WORLD METEOROLOGICAL ORGANIZATION Distr.: RESTRICTED ____________________ EC/WGAM-VIII/INF-4 (11.XI.2002) EXECUTIVE COUNCIL _________ WORKING GROUP ON ANTARCTIC METEOROLOGY ITEM: 6.1 EIGHTH SESSION GENEVA, 25 – 27 NOVEMBER 2002 Original: ENGLISH ACCUMULATION OF SNOW AND ICE AND THE BOUNDARY LAYER CLIMATE OF ANTARCTICA Prepared by Hugh Hutchinson and Doug Shepherd Summary and Purpose of the Document The Appendix to this document is a paper prepared by the chairman on the effects of Snow and Ice in Antarctica on Climate. It is provided for Information. Appendix: “Accumulation of Snow and Ice and the Boundary Layer Climate of Antarctica.” EC/WGAM-VIII, INF-4, Appendix ACCUMULATION OF SNOW AND ICE AND THE BOUNDARY LAYER CLIMATE OF ANTARCTICA Climatic importance Understanding basic attributes of the Earth's atmosphere is fundamental to understanding our changing climate. Antarctica's icecap, sea ice and the general circulation of the Southern Ocean are known to have major impacts on global climate. Precipitation over Antarctica is recognised as an important climatic variable. Precipitation in polar regions has been forecast to increase with potential increases in global temperature, hence monitoring the cryosphere is an important component of detecting global change. The rate of accumulation of snow and ice is necessary information for the assessment of the stability and motion of the Antarctic ice sheets. A detailed knowledge of precipitation over the Antarctic continent is necessary for studies of the mass balance of the ice sheets, to ensure that numerical models are performing correctly at high southern latitudes and for the interpretation of ice cores. However, although we can get estimates of snow accumulation by a number of techniques, we have little knowledge of the atmospheric processes that give rise to snowfall or the synoptic situations responsible for most of the accumulation. Atmospheric modeling techniques In contrast to gauge measurements, additional methods using atmospheric techniques have been examined in the last two decades, such as the derived moisture budget from rawin-sonde data. In recent years, the enhancement of meteorological data assimilation methods, including satellite data, has led to the use of more reliable atmospheric numerical analyses and models for the study of Antarctic precipitation and its variability. The Greenland Ice Sheet offers much better prospects for the success of atmospheric methods than Antarctica, because it lies just east of the data rich North America continent, and it is surrounded by a ring of upper air stations. (Bromwich, 1995). Precipitable water The precipitable water (sometimes called the total precipitable water) of a column of air is the depth of water (in mm) or alternatively expressed as the total mass of water (kg/m2) that would be obtained if all the water vapour in the column, were condensed on to a horizontal plane of unit area cross-section. Precipitable water is a useful measure of the water vapour content of an air column. The term is not, however, to be regarded as implying that the amount of water may, in fact, be precipitated by an actual physical process. The depth of precipitable water of an atmospheric column, of p1 (hPa) at the bottom and p2 (hPa) at the top and of mean mixing ratio r (g/kg), is given in tenths of millimetres, by the approximate formula: Precipitable water = r(p1-p2)/g Where: g is the gravitional acceleration (9.8 m/s2). The so-called “precipitable water” for an entire atmospheric column is found by applying the formula to selected successive layers. The water-vapour content of the air normally decreases rapidly with height. Near sea level, over middle and tropical latitudes there is enough water vapour in the overlying atmosphere, even in cloudless conditions, to account for almost complete absorption of terrestrial radiation in the wavelengths other than those of the atmospheric window (approximately 8 to 12 microns). In the wet season of northern Australia the precipitable water can reach a value of 60 mm in a tropical depression that is part of the NW monsoon. In middle latitudes in summer precipitable water is highly variable and generally in the range from 5 to 40 mm, depending on the synoptic meteorological situation over a particular region. The amount of precipitable water in the column above the ice plateau of East Antarctica is extremely small, less than the dry air over the Arctic sea ice. A typical value for the maritime air off the Antarctic coast is less than 5 mm, while over the continental interior of Antarctica the precipitable water is normally less than 1 mm. Near the coast of Antarctica the amount of precipitable water is greater than normal, if the prevailing trajectory taken is transporting relatively moist air from more northern latitudes towards the coast, especially from the open ocean rather than the sea ice zone. Above the elevated EC/WGAM-VIII, INF-4, Appendix, p. 2 