DISTRICT OF SQUAMISH BYLAW NO. 1295 As Amended by Bylaws No. 1598, 1650, 1663, 1732 and 1802 THIS IS A CONSOLIDATED BYLAW PREPARED BY THE DISTRICT OF SQUAMISH FOR CONVENIENCE ONLY. THE CORPORATION DOES NOT WARRANT THAT THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS CONSOLIDATION IS CURRENT. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE PERSON USING THIS CONSOLIDATION TO ENSURE THAT IT ACCURATELY REFLECTS CURRENT BYLAW PROVISIONS. A bylaw to regulate the Meetings of Council and their conduct. ________________________________________________________________________ WHEREAS under Section 231 of the Municipal Act, the Council shall by bylaw regulate Council Meetings and their conduct. NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the District of Squamish, in open meeting assembled, enacts as follows: 1. Short Title (a) This Bylaw may be cited for all purposes as the “District of Squamish Procedure Bylaw No. 1295, 1994.” 2. Repeal (a) “District of Squamish Procedure Bylaw No. 831, 1983" is hereby repealed. 3. Acting Mayor (a) 4. The Council shall, at or before the first regular meeting each year, appoint one of its members to be Acting Mayor in the event of the absence of the Mayor during the time specified in the appointment, and may amend appointments from time to time. Meetings of Council (a) Regular meetings of Council must take place within Municipal Hall except when Council resolves to hold meetings elsewhere. (Bylaw No. 1802) The Council of the District of Squamish shall hold its regular meetings at 7:00 p.m. on the first and third Tuesday (Amended by Bylaw 1732) of each month unless otherwise cancelled by Council at a preceding regular meeting. When the date of any regular meeting falls on a public or civic holiday, the Council shall meet at the same hour on the next day following which is not such a holiday, unless otherwise cancelled. (Amended by Bylaw No. 1598) (b) As soon after the hour of the meeting of the Council as there shall be a quorum present, the Mayor shall take the Chair and call the members to order. (c) In case the Mayor does not attend within fifteen minutes after the time appointed for a meeting, the Acting Mayor shall take the Chair and call the members to order, or if the Acting Mayor is absent, the Manager of Administrative Services shall call the members to order and, if a quorum is present, the members shall appoint a Chairperson who shall preside during the meeting or until the arrival of the Mayor or Acting Mayor. (Amended by Bylaw No. 1663) (d) Should there be no quorum present within fifteen minutes after the time appointed for the meeting, the Manager of Administrative Services shall record in the minute book the names of the members present at the expiration of such fifteen minutes and the meeting shall stand adjourned until the next scheduled meeting. (Amended by Bylaw No. 1663) (e) All regular meetings of Council and Standing Committees shall be terminated Consolidated as at: May 17, 2004 -1- Bylaw No. 1295 at 10:00 p.m., unless a resolution is passed by a simple majority to continue. (f) (1) At least 72 hours before a regular meeting of Council, the Manager of Administrative Services must give public notice of the time, place and date of the meeting by way of a notice posted on the notice board in the Municipal Hall foyer. (2) At least 24 hours before a regular meeting of Council, the Manager of Administrative Services must give further public notice of the meeting by: (i) posting a copy of the agenda on the notice board in the Municipal Hall foyer; and (ii) leaving copies of the agenda at the reception counter at Municipal Hall for the purpose of making them available to members of the public; (3) At least 24 hours before a regular meeting of Council, the Manager of Administrative Services must deliver a copy of the agenda to each member of Council at the place to which to Council member has directed notices be sent. (Amended by Bylaw No. 1598) (g) Except where notice of a special meeting is waived by a unanimous vote of all council members under section 223(3) of the Municipal Act at least 24 hours before a special meeting of Council, the Manager of Administrative Services must: (1) give advance public notice of the time, place and date of the meeting by way of a notice posted on the notice board in the Municipal Hall foyer; and (2) give notice of the special meeting in accordance with section 223 of the Municipal Act. (Amended by Bylaw No. 1598) (h) Inaugural Meeting (1) (2) The first regular council meeting following a general local election must be held on the first Tuesday in December following the general local election. If a quorum of council members elected at the general local election has not taken office by the date of the meeting referred to in subsection (1), the first Council meeting must be called by the Corporate Officer and held as soon as reasonably possible after a quorum has taken office.(Bylaw No. 1802) (i) The Corporate Officer must: (1) post in the posting locations, and (2) publish in accordance with Section 94 of the Community Charter at least once a year, a schedule of the date, time and place of regular Council meetings.