Useful Publications - Aviation Environment Federation


Useful Publications


The Plane Truth: Aviation and the Environment

By Professor John Whitelegg and Nic Williams, published by Transport 2000 and The Ashden

Trust (2000) – a very good 40 page overview taking in climate change, noise, local air pollution and economics.

Aviation and its impact on the environment

Published by Transport & Environment (T & E), 1999 – the Brussels-based lobby group.

Published six years ago and some of the figures are a little dated, but this 50 page report is still a readable overview of the environmental, social and economic impacts of aviation.

The sky’s the limit

By Bishop and Grayling, published by the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR), 2003. This is a well-researched 70 page report that covers climate change, sustainable development, air pollution, noise and economics. Is particularly good on the equity implications of flying –

The Environmental Effects of Civil Aircraft in Flight

Published by the Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution in 2002, this short report presented a real challenge to the Government particularly on the climate change impacts of aviation -

Missed Opportunity

Published by the Sustainable Development Commission in 2004, headed up by Jonathan Porritt.

Highly critical of the expansionist policies outlined in the Aviation White Paper.


The Hidden Cost of Flying

Written by Brendon Sewill and published by the Aviation Environment Federation in 2003. Very readable booklet that explains and exposes in simple terms the tax breaks the aviation industry receives –


Fly now, grieve later

Also written by Brendon Sewill and published by the Aviation Environment Federation in 2005.

Another readable booklet, revealing the true impact of aviation on climate change and how the industry comes nowhere near paying the cost of the damage it causes –


The Contribution of the Aviation Industry to the UK Economy

This is the report on which the Aviation White Paper is based, published in 2002. Commissioned by the Government, but 90% paid for by the aviation industry, consultants Oxford Economic

Forecasting (OEF) have produced a thoroughly biased report –

(site ref only).

Useful Publications September 2005

Transport and the Economy

Produced by the government-appointed Standing Advisory Committee on Trunk Road

Assessment, and published in 1999 by HMSO. This is the massive, ground-breaking report which the Department for Transport chose to ignore when drawing up the Aviation White Paper.

(ste ref only).

The Impacts of Future Aviation Growth in the UK

A 70 page report commissioned by the local authority group, SASIG, and published by

Berkeley Hanover in 2000 to counter the OEF report.

Flying with Big Business

The European Investment Bank and the Aviation Industry. A report by Friends of the Earth

International & CEE Bankwatch Network with contributions from Milieudefensie, Za Zemiata and

HACAN ClearSkies. November 2003


The Economics of Aviation: a North West England perspective,

A 20 page report by Professor John Whitelegg, published by CPRE North West Regional Group

(2003). Very good on the limited impact airport expansion can have on regional economies -

Why airport expansion is bad for regional economies

Published by Friends of the Earth (2005), a short pamphlet packed with useful information on the national and regional deficits of aviation tourism.

A Poor Deal

4 page pamphlet from HACAN, outlining the way poor people are losing out from the tax breaks afforded to aviation – email


Climate Change

Growth Scenarios for EU & UK Aviation: contradictions with climate policy

93 page report produced by the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change for Friends of the Earth in

2005. Shows how aviation growth could wreck UK and EU policies to tackle climate change

Also an 8 page summary report

Aviation and global climate change

4 page leaflet produced in 2000 by Friends of the Earth, Aviation Environment Federation,

National Society for Clean Air and HACAN Clearskies

Useful Publications September 2005


The sky’s the limit

By Bishop and Grayling, published by the Institute for Public Policy Research

(IPPR), 2003. This is a well-researched 70 page report that covers climate change, sustainable development, air pollution, noise and economics. Is particularly good on the equity implications of flying –

(site ref only).

A Poor Deal, 4 page pamphlet from HACAN, email

for a copy or


Airport Masterplans - the risks and potential pitfalls for local authorities

Published by Friends of the Earth (2005) explains the masterplan process and how it fits in the new planning system.


Guidelines for Community Noise

By Berglund et al, published by the World Health Organisation (WHO) in 2000. This 140 page book outlines the World Health Organisation’s recommended noise levels which, in theory, the

UK Government has signed up to. A key book.

Charter on transport, environment and health, World Health Organisation, 1999. Signed up to by more than 50 countries, including the UK, this 35 page report acknowledges WHO guidelines on noise for human health.

Rail Alternatives

From planes to trains

Published by the Aviation Environment Federation and Friends of the Earth in 2000, this 30 page booklet begins to outline the role rail could play as an alternative to many flights –


Useful Publications September 2005
