Sunshine Coast Local Disaster Management Group SCLDMG Meeting Minutes Wednesday 13 March 2013 Level 3 Committee Room Tewantin Business 1 Opening The meeting commenced at 10:25. Chairman, Mayor Mark Jamieson, welcomed all in attendance and thanked everyone for the outstanding contributions and preparedness to collaborate during recent events and for going above and beyond the call of duty. Mayor Jamieson acknowledged the Red Cross funding raising appeal and the fatigue in people donating to Disaster Relieve due to the number of recent events. To assist in this matter Council has agreed to donate $40,000 to the fund. 2. Attendance Recorded per the attendance sheet. Apologies were recorded from the following:Andrew Ryan, SCC, Executive Director, Infrastructure Services Ian McNicol, Director, Sunshine Coast Destination Limited Cr. Chris Thompson, Deputy Mayor | Councillor - Division 4 Adam Gwin, Zone Commander, QFRS North Coast Region Peter Pallot, General Manager Sunshine Coast Airport Jason Rainbird, Operations & Assets Manager, Sunshine Coast Airport Claudia Di Blasi, SCC, Manager Customer Relations Snr. Sgt. Gary Brayley, Queensland Police Service Lynne Saunders, SCC, Marketing & Communication Darren Sweedman, Queensland Ambulance Service Collin Sivalingum, Australian Red Cross Phil Gibbs, Telstra 3. Minutes of Previous Meeting Adoption of previous minutes from meetings held on Tuesday 04 December 2012 and emergency meetings held in January 2013. Moved: Seconded: Vote: 4. Andrew WYATT (EMQ) Steve FAIRLESS (Energex) Carried – unanimously Business Arising from previous minutes (refer Action Register) 1 AR 6.22 MOU with EMQ Schedule A EMQ/SES awaiting response from EMQ AR 6.3.5 Rural Fire Brigade eligibility for Community Development Grants Program LDC meet with Ross Duncan, Community Development Manager, at the meeting it was clarified that grant applications will be accepted for SES and Rural Fire Brigade support / auspice groups. Funding for normal operations will not be considered. Projects outside of normal operations will be considered. 1 Sunshine Coast Local Disaster Management Group AR 6.3.3 Red Cross MOU Due to number of events have not looked into this. EMQ aware of need for agreement and is trying to align all agreements with local government for a consistent approach across the state. AR 4.2.2 Community Awareness and Preparedness Sub Group Report tabled. See item 10.1 of the minutes. 4.1 Presentation on Aged Care study findings Peter Mann presented a PowerPoint 2 overview on an audit of aged care facilities on the Sunshine Coast. Report tabled 3 Discussion following the presentation resulting in the following agreement: Need to encourage all aged care facilities to attend the Sunshine Coast Disaster Support Group. In the case of evacuation aged care facilities are encouraged to set up network to identify ‘like’ facility to accommodate evacuees. Key strategy is to shelter in place and for the individual facilities to be resilient – lots of work to do in this area. Council approach: Submission made to new planning scheme as part of DA is one strategy for new facilities. LDMG to send letter to aged care association. Council to send letter to Federal Government to lobby for conditions in licences. Action: Alan (Fox) Rogers to write to Leading Age Services Australia, Queensland Branch asking them to join the Sunshine Coast Aged Care Disaster Support Group Alan (Fox) Rogers to write to Federal Government (HACC) asking that consideration be given to include as a requirement of Federal Government funding that all aged care facilities have auxiliary power supplies and are able to shelter in place for up to seven days . Karen Stevenson to provide Council with contact details for Federal Government to address letter. 