(Bylaw No. 1802) (j) Posting Locations In this bylaw, “posting locations” means on the notice board in the Municipal Hall foyer. (Bylaw No. 1802) (k) Annual Meeting The corporate officer must give notice of the council meeting or other public meeting in respect of which Council has resolved to consider (1) the annual report prepared under Section 98 of the Community Charter, and (2) submissions and questions from the public, by giving public notice by, (1) posting notice of the date, time and place of the annual meeting in the posting locations, and Consolidated as at: May 17, 2004 -2- Bylaw No. 1295 (2) 5. publishing notice of the date, time and place of the annual meeting in accordance with Section 94 of the Community Charter. (Bylaw No. 1802) Procedure at Meetings (a) (1) Subject to sections 242.2 and 242.5 of the Municipal Act, all Council meetings must be open to the public. (2) Where Council wishes to close a meeting to the public, it may do so by adopting a resolution in accordance with section 242.3 of the Municipal Act. (3) This section applies to meetings of bodies referred to in section 242.7 of the Municipal Act, including, without limitation; (i) Select or standing committees of council; (ii) the board of variance; (iii) the court of revision; (iv) the advisory planning commission; and (v) the Parks & Recreation Commission. (Amended by Bylaw No. 1598) (b) Prior to each Regular meeting the Manager of Administrative Services shall prepare, for the approval of the Mayor and subsequent distribution, an agenda of all business to be brought before the Council at such meeting. All documents from outside parties intended to be submitted to the Council must be delivered to the Manager of Administrative Services not later than 12:00 Noon on the Tuesday preceding the day of the meeting of Council. (Amended by Bylaws No. 1598 and 1663) (c) The general order of business on the agenda shall be as follows: (1) Call to Order (2) Adoption of Agenda (3) Proclamations (Amended by Bylaw No. 1663) (4) Unscheduled Public Attendance (Fifteen Minute Question and Answer Period - if required) (5) Adoption of Minutes (6) Business Arising from the Minutes (7) Staff Reports (8) Committee Minutes and Reports (9) Public Hearings (10) Petitions, Delegations (11) Correspondence (a) Action Requested (b) Information (12) Bylaws (13) Notice of Motion (14) Council Questions and Information (Amended by Bylaw No. 1663) (15) Council - Staff In-Camera Items Announcements (16) Media Question Period (17) Adjournment. (d) The business shall, in all cases, be taken up in the order in which it stands on the agenda unless otherwise determined upon a vote without debate of two-thirds of the members present. (e) All motions, except those as outlined in s.5(i) and routine motions including motions to adopt a report, to receive and file, and privileged questions, shall, if required by the Mayor, be reduced to writing and read by the mover or by the Mayor or Manager of Administrative Services before they shall be debated. A brief introduction previous to the resolution may be made by the mover. The Mayor or presiding member may, in his or her discretion, recognize anyone in the debate and speakers may be recognized more than once. The Mayor shall not recognize speakers for a second time until each member wishing to speak has been recognized at least once. (Amended by Consolidated as at: May 17, 2004 -3- Bylaw No. 1295 Bylaw No. 1663) (f) When there is an amendment offered to any motion, the vote on the amendment will be taken first and in no case shall there be more than one amendment before the Council at one time. (g) When an amendment is offered as a substitute for the original motion and the amendment is carried, the original motion shall not be put to a vote. (h) A motion before the Council may be withdrawn by its mover and seconder provided there is no objection by the majority of members present. (i) When a question is under consideration, no motion shall be received, except for the following: (1) to refer to a Committee of Council; (2) to amend; (3) to postpone indefinitely or to a certain time; (4) to put the motion to a vote; (5) to adjourn. Such motions shall have precedence in the order in which they are named, and the last three shall be neither amendable nor debatable. (j) A motion to adjourn the Council or to adjourn the debate shall always be in order, but if such motion is lost, no second motion to the same effect shall be made until after some intermediate proceeding has taken place. (k) A motion to refer the subject matter to a Committee, until it is decided, shall preclude all amendment of the main question. (l) If a motion has not been seconded, the recording of the motion in the Minutes is dependent upon Council's wishes, as no action is considered as having been taken on the motion. (Amended by Bylaw No. 1598) 6. Order of Debate (a) Members desiring to speak must address themselves to