continental interior of East Antarctica the precipitable water is frequently less than 1 mm, except for the unusual incursion of moist air from more northern latitudes sometimes associated with a degenerating depression from the mid-latitude westerlies. The very dry air inland is almost constantly descending as it moves in surface boundary layer towards the coast. as a continental outflow, focused by glacial valleys. Precipitable water is measured by balloon-borne radiosondes. Precipitable water can be fairly accurately estimated from moisture measurements e.g. dew point in the surface layer of the atmosphere, since the amount of water vapour in the atmosphere decreases rapidly with height. GPS satellite measurements can be used to indicate the amount of precipitable water in the slant column between a polar orbiting GPS satellite and a ground reference point. Remote sensing from a geostationary meteorological satellite can give an indication of the mid troposhere circulation of water vapour on a global scale. Drifting and blowing snow According to Bintanja (1998), drifting and blowing snow are regularly occurring phenomena over snow-covered surfaces. When the surface wind becomes stronger than a certain threshold wind speed, the drag force becomes sufficently large to overcome inter-particle bonds and gravity, and the surface particles are lifted from the surface. For moderately strong winds, the particles remain confined close to the surface and periodically bounce on the surface, this is commonly referred to as saltation. For stronger winds, turbulent motions are able to further lift the particles against gravity. As a result, the particles are able to leave the saltation layer and become fully suspended. Travelling with the speed of the wind in the direction of the wind, drifting snow particles can be transported over considerable distances. The horizontal mass flux associated with drifting snow can be of appreciable magnitude, causing a considerable redistribution of the precipitated snow, as has been shown by observation and theoretical calculations of snow drift transport rates. Sublimation During drifting snow, continuous sublimation of the snow particles takes place as the ambient air is generally below saturation with respect to the water-vapour pressure at the temperature of the suspended snow particle. Turbulent fluctuations in vertical velocity, which provide the drag required to keep the particle in the air, continuously ventilate the particle, thereby significantly enhancing the particle to air moisture transfer. Since water vapour transport occurs on all sides of each floating snow particle (the surface-area/mass ratio of a suspended snow particle is very large), sublimation of drifting snow seems to be a potentially more efficient ablation mechanism than sublimation of the rigid snow/ice surface, which was demonstrated by Pomeroy (1989). Over Antarctica, wind speeds are regularly high enough to induce drifting snow, especially in coastal regions where cold, dry katabatic winds almost continuously blow down the relatively steep ice slope. Sublimation of drifting snow in Antarctica is a regularly occurring phenomenon, which makes it necessary to quantify its contribution to the surface mass balance. Sublimation of suspended snow is negligible in the interior of Antarctica where wind speeds and temperatures are low, whereas near the windy and relatively warm coast its contribution is significant (up to 17 cm w.e. per year). Snowdriftsublimation is highest during the summer, when temperatures are highest, in spite of the fact that wind speeds are not as high as in winter. Snowdrift sublimation is one of the major terms in the surface mass balance in Antarctica, particularly in coastal regions. Accumulation Glaciological data have been synthesized into a single, long-term annual accumulation depiction for the Antarctic continent. Compilations produced have evolved as the number of observations has increased. These depictions generally indicate a strong dependance of accumulation on prevailing moisture advection and topography. There are relatively large values for the east Antarctic coastal escarpment grading to desert-like conditions over the interior plateau of east Antarctica. Giovinetto and Bentley (1985) made a manual synthesis of over 1200 data points. Now known as GB85, it differed from previous works in that the lowest accumulation values of less than 50 mm/yr extend over a much larger area than was previously depicted (Bromwich 1988). GB85 is still frequently used for model and analyses validation. More recent studies have provided results that are in significant agreement. Accumulation and precipitation are related using (Bromwich, 1998): B=P–E–D–M EC/WGAM-VIII, INF-4, Appendix, p. 3 Where: B is accumulation P is precipitation E is the net sublimation minus deposition of hoarfrost. D is the divergence of snow drift. M is the divergence of meltwater runoff. All terms are areal