5. Inward and outward correspondence 5.1 Inward: 5.1.1 Unity Water - Change to LDMG members 5.1.2 EMQ - Structure Changes to EMQ 5.1.3 Torrens Resilience Institute - Information on program “developing a model and tool to measure community resilience” 5.1.4 LGAQ, Disaster mitigation – QFCOI recommendations 5.1.5 Minister for Police & Community Safety - If its Flooded Forget It campaign funding response 5.1.6 Queensland Reconstruction Authority - Revised NDRRA determination 5.1.7 Queensland Reconstruction Authority - Update on QRA activities 5.1.8 Legal Aid - Relaunch Flood Legal Help 5.1.9 Cr Tim Dwyer, Sunshine Coast Council - Real Estate signs-potential missiles in severe weather events 5.1.10 Hon Alex Somlyay MP - Federal Disaster Recovery Payments through Centrelink 5.1.11 Lacuna Resolve - Disasters 5.1.12 Greg Chemello, Deputy Director-General Planning Group, State Development Infrastructure & Planning - Proposed amendments to Sustainable Planning Act 2009 5.1.13 Cr. Greg Rogerson - Solar torches 5.1.14 Hon Joh McVeigh MP, Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry - Response and approval to Mayor Jamieson’s correspondence seeking activation to Category C 5.1.15 Brent McCracken, Regional Executive Director, North Coast Region, Department of Communities, Child Safety & Disability Services – Closure of emergent assistance grants Ex-Tropical Cyclone Oswald 2 Sunshine Coast Local Disaster Management Group Items of inward correspondence raised for discussion at this point: 5.1.9 Real Estate signs – potential missiles Group discussed issue of real estate signs posing a potential threat of becoming missiles during severe weather events. Action: Alan (Fox) Rogers to write to REIQ Sunshine Coast asking them to make members aware of this issue and to take large signs down if and when a cyclone is forecast. 5.1.13 Solar torches Group discussed distribution of solar torches to the community. Costs associated would be substantial for Council at approximately $1m - $1.5m. Moreton Shire Council used government funding to purchase the torches. Agreed that the LDMG will not ask council to fund the purchase and distribution of torches for residents of the Sunshine Coast Group decided instead when building community resilience to promote individuals purchasing the torches as part of a broader community awareness and preparedness campaign. To do this it was suggested that Council investigate further and source suppliers to ensure availability of torches for purchase by the community. Action: Melanie Ferguson to check availability of torches. Jo McNaught-Anderson to include in community education programs. 5.1.14 Activation of Category C grants Issues have been experienced by Council in relation to the process for applying for Category C funding. It was agreed that LDC liaise with the QRA to better understand the process for activation of NDRRA grant funding 5.2 Outward: 5.2.1 Hon Jack Dempsey, Minister for Police & Community Safety – Request reconsideration funding cut to If its Flooded Forget It and other public safety campaigns 5.2.2 Mike Shapland, Regional Director EMQ – Response re inclusion of Merrick Ilett as Deputy 5.2.3 A/Supt. Adam Gwinn, QFRS – Letter of thanks for support of Carols by Candlelight 5.2.4 Terry Nodwell, Sponsorship Manager, Energex- Letter of thanks for support of Carols by Candlelight 5.2.5 Greg Chemello, Deputy Director-General Planning Group, State Development Infrastructure & Planning – Response re consultation on proposed amendments to Sustainable Planning Act 2009 statutory exemption and compensation provisions 5.2.6 Peter Twomey (ex EMQ) – Letter of thanks and appreciation 5.2.7 King & Co (Terry Law) – Letter of thanks and appreciation re QFCOI 5.2.8 Peter Ryan (ex DoC) – Letter of thanks and appreciation on retirement 5.3 Adoption of inward and outward correspondence Moved: Seconded: Peter MANN (SCC) Steve LINNANE (SCC) 3 Sunshine Coast Local Disaster Management Group Carried – unanimously Vote: 6. Local Group Priorities and Projects for 2012 6.1 Exercise: Operation Rainbow Storm, November 2012 6.2 Exercise was invaluable and timely. Approximately 30 matters raised as potential issues during the exercise have actually occurred during recent events. Debrief report is now completed and is ready for distribution Thanks to John Gallina and Cathy Buck for all the hard work in developing Exercise Rainbow Storm and also to Snr Sgt Peter Grace, Rick Vickers and Andrew Wyatt (EMQ). Development of a new Local Disaster Management Plan 6.3 Local Plan now finished and is here today for distribution. Alan (Fox) Rogers commented that the events of the past few months show that our warning, activation levels and trigger points are on the money. Publication of Flood Information Maps 6.4 Flood information