Domblesky, Joseph Brookfield East High School Team Lebanon 1rst main committee Team Lebanon on the Maintenance of international security and stability in South East Europe Since the early 1990’s, ethnic and nationalistic violence in the former Yugoslavian territory has threatened the international security of the Southeastern Europe. With the collapse of communism in 1991, anarchy, ethnic and religious turmoil, and genocide reigned supreme with the South Eastern European region. Even with the past resolutions created to resolve this dispute, the region is still a hotbed for ethnic and religious conflict. Lebanon believes that the U.N. should continue to vigorously pursue a stable, cooperative and multiethnic society for security in South Eastern Europe. However, because of significant differences among the local population, Lebanon also believes that the U.N. should respect national sovereignty and work alongside with the peoples of South Eastern Europe to prevent future attempts to advance stability from falling short like with what has happened in the past. Lebanon has supported the U.N. for its past efforts in the creation and advancement of stability, peace, and civilization. As it has supported and helped Lebanon, we implore the U.N. to take more affirmative action in helping to establish peace in South East Europe yet respect each nation’s sovereignty. At the end of the 20th Century, the UN oversaw the creation of the Kosovo Peace Implementation Force for the former Yugoslavia. The International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia is the special court system designated to bring war criminals responsible for the human atrocities committed during this period of chaos. Despite the Tribunal’s operation, its impact on international relations and its effect in the former Yugoslavia, impunity is still the norm. This is due to the number of arrest which leaves many of the accused still at large and because its actions do not have any true effect on the state of stability. The people of the region are not going to fully believe in or see the true benefit of the Tribunal or U.N. involvement unless they see the tribunal deliver more justice. If the U.N. is to be able to bring stability to the region, then it must reach out to the people by supporting the Tribunal in making arrests of the inductees immediately. The 20th Century has overseen the bloodiest period in human history. The violence in the former Yugoslav territory is no exception to this. Even with the creation of the Kosovo Peace Implementation force and the partition of the former Yugoslavian territory, tensions still flare as the people still have disagreements due to religious and ethnic beliefs. Civilians are targeted in terrorist attacks and hate crimes by ethnic groups while political tensions still flare between neighboring nations. This conflict threatens the stability of neighboring European, Mediterranean, and Middle East Nations. Lebanon implores to the UN that it should oversee the creation of peace organizations in order to bring the conflicting ethnic and religious groups together into accord with each other, thus the involved parties respect nation sovereignty. AS long as the tension remains, unabated, the conflict grows more complex thus making it more difficult to resolve as seen in other world conflicts throughout the world. In order to bring stability, the UN should also support the development of basic resource and infrastructure as well. Lebanon supports the UN in its mission to bring world peace and stability. However, it recognizes that the UN must also respect national sovereignty in order for stability to progress. In order to bring this about, it must allow the creation of groups in order to settle tensions between ethnic and religious groups within the region. Lebanon also implores that the UN should take more affirmative action in preserving the international security throughout the region with endorsing these groups. With this in mind, the people will the how beneficial the UN is for the progression of humanity and civilization.