treatment myocardial infarction by bon marrow

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Z. Rakhimov1, N. Olimov2, N. Navjuvonov2, M. Khidirov3, S. Muminjonov3,
A. Didary3, J. Irgasheva3, A. Barotov4, E. Rizoev4, M. Mirshahi3,5
Association of Cardiologists of Tajikistan, Dushanbe, Tajikistan,
Republican Scientific Center of Cardiology, Dushanbe, Tajikistan, 3Stem Cells
Laboratory of Central Scientific Research Center of Avicenna Tajik State Medical
University, Dushanbe, Tajikistan, 4Republican Scientific Center of Cardio-Vascular
Surgery, Dushanbe, Tajikistan, 5UMRS 872, INSERM, Paris VI Faculty of Medicine,
Paris, France
Objective: to study efficacy and safety of autologous stem cells of patients after macro
focal myocardial infarction.
Subjects: 30 patients with a diagnosis of ischemic heart diseases, myocardial
infarction, 15 of them were treated with the standard protocol of treatment (control
group), the 15 others were transplanted with their bone marrow stem cells CD133.
Isolated cells of patients with coronary artery under angiography, and they received
0.8mg estradiol/day for 60 days.
Methods: Clinical examination, laboratory testing, ECG examination. Scintigraphy.
Results: Results of clinical examination of patients revealed an improvement after 3
months and 6 months in both groups of patients. Key indicators of hemodynamic of
heart were recorded before and after 6 months the introductions of autologous stem
cells ejection fraction of left ventricle (EFLV) increased from 50 ± 9% to 58 ± 9% (p
<0,001). Ventricular extra systoles (ESV) decreased from 114±22 to 109±25 p=0,45
and end diastolic volume (EDV) decreased from 57±19 to 46±18 p<0,001.
Results of patients with transplantation of autologous stem cells: As can be seen from
the table, the ejection fraction of left ventricle in 6 months after the introduction of
stem cells and significantly increased substantially. A similar dynamics was observed
and end-diastolic volume of the left ventricle, which had a clear tendency to
Conclusions: Our method of stem cell transplantation is safe enough and does not
increase mortality as a consequence of heart disease. Treatment of autologous stem
cells significantly improved key indicators of heart hemodynamic.