Maharashtra Animal and Fisheries Science

KNP College of Veterinary Sciences, Shirwal, Dist. Satara (MS)
No. KNPVC/TENDER/ 6717/ 2012
Dated: 08/02/2012
1. Sealed tenders are invited from the intending manufacturers/authorized dealers/ authorized
suppliers for the supply of Equipments / Instruments/machinery.
2. The tender forms, terms and conditions, details of the specifications etc. of above items and
other details governing supply will be available in the office of the undersigned during office
hours on all working days on non-refundable tender fees in the form of demand draft drawn on
Nationalized Bank for an amount as per schedule “A” in favour of “ P.A.O., KNP College of
Veterinary Science, Shirval” payable at Shirval.
Alternatively, the blank tender form can be downloaded from website of the university
(www. mafsu. in) and submitted to the office of the undersigned within prescribed date along
with prescribed fees as per schedule ‘A’ in the form of Demand Draft.
3. Tender form duly completed in all respects in sealed envelope with endorsement i.e. ‘Supply
of Equipments / Instruments /machinery’ should reach the office, addressed to : The
Associate Dean, KNP College of Veterinary Sciences, Shirwal, Dist. Satara.412801 on or before
25/02/2012 up to 17.00 hrs along with 1% of the cost of items tendered as Earnest Money
Deposit (E.M.D) in the form of Demand Draft of Nationalized bank drawn in favour of P.A.O.,
KNP College of Veterinary Science, Shirval” payable at Shirval branch only.
4. The tenders will be opened on 27/02/2012 for all the items mentioned in PART-I schedule
of requirements of the tender document in presence of intending supplier/tenderer/their
representative at 10.00 hrs in the Conference Hall, KNP College of Veterinary Science,
Shirval” Dist. Satara.
5. All the rights to accept or reject whole or part of the tender without assigning any reason
thereof is reserved by the undersigned.
6. A separate tender form is required for each item.
Place: Shirwal
Date: 08 /02 /2012
---sd----Associate Dean
KNP College of Veterinary Science,
Shirwal, Dist.Satara.
Tender Form No____________
Price Rs………………...As per
Issued on ___________________
Schedule ‘A’
Name of the Party to whom tender form is issued:
Assistant Registrar
Receipt No. & Date
KNP College of Veterinary Science,
Shirval” Dist.Satara.
(Note: If the Tender form is downloaded from the website, the above information is not
necessary. However, the form fee as per Schedule ‘A’ may be submitted in the form of Demand
Draft separately, in favour of “P.A.O., KNP College of Veterinary Science, Shirval” Payable
at Shirwal.
1) Date of sale of tender forms: 10/02/2012 to 25/02/2012 (up to 17.00 hrs)
2) Date of Tender form available on website: 10/02/2012 to 25/02/2012
3) Date of pre-bid meeting: 21/02/2012 (10.00 hrs)
4) Last date for submission of sealed tenders up to: 25/02/2012 (up to 17.00 hrs)
5) Date of opening of tenders: 27/02/2012 (At 10.00 hrs) for all items.
6) Cost of tender form: As per schedule ‘A’
7) Earnest Money Deposit (E.M.D.) : 1 % of the cost of item.
Those who have already submitted the tender for item floated in this tender need not
submit the tender again for the same item.
K. N. P. College of Veterinary Science, Shirval, Tal- Khandala, Dist. Satara,
Pin: 412 801.
The Associate Dean,
K. N. P. College of Veterinary Science,
Shirval, Tal- Khandala,
Dist. Satara, Maharashtra, Pin: 412 801
Subject: Tender for purchase and installation of Instruments / Equipments / Machinery
Reference- Your Notification No…………………….published on Maharashtra Animal
Fisheries Sciences University website
In accordance with the advertisement appeared in ______________________________
on 27th December 2011 and as per terms and conditions of the tender, I am submitting herewith
my tender quoting therein minimum rates for the Equipments / Instruments / Machinery
Signature of the Tenderer with
Signature __________________________
Signature _____________________________
Address ____________________________
K. N. P. College of Veterinary Science, Shirval, Tal- Khandala, Dist. Satara,
Maharashtra, Pin: 412 801
1. Sealed Tender will be accepted in prescribed form only.
2. The Tender is non – transferable.
3. No tender shall be considered, if the contents are erased, illegible or overwritten. Any
corrections should be scored and rewritten under the initials for the tenderer. As far as possible
tender should be without any corrections.
4) Pre-bid meeting for clarification will be conducted on 21.02.2012 at 10.00 hrs in conference
hall of KNP College of Veterinary Science, Shirval. Tenderers are informed to attend the
meeting for getting clarification of the issues pertaining to the tender procedure.
5. The tender will be opened on 27/02/2012 for all items at 10:00 hrs in the Conference Hall of
K. N. P. College of Veterinary Science, Shirval, Tal- Khandala, Dist. Satara, Maharashtra, Pin:
412 801 in the presence of Bidder’s representative, who choose to attend at the time, date and
place specified in the schedule of requirements. Change in the place of opening of tender, if any,
will be communicated in advance. If required, at the time of opening the tender the Associate
Dean or Tender Opening Committee can ask for specific documents which will have to be called
for / provided at that time.
6. The tender notice, tender form and detail of terms & conditions, specifications of each item
can be downloaded from the University website ( The bidder who downloads the
tender form from the website, should note that the downloaded tender form along with the terms
& conditions will not be accepted without the cost of the tender form as per Schedule ‘A’ for
each item in the form of Demand Draft drawn on Nationalized Bank in the name of P.A.O.,
KNP College of Veterinary Science, Shirval” payable at Shirwal.
7. A Separate Tender Form is required for each item.
8. The College has adopted two bid system. Therefore “TECHNICAL BID” & “FINANCIAL
BID“ should be submitted separately in two different sealed envelopes, superscripted thereon
Envelope A- TECHNICAL BID and Envelop B-FINANCIAL BID respectively, which
should be packed in a larger sealed packet / envelope. The larger outer cover/ packet should
indicate Tender Number, Name of the equipment and opening date on the top of the right hand
corner. The technical bids will be opened on 27/02/2012 for all items at 10:00 hrs. A
competent committee will evaluate the same. If the technical specifications are as per the
tendered specifications, only then it will be accepted. Otherwise, in case where the technical bid
fails the requirements, the Financial Bid will not be opened and the bid will be rejected. At the
Second stage, financial bids of only technically acceptable offers shall be opened for further
evaluation and ranking before awarding the contract.
9. Each tender should be accompanied by Earnest Money Deposit @ 1 % of the cost of item
quoted by the tenderer in terms of Demand Draft of Nationalized bank. This Earnest Money
Deposit will be accepted in the form of Demand Draft in the name of the “P.A.O., KNP College
of Veterinary Science, Shirval” Payable at Shirval,”. Demand draft against Earnest Money
Deposit should be submitted in separate sealed envelope. No tender will be considered without
Earnest Money Deposit. Conditional tender will not be accepted.
10. The EMD submitted by the tenderer shall remain in safe custody of the Associate Dean,
KNP College of Veterinary Science, Shirval, until the acceptance of the tender is made known
to the tenderer and in case his tender is accepted, until the tenderer signs the contract and gives
the necessary security deposit as per condition below.
