FAST (Football Academic Success Team)

Developmental And Readiness Education (DARE) Taskforce
Funding Proposal Form 2013-2014
DARE Mission: Developmental Education at De Anza College equitably allows students of
every background to take ownership of their education and to succeed in their educational
goals by providing the necessary integrated resources, services, and learning environment.
This form is designed to assist the DARE Taskforce in reviewing proposed projects and determining funding allocation based on the
Basic Skills Initiative categorical fund objectives. Please provide complete and detailed responses to the questions below. Additional
information may be required prior or after approval. Submit completed forms to Jennifer Myhre and Jerry Rosenberg at and and a copy to each of the following: 1) the secondary contact person for
this proposal; 2) to your chair/program coordinator, and 3) your Dean. Please see the Funding link at the DARE website for complete
information about funding procedures and review criteria: The 2013-2014 funding deadlines are as follows:
Deadline for proposals for Winter 2014 quarter projects: Friday November 15, 2013
Deadline for proposals for Spring 2014 quarter and Summer projects: Friday January 17, 2014
Deadline for proposals for Fall 2014 quarter projects: Friday May 9, 2014
Deadline for proposals for Winter 2015 quarter projects: Friday October 24, 2014
Please note that if your proposal is funded, you will be asked to submit a report on your activities within two weeks of the expected
completion date. The form for this report is available on the DARE website.
Name of Program or Department:
Name of Project:
Submission Date:
May 16, 2014
Expected Project Completion Date:
Primary Contact:
(name, e-mail and phone #)
Secondary Contact:
(name, e-mail and phone #)
Basic Skills Initiative Funding
Category: Circle one of the
categories to the right
June 30, 2015
A. Program, Curriculum Planning, and Development
B. Student Assessment
C. Advisement and Counseling Services
D. Supplemental Instruction and Tutoring
E. Course Articulation/curriculum alignment
F. Instructional Materials and Equipment
G1. Coordination
G2. Research
G3. Professional Development
1. Briefly describe the project/activity for which funds will be used and identify the targeted student population.
Explain why you selected this student population and course levels if applicable.
The current NCAA transfer-rules for GPA has be elevated to a 2.5. 4-year recruiters have recently informed our staff that our
students have to increase their academic skills because despite their obvious athletic success they are barely reaching the minimum
academic requirements.
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Stimulated by the need to help our athletes meet their academic goals we are proposing the FAST Football Academic Success and
Transfer program. The goal is to provide an environment where selected student-athletes have equitable access to laptops so that
they can complete assignments with the assistance of a tutor or staff person. We feel that they will need a tool to edit
assignments/essays; practice research skills; access to MLA standards and other resources; and have portal access so that they can
work with an academic advisor or counselor during 1 – 2 sessions each quarter. Laptops will serve to eliminate the limitation of
finding a fixed laboratory space and will increase our efficiency and flexibility. We also hope to increase student success by
purchasing a license to use an online students success support tool called GRADES FIRST. This program was originally designed
to support study hall for athletes. It includes features such as mass texting to students to remind them of events, individual
appointment system for students to meet with tutors, advisors, counselors and coaches as well as an auto-populated calendar that
holds their class schedule every quarter so that appointments cannot be made during class time, and an email system that will send
out requests for progress reports to instructors . . . The license we hope to purchase with this grant has the potential to support the
entire athletics program for one cost ($4,000). Subsequent years, the cost reduces to almost half ($2,200). This program is still
being investigated by “De Anza IT team”. But its implementation looks very promising. All of Ventura County schools, Santa
Barbara CC and College of the Desert are amongst several California schools integrating this product.
To summarize: We are requesting support for a pilot program for a football cohort of incoming freshman who qualify for basic
math and english courses, and whose high school grade point averages indicate that they have been “underserved”. We feel that
we can identify up to 30 student/athletes that would qualify for this pilot. The basic format of the program would be to meet with
two groups of students (12-15), each group meeting two days a week at 1:30pm to 2:30pm prior to Football practice. We will
provide laptops as needed and a budget to supplement access to e-books for their classes for the quarter. The laptops will be used
by multiple students and only during the hours the coordinator is there to supervise their use.
This program could eventually become a “Program Component” of the Institution’s Basic Skills Initiative. We
feel that this population of students will benefit
by clarifying institutional values and expectations “early and often” and result in increased matriculation and retention;
by ensuring that students are provided embedded guidance assistance relative to scheduling their course work and education as
they will be served by a counselor and academic advisor;
by presenting opportunities to learn and practice basic skills needed to succeed as a student e.g. note taking, time management,
simple critical thinking skills in their remedial courses;
by mandating attendance.
2. If your project requires collaboration with other programs and/or departments on or off campus, please
explain by identifying the programs and/or departments and describing the nature of your collaboration.
