Actividad D Read texts 1 and 2 carefully and a. complete the chart in Spanish as fully as possible b. using the information in the chart, write a summary of the similarities between these two breeds. (Lea los textos 1 y 2 y complete la tabla en castellano; utilizando la información de la tabla, escriba una comparación entre las razas en forma resumida) Text 1 Aberdeen Angus: This breed is originally from the Scottish counties of Aberdeen and Forfarshire. Not only black animals but also red ones are characteristic of this breed. Its conspicuous traits are: outstanding fertility and maternal ability, remarkable sexual and breeding precocity, high growing ability and excellent carcass yield. The quality of its beef is unparalleled. On account of these traits Aberdeen Angus is a favourite breed with many ranchers. They are reared both in temperate zones and in less benign ones. They are medium-sized animals because this is considered most efficient when it comes to fertility and growing ability in grasslands. That is why Aberdeen Angus cattle in Argentina have intermediate frame scores, depending on their feed; the weight of the animals ready for slaughter is of under 420 k for both domestic and world markets. Text 2 Shorthorn : This breed is originally from Great Britain. Some of the Shorthorn herds are selected for beef and others for milk. A characteristic of this breed is its outstanding maternal ability with yields in high weaning weights in calves. The main qualities of the Shorthorn with a very productive biotype for pastoral farming are maternal ability, toughness, fertility, calving ease and carcass quality. Shorthorn breeders— horned and polled—pass down (transmiten) all the advantages of hybrid vigour to their progeny. They are remarkable useful in improving crossbreeding. Shorthorn’s beef is exceptionally tender and outstandingly marbled. This is a guarantee of unusual palatability in consumer cuts. Glossary: (to) pass down: transmitir (to) have : tener On account of: debido a in improving: en la mejora de Complete the following table in Spanish: ABERDEEN ANGUS Description Hay negros y colorados Excepcional fertilidad y habilidad maternal. Crecimiento precoz. Excelente rendimiento de carcasa. Purpose Es una raza carnicera SHORTHORN Excelente habilidad materna. Alto peso del ternero al destete. Animales mansos. Facilidad de parto. Buena calidad de carcasa Hay astados y mochos Carne Leche Tanto la raza Angus como la Shorthorn tiene excelente habilida maternal maternal; muy Buena calidad de carcasa y buen rendimiento de la misma, y son animales mansos. La mayor diferencia que hay entre ellas es que la Angus es una raza carnicera y la Shorthorn es doble proposito, carne y leche, por lo tanto la Shorthorn al ser buena productora de leche desteta terneroscon alto peso.