maps were published in September 2012 as part of Get Ready Sunshine Coast. During the February 2013 East Coast Low the Sunshine Coast Daily published a story saying that the new flood maps were causing loss of property values however blogs indicate that post people want to know about flooding affecting areas and property. Updating health/medical services section of the Plan 6.5 Thanks to Beverly Wilson and Barry McCarthy for their work in coordinating this work.. A first draft of this plan will be circulated in two (2) weeks’ time prior to the Health Sub Committee’s next meeting. The links made in developing the plan were used to good effect during TC Oswald. Aged Care Project with a great deal of work yet to do refer presentation (agenda item 4.1). Recommend as an ongoing priority for 2013. 6.6 Building resilience in isolated communities Great work by Di Bradford in working with the groups. Significant improvement in communication with groups in these communities during the last three rain events. 6.7 Impact and damage assessment Made some progress, however recommend as an ongoing priority for 2013. Primary producers need assistance but rarely ask. 6.8 Implementation of the Queensland Floods Commission of Inquiry (QFCOI) recommendations Grants to assist implementation. 4 Sunshine Coast Local Disaster Management Group Flood gauges well used. Mary River stream gauges provided information for the first time on what was happening and backed up by local community groups. Five (5) year program to implement. Highlight areas – some progress in all Internal reference group in Council will broaden scope. Action: Alan (Fox) Rogers to report back to next LDMG meeting on progress in achieving the QFCOI recommendations. 7. Discussion re 2013 LDMG priorities 7.1 Proposed priorities: 8. Impact and damage assessment Recovery Building resilience LDMG structure post de-amalgamation Improving the Resilience of Aged Care Facilities Council Disaster Management Budget bids (Refer attached paper) 3 LDMG noted the Disaster Management budget bids and endorsed their priority order. 9. Agency Reports 9.1 Reports from members, presented by exception 9.1.1 9.1.2 9.1.3 Energex – Member Status Report Report tabled 4 Currently clearing vegetation around power lines as part of annual maintenance Queensland Health: Pandemic preparedness action. Running desktop exercise. Queensland Ambulance Service: Reviewing how we manage staffing during a disaster. 9.1.4 Red Cross: Early activation a great benefit. Council expressed thanks all Red Cross volunteers. 9.1.5 ABC Coast FM: 9.1.6 Thanks to all agencies for their assistance and cooperation during the recent events. Currently reviewing providing a regular town by town update of events during a disaster The Chair thanked ABC and all local media for their coverage of the recent events Queensland Fire and Rescue Services: 5 Sunshine Coast Local Disaster Management Group Presentation next meeting on RDA’s. Action: Chris White to organise presentation on RDA’s at next LDMG meeting. 9.1.7 Queensland Police Service: Working with TMR regarding road closures, Bruce Highway and alternate routes. People driving round closed and signs – QPS to look at community education and enforcement action. A large number of Sunshine Coast police were deployed to Bundaberg following Ex TC Oswald Hats off to swift water crews for Pomona activity in very trying conditions. Group discussion at this point: Question raised on need for training on protocols in the event of missing /deceased persons during an event. Need someone from Bundaberg to present at LDMG after their debriefing activities are completed. Action: Peter Grace, Queensland Police Service, to organise: representative from Bundaberg to present at future meeting presentation on protocols to be followed in event of missing persons or deceased persons 9.1.8 9.1.9 Department of Communities: Community assistance grants closed 1 March. Critical team finished 6 March. Sunshine Coast Council, Infrastructure Services: Forward Command Centre at Wises Road worked well during the recent events now has auxiliary power. 9.1.10 Maritime Safety Queensland: Thanks to Mooloolaba QFRS regarding response to diesel in harbour. Thanks to Aaron SLSQ for assistance during recent events. 