Name: Period: Weaving Goal: To write one sentence with both CD’s and CM’s in that single sentence. Yes, one sentence with a little CM and a little CD. Weaving Sentences Practice STEP #1: INFUSING CONNOTATIVE “CM” WORDS IN TO THE CD SENTENCES. Option 1: Change a neutral word to connotative word Example: Before: She walked out of the room. Walked is a neutral word. I want to prove she was mad, so I would like to find a synonym for walked. I want to find one that carries the feeling of anger. After: She stormed out of the room. Option 2: Add a connotative word to the concrete detail. Example: Before: She walked out of the room. I want to prove she was mad, so I need to add a connotative word that will show this. After: Angrily she walked out of the room. 1) Rewrite CD’s to add connotative words. (Note: leave the TS’s alone, only re-write the CD’s). a. TS: The bars in “The Yellow Wallpaper” symbolize Mrs. Mallard’s imprisonment. CD: Mrs. Mallard sees the woman behind the wallpaper shake the bars (773). b. TS: Rosie’s mother has a tragic life. CD: Her husband burns the painting (799). STEP #2: DELETE TRANSITIONS AND UTILIZE LEAD-INS (BOTH CD LEAD-INS AND CM LEAD-INS) 2) Introduce your commentary with a little concrete detail. Example: Before: We all need to have a place where our emotions can be expressed. I want to add a little CD to this sentence. So I will try to find some plot to introduce it. After: When Rosie’s mother writes haikus, she proves that we all need to have a place where our emotions can be expressed. Introduce your concrete detail with a little commentary. Example: Before: Rosie’s mother writes haikus (790). I want to ad a little CM to introduce this concrete detail. So, I need to try to think of what commentary would make a good introduction. After: As a small act of freedom, Rosie’s mother writes haikus (790). 2) Add lead-ins to the following sentences. (Note: leave the TS’s alone, only add lead-ins to the CD’s and CM’s. a.) TS: Rosie’s mother leads a tragic life. CM:_________________________ she has never really known love. Write a CD lead-in b.) TS: Rosie’s father is jealous of his wife’s success. CM: ______________________ Write a CD lead-in does not just spring up in the moment; it must have been festering all along. c.) TS: Parents should not tell their secrets to their children. CD: _______________ Write a CM lead-in ____________________ Rosie’s mother tells her daughter that she “married her Cont. father as an alternative to suicide” (799) Weaving Paragraphs Goal: To write a paragraph that is not TS, CD, CM, CM, CD, CM, CM, CS. Step 3: MIX UP THE ORDER OF THE CDs AND CMs IN YOUR PARAGRAPHS. OVERALL FEEL OF THE PARAGRAPH SHOULD BE 1/3 FACTS FROM THE TEXT AND 2/3s YOUR INTERPRETATON AS TO HOW THESE FACTS PROVE YOUR TS DON’T USE THE SAME ORDER FOR EACH PARAGRAPH… CHANGE IT UP! Before Paragraph: Writing is the key to freedom. For example, in the mother in “Seventeen Syllables” writes haikus (790). The haikus allow her to express her view of the world. She is able to share her feelings with lots of other people. Additionally, she talks with others about her haikus (792). The haikus are providing her an opportunity to engage in thoughtful discussions on topics she might not normally converse about. Also, she could find out the different world views of those people. Writing is the means by which people can truly be free. After Paragraph: Writing is the key to freedom. Writing allows people a means in which world views can be expressed. Additionally, writing is a place where people feel free share their feelings. The frequently oppressed mother in “Seventeen Syllables” is allowed these opportunities when she writes haikus that express her hidden emotions. These haikus also provide her the opportunity to engage in thoughtful discussions on topics she might not normally consider. Those people could have vastly different world views that open her mind to new and exciting possibilities. And, through discussion, she could share her unique perspective with them. But without the writing, she would still be stuck inside her home or in the fields. Writing is the means by which people can truly be free. “Seventeen Syllables” WEAVED PARAGRAPH Typed, 12 point font, Times/Times New Roman, double spaced PROMPT: Write a 2 CD paragraph that illustrates whether or not Rosie’s mother should have shared her secrets with her daughter. Or PROMPT: Write a 2 CD paragraph that illustrates that Rosie’s mother leads a tragic life. CD TS: CM