11. The intending supplier shall have to mention the name of manufacture /make, model of the
article and has to enclose the pamphlets / pictures /information brochures of the appliances for
which the rates are quoted. In the absence of the above, the items offered may not be considered.
12. The successful tenderers upon being intimated in writing, within the period of ten working
days from the receipt of the letter, has to furnish performance security deposit @ 7.5% of total
cost of the equipment in the form of Demand Draft drawn on nationalized bank in the name of
“P.A.O. KNP College of Veterinary Science, Shirval” payable at Shirval, in the office of the
Associate Dean, KNP College of Veterinary Science, Shirval on prescribed form of agreement
bond, within 10 days from the receipt of the letter of intimation of acceptance of tender, failing
which his earnest money deposit is liable to be forfeited and he shall cease to be a successful
tenderer. Thereafter the Associate Dean shall be free to enter into contract with any other
13. All the Equipments / Instruments / Machinery must be of the best quality, sound and / or as
per the detail specifications and subject to the approval of the Associate Dean, KNP College of
Veterinary Science, Shirval”.
14. The Tenders as furnished should remain open and should be valid till Six months from the
date of opening of tender.
15. Contract agreement form must be gone through before tender contract agreement and terms
and conditions of tender are available for inspection at the office of the Associate Dean, KNP
College of Veterinary Science, Shirval”
The copies of the same can be obtained from the, Office of the Associate Dean on any
working day between 10.00 to 3.00 p.m. and is also available on the website, (
16. Any infringement of the terms and conditions of the Contract will make the tenderer liable
for cancellation and further any Earnest Money or Security Deposit paid will be forfeited by the
Associate Dean, KNP College of Veterinary Science, Shirval.
17. The amount of earnest money deposited by the tenderer will be refunded in due course of
18. Tenderer will not be allowed to withdraw his tender after opening the same without forfeiting
his earnest money deposited.
19. The college authority reserves full rights to open/consider the second envelop (B) i.e.
financial bid only if the college authority is satisfied with information contained in envelope (A)
i.e. technical bid. The decision of the college authority regarding this will be final and shall be
binding on tenderer.
20. The security deposit of the tenderer shall be returned to him / her only on the completion of
the contract and on their furnishing the usual demand certificate, subject to the clearance of all
outstanding dues, issues or points of dispute to the satisfaction of the Associate Dean.
21. The goods should be dispatched at suppliers risk; however, the supplier will be responsible
until the entire items are supplied in good condition at the destination.
22. It is within the discretion of the concerned college/ University authorities to increase or
decrease the quantity to be purchased and/ or to relax the conditions/specifications in exceptional
23. Installation/fitting and demonstration of Equipments / Instruments / Machinery with
satisfactory performance should be given before the payment is made to the supplier. Payment
will be made after satisfactory report is received from the concerned Indenter / Scientist / Officer
In charge.
24. Undersigned reserves right to accept or reject supplies in full or in part which do not strictly
stick up to the specifications or to accept the materials supplied with slight variations in
specifications or with a condition that the rates accepted shall be reduced at such rates as the
competent authority of the College may deem fit, looking to variations and such rates shall be
binding on the tenderer.
25. College authority reserves the right to accept or reject - higher version of
equipment/instrument etc. or any other items under the same terms and conditions quoted by
26. The credit bill / invoice should be presented in triplicate in the name of ‘Associate Dean,
KNP College of Veterinary Science, Shirval”Dist.Satara after receiving the supply order. The
College authority will not be liable for any delay in payment of bill(s). Payment for goods
supplied will be effected through cheque only.
27. Before signing the agreement bond the tenderer will have to produce Income Tax Clearance
28. Even though the tender is technically accepted but after receiving of the said equipment, the
technical specifications given in the tender document does not match with supplied equipment,
the Associate Dean reserves the right to reject the purchase order and the purchase order will be
given to the next tenderer after negotiations. The said firm will not be entrusted with any
University for future purchase of the equipment.
29. The Associate Dean, KNP College of Veterinary Science, Shirval” reserves the right to
accept or reject any or all the tenders without assigning any reason thereof.
30. Delivery period quoted should be firm & supply to be made accordingly.
31. All the disputes whatsoever in connection with the tender notice etc. shall be subject to the
jurisdiction of Satara Court.
32. The Documents / Papers to be submitted with Technical Bid( envelope A) and Financial
Bids(Envelope B) in addition to the document mentioned are Part I (Schedule of requirement),
Part – II (Questionnaire), Part – III (Manufacturers authorization Form), Part-IV (Bid Form &
price schedule), Declaration-I & declaration – II.
33. The firm quoting for the above mentioned equipments / instruments / machinery should have
past experience of having supplied and installed minimum five similar equipments to any
reputed Govt Institution.
34. The firm will give successful demonstration of the equipments at KNP College of
Veterinary Science, Shirval”
35. The firm will arrange to impart training / familiarization in operating the equipment &
36. The terms and conditions herein contained shall form part of and shall take effects as if they
were included in the contract agreement to be entered into by a successful tenderer.
37. The manufacturers/authorized dealers/ authorized suppliers should be able to support with,
stand by units in case of unit breakdown during the warranty period of three years.
38. The parts of unit/equipment /Instrument/Machinery covered under warranty must be clearly
39. The manufacturers/authorized dealers/ authorized suppliers should be able to provide free
service backup during warranty period.
Signature of the Tenderer with
Signature __________________________
Signature _____________________________
Address ____________________________
Technical Bid (Envelope –A):
Technical Bid consisting of all technical details along with commercial terms &
Product Literature / leaflets consists of detailed description of goods essential
technical and performance characteristics.
Bid Security in the form of A/c payee DD or Bank Guarantee of a Nationalized
Manufactures Authorization Certificate in case the bidder is quoting as an agent on
behalf of a manufacturer.
The Authorized Agent / Dealer should have facility of the after sales service,
repairing of the equipment plant, machinery at the site / shop.
Duly completed Questionnaires.
Certified copy of PAN / ITCC issued by Department of Income Tax.
Documents showing capability to carry out supplier’s maintenance, repair & spare
parts stocking obligations.
Certified copy of Sales Tax / CST clearance certificate.
Users list, Performance certificate and Photocopies of the P.O. received from at least
five government institutes for similar units during last five years.
A clause-by-clause commentary on the purchaser Technical specification.
12. Certificate regarding enlistment of Indian Agents with the Central Purchase
Organization (e.g. DGS & D) if the Indian agent desires to quote directly on behalf
of their foreign principles.
Financial Bid (Envelope –B):
Price schedule duly completed enclosed with bidding documents. Financial bid
indicating item-wise price for the items mentioned in the Technical Bid.
Proforma Invoice from foreign principal in case of imported item.
A list giving full particulars including available sources and current prices of all
spare parts, special tools etc. valid for a period of two years following
commencement of use of equipments.
Warranty of the equipment should be at least 36 months.
Prices should be valid at least for 180 days from the date of opening of bid.
Cost of annual maintenance charge of next 3 years after expiry of warranty period.
PART – I: Schedule of Requirements
phy unit
Optical system: Must be Infinity corrected system
Trinocular observation- Field No. 22 mm or more
Built-in transmitted illumination system 6 V 20 W halogen bulb / Xenon 100-240 V 50/60
Hz voltage Focusing
Revolving Nosepiece: Fixed quadruple nosepiece Stage
Wire movement mechanical fixed stage: 120x132 mm
Traveling range: 76 mm (X) x 30 mm (Y).