9.1.11 Sunshine Coast Council, Information Technology: More resilience work on corporate website. Now move to a new single page website when LDMG moves to alert. Looking to bringing more mapping technology into LDCC. 9.1.12 General update from Emergency Management Queensland Working with Council on resilience education Pre-season media calls worked well Sandbagging: o DYI brochure (handout). o Information available on Council website as well as EMQ website. o Two (2) sandbagging machines on coast, one (1) northern end and one (1) southern end. o Have FCOI funding to professionally produce YouTube How to do your own sandbags. o Acknowledged the mighty job carried out by Stan Ryan and Janet Scott. DM training 29 and 30 April, may need to organise more. Emergency Supply Workshop postponed, negotiating another time. 6 Sunshine Coast Local Disaster Management Group 10. Changes made to Disaster Management doctrine December 2012. o Cyclone shelter guidelines o SPMG – Warning response system handbook o DM portal review – developing a more one-stop-shop o Evacuation and pet management reviews North Queensland councils are advising that they will require assistance in the future to run cyclone shelters and are asking other LDMGS to consider if and how they might help. o The LDC commented that as cyclones often move down the coast e.g. Hamish and Oswald sending assistance north could leave Council short. So any such request would be dependent on the situation. Risk Management – Federal and State agenda o Template type tool to come down to local government at some time. Reports from sub-groups 10.1 Community awareness and preparedness sub-group. Report tabled. 5 10.2 Human services sub-group No report. 10.3 Isolated Communities. Kin Kin and Cooran groups have debriefed, Kenilworth-Conondale group debrief will be held on Thursday 14 March 2013. Continuing to work with groups on resilience. 11. General business 11.1 Sunshine Coast University will be conducting a major exercise 10 and 11 July. LDMG will be involved. 25-30 Queensland Police Officers, Queensland Fire and Rescue, Department of Health and Council will be involved. 11.2 John Gallina thanked all support agencies, especially EMQ, QPS and the LDCC for the hard work and huge achievements during the recently experience events. It was acknowledged that pre-deployment of Police in isolated communities was a winner. 11.3 Red Cross raised issues regarding commercial resilience of banks, supermarkets, petrol stations etc and suggested doing a presentation to SC Business Council and Chamber Alliance as often major businesses have no redundancy plans in place. 11.4 John Gallina announced that Di Bradford was leaving her role as Community Resilience Officer and thanked a job well done. 7 Sunshine Coast Local Disaster Management Group 11.5 Discussions with Queensland Reconstruction Authority re documentation of emergent works. Issues have been raised by the QRA re Council’s documentation of emergent works as a result of the 2011 and 2012 flood events. This is a serious issue as it may mean that these works will not be funded. As a result Lynn Loftus in Infrastructure Services is reviewing Council’s processes to ensure they are audible and robust. The problem is not that we have not done the works but that we have not documented the work. 12. Future Meetings The following meeting schedule was proposed and accepted. Members are requested to advise of their attendance or otherwise at each meeting for catering purposes. 2013_02 Please note: The date and venue for meeting #2 of 4 for the LDMG have changed to: Date & Time: Monday May 27th, 2013 at 09:00am Venue: Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry Research Facility, 47 Mayers Road, Burnside/Perwillowen 2013_03 Date & Time: Venue: Wednesday September 18th, 2013 at 09:00am Large Committee Room, Level 1, EDV Building, Nambour 2013_04 Date & Time: Venue: Wednesday December 4th, 2013 at 09:00am Beerwah Room, Level 3, Council’s Caloundra Office Meeting closed at 12:25pm. Appendices: Attachment 1: Action Register Attachment 2: Nursing Home Review PowerPoint Attachment 3: Nursing Home Preparedness Report Attachment 4: Energex Status Report SCLDMG 13 March 2013 Attachment 5 Community Awareness and Preparedness Sub Group Report 8