average and time average. Vaughan, D. G. et al. (1999), have made a reassessment of net surface mass balance in Antarctica. The Antarctic ice sheet and sea level The great ice sheet covering Antarctica locks up vast quantities of water from the oceans, and thus has the potential to affect global sea level considerably. In the short term, it is the precipitation rate over the ice sheet that determines the impact of the ice sheet on sea level. Comparisons with radiosonde data and Antarctic accumulation observations lead to the overall conclusion that the Australian GASP analyses for the period 1989-92 do a surprisingly good job depicting the atmospheric moisture fluxes, and their convergences, despite the coarse vertical resolution. (Budd et al., 1995). The atmospheric moisture budget from ECMWF for the period 1985-95 seems to also be a realistic simulation of the Antarctic atmosphere (Cullather et al., 1998). Spatial and temporal variability of Antarctic precipitation as determined from atmospheric models Difficulties in obtaining accurate estimates of Antarctic precipitation are well known. Direct in situ gauge measurements are complicated by wind biases and the presence of an unlimited snow field. The introduction of blowing snow creates the problem of distinguishing snow that has been precipitated from that which has been picked up by the wind and transported. Additionally, over the interior of the Antarctic plateau, daily snowfall amounts are less than the minimum gauge resolution. In contrast to gauge measurements, additional methods using atmospheric techniques have been examined in the last two decades, such as the derived moisture budget from rawinsonde data. In recent years, the enhancement of meteorological data assimilation methods, including satellite data, has led to the use of more reliable atmospheric numerical analyses and models for the study of Antarctic precipitation and its variability. In a paper by Cullather et al (1998), the authors expand on results presented in Bromwich et al. (1995) by examining the spatial representation of net precipitation (precipitation minus evaporation/sublimation) derived from the atmospheric moisture budget of the European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) analyses. A useful exercise is to inter-compare fields derived from atmospheric numerical methods with synthesized observational data sets from glaciological and direct measurement methods. An inter-comparison offers a means of validation as well as a qualitative measure of how well the various fields are known. Appraisal of the spatial depiction and regional variability offered by available atmospheric methods is relevant to other efforts in examining Antarctic ice sheet mass balance, including the use of satellite altimetry data. This evaluation is also of interest to modelers in assessing the quality and sources of available validation data. Some key issues addressed by this study are: What are the qualitative and quantitative differences in the spatial distributions of the data sets? What is the annual and inter-annual variability of Antarctic precipitation on regional scales? Are the causes for the observed variations in the atmospheric moisture budget apparent? The continental surface temperature inversion Surface temperature is markedly height dependent. There is a close correspondence between surface temperature and inversion strength, both for individual stations on a day-to-day or month-tomonth basis; and for all stations for the winter season. The world's lowest surface temperature yet recorded (on 21 July 1983) is minus 89.6oC at Vostok station, 1,300 km from the coast and at an elevation of 3,488 m. August is the coldest month with a mean temperature of minus 70oC and an EC/WGAM-VIII, INF-4, Appendix, p. 4 average total cloud cover of 3 oktas. In all months the average wind speed is about 5 m/sec with the most frequently observed wind direction being WSW (down slope). The surface temperature inversion over the Antarctic continent results from the radiative heat loss from the ice surface particularly during the polar night of winter. Phillpot and Zillman (1970) found that the average strength of the surface temperature inversion over the Antarctic continent in winter is about 25oC on the high plateau area of East Antarctica and this grades to be about 5oC near the coast. Winter mean depths of 500-700 m are found at high plateau stations while the depth at McMurdo it is in the range 400-500 m. Coastal stations that are not on ice shelves such as Mawson and Davis have a depth of 300-400m in winter. There is also a definite seasonal variation of inversion strength and depth. In some cases the surface temperature occasionally falls to near minus 80oC at Vostok in winter and the strength of the surface temperature inversion exceeds 30oC. Then the depth of the boundary layer (as defined by the height above the ice surface of the highest temperature in the