Single specimen holder Observation Tube 30° inclined Trinocular tube interpupillary
distance adjustment range 48–75 mm.
Condenser Abbe type with aperture iris diaphragm N.A.: 1.25
Objective: Plan Achromatic objectives (anti-fungus)
4x N.A.: 0.10 W.D.: 18.5 mm
10x N.A.: 0.25 W.D.: 10.6 mm
40x N.A.: 0.65 W.D.: 0.6 mm
100x N.A.: 1.25 W.D.: 0.13 mm
Eyepiece (10x) - Field Number (F.N.): 22 mm or more (anti-fungus)
Digital Camera system complete with SLR digital camera (above 12 or more mega
Pixels) with rechargeable batteries & charger and with SLR microscope adapter & with
8GB memory card, Standard zoom lens and carry bag
Compatible image grabbing software supported with computer system
Computer System
: Intel Pentium i5 Processor, 4GB RAM with 1 TB HDD, DVD
Writer,20” LED Monitor, key board and mouse. Antivirus
subscription for 3 years
inverted digital
Completely integrated “all--in--one” inverted digital microscope:
1. Single compact unit including: inverted microscope, digital color camera, computer and LCD
2. Long life LED illumination (up to 50,000 hours)
3. Color camera built-into the microscope base
4. 5-position objective turret
5. Wide selection of objective options
o Long Working Distance (LWD) phase-contrast objectives: 4x, 10x, 20x, & 40x
o Transmitted light LWD air objectives: 2x & 60x
o Coverslip corrected objectives: 20x air, 40x air, & 100x oil
6. Rack and pinion focus mechanism
7. Rack and pinion “glide” stage with SBS microplate opening and accessory vessel holders
8. Compact footprint; the entire system can be easily moved into a cell culture hood or glove
9. Low powerconsumption (less than 20 Watts/hr)
10. On-board software applications
o Time Lapse with .avi movie creation
o Manual Cell Counting
o Downloadable software updates
o Multiple user accounts
11. One DVI port and three USB output ports
12. Direct output to USB or networked storage device
13. Supported output file formats: jpg, bmp, tif, and png
12 Refrigerated
Control: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Microprocessor-control
Drive: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Brushless induction drive
Noise level at max speed: . . . . . . < 60 dBA
Timer: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0-9 Hrs 59 min, continuous operation, alternatively
0-99 Hrs
 Programs: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 9 +1 pre-cooling program
 Safety features: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lid Lock and Interlock
 Braking/Accel Curves . . . . . . . . . . . 9/9 Temperature range (C): . . . . . . . . .-9 to +40
 Advanced functions: . . . . . . . . . . . .RCF Selection, "quick-run" feature
 Rotor recognition: . . . . . . . . . . . . . .automatic depending on speed
 Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (H x W x D) 15.6 x 25.2 x 23.4 In (395 x 640 x 595
 Weight (without rotor): . . . . . . . . . . 295 lb (134 kg)
 Electrical requirements: . . . . . . . . . 230 V
• Safety in case of sample loss
Rotors :1. Rotors for Capacity: 15ml x 32places, 2ml x24 place, Microtitre plates/PCR 96 well
plates- 10 place
2. Speed should - for Rotor 2ml x24 place with RCF 21382g or more
3. Speed should - for Rotor 50mlx 6 place with RCF 8965g or more
4. Speed should - for Rotor Microtitre plates/PCR 96 well plates x 10 place with RCF or
more 2218g
1. It should run denaturing and native polyacrylamide, 2D, electrophoresis and Nucleic
acid gel electrophoresis.
2. System should have inbuilt heat exchanger.
3. It should run at least two gel simultaneously, or should able to perform run with single
gel with dummy plate or other arrangement
4. Gel size should be minimum 9 inch x 9 inch (W x L, cm)
21 Refrigerators
22 Mammalian
Cell Counter
5. Should able to run hand cast gels
Specification for Power pack:
1. Power pack should supply current up to 600 V, 400 mA, 100 W Maximum.
2. Should be able to run on Constant voltage, constant current and constant power modes.
3. Instrument should be able to resume run automatically at the original voltage or current
setting after an AC power interruption.
4. Should have digital display system
5. Should accommodate two or more electrophoresis units
6. Alarm system for completion of run
Capacity: 310 lit
Temp range: - 2 to 10 degree celcius
Door type: Double door system
Exterior: insulation polyurethane foam
Electric requirement: 230 Volt 60 Hz
Optimizing Defrost system advanced defrost sensor
Cell counter should count mammalian cell nuclei stained with DNA specific fluorescent dye,
propedium iodide.
Loading volume : 100 ul
Analysis volume : appox 2 ul
Analysis time : 30 sec
Measurement range : working range is 5 x 103 to 2 x 106 cell /ml lyzate
Optional range is 1 x 105 to 2 x 106 cell /ml lyzate
Operation :- Menu controlled by keyboard and LCD display
Power : external 11-13 VDC power supply
Power consumption peak - 25 w
Ready mode- 2.5 W
Stand by - 2 mw
Operation condition: for indoor use maximum relative humidity (RH) 80 % for the temp. up to
31 ° C decreasing linearly to 65 % RH at maximum temp 35 ° C minimum temp. 15 ° C
USB: version 1.1
The nucleocassets tm reagents: each nucleocassets tm contain approx. 3 ug propedium iodide
Storage: store the nucleocassets tm in sealed bag at max 30 ° C
Stability: stable at minimum 15 month
Nucleons view software
System requirements; windows 2000 or XP operating system
Computer with Intel Pentium i5 Processor, 4GB RAM with 1 TB HDD, DVD Writer,20” LED
Monitor, key board and mouse.
Antivirus subscription for 3 years
USB 1.1 port.
23 Triple
All Glass Parts (Electrically Heated).
Corning glass flask with embedded heating element fused in spiral type glass coil internally
at bottom.
A double wall coiled condenser with standard ground glass joints.
Complete with glass fitting, metallic and rings clamps and electrical fittings.
Electricity: 220/230 volts.
Flask Capacity - 10 litre Triple Stage
Automatic Low Water Level Cut-off Device.
26 Centrifuge
Capacity ml 108 x50 ml
Max speed -7000 rpm
Max RCF- g-7400
Rotors for 50 ml , 15 ml and 2 ml tube,
Swing out rotor for 15 ml tube
Integrated temperature monitoring system with microprocessor controls
4” LCD screen
High and Low alarm points with date & time
Histogram format of 24 hours temperature recording at touch of a button.
Power resumption & failure recorded with date & time
Auto Alarm Defrost Timer incase door stands
open for over a minute
Fully autoclavable
Spring loaded tip cone-improve argonomocs, tight fit to the tip.
Adjustment opening- adjust your pipette to a specific liquid and volume
Controlled button- very low operating force, color indicate pipette volume, position for
perfect ergonomics
Removable independent channels-gain flexibility for individual needs
Channel indicator- use the pipette the same way round all the time
Ejector very low operating force, position for perfect ergonomics
Volume display- 4 digits magnifying shapes
Ultra light weight
Quick connection clip-remove lower parts easily
Volume ranges:
50-100 ul
Microprocessor controlled Carousel type Tissue Processor with 9 or more freely selectable
Reagent containers of 1.8 or more (Sufficient to accommodate the 80-100 cassettes ) liters
with seals
User programmable parameters like infiltration time delay time, vaccum on-off, agitation
on-off and
Programmable infiltration time from 5 min to 99 hours
80-100 or more cassettes capacity.
