Transport Guidelines and Eligibility 2012

Transport assistance for students with a disability
The transport assistance program is an ACT Government initiative, administered through
the Education and Training Directorate, for students with a disability who are residents of
the ACT and who attend ACT public schools.
The transport program provides travel assistance to students with a disability to access an
appropriate educational setting on the same basis as other students. This assistance is to
the nearest appropriate setting type and is provided either by taxi or bus.
Disability education programs and services are provided across the ACT in order to facilitate
students with disability having access to an appropriate program or service close to where
they live. Transport assistance is not available where parents choose a setting that is not
the closest to their home.
Families are responsible for transporting their child to school. The transport assistance
program seeks to assist parents, rather than remove their responsibility for school
When applying for these services, parents/caregivers must demonstrate the reasons for
their inability to transport or arrange transport for their children and the period for which
they will require transport.
Transport will be provided for eligible students from home to school and from school to
home at the beginning and end of the normal school day. Transport may be provided to
alternative addresses such as after school care if it is available within the existing transport
routes and if there is space on the bus.
These procedures aim to:
ensure that special needs transport services are provided for eligible students in a
fair, consistent, safe, timely and cost effective manner
provide clear advice to students, parents/caregivers and schools, on eligibility
criteria and on rights and responsibilities
encourage parents/caregivers and schools to actively pursue travel training
programs for students with a disability so that they have opportunities to achieve
independent mobility wherever possible
allow sufficient discretion for directorate officers to determine eligibility for special
needs transport based on the specific circumstances.
GPO Box 158, Canberra ACT 2601 | 220 Northbourne Ave, Braddon ACT 2612
ABN 71 506 957 312
Telephone 02 6207 5111 | Facsimile 02 6205 9333 | Web
Transport is generally not provided for students attending the school in their priority
enrolment area. It is expected that these students will be transported to school by
parents/caregivers. Transport may be provided if the student has a physical disability
requiring use of a wheelchair, walking frame or calipers or similar specialist transport
Where students have been offered a place in the nearest appropriate setting type, they
may be eligible for transport if they have been assessed as in need of transport and:
are enrolled in a specialist school or learning support unit situated in a high school
or primary school setting
have a disability affecting mobility requiring the use of a wheelchair, calipers,
walking frame or similar specialist transport support
attend a primary unit for students who are hearing impaired or a support class
are enrolled in a primary school learning support centre.
Transport assistance is not provided where parents choose a setting other than that
considered to be the nearest educational facility/school.
Transport for students attending a college LSU is considered on a case by case basis.
Transport to respite care is not available for college students.
Assessment of need
Assessment of a student's need is based on:
the parents or caregivers demonstrated inability to provide or arrange transport,
either fully or in part
enrolment in the setting type closest to the student’s home
the student’s inability to use public transport with reasonable safety
the availability of public transport which does not involve multiple bus changes
(three or more each trip) and or excessive travelling time (more than 75 minutes
each trip)
lack of potential for independent mobility in the short or long term
Application process
An application for transport is made on the application form for new students or the
transport renewal form to the Disability Education Section of the Education and Training
Directorate. Forms are available through schools, the transport administrator or
electronically on the Directorate website at
If transport is approved, the special needs transport administrator will organise appropriate
transport for the student to and from school. The special needs transport administrator
will advise parents/caregivers of the transport arrangements and any conditions on this
arrangement such as its duration and required review process.
All students accessing special needs transport have their eligibility assessed at least
annually. Transport must be applied for annually in the manner described above.
Apart from the annual review, other reviews may be conducted in circumstances which
include, but are not limited to, change of enrolment, changing attendance patterns,
changed residential arrangements, educational progress or success of travel training
Variations to transport arrangements
Special needs transport assistance is provided for travel from home to the nearest
appropriate disability education program and home again. Exceptions to this apply where
the student occasionally uses temporary residential care arrangement at Kese, Teen House
and Elouera.
All other requests for transport to alternative addresses will be considered on a case by
case basis. Approval will be given if there is space on the appropriate bus, the adjustment
can be managed within the existing special needs bus routes, or, where students are
transported by taxi, there is no additional cost incurred to the Directorate.
Where families move during the year, transport assistance may continue if the new address
can be accommodated within the existing transport routes and if there is space on the bus.
If this is not possible, transitional arrangements may be made to facilitate students’
completing the year at their current school. Parents may choose to keep their student
enrolled at the current school beyond the transitional arrangements. In such cases, parents
are responsible for arranging transport.