troposphere) may be 1.5 km. Schwertfeger 1984 noted that acoustic soundings at Amundsen Scott indicate a well-defined ground based shear zone of some 40-300 m deep, well below the height of the highest tropospheric temperature. Radiosonde measurements leave no doubt that above this pronounced surface inversion layer in the interior, normally there is a rather thick layer between say 500 and 1500m above the ice surface in which the temperature changes little with height. Katabatic winds The surface wind regime is one of the most characteristic features of Antarctic climatology (Parish and Bromwich, 1987). Nowhere on any other continent has one single element such an overwhelming influence of the climate of the continent as a whole . The model of the Antarctic wind regime described below requires validation, and certainly the relevance of this scale of motion to the general circulation of the atmosphere is still open to debate. For example, researchers have tried to determine the interrelationship, if any, between the katabatic flow and the circumpolar vortex found during autumn, winter and spring in the upper levels of the troposphere and in the lower stratosphere. The strong radiative cooling of the ice sheet significantly influences the Antarctic surface winds. The gravity driven flow moves very slowly at first away from high elevation areas of the ice cap, accelerating as it moves towards the coast. The configuration of the ice topography provides an extensive elevated cold air source. Lower lying glacial basins cause strong confluence of airflows. Near the coast the very cold (dense), high velocity airflow is confined to a layer about 600 metres thick, with the highest speed winds at a height of about 200 metres above the ice surface. These katabatic winds blow with remarkable constancy in direction, forced to the left of the line of maximum ice slope as a result of the Earth's rotation (the Coriolis force). The confluence of cold air drainage currents from the interior is responsible for the extremely strong katabatic wind speeds in the Adelie Land region. Parish and Wendler (1991) showed how the annual mean surface wind speed slowly accelerates over more than a thousand kilometres from Dome C on the high ice plateau until within 100 km of the coast. The monthly mean speed is about 25 m/s at Port Martin in March and at Cape Denison the monthly mean speed is greater than 20m/s at Cape Denison between March and October. In some glacial valleys confluence is particularly strong, and katabatics can reach around 40 m/s on some days for hundreds of kilometres as the airflow flow makes it way towards the coast. There is often, however, a decrease in speed, due to ice surface roughness, within 100km of the coastal escarpment. Once katabatic winds have reached the Antarctic coast their down slope driving force has been lost. Rapid deceleration and dissipation occurs within a short distance offshore because glacial valley convergence in the airflow is replaced by divergence of the shallow airstream that was once katabatic. Surface wind velocities are frequently less than 5m/s at elevated sites such as Dome C, Vostok and Dome Fuji as there is often no synoptic scale weather system of significance in the vicinity and the katabatic flow is negligible. However surface temperatures are extremely cold at high elevations above sea level, especially in winter and early spring. Dumont d'Urville or Mawson are almost constantly windy. Casey has periods of extremely strong surface winds interspersed with periods of relatively light winds, due in part to the topographic influence of Law Dome on surface winds driven by intense low-pressure systems passing by offshore. Davis has in general the most benign wind climate of the three ANARE stations on the Antarctic continent. EC/WGAM-VIII, INF-4, Appendix, p. 5 Katabatic winds and their connection to the general circulation. The flow of air down the ice slopes brings about a compensatory subsidence of dry, relatively warm air from the atmosphere above the katabatic wind level, thus developing, maintaining or strengthening the surface temperature inversion. The strength and thickness of the surface temperature inversion on the high plateau of East Antarctica can build up in mid to late winter to extraordinary magnitudes, according to radiosonde measurements e.g. Vostok prior to 1992. It is possible that the surface temperature inversion over the interior of the Antarctic Continent may be slow to respond to any global warming over the next century. Accordingly meteorological studies may be necessary to monitor the possible warming of upper levels of the troposphere, above the surface temperature inversion. The only inland staffed station currently making routine balloon-borne vertical profile soundings of the troposphere and lower stratosphere in Antarctica is Amundsen-Scott at South Pole. References Bintanja, Richard (1998) The contribution of snowdrift sublimation to the