, 7.5 miles wide and 33 miles in circumference. It’s maximum depth is
less than 200 feet. Cool air coming down from the North and the warm air of the
valley often cause violent storms on the lake. Mk.4:35-41.
Several cities around the lake supplied an abundance of wheat, barley, figs, grapes,
vegetables, and a variety of wild flowers to the economy. The area also provided a
large fishing industry. Can you imagine sitting in a boat in the middle of this lake on
a nice day and pondering the ministry of the Lord Jesus? As we saw in Mk. 4, the
lake heard the voice of the Lord and obeyed Him. He fed 5000 men plus women and
children near here Matt.14:13-21. Of the 33 miracles recorded in this area, 10 were
healings. Consider one special incident on the Sea of Galilee.
Walking on the water of the Sea of Galilee. Matt.14:22-33. Notice 5 things.
1. After the feeding of the 5000, Jesus was alone in prayer on a Mt.. 22-23.
2. In the 4th watch of the night (3-6AM) the disciples needed help. 24-25.
3. When they saw Him they were afraid and couldn’t believe their eyes. 26-27.
4. Peter called for verification that it was the Lord indeed. 28-31.
5. When we have Jesus with us, all is well. 32-33.
Conclusion: It was at this lake Peter, James & John forsook all to follow Jesus. What
about YOU? Lk.5:1-11. Are YOU in the boat with Jesus? He is the one that produces
fruit in the life of the believer. He is the one who knows where the fish are. He is the
one we ought to be willing to follow anywhere. He is the one who is worthy of our
fullest devotion and faithful service. He is the one who will make us fishers of men.
Faith must be willing to launch out into the deep with and for the Lord. AMEN.