It is the responsibility of parents/caregivers and/or the school to arrange transport for
excursions and other school based activities such as work experience.
Review of application
A review of a decision not to approve transport is available. Parents seeking a review
should provide additional information that should be taken into consideration. The review
is conducted by the Director, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education and Student
Engagement or delegate.
Maximum travelling times and distances
A student is not expected to travel for more than 75 minutes on each one way trip
regardless of the type of transport.
Roles and responsibilities
The safe transportation of students with disabilities is the joint responsibility of the parents,
the school, the service provider and the Education and Training Directorate.
Parent/Caregivers duties and responsibilities
Morning routine needs to be planned so that the organised transport service is not
delayed. Transport service providers are instructed to wait for no more than three
Ensure a responsible and competent person (18 years or older, or a person with the
consent of the parent/carer of the student) is at home in the afternoon.
Allow one day’s notice to process variations in transport arrangements. Note,
where a student is not attending school on the day due to illness or other reasons,
notify the bus driver or, in the case of taxi transport, the special needs transport
Advise the special needs transport administrator of any issues that arise that relate
to the student’s well-being and safety while being transported.
Service providers
Establish the most appropriate service taking into account travel routes, pick up and
drop off times, school start and finish times and the maximum length of travel time
for any individual student which should not exceed 75 minutes.
Ensure drivers and attends have up to date information on students’ transport
requirements and personal information and that they comply with the service
requirements in relation to delivering students into the care of an adult.
Ensure at least one member of the bus staff has a current first aid certificate.
Ensure the driver and/or attendant has a mobile phone.
Inform the receiving adult if any student has been distressed and requires special
assistance, or if there has been and incident during the journey;
Inform the special needs transport administrator if there has been an incident or an
issue of concern and complete the appropriate incident form;
Inform the special needs transport administrator if the service will be more than 30
minutes late.
Drivers and attendants
Ensure the safety of the students throughout the journey, checking that all seat
belts and restraints are fastened correctly, the aisles are clear and dangerous items
are inaccessible.
Provide assistance on and off the bus as required;
Keep an open communication flow with parent/carers, the school and transport
providers by passing on any concerns or issues that arise during the journey.
Inform the transport management immediately of any significant behaviour that
jeopardises the safety and wellbeing of those on the bus.
Maintain a courteous, respectful and caring relationship with the students.
Ensure students are delivered into the care of an adult.
Assist with the smooth operation of the service by ensuring there is supervision at
transport drop-off and pick-up times and helping students on and off the buses.
Have students ready and in a designated area at pick up times.
Provide suitable areas for the buses/taxis to drop off and pick up.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education and Student Support
Administers the day to day operation of the service.
Processes travel variations.
Liaises with service providers, schools and parents.
Monitors the quality of service provision.
Manages the budgetary processes including authorisation of payments to the
service providers.
Manages transport related critical incidents.
Liaises and facilitates advice on complex behaviour and transport requirements.
Monitoring the service
Special needs transport service is monitored by schools and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander Education and Student Engagement Branch in relation to:
the continuing eligibility of students, particularly in regard to parental capacity to
meet transport responsibilities
changing transport needs of students
the availability of transport services
the quality of service and the total cost of the scheme.
Information on the number of:
students approved for transport assistance
cancellations of service
formal complaints
will be reported in the Directorate’s annual report. Sample surveys on the quality of the
service will be undertaken on an annual basis.
Families are encouraged to provide feedback at any time.
Travel training programs
Independent mobility is an important factor in assisting students to gain access to the
environment and develop a positive self-image. Many programs for students with
disabilities include community access and mobility.
Travel training is a curriculum priority for many students. It is regarded as important that
students have the opportunity to learn to use transport options that will be available to
them when they leave school. Such options may include:
wheelchair - electric or manual
specialised community transport
Schools and parents/caregivers are encouraged to develop a transport training plan, where
appropriate, for individual students. This plan may be reviewed as part of the students’
eligibility for special needs transport.
Allegations of misconduct involving operators, drivers, assistants or students must show full
details including:
name of complainant
nature of complaint
individuals involved
time and date of incident.
Complaints may be made either verbally or in writing to the Special Needs Transport
Administrator, Education and Training Directorate, telephone 6205 9196.
Where issues cannot be resolved informally, parents are invited to use the Directorate’s
Complaints Resolution Policy, a copy of which is available on the website at