the Mayor or Chairperson, addressing the Chair as "Mayor __________" or "Chairperson __________", and shall refer to other members as "Councillor". (b) The mover of any resolution or amendment will have the right to close the debate. (c) In a discussion, if any member believes his or her meaning to be misunderstood or misrepresented by a subsequent speaker, he or she shall have the right to correct the misunderstanding or misrepresentation but not to introduce new matters. (d) The Manager of Administrative Services shall record in the minutes the names of members opposed on every vote. (Amended by Bylaw No. 1663) (e) A member of Council wishing to have returned for reconsideration a resolution or proceeding of Council, other than a bylaw, which has not been given the assent of the electors or which has not been returned for reconsideration by the Mayor, and which has not been acted upon by any officer, servant, or agent of the Municipality, may do so provided that member of Council gives notice in writing within fifteen days of the date Council originally made the decision, that he or she will move at the next meeting that the question be reconsidered. A two-thirds majority vote of Council is required on a motion to reconsider. (f) Any question of order in the proceedings of Council or its Committees, not specifically covered by this bylaw or Provincial Statute, shall be determined in accordance with Robert's Rules of Order. (Amended by Bylaw No.1598) Consolidated as at: May 17, 2004 -4- Bylaw No. 1295 7. 8. Bylaw Procedures (a) Every proposed bylaw shall be printed or typewritten before it is introduced for consideration by the Council. (b) The readings of a bylaw may be given in a short form. (c) Where the Council resolves to consider a bylaw clause by clause during a meeting, such consideration shall be done as the second reading of the bylaw. (d) A bylaw that requires a public hearing and that has received second reading before the hearing shall not be amended before the hearing unless the second reading is rescinded and the bylaw as amended is given second reading. (e) A bylaw that has received third reading shall not be amended before adoption unless the third reading is rescinded and the bylaw as amended is given third reading. (f) The Manager of Administrative Services shall endorse upon every bylaw the date of the readings and the date of final adoption. (Amended by Bylaw No. 1663) (g) The only motion required for the reading of a bylaw shall be: "THAT (short title of the bylaw) be given first three readings (or first two readings). (h) The only motion required for the final adoption of a bylaw shall be: "THAT (short title of the bylaw) be adopted". (Amended by Bylaw No. 1598) (i) Should a motion to give any reading to a bylaw fail, then the bylaw will be defunct thirty days afterwards. Committees (a) The Mayor shall appoint, at or before the first regular meeting each year, such Standing Committees of Council as he or she deems appropriate and may amend appointments from time to time. The first named member of each Committee shall be the Chairperson thereof. The members shall appoint a deputy Chairperson from among their members at their first regular meeting each year. The members shall appoint an acting Chairperson when both the Chairperson and the Deputy Chairperson are not (b) The Mayor shall ex-officio be a member of all Committees. (c) A meeting of the Committee of the Whole may be called at any time by the Mayor. (d) The Council may, by vote, resolve itself into a Committee of the Whole by a resolution "... that the Council does now meet as a Committee of the Whole". (e) The procedural rules of Council shall be observed in Committee of the Whole. The procedures in this bylaw to the extent where they may, shall apply to all Council committees. (f) A motion in Committee of the Whole to rise without reporting, or that the Chairperson of the Committee leave the Chair, shall always be in order and shall take precedence over any other motion. On such motion, debate shall be allowed but no member shall speak more than once to such a motion and Consolidated as at: May 17, 2004 -5- Bylaw No. 1295 on an affirmative vote the Mayor, should he or she have left the Chair, shall resume the Chair and proceed with the next order of business. (g) When all matters referred to a Committee of the Whole have been considered, a motion to rise and report shall be adopted. The Committee, when it has partly considered a matter, may report progress and ask leave to sit again. In resumption of business the Chairperson of the Committee of the Whole shall report to Council and the adoption of the report shall be moved. (h) (1) (i) Committee of the Whole; (ii) any select committee appointed by the Council; and (iii) any standing committee appointed by the Mayor. (2) At least 72 hours before a regular meeting of a committee, the Manager of Administrative Services must give public notice of the time, place and date of the meeting by way of a notice posted on the notice board in the Municipal Hall foyer. (3) At