surface mass balance of Antarctica. Annals of Glaciology 27, 251-259. The International Glaciology Society. Bromwich, D. H., (1979) Precipitation and accumulation estimates for East Antarctica, derived from rawinsonde information. PhD. Thesis. University of Wisconsin – Madison, 142 pp. Not cited Bromwich, D.H. (1988) Snowfall in high southern latitudes. Rev. Geophys., 26, 149-168. Bromwich, D.H. (1990) Estimates of Antarctic precipitation. Nature, 343, 627-629. Bromwich, D.H., and F. M. Robasky, (1993). Recent precipitation trends over the polar ice sheets. Meteor. Atmos. Phys., 51, 259-274. Not cited Bromwich, D.H, F.M. Robasky, R.L. Cullather and M.L. Van Woert. (1995) The atmospheric hydrological cycle over the Southern Ocean and Antarctica from operational numerical analyses. Monthly Weather Review, 123(12), 3518-3538. Budd W. F., P.A. Reid and L. Minty. (1995). Antarctic moisture flux and net accumulation from global atmospheric analyses. Annals of Glaciology, 21, 149-156. The International Glaciology Society. Cullather R.L, D.H. Bromwich and M. L. Van Woert. (1997). Not cited. Interannual variations in Antarctic precipitation related to El-Nino/Southern Oscillation. Journal of Geophysical Research , Volume 101, No. D14, 19,109-19,118. Cullather R. L., D.H. Bromwich and M. L. Van Woert (1998). Spatial and temporal variability of Antarctic precipitation from atmospheric methods. Journal of Climate, Vol. 11, No. 3, 334-367. Giovinetto, M.B. and C.R. Bentley (1985). Surface balance in ice drainage systems of Antarctica. Antarctic Journal, U.S., 20, 6-13. Parish, T. R. and D. H. Bromwich (1987). The surface wind field over the Antarctic ice sheets, Nature 328, 51-54. Parish, T.R. and G. Wendler (1991). The katabatic wind regime at Adelie Land, Antarctica. International Journal of Climatology, Vol. 11, 97-107. Phillpot H. and J. Zillman (1970). EC/WGAM-VIII, INF-4, Appendix, p. 6 The surface temperature inversion over the Antarctic continent. Journal Geophysics Research, 75, 4161-9. Pomeroy, J.W. (1989). A process-based model of snow drifting. Annals of Glaciology, 13, 237-240. Smith I.N., W.F. Budd, and P.A.Reid (1998). Not cited. Model estimates of Antarctic accumulation rates and their relationship to temperature changes. Annals of Glaciology, 27, 246-250. The International Glaciology Society. Schwertfeger (1984) Weather and climate of the Antarctic, developments in atmospheric sciences. Elsevier Science Publishing Company Inc. New York. 261pp. Vaughan, D. G., J. L. Bamber, M. Giovinetto, J. Russell, A. P. R. Cooper (1999), Reassessment of net surface mass balance in Antarctica J. Climate, 12, 933-46. EC/WGAM-VIII, INF-4, Appendix, p. 7 OBSERVATIONS OF SNOWFALL, DRIFTING AND BLOWING SNOW AT MAWSON, DAVIS AND CASEY AND THE CLIMATE RECORD Hugh Hutchinson and Doug Shepherd Bureau of Meteorology Tasmania and Antarctica Regional Office Hobart, Tasmania 7001, Australia Visual observations of snowfall recorded in WMO present weather code Difficulties in obtaining accurate estimates of Antarctic precipitation are well known. Direct in situ gauge measurements are complicated by wind biases and the presence of an unlimited snow field. The introduction of blowing snow creates the problem of distinguishing precipitation from that which has been picked up by the wind and transported. Additionally, over the interior of the Antarctic plateau, daily snowfall amounts are less than the minimum gauge resolution. When making a three-hourly visual synoptic observation, the duty Meteorological Observer selects the Detailed Description of the Weather which best describes the type of weather occurring at the time of observation or within the hour preceding it. The WMO SYNOP Code describes in detail all the weather elements that can occur at any place around the world but the codes are still adequate for polar regions in almost all circumstances. With respect to the reporting of Present Weather there are 100 categories to choose from. The higher code figure describes weather elements that are relatively more significant and hence takes precedence if more than one weather phenomenon takes precedence. Cloud type associated with snowfall The reporting of snow showers associated with Low Cloud 9 (Cumulonimbus) or Low Cloud 2 (Large Cumulus) is rare in Antarctica compared with frozen precipitation that is not showers and is associated with Middle Cloud 2 (Nimbostratus) and sometimes Low Cloud 5 (usually extensive Stratocumulus that is not formed by the spreading out of Cumulus). Snow showers 86 – Moderate or heavy snow shower. 85 – Slight snow shower. Snowfall Frozen precipitation (excluding snow showers and hail) is reported as present weather codes 70 to 75. 