Temperature cut of facility.
Delay start-up function (9 or more days advance).
Drain time of 60 sec in each station
Vertical Agitation for each station.
Facility of automatic immersion of basket into the container in case of power failure.
Audible alarms, error messages and warning codes.
Should have aluminum reagent vessels with handle.
Wax bath with temperature adjustment from 45-65°C.
Thermostatically controlled wax bath and excess temperature cutout facility at 75°C
Facility of manually lift the carousel and remove tissues in case of long power failures.
10 compatible tissue baskets
All standard accessories
Microprocessor controlled two piece tissue embedding system consisting of heated paraffin
station and separate cold plate.
Working start time and end time settings, Weekly working days setting with real time
Paraffin reservoir (Capacity 2 liters or more )with temperature setting range from 30 to 70
C in 5 increments
Paraffin flow via gravitational force and foot switch.
Continuously adjustable paraffin flow rate with Rectangular shaped cooling unit
Rapid heating of paraffin tank in case of urgencies.
Large heated working surface and integrated mold tray and cassette bath with temperature
adjustment from 30 to 70C in 5increments.
Programmable for weekly timer, work days, work starting time, work end time, real time
and day of week for automatic switch on and off.
Cassette bath and mold tray should be interchangeable to accommodate changes in
embedding work flow
Cold plate of a constant temperature of -5C.
Large peltier element cold spot
Adjustable work surface height.
Two Heated removable waste tray.
Heated removable forceps 6 nos. holder easily accessible from either side.
Position adjustable halogen lamp and magnification lens.
Accessories such as a magnifier, Cover for Cold plate area, Embedding rings, pack of 1000,
Stainless steel embedding molds 24 x 24 x 5 mm-20 qty, Stainless steel embedding molds
24 x 30 x 5 mm--20 qty,
Stainless steel embedding molds 24 x 24 x 12 mm-20 qty should be quoted along with the
All standard accessories
Fully automatic microtome with stepper motor driven specimen feed
Vertical and horizontal cross roller bearing mechanism
Section thickness selection from 0.5µm to100 µm.
Section thickness range : 0.5µm- 100 µm increment
(HPLC) Fast
o 0.5µm-5 µm in 0.5 µm increment
o 5 µm -20 µm in 1 µm increment
o 20 µm -60 µm in 5 µm increment
o 60 µm – 100 µm in 10 µm increment.
 Trimming thickness setting from 1 µm to 600 µm with step trim function
 Programmable retraction of 5 µm to 100 µm in 5 µm.
 Two forward and backward coarse feed speed and electric coarse feed at 300 µm/s and
 Motorized sectioning speed of 0.5 to 420 mm/sec operated via foot switch.
 Sectioning modes: 4 Single, Continuous, Programmed, Step modes.
 Should have rocking mode action of sectioning
 Visual and acoustic remaining feed indication
 Specimen orientation of 8 degree both horizontally and vertically
 Microtome should be with gravitational force compensation system.
 Section counter and section thickness totalizer
 All controls on the instruments
 Disposable blade holder with lateral displacement
 Emergency stop knob on the microtome.
 Speed control through the cutting window for enhanced efficiency
 One Standard cassette clamp and magnetized section waste tray
 Block holders of different sizes for holding cassettes of different sizes/.
 High profile blade (Qty. 100) and Low profile Blades (Qty. 100)
 All standard Accessories
An automated Modular Fast Liquid Chromatography system with quaternary gradient
pump capable of pumping four solvents at a time with a wide range of flow rate and with
minimum dead volume. The system should have reliable and stable solvent delivery over a
wide range of flow rate. The HPLC system should comprise of following modules with
desired specifications.
A) Quaternary Solvent Delivery System:
1. It should be a Low-Pressure, Quaternary Gradient pump.
2. It should have a flow rate resolution of 3nl/min.
3. The flow rate should be set between 0.0001 to 10 ml/min from micro to semi-preparative
flow rates without any hardware changes.
4. Flow rate accuracy should be 1% or 0.5 ul/min of set value whichever is larger.
5. Flow rate precision should be less than 0.1% RSD
6. Pressure setting range should be 1-40 MPa.
7. It should employ active check valves that allow stable delivery of even non-polar organic
solvents such as hexane.
8. It should be capable of standalone operation.
9. It should have upto 20 storage files.
10. It must be capable of upgrading to a high pressure (upto ternary) gradient operation if
11. Maintenance kit, reservoir tray (with 4 solvent bottles complete with fittings) & automatic
rinsing kit must be supplied.
12. It must have a leak sensor as safety feature.
13. It should have functions for maintenance and validation which are accessible by a dedicated
operation button.
B) Degassing Unit
1. Membrane degassing unit for five flow lines.
2. Maximum operating flow rate upto 20ml/min per flow line.
3. An internal capacity of 170 ul per flow line that allows a significant decrease in time .
required for replacing mobile phases and stabilization.
4. It must have a leak sensor as a safety feature.
5. Error status shall be transferred to the operating software.
6. It should include a drain-pan.
7. Self-cleaning capability that extends vacuum pump life by drawing in air when the pump is
8. The liquid contact surfaces of the degasser should employ special synthetic polymers
designed for all solvents
9. The optical unit should allow detection in a wavelength range from 190 to 950 nm in high
performance liquid chromatography. Should have a programmable micro-slit to optimize
signal sensitivity and spectral resolution.
C) Manual Injector
Should be standard Rheodyne injector with accessories
1. Standard loop: 20 μl 50 l, 100 l , Microsyringe: 25 μl (Hamilton)
D). Photodiode Array (PDA) UV-Vis Detector
1) Detector must be Diode array detector with 1024 elements or more & wavelength
range must be 190-950 nm.
2) Light source should be deuterium & tungsten lamps. It should have tags for all flow
cells and UV lamp to provide new levels of data traceability by recording
parameters, cell dimensions, lamp usage, etc.
3) Data Rate should be 80 Hz
4) Signal noise should be < +/-0.3 x 10-5 AU or less, at 254 and 750 nm (bandwidth of
4 nm) measured in a flow cell (path-length 10 mm) with a flow rate of 1 ml/min
(methanol) and 2 sec response time.
5) Wavelength accuracy must be at least +/- 1.0 nm.
6) An electromechanical slit with programmable optical slit width from 1 to 16 nm
must be available for easy method and performance optimization in terms of
sensitivity and selectivity (resolution).
7) Detector should have grating-based dispersion device & should not need manual
intensity adjustments if flow cells or lamps are changed.
8) The flow cells must include a heat exchanger to minimize potential noise caused by
thermal gradient existing between heated column and unheated cell.
E) Thermostatted Column Compartment:
1)Peltier Cooling for analysis with temperature range of 10oC below ambient to
2)Column identification accessory should be included.
Capacity to hold 3 columns of 30 cm length simultaneously with guard columns.
3)Must be a stackable, self-contained module with solvent resistant material
used in all areas which may have contact with the mobile phase.