Collaboration is highly encouraged.
We would like to work with the Student Success Center for tutors. Our best guess is that we would hire a tutor for every 4-5
students. These tutors will be recruited from the football team and SSC pool. They will be trained by the SSC. The tutors will
be supervised in the classroom by the coordinator. The SSC staff will also play their usual role as supervisors and overseeing
payroll processes for the tutors.
We would like to continue working with Counseling to set up a mandatory Huma 20 course for this group. Based on the
curriculum, this course would provide our students with study skills necessary to succeed. We are hoping that our coordinator
will be part of the leadership team within that classroom. OR alternatively students would have the option to attend SSC
workshops on topics related to student success strategies and skills.
We will use placement test results to identify “underserved” students as well as “self-identifying” students.
We would like to work with the college researcher to develop a survey to help us “select” potential students.
We would like to work with the college researcher to develop a survey to assess student PLO #2 and student progress.
3. What are the student learning outcomes and/or program level outcomes for your project? Is this a short-term
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project? If there is potential for long term, what are your plans for sustaining the project? Include your
timeline for achieving these outcomes.
This is a pilot program for the athletics department that will run across the 3 quarters of the 2014-15 academic year. The
immediate goal for this cohort will be to:
PLO 1: Increase the number of Football players will meet and or surpass the NCAAA matriculation requirements.
PLO 2: To show that Football players gain the willingness to seek out tutoring or counseling help independently.
IF this program is a success, we would like to eventually tap into SSSP dollars. This program possibly could fall under a year long
“orientation” to college cohort as well as support for basic skills learning for “underserved” student- athletes.
Student Learning Outcomes:
Increase student success in remedial math and English.
Student study skills will improve with exposure to study skill tutorials and time management skills by using Grades First.
Increase students’ ability to utilize a computer as a tool for their academic work and time management.
The goal of this project would be to run at least a two year pilot to gather success rates, student feedback for one cohort of student
athletes. We would also like incorporate a “Grades First” platform for all student athletes so that gathering of progress reports;
monitoring student progress; and giving all student-athletes the chance utilize a calendaring system to manage their appointments
with tutors, counselors and coaches could be accomplished.
4. How will you assess your student learning outcomes and/or program level outcomes? Explain your methods
for evaluation, baseline, and data collection. Please specify what surveys or other quantitative data you will
collect to measure these outcomes.
Assessment will take place in the following ways in order identify “underserved” athletes. We will identify baseline grades (High
School G.P.A.) along with De Anza placement test scores or have students self-identify through a survey. Institutional
research office will help to identify factors for “weeding out” possible students; and college assessment standards will be
used as benchmarks by the current academic advisor.
Assessment will take place for student progress in classes on a regular basis through the use of
- Grade checks or “ a progress in class assignments check” during weeks 3, 6, 9 of each quarter by the retention coordinator. A
file of each student’s progress will be kept per remedial class per quarter.
Assessment of study skills, time management skills, note-taking skills etc. through pre and post test quizzes as embedded in
tutorials. A Pre and Post survey each quarter, asking students for feedback about the program and where they need more or
less help will help us determine if this portion of the programming is viable.
Assess the annual schedule for cohort students to see if they were able to enroll in the remedial courses that met their academic
and athletics needs in a timely manner.
“Grades First” will compile data reports. For exampel we might be able to discern “risky” behaviors from “successful behavior”
patterns for our particular cohort. These reports would support our PLOAC and SLOAC work.
5. How will you document and disseminate your results to the DARE Taskforce, your department and your
division? (In particular, DARE is looking for re-usable documents or resources that can be shared on
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campus, such as best practices lists, professional development materials, guides or handbooks, etc.)
-Pre and post assessment of the program by every participant every quarter – survey results
-Pre and post assessment of the program by tutors every quarter – survey results
- Disseminate results to Athletics department. Assess further expansion possibilities end of year.
-Minimum every 6 weeks retention coordinator, head coach, academic advisor, counselor and Dean will
meet to assess program progress.
-DARE will receive the outcomes of all assessments in Spring quarter or when grant reviews are usually
6. Provide a budget breakdown of costs of the project and include the following categories: Staffing Needs,
Materials and Supplies, Events/Workshops, Speakers, etc. (Please note that food is not something that DARE
can fund.)
Coordinator: $30/hour + a stipend for monitoring students for 3
quarters (two hours 4 days a week) plus coordination and program
Tutors (3 tutors/day)
$ 5,000
Total: $27,000
Approval from the Department Chair/ Program Coordinator and the Dean is requested prior to
submission. Please provide the names of the authorizing individuals below as well as the date
approval was granted.
Dan Atencio, Malik Jackson, Coleen Lee-Wheat
Dan Atencio
Department Chair/
Program Coordinator
Coleen Lee-Wheat
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