75 – heavy continuous snow. 74 – heavy intermittent snow. 73 – moderate continuous snow. 72 – moderate intermittent snow. 71 – slight continuous snow. 70 – slight intermittent snow. Snowfall is classified as: Slight Indicated by small sparse snow flakes, and generally the visibility is reduced but not less than 1000 metres. EC/WGAM-VIII, INF-4, Appendix, p. 8 Moderate Heavy Indicated by large numerous flakes and generally the visibility is between 400 metres to 1000 metres. Numerous flakes of all sizes and general visibility is reduced to less than 400 metres. Blowing and drifting snow Present weather codes from 36 and 37 describe drifting (below eye level) snow and codes 38 and 39 blowing (above eye level) snow. 39 – Thick above eye level. 38 – Slight or moderate above eye level. 37 – Thick below eye level. 36 – Slight or moderate below eye level. Recording the incidence of snowfall in any 24 hours period If snowfall is observed or is known to have occurred during each 24 hours period then this is indicated in the WMO Phenomena number 53. Accordingly we find that the our Antarctic records show that: Snowfalls are less frequent at Mawson than at Casey or Davis. The mean number of 24 hours periods that snow has been observed at Mawson is 60 during the 1954-1999 period of records. The frequency of snowfalls being observed is slightly higher in December and January than the other months. Snowfalls at Davis are more frequent than at Mawson but less frequent than at Casey. The annual average number of days of snowfall at Davis is about 137 days during the period 1969 to 1999. The months with most frequent snowfalls are March, April and May. November, December and January have the least number of days of snowfall. The mean number of days per year that snow has been observed to fall or is known to have occurred at Casey is around 180. The months with least days when snow has fallen are November, December and January. The history of Australian weather observation sites Mawson Detailed surface and upper air meteorological observations have been made regularly at Mawson since the station was established in 1954. The climatic record thus constitutes the longest continuous record of meteorological parameters on the Antarctic continent, excluding the Antarctic Peninsular. It seems that the original observations site is still in use. However with the encroachment of new, bigger buildings, the anemometer mast was relocated 300 metres to the north when the AWS was installed on 15 January 1994. Davis Regular surface weather observations and upper air soundings have occurred since 1957, except between November 1964 and February 1969 when the station was closed. Observation enclosure has relocated only once, appoximately 70 metres to the northeast of the original site in March 1992. Dual observations commenced at the new site from 19 March 1992 and continued until 1 December 1992. From this time the new site became the official site. EC/WGAM-VIII, INF-4, Appendix, p. 9 Casey Wilkes Base was established by the USA in 1957, but it was taken over by ANARE from 1960 to 1969, before being abandoned due to encroaching snow. The original Casey station, was established 2 km to the SSE of Wilkes in 1969. A new Casey station was constructed and the Meteorological Observations site was relocated in February 1989 approximately 500m to the southwest of the old site. The first observation from the new site was on 1 February 1989. Duel observations were performed throughout 1989. Use of the Nipher shield The Nipher shield is a form of screen, which is fitted to a snow-gauge, for the purpose of eliminating, as far as possible, wind eddies in the mouth of the gauge, and so enabling a truer catch of snow to be made. The Nipher shield has been used at Davis and Casey. EC/WGAM-VIII, INF-4, Appendix, p. 10 Some notes on time series plots of various weather elements for Australian Antarctic stations Doug Shepherd Tasmania and Antarctica Region Bureau of Meteorology December 2002 Introduction Attached are time series plots of various weather elements observed at Australian Antarctic stations. These notes briefly describe the data used to create the plots and provide some comments on the plots, including apparent variability and trends. Data Observational data have been extracted from the Australian Data Archive for Meteorology (ADAM) for Wilkes/Casey, Davis and Mawson. The data for Wilkes/Casey are a composite of Wilkes [to about Jan 1969], Casey (The Tunnel) [to about Jan 1989] and the current Casey site. Quality control of the data is limited to the gross error checks used on input to ADAM. It is highly likely that some apparent variations over time are the result of changes in site location, site exposure, instrumentation or observing practices. The measurement of precipitation amounts is extremely difficult in the Antarctic environment and these data need to be treated with caution. Precipitation data are limited to Casey and Davis. Distinguishing falling snow from blowing snow is also difficult at times, so the weather code data for these elements need to be treated with care as well. Plots for annual precipitation, monthly precipitation, annual mean daily maximum temperature, and