4)The heat exchanger must be designed such that it can function simultaneously
as an air heater.
5)The design of the column compartment must use thermal convection and
radiation between the heat exchanger fins to ensure that the column and the
solvent flowing through it, are almost at the same temperature.
6)Thermostated column compartment should be equipped with a contact-free
column-identification system. This allows to write and to read column-specific
information to and from the column-identification tag.
7)The TCC must contain all the necessary accessories as tubing, connections,
column clip, column identification module etc.
Chromatography Software:
1) The data can be converted to other formats. Spread Sheet software and wordprocessing software can be readily employed to provide data in tables or graphs
through industry standard protocols
2) Automated peak purity evaluation using peak spectra and peak signal
3) Extensive reporting capabilities with built-in calculations.
4) Single Keyboard control of entire system; Parameter validation management.
5) Compatibility with diode array, UV/Vis, RI and Fluorescence detectors
6) Compatibility to import and export the data.
7) Automated spectra library searches
8) Flexible report publisher to make report in desired format; GLP compliance etc.
ACCESSORIES1)Suitable 2KVa Online UPS for uninterruptable running of HPLC for 30 min in
case of power failure.
2) Computer with printer to run the software. Intel Core processor i5, 2.8 GHz, Intel
original Mother Board, 4GB RAM, 1TB Hard Disk SATAPORT, DVD writer, LED
screen, Key board, optical mouse, Advanced Laser Jet Printer, paper size A4,
connecting port USB.
3) System must be quoted with extra lamps for the detector.
33 Test sieves
34 Dissecting
• Dissecting microscope with 10x eyepiece
• Rectangular mechanical stage with XY movement
• Sturdy frame
36 Laptop
o Laptop - Intel® Core™ i5-740QM Processor 1.73 GHz with Turbo Boost up to
o Genuine Windows® 7 Ultimate 64-bit
o 16.4 (41.6 cm) wide (Full HD: 1920x1080)
o TFT colour display ( Adbe RGB 100% coverage)
o NVIDIA® GeForce® GT 425M GPU with CUDA™ Technology
o Blu-ray Disc™ Drive with DVD SuperMulti
o Photo Solution: Adobe® Photoshop® Lightroom® 3, Adobe® Photoshop® Elements 8
o Antivirus subscription for three years (Quickheal of equivalent)
 Net setter
Intel Pentium i5 Processor, 8GB RAM with 1 TB HDD, DVD Writer, 20” LED Monitor, key
board and mouse. Antivirus subscription for 3 years
Printer : Laserjet Printer
37 Desktop with
41 Monocular
Made from seamless spun brass sheet
With S.S. Sieve cloth of different mesh..
Mesh No. 5 to 400
ISS : 25 micron to 850 micron
1 mm to 4 mm
• Diameter 8”
• Lid and receiver for above per set
Pressure (Ps) 6.7 x102
Motor power (W) :400
Motor speed (rpm) 1750
Recommended oil (L) 1.1
Inlet out let port (DN) 25 kf
Electrical requirement: 230 volt 50/60 Hz
• Laboratory Monocular Microscope standard set complete with Wide field
eyepieces NWF10x, Field No. 22mm
Plan achromatic objectives 10x, 40x & 100x (spring, oil imm.), attachable graduated
mechanical stage,
42 Fully
Abbe condenser (N.A. 1.25) with an iris diaphragm focusable with rack and pinion
1. It should be single probe, benchtop Fully automated Biochemistry Analyzer capable of
running Routine, Turbidimetric and Therapeutic Drug Monitoring analysis
2. Photometric detection system with a wide spectrum of wavelengths (from 340 to 690
It should have at least 55 tests programmable per sample.
All the positions in the reagent tray should be refrigerated.
There should be carry over management ,special wash with Alkaline & Acid solution.
Capability of performing end point, kinetics and fixed time kinetics chemistries.
It should have minimum 55 positions for reagents.
Reagent dispensing system should be direct,1 to 3 reagent per test.
The software should be advanced preferably based on Windows XP to enable easy user
machine interaction.
10. It should have minimum 65 sample positions with the capability of Primary tubes and
sample cups and barcode sample identification
11. It should have programmable QC With LJ charts , Westgard Rules.
12. It should have disposable cuvettes thereby minimizing the water consumption less
than 1.5 lts /Hr.
(1) Fully auto hematology analyzer for Veterinary purpose.
(2 It should analyze the blood samples with pre-determined animal settings (Bovine, feline,
canine, equine, caprine, monkey, rodents, camels, hamsters) etc. Plus 3 programmable on
(3) Five-part differentiation of WBC, 19 parameters +3 histograms for dog, cat, mouse, rat,
rabbit, monkey and horse.
(4) Throughput of 60 samples / hour or more
(5) Alphanumeric patient ID either name and number or both.
(6) Sample data storage up to 200 samples or more
(7) Graphics LMGE, RBC, PLT histogram.
(8) Method of measurement should be CPC (8 parameter) and LMGE for (16 parameter)
(9) Vacuums and pressure through Pressure syringes, no peristaltic pump or no compressor
(10) Sample volume should be 12 µl or less.
(11) The electro valves must be used for micro sampling.
(12) Should have 5 discrete analysis modes.
(13) Sample volume: manual mode-85ul, manual closed mode-150ul, Capillary mode-40ul.
(14) RBC and WBC measuring chamber should be separate.
(15) the most important technology PRF or Swep flow for preventing the recalculating RBC
Interfering in the PLT counts.
(16) PLT linearity should start from 0.
(17) PRP (Platelet rich plasma) sample can be analyzed (PLT linearity at higher side up
to 40 lacs).
(18) The printout should be with or without histogram with high and low limits for sample
(19) The parameter precision should be minimum WBC <2.5%, RBC <2%, HGB <1.7 %,
HCT <2%, PLT <5 %
(20) Long life LED as hemoglobin light source.
(21) Reagent should be locally available.
(22) User interface-Touch screen, single screen large display of all results, one button sample
(23) Auto floating of PLT threshold to prevent small RBC into PLT.
(24) In built temp sensor LMG threshold should be based on ambient temp.
(25)Aperture size
Fully automated with suitable data base software and workstation for microbial identification
including Bacteria (Gram Negative, Gram Positive, Anaerobe Bacteria), Fungi and Algae. And
it should be fully equipped to do Protein based Clinical Biomarker discovery.
 MALDI – TOF based microbial identification system with the capability of fast
measurements and high reproducibility.
 System must not be fully dependent on online connectivity and should be capable of
creating the own database.
 System must have more than ~2000 species in the database and
 Linear TOF measurement
 System should have oil free vacuum free pumps for easy maintenance.
 Should accept 96 position MTP target plates for sample input.
 System should be equipped with Nitrogen Laser preferably 337nm with 1-50hz.
Analytical Parameters
 Capable of identifying microbes up to species level.
 Capable of identifying species in mixed culture.
 Should be very sensitive and able to detect low amount of input cells ~105.
 Should be a high throughput system capable to identify in 5 minutes/ sample or better.
 Capable of taxonomical classification.
 Should accept different samples from clinical, environmental, taxonomical and from food
processing etc.,
 Should be possible to do Protein profiling and biomarker discovery from serum, tissue
lysate and other biological fluids.