least 24 hours before a regular meeting of a committee, the Manager of Administrative Services must give further public notice of the meeting by: (i) posting a copy of the agenda on the notice board in the Municipal Hall foyer; and (ii) leaving copies of the agenda at the reception counter at Municipal Hall for the purpose of making them available to members of the public. (4) At least 24 hours before a regular meeting of a committee, the Manager of Administrative Services must deliver a copy of the agenda to each member of the committee at the place to which the committee member has directed notices be sent. (5) At least 24 hours before a special meeting of a committee, the Manager of Administrative Services must give advance public notice of the time, place and date of the meeting by way of a notice posted on the notice board in the Municipal Hall foyer. (Amended by Bylaw No. 1598) (6) Notice of a special meeting may be waived by unanimous consent of all of the members of a select or standing committee. (7) At least one member constituting the quorum of a standing committee must be a member of Council. (8) The Chairperson of a standing or select committee, in consultation with District staff, shall approve all committee meeting agendas. (Amended by Bylaw No. 1650) 9. Petitions and Delegation (a) No person or group of persons wishing to appear before Council may do so unless he or she or they have first notified the Manager of Administrative Services in writing before he or she has prepared the Agenda and circulated it to the members of Council, except with leave of the Council. (Amended by Bylaw No. 1663) (b) Every delegation shall be allowed a maximum time of ten minutes to present its petition or submission unless extended by a two-thirds vote of the Council present, after which the Council may dispose of the petition or submission at the meeting, refer the subject matter to a Committee or take such other action as is deemed expedient. (c) Every petition presented to Council shall include the name of each petitioner with his or her civic address and telephone number. In the case of a corporation, the authority given by the corporation to sign the petition shall be produced in connection therewith. (d) Only those persons or delegations in attendance to present an issue that has arisen since the agenda closed and which must, in Council's opinion, be dealt with prior to the next Regular scheduled meeting are eligible to be recognized during the Unscheduled Public Attendance. The Mayor shall call, Consolidated as at: May 17, 2004 -6- Bylaw No. 1295 at the beginning of the Unscheduled Public Attendance portion of the meeting, for persons wishing to be recognized and, with Council's assent, having determined the number of persons eligible to be recognized, shall assign a time allotment for each eligible person or delegation to present their issue with consideration that the total time shall not exceed fifteen minutes, except with leave of the Council. (e) 10. Proclamation Delegations will be provided a maximum of three (3) minutes to make a presentation to Council, unless extended by a two-thirds vote of the Council present, after which the Council may dispose of the Proclamation request, refer the request to a Committee or take such other action as is deemed expedient. (Amended by Bylaw No. 1663) Minutes of Meetings (a) Minutes of Council meetings must be kept in accordance with section 236 of the Municipal Act. (b) Minutes of Committee meetings referred to in section (c) must be kept in accordance with section 237 of the Municipal Act. (c) Section (b) applies to meetings of: (i) Select or standing committees of Council; and (ii) Any other body composed solely of council members acting as council members. (Amended by Bylaw No. 1598) 11. Acting Mayor At the first regular meeting held in December each year, or at an inaugural meeting held under section 4(h), Council must in respect of the ensuing calendar year designate a councillor to serve as acting mayor to act in the place of the mayor when the mayor is absent or otherwise unable to act or when the office of the mayor is vacant. (Bylaw No. 1802) 12. Severance If any section, subsection clause or other provision of this bylaw is for any reason held to be invalid by the decision of a court of competent jurisdiction, the decision does not affect the validity of the remaining portions of the bylaw. (Bylaw No. 1802) If any section, subsection clause or other provision of this bylaw is for any reason held to be invalid by the decision of a court of competent jurisdiction, the decision does not affect the validity of the remaining portions of the bylaw. (Bylaw No. 1802) READ A FIRST TIME this 15th day of February, 1994. READ A SECOND TIME this 15th day of February, 1994 READ A THIRD TIME this 15th day of February, 1994 RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED this 22nd day of February, 1994. “Corinne Lonsdale” Corinne Lonsdale, Mayor “Bob Miles” R.A. Miles, Clerk-Administrator Consolidated as at: May 17, 2004 -7- Bylaw No. 1295