annual mean daily minimum temperature are based on monthly data in ADAM. Plots for mean temperature, mean dewpoint, mean MSL pressure, percentage occurrence of selected weather codes, and percentage occurrence of temperatures above 0C are based on synoptic data in ADAM ( 3-hourly). Annual means or totals derived from monthly data are shown for a given year only if data exist for all 12 months. Annual percentages for weather codes are shown for a given year only if at least 112 observations are available for each month (this equates to about 4 observations per day). Annual means for temperature, dewpoint and pressure, and percentages for temperature above 0C, are shown for a given year only if at least 196 observations are available for each month (this equates to about 7 observations per day). For each figure a common scale is used for the plots, so that comparison between sites can be made readily. EC/WGAM-VIII, INF-4, Appendix, p. 11 Precipitation Annual (see figure 1) Mean annual precipitation is much higher at Casey (190mm) than at Davis (75mm). There has been an increase at Casey, but this may be related to the site move around 1989. There appears to have been an increase at Davis through the 1980s and 1990s. Monthly (see figure 2) The plots of monthly precipitation show large variability from month to month. Precipitation tends to be higher during autumn/winter at both locations. Weather Codes Codes 70 to 75 – Snowfall (see figure 3) On average these are reported more frequently at Wilkes/Casey (15%) and Davis (11%) than at Mawson (4%). The plot for Wilkes/Casey shows an increase around the time of the move from Wilkes to Casey. There has been a decrease over recent years. Davis shows a slight increase over time. A peak is evident during the 1970s. Mawson shows little change. The high value for 1958 seems doubtful. Codes 70 & 71 - Slight snowfall (see figure 4) Most of the overall snowfall occurs as slight snow. On average, more is experienced at Wilkes/Casey than at Davis than at Mawson. Trends are similar to the overall snowfall trends, but the 1958 outlier at Mawson is absent. Codes 72 to 75 - Moderate/heavy snowfall (see figure 5) Only a small part of overall snowfall occurs as moderate or heavy snow. The mean frequency of occurrence at Wilkes/Casey is roughly double that at Davis, which in turn is roughly double that at Mawson. Wilkes/Casey shows a peak during the 1970s and a tendency to have increased again in recent years. There have been some fluctuations at Davis, but there appears to have been a decrease in frequency overall. Mawson shows little trend. The 1958 value seems spurious. Codes 36 to 39 - Drifting/blowing snow (see figure 6) The mean frequency is higher at Mawson (16%) than at Wilkes/Casey (13%). Both of these are much greater than at Davis (7%). EC/WGAM-VIII, INF-4, Appendix, p. 12 Little change is evident at Wilkes/Casey and Davis over time. The smoothed fit at Mawson shows a peak around 1970 and a secondary peak around 1990. Temperature Maximum (see figure 7) The mean maximum for Wilkes/Casey is roughly 2C higher than for Davis or Mawson. Wilkes/Casey appears to have increased around the time of the change from Wilkes to Casey and decreased with the change of site at Casey around 1989. The latter change is supported by overlapping data for 1989 that show the new site to be about 0.5C lower. Davis shows an increase over time, while Mawson shows a negligible decrease. Minimum (see figure 8) The mean minimum for Wilkes/Casey is slightly greater than for Davis, which is about 1C higher than for Mawson. Wilkes/Casey seems to have increased around the time of transition from Wilkes to Casey and decreased with the Casey site change. However, overlapping data for 1989 indicate that the new site is only about 0.2C lower. There seems to be little evidence of trend at Davis. The plot for Mawson shows a general decrease over time. Mean (see figure 9) On average, Wilkes/Casey is about 1C higher than Davis, which is about 1C higher than Mawson. At Wilkes/Casey there is a suggestion of an increase around the time of the move from Wilkes to Casey and a decrease around the change of Casey site. There is little trend at Davis. Mawson shows a slight decrease. Temperature above 0C (see figure 10) Wilkes/Casey has the lowest mean occurrence. At first glance this seems to contradict the previously mentioned averages for maximum, minimum and mean temperatures, but results from the smaller seasonal variation at Wilkes/Casey. There was an increase in occurrence at Wilkes/Casey till the late 1980s, then a marked decline. Site changes probably contributed to these trends. After an early increase, Davis has been fairly stable since about 1970. Mawson was generally steady through the 1970s and 1980s, but decreased during the 1990s. Dewpoint (see figure 11) The mean values indicate that Wilkes/Casey is moistest while Mawson is driest. EC/WGAM-VIII, INF-4, Appendix, p. 13 Decreases in dewpoint