Suitable windows 2007 operating workstation with the following minimum configuration. i7
processor, 8 GB RAM, 1 TB hard disk, MHz digitizer, DVD rewriter with other accessories,
high resolution LED 23’’ colour monitor and Colour Laser Printer.
 Should be Windows based, versatile, easy to use instrument control, and database and
analysis software.
 Results should be displayed directly with the species of microbe.
 Should capable to do in-depth analysis with bio-informatics tools for sub-typing, PCA,
 Should have sample management part with origin, growing conditions, preparation details
and life cycle data of reference spectra within the database.
 Should have taxonomy trees against reference spectra concerning taxonomic relationships.
Should quote dedicated Bioinformatics software for Biomarker discovery with visualization
of large number of profiles, Creation of predictive models, Cluster analysis.
 Should have regular+ security database of >200 species and > 3300 entries of microbes.
 Should have the option to create our own library & new database entries
 Should be integrates a ready to use reference library
 Should have automatic regular updates of the database.
Accessories, consumables and miscellaneous:
Essential target plates, Matrix & Standard for mass calibration should be provided
All consumables required for installation and standardization of system to be provided.
48 Microscope
with imaging
CCD Camera
with resolution
more than 12
megapixels for
high definition
images with
Bar Code Reader should be provided optionally for Positive sample identification with
Provide Magnetic bead based sample preparation accessories and consumables (magnetic beads)
for sample preparation from serum and or tissue lysates under option.
Advanced Training for 2 project workers.
Optical system
: Infinity corrected system
: Vertical stage movement 25mm per coarse stroke
Vertical stage movement 1micron per fine stroke
Stage rotation of 270 degrees
: Built in illumination for transmitted light
12V100W halogen bulb (pre-centered)
Light Intensity adjustment centrally located
Eco Switch for Energy saving
Light intensity LED indicator
Light preset switch for photography
Built-in filters (LBD-IF, ND6, ND25)
: Interchangeable sextuple Revolving nosepiece
With DIC/analyser slot.
Revolving nosepiece
: Plan Achromat 4X/0.1, WD 18.5,U Plan Semi Apochromat
phase objective 10X/0.3, WD 10, 40X/0.75, WD 0.51 (spring),
100X/1.3, WD 0.2 (spring, oil), Centring telescope
Fluorescence filters for DAPI, FITC & TRITC, and Fluorescence illuminator.
Cantering telescope
Observation tube
Trinocular Tube head with Field no. 22 mm or above
Ceramic-coated coaxial stage with right hand low drive Control
with warm stage
Phase contrast, dark field condenser NA1.1.
High Resolution Cooled Digital Camera with Minimum 12bit,
with more than
12.7 MP preferably 17 megapixel-effective pixel
resolutions for each color R,
G, B with user defined spot metering 30%, 1% and
0.1%, 15 FPS per second
real Time display for live imaging. The camera
should be capable imaging in
both monochrome and colour mode. Imaging
software should be able to
synchronize microscope motorization (for
Future up gradation) & image
acquisition device (camera).
*System should be supplied with computer desktop with i5 core intel processor,
4 GB DDRvv3 Ram,1 TB hard disk with DVD writer double layer and LED 23/25 inch monitor, wit
49 Live Cell
Basic stand with motorized focusing drive,
Magnification changer 1.5x, linear-scaled, motorized extra-fine/fine/coarse focus, equipped
with focus knob with rotary encoder, escape (for anti-collision) and refocus mechanism, laser
safety interlock signal output, with two ports on both sides, Light Distribution with Motorized
Changer: 100% Eyepiece, 100% Left Port, 100% Right Port and 20% Eye – 80% Left Port,
Motorized 6-position DIC Objective Nosepiece, Eyepiece Tube with 25 Degree Inclination,
Manual Rectangular Stage, Dust Cover,
Status display and PFS buttons in the front panel,
Infinity corrected system with Long working distance objectives, Plan Fluor 4x, Plan Fluor DL
10X Ph1, Plan Fluor ELWD ADM 20X Ph1 N.A. 0.45, W.D. 8.2-6.9mm, Plan Fluor ELWD
40X, N.A. 0.6, W.D. 3.6-2.8mm for DIC, Plan Fluor ELWD 60X, NA 0.7, W.D. 2.61-1.79mm
for DIC
Motorized Condenser with suitable Phase rings and DIC Sliders
Transmitted Illuminator -12V 100W Halogen and heat absorbing filter adapter for 100W
Digital Colour Camera with 5.24 or more Megapixel resolution with Control Unit. Fire Wire
Imaging Software should have: Live Image Capturing, Time-lapse image capturing (T), ZSeries Image Capturing (Z), Multi-channel Image Capturing (λ), Multi-Point Image Capturing
(MP), Multi-dimensional Image Capturing upto 4D, Look up Table, Histogram, Manual and
Auto Measurements, Intensity Line Profile, Intensity Surface Plot, Report Generator and export
data to Excel sheet, Limited function of Macros
System should be supplied with computer desktop with i5 core intel processor,4 GB DDR3 Ram,
1TB hard disk with DVD writer double layer, without monitor, with antivirus 3 year
50 Cryotome
51 Trinocular
with CCTV
Portable bench top cryostat with integrated carrying handles.
Refrigerating system and insulating foam materials CFC-free.
Coarse feed wheel ergonomically positioned on the left side of the cryostat housing
precise and smooth operation ensures efficient specimen trimming.
 Balanced sectioning handwheel lockable in upper position.
 Microtome in metal housing, specimen cylinder sealed by rubber bellows readily
removable from cryo-chamber.
 Knife holder for disposable blades with lateral adjustment feature, glass anti-roll plate
and a pre-set fixed clearance angle which is appropriate for all disposable blade
 Two section waste trays with magnetic holding device.
 Section thickness selectable from 1 - 20 µm or more in 2 µm increments.
 Cryo-chamber- Powerful refrigerating system, refrigerating time from ambient
temperature to -20°C in 1.5 hours or less
 Chamber temperature selectable from 0°C to -30°C.
 Automatic and manual defrost. Automatic defrost time programmable - reliably and
permanently prevents icing.
 Quick-freeze station for 2 specimen discs and for two brushes to other handling tools.
• Insulating cover, tightly locked by two clamping levers, should be quickly and easily
removed to give access to the cryo-chamber.
• All standard accessories
Optical system: Must be Infinity corrected system
Trinocular observation- Field No. 22 mm or more
Illumination System: Built-in transmitted illumination system 6 V 20 W halogen bulb
100-240 V 50/60 Hz universal voltage Focusing Stage height movement (coarse movement
stroke 20 mm) Fine focus graduation: 2.5 μm.
Revolving Nosepiece: Fixed quadruple nosepiece Stage Wire movement mechanical fixed
stage: 120x132 mm Traveling range: 76 mm (X) x 30 mm (Y).
Single specimen holder Observation Tube 30° inclined Trinocular tube interpupillary
distance adjustment range 48–75 mm.
Condenser Abbe type with aperture iris diaphragm N.A.: 1.25
Objective: Plan Achromatic objectives (anti-fungus)
4x N.A.: 0.10 W.D.: 18.5 mm
10x N.A.: 0.25 W.D.: 10.6 mm
40x N.A.: 0.65 W.D.: 0.6 mm
100x N.A.: 1.25 W.D.: 0.13 mm
Eyepiece (10x) - Field Number (F.N.): 22 mm or more (anti-fungus)
Color Imaging (CCTV) System consisting of a high resolution light weight 1/3" CCD
Camera for excellent image contrast, and an optically corrected Magnus C-Mount
microscope adapter, compatible to fit to any Trinocular microscope with TV monitor (20’’)
.6 or higher mega pixels.
52 Motorized
with camera.
Stand : Microscope stand for transmitted and reflected light microscopy including touch-panel
controller, hexagonal driver, pillars for mounting stage,
Observation tube- Trinocular tube. Field No. 22 or more mm
Stage & Nose piece: Motorized 7 position revolving nosepiece with a slot for analyzer or DIC
slider, Ceramic surface mechanical stage with right-hand low drive control (long type).
Specimen holder for BX stage, left hand, for two specimens, thick type.
Stage and Nose piece : Control box for motorized units, including large cord clamp, small cord
clamp, binding band and shield sticker
Condenser:- motorized condenser with 8 optical element slots, including dummy plastic device,
indication plate, stage clamping screw, condenser clamping screw, condenser centering screw,
hexagonal driver and allen wrench for fixing DIC prism.
Condenser- Dry top lens
Lamp Housing- Lamp house adapter
Lamp house for 100W halogen
Lamp house for 100W mercury
Extension cable for halogen lamp housing
Power supply unit for Mercury lamp
Halogen bulb (Philips No.7724)for BX51/53/61/63(100W)
Manual control unit for focus
Mirror Unit for fluorescence microscopy, wide band UV excitation, exciter filter BP340-390,
dichroic beam splitter DM410, barrier filter BA420-IF, including plastic case.
Mirror Unit for fluorescence microscopy, wide band Blue excitation, exciter filter BP460-495,
dichroic beam splitter DM505, barrier filter BA510-IF, including plastic case.
Mirror unit for fluorescence microscopy, wide band interference green excitation, with exciter
filter BP530-550, dichroic beam splitter DM570 and barrier filter BA575-IF, including plastic
Motorized universal reflected light fluorescence illuminator equipped with motorized shutter,
field stop aperture stop, motorized 8-position mirror unit, including UV protective shield, shield
plate, allen wrench, indication plate and connection cable.
Interface cable for CAN communication, 150mm length and 2000mm length
Dust cover Type 001 for BX2-DO/SDO,BX2-MDO2-3 ( L1500mm x W 1200mm)
100W mercury burner for U-LH100HGAPO,U-LH100HG
U Plan Semi Apochromat objective 4X/0.1, WD 18.5, 10X/0.3, WD 10, 40X/0.75, WD
0.51(spring), 100X/1.3, WD 0.2(spring, oil)
Wide field eyepiece 10X
C-mount camera attachment with 0.63X lens Made in Philippines
12.8 megapixels or more cooled digital color camera for microscope,
including PCIe board compatible with half size or Low Profile and connection
Standard Software for image capturing compatible to machine
Amount of Bid Security of Rs………………., in the form of Demand Draft of a Nationalized
Bank drawn in favour of “P.A.O., KNP College of Veterinary Science, Shirval” Payable at
State bank of India” or in the form of Bank Guarantee in the enclosed form be submitted with
the tender document.
1. Inspection and Tests:(i) Certificate showing country of origin______________
(ii) Test certificate / inspection certificate with date, name of Issuing Agency content
of specifications (To be filled by bidder)
2. Packing: The consignment may please be shift in cardboard packing only. If the consignment
is dispatched in wooden packing, the tender is required to send the phytosanitary certificate from
the country of origin for this purpose.
3.Distribution of dispatch documents: All shipping documents and consignments shall be sent
through our nominated consolidators.
4.Incidental services: Banking charges outside India shall be borne by supplier.
5. Insurance: Insurance shall be arranged by the tenderer/contractor. Rates should be quoted FOR
destination KNP College of Veterinary Science, Shirval” Dist.Satara 412801.
6. Warranty: Minimum 36 months from the date of installation of the equipment/ instruments /
machinery / furniture etc.
7. Installation: As per purchase order clause, failing which Liquidated Damage clause shall
8. Prices: Be quoted on FOR KNP College of Veterinary Science, Shirval” Dist.Satara
412801 Maharashtra. Prices shall be quoted in Indian Rupees.
A) Taxes and duties:- A Foreign Supplier shall be entirely responsible for payment of all
taxes, Stamp duties license fees & other levies imported outside India and within India in case
of local supplier. The supplier may charge full Sale Tax/VAT etc as no form ‘C’ or ‘D’ will be
issued by the Institute for availing concessional rate of S.T. etc. Custom/Excise Duty Exemption
Certificate bearing no. TV/U/RG-CDE (963)/ 2009 dated 26.10.2009 will be issued by the
B) Rates quoted should include all duties such as Customs & Excise, C.S.T., S.T., G.T.
should be shown separately as “C.S.T., S.T., G.T., EXTRA” wherever applicable.
Tenderers should quote their sales tax registration number.
10. Payment: Payment for goods supplied from abroad or locally will be effected through
cheque only and all the charges outside India will be supplier’s account as per the norms of
payment. The bill will be paid after the installation is completed, along with delivery documents,
installation report, performance, bank guarantee, warranty certificate valid from the date of
completion of installation and satisfactory completion certificate is obtained from Associate
11. Resolution of disputes: By mutual consultation failing which it will be resolved
under Arbitration & conciliation Act,1996.
PART II: Questionnaire
Bidders should furnish specific answers to all the questions given below. In case a question does
not apply to a bidder, the same may please note that if the answers so furnished are not clear and
/ or are evasive, the bid is liable to be ignored.
Bid No_________________
Offer is open for acceptance
Brand of goods offered:
Name & address of manufacturer
Station of Manufacturer
What is your permanent Income Tax A/C No.
Confirm whether you have attached your latest /
current ITCC or certified photocopy thereof.
Date for bid opening on________
8. Status:
Are you currently registered with the _________________________
Directorate General of supplies & Disposals
(DGS&D) for the items(s) quoted? If so, __________________________
indicate the date up to which you are __________________________
registered and whether there is any
monetary limit on your registration.
Are you a small scale unit currently
registered with the National Small Industries
Corporation (NSIC) UNDER Single Point
Registration Scheme for the item(s) quoted?
If so, indicate the date up to which you are
registered and whether there is any
monetary limit on your registration.
If you are not registered either with NSIC or
DGS & D, please state whether you are
currently registered with Directorate of
Industries of the State Government
concerned. If so, indicate the date up to
which you are registered and whether there
is any monetary limit on your registration.
Are you registered under the Indian _______________________
Companies Act 1956 or any other Act?
Please attach certified copy (copies) of the relevant registration certificate(s) in
confirmation to your above answer(s).
9. Please indicate:
Name & full address of your Banker (s):
10. Whether you are
Manufacture of the goods quoted; or
Manufacture's authorized agent for those
11. State whether business dealings with you have
been currently banned by any Ministry / Dept. Of
Central Govt. or any State Govt.
Signature of Witness
Signature of Bidder
Name & address of Witness
Full name, designation &
Address of the person signing
above For and on behalf of
(Name and address of the bidding
PART III-: Manufacturer’s Authorization Form
The Associate Dean,
KNP College of Veterinary Science, Shirval,
Tal: Khanadala, Dist. Satara, Maharashtra Pin-412 801
Dear Sir,
Ref: Your Bidding Documents No………………………………..