at all sites around 1980 may be related to changes from hair hygrographs to humicaps. The introduction of AWS around 1994 may have contributed to the increases since the 1980s. MSL Pressure (see figure 12) Mean values are similar for the three locations, with Wilkes/Casey being less than Davis and Davis being slightly less than Mawson. The smoothed values for Wilkes/Casey show a peak around 1970 with little change after 1980. Davis and Mawson also have a peak around 1970 but they appear to have been decreasing steadily since that time. EC/WGAM-VIII, INF-4, Appendix, p.14 Figure 12 Annual precipitation Solid line shows mean. Broken line shows smoothed fit. mm Casey 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 1960 1970 mm 1980 1990 2000 Davis 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 1960 Data from file: antprcp 1970 1980 1990 2000 14:41 Mon 11 Nov 2002 EC/WGAM-VIII, INF-4, Appendix, p.15 Figure 12 Monthly precipitation Solid line shows mean. mm Casey 80 60 40 20 0 1960 1970 mm 1980 1990 2000 1990 2000 Davis 80 60 40 20 0 1960 Data from file: antprcp 1970 1980 14:43 Mon 11 Nov 2002 EC/WGAM-VIII, INF-4, Appendix, p.16 Figure 12 Annual percentage occurrence of weather codes: 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75 Solid line shows mean. Broken line shows smoothed fit. % Wilkes Casey 20 15 10 5 0 1960 1970 % 1980 1990 2000 1990 2000 Davis 20 15 10 5 0 1960 1970 % 1980 Mawson 20 15 10 5 0 Data from file: anttdw 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 14:47 Mon 11 Nov 2002 EC/WGAM-VIII, INF-4, Appendix, p.17 Figure 12 Annual percentage occurrence of weather codes: 70, 71 Solid line shows mean. Broken line shows smoothed fit. % Wilkes Casey 20 15 10 5 0 1960 1970 % 1980 1990 2000 1990 2000 Davis 20 15 10 5 0 1960 1970 % 1980 Mawson 20 15 10 5 0 Data from file: anttdw 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 14:51 Mon 11 Nov 2002 EC/WGAM-VIII, INF-4, Appendix, p.18 Figure 12 Annual percentage occurrence of weather codes: 72, 73, 74, 75 Solid line shows mean. Broken line shows smoothed fit. % Wilkes Casey 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1960 1970 % 1980 1990 2000 1990 2000 Davis 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1960 1970 % 1980 Mawson 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Data from file: anttdw 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 14:54 Mon 11 Nov 2002 EC/WGAM-VIII, INF-4, Appendix, p.19 Figure 12 Annual percentage occurrence of weather codes: 36, 37, 38, 39 Solid line shows mean. Broken line shows smoothed fit. % Wilkes Casey 20 15 10 5 0 1960 1970 % 1980 1990 2000 1990 2000 Davis 20 15 10 5 0 1960 1970 % 1980 Mawson 20 15 10 5 0 Data from file: anttdw 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 14:59 Mon 11 Nov 2002 EC/WGAM-VIII, INF-4, Appendix, p.20 Figure 12 Annual mean daily maximum temperature Solid line shows mean. Broken line shows smoothed fit. °C Wilkes Casey -4 -6 -8 -10 1960 1970 °C 1980 1990 2000 1990 2000 Davis -4 -6 -8 -10 1960 1970 °C 1980 Mawson -4 -6 -8 -10 1960 Data from file: anttxtn 1970 1980 1990 2000 15:01 Mon 11 Nov 2002 EC/WGAM-VIII, INF-4, Appendix, p.21 Figure 12 Annual mean daily minimum temperature Solid line shows mean. Broken line shows smoothed fit. °C Wilkes Casey -10 -12 -14 -16 1960 1970 °C 1980 1990 2000 1990 2000 Davis -10 -12 -14 -16 1960 1970 °C 1980 Mawson -10 -12 -14 -16 1960 Data from file: anttxtn 1970 1980 1990 2000 15:01 Mon 11 Nov 2002 EC/WGAM-VIII, INF-4, Appendix, p.22 Figure 12 Annual mean temperature Solid line shows mean. Broken line shows smoothed fit. °C Wilkes Casey -6 -8 -10 -12 -14 1960 1970 °C 1980 1990 2000 1990 2000 Davis -6 -8 -10 -12 -14 1960 1970 °C 1980 Mawson -6 -8 -10 -12 -14 Data from file: anttdw 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 15:04 Mon 11 Nov 2002 EC/WGAM-VIII, INF-4, Appendix, p.23 Figure 12 Annual percentage occurrence of temperature above 0°C Solid line shows mean. Broken line shows smoothed fit. % Wilkes Casey 15 10 5 0 1960 1970 % 1980 1990 2000 1990 2000 Davis 15 10 5 0 1960 1970 % 1980 Mawson 15 10 5 0 Data from file: anttdw 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 15:06 Mon 11 Nov 2002 EC/WGAM-VIII, INF-4, Appendix, p.24 Figure 12 Annual mean dewpoint Solid line shows mean. Broken line shows smoothed fit. °C Wilkes Casey -10 -12 -14 -16 -18 -20 -22 -24 1960 1970 °C 1980 1990 2000 1990 2000 Davis -10 -12 -14 -16 -18 -20 -22 -24 1960 1970 °C 1980 Mawson -10 -12 -14 -16 -18 -20 -22 -24 Data from file: anttdw 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 15:08 Mon 11 Nov 2002 EC/WGAM-VIII, INF-4, Appendix, p.25 Figure 12 Annual mean MSL pressure Solid line shows mean. Broken line shows smoothed fit. hPa Wilkes Casey 995 990 985 980 975 1960 1970 hPa 1980 1990 2000 1990 2000 Davis 995 990 985 980 975 1960 1970 hPa 1980 Mawson 995 990 985 980 975 Data from file: anttdwp 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 13:49 Wed 04 Dec 2002