We ……………………………………………………………who are established and
reputable manufactures of ……………………(name and description of the goods offered in the
…………………………………………….(Name and address of the agent) to submit a bid,
negotiate (as and if necessary) and conclude the contract with you against your above mentioned
Bidding Documents for the above goods manufactured by us.
No company or firm or individual other than M/S………………………(name and
address of the above agent) is authorized to bid, negotiate and conclude the contract against this
specific Bidding Documents for the above mentioned goods manufactured by us.
We hereby extend our full guarantee and warranty of the General Conditions of Contract,
read with modification, if any, in the Special Conditions of Contract for the goods and services
offered for supply against this Bidding Document by the above firm.
Yours faithfully,
(Signature, name and designation)
For and on behalf of
(Name & address of the manufactures)
Note: This letter of authorization should be on the letter head of the manufacturing firm
and should be signed by a person competent and having the power of attorney to legally
bind the manufacturer.
PART IV-: Bid Form and Prices Schedules
Date: ………………..
The Associate Dean,
KNP College of Veterinary Science, Shirval,
Dist. Satara, Maharashtra Pin-412 801
Ref: Your bidding documents No. ….. ……………… Dated: …………………..
Having examined the above mentioned bidding documents, including agenda Nos. (if
any), the receipt of which is hereby duly acknowledge, we the undersigned, offer to supply and
deliver……………. (description of goods and services) in conformity with the said bidding
documents for the sum as shown in the price schedules, attached herewith and made part of this
bid. We undertake, if our bid is accepted, to deliver the goods and complete the services in
accordance with the delivery schedule specified in the Schedule of Requirements after fulfilling
all the applicable requirements incorporated in the above referred bidding documents.
If our bid is accepted, we will provide you with performance security as per the
instructions specified in GCC clause 7 and in a form acceptable to you in terms of GCC clause
7.5 for a sum equivalent to 7.5% (Seven point five percent) of the contract price for the due
performance of the contract.
We agree to abide by this bid for the bid validity period specified in the ITB clause 11
(read with modification, if any, in the Bid Data Sheet) or for the subsequently extended period, if
any agreed to by us and it shall remain binding up on us and may be accepted at any time before
the expiration of that period.
Until a formal contract is prepared and executed, this old bid together with your written
acceptance thereof and your notification of award, shall constitute a binding contract between us.
We understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest or any bid you may receive.
Dated this……………………….day of …………….20……. …………..
(in the capacity of)
Duly authorized to sign bid for and on behalf of
Maharashtra Animal & Fishery Sciences University
KNP College of Veterinary Science, Shirval
Price schedule for domestic goods or goods of foreign origin located within India
Item Detail
Country Quantit
origin unit
Ex factory,
Ex- ware
house, Exshowroom off
–the shelf
Price for each unit
Over all
unit price
Total price
Excise Packaging &
duty if forwarding transportation,
insurance &
other local cost
incidental to
Sales &
(a) In case of discrepancy between unit price and total price, the unit price shall prevail.
Total Bid price in Rs.________________________In
Name of Bidder:
Business address of Bidder
Signature of Bidder
Place___________ Date_______
(The following declarations shall be made herein by the tenderer)
I) Associate Dean, KNP College of Veterinary Science, Shirval, may rescind all contracts
by two weeks notice to me / us writing:
a) If I / We assign or subject my/our contract without their approval or if I / We attempt to
do so.
b) If I / We decline, neglect or delay to comply with any demand or requisition or in any
other fails to perform or observe any condition of the contract or am/ are in the opinion of
the Associate Dean, KNP College of Veterinary Science, Shirval, which shall be final not
likely to carry out contract satisfactorily.
c) If I / We or any of my / our partner become insolvent or apply for relief as an
insolvent, debtor(s) or make any composition with my / our creditors or attempt to do so.
d) If I / We or any of my / our agents or servants shall
i) be guilty of fraud in respect of the contract, or any other contract entered into by me
/ us with the Associate Dean, KNP College of Veterinary Science, Shirval or
ii) directly or indirectly given promise or offer any kind of bribe gratuity gift, loan
requisite, reward of advantage pecuniary or otherwise to any officer or person in the
employment of the Govt. in any way relating to such officer’s or persons in office or
employment or attempt to do so.
e) If any such officer or persons nominated in Clause become in any way directly or
indirectly interested in the contract.
f) In case of such rescission / my / our security deposit, with Associate Dean, KNP
College of Veterinary Science, Shirval shall stand forfeited.
(This letter of declaration should be on the letter head of the tenderer and should be
signed by a person competent and having the power of attorney to legally bind the
Signature of tenderer
With Seal and date
(The following declarations shall be made herein by the tenderer)
1) I / We hereby declare that the terms and conditions of this tender and that contract
agreement form have been seen and read by me / us (or read translated and explained to me /
us) and I/We accept the said terms and conditions of both the forms viz. general conditions of
tender and specific conditions of tender without reservation.
2) I / We hereby bind myself / ourselves to the Associate Dean, KNP College of Veterinary
Science, Shirval for any on behalf of the Maharashtra Animal and Fisheries Science
University to provide during the period under contract, the security services at their own rates
tendered herewith by me/us.
3). The Associate Dean, KNP College of Veterinary Science, Shirval reserves the rights to
add, alter and delete any of the condition mentioned in this document.
4). The Associate Dean, KNP College of Veterinary Science, Shirval reserves the rights to
reject the lowest or any or all tenders without assigning any reason whatsoever.
5). The Associate Dean, KNP College of Veterinary Science, Shirval will not be responsible
for delay or non receipt of tender during transit by post.
Name of the signatory in Block Letters
Address :
Email Address :
Telephone No. :
Sales Tax Registration No.
The signatory of the declaration above and of the tender must be duly authorized
Executive of the firm or company on whose behalf he may acting and must indicate his
official designation.
The terms and conditions of tender as laid down above are without prejudice to and
exclusive of such additional once or such features as may be indicated in the tender form
The terms and conditions with the signed declaration by the tenderer must be returned
intact with the tender, duly filled in by him, in a sealed cover to the Associate Dean, KNP
College of Veterinary Science, Shirval, Tal: Khandala, Dist- Satara, Maharshtra. Pin 412 801
PART 6: Bank guarantee form for bid security
Whereas………………………………………………………………….. (name of bidder)
(hereinafter called " the bidder") has submitted his bid dated………………..(date) for the supply
of………………………(brief description of the relevant goods and services) (hereinafter called
"the bid").
KNOW ALL PEOPLE by these presents that WE …………………… (name of the bank) having
registered office at ………………………………………………….. (full address) (hereinafter
called "the bank") are bound unto………………………………. (name of the purchaser
(hereinafter called " the purchaser") in the sum of …………………………….. (amount in
figures and in words) for which payment well and truly to be, made to the said purchaser, the
bank binds itself, its successors and assigns by these presents.
Sealed with the Common Seal of the said bank this…………………………………….. .. Day
of………………………………………………..200….. ……………………………………...
THE CONDITIONS of these obligations are:
1. If the bidder
(i) Withdraws its bid during the period of bid validity specified by the bidder on the bid
form; or
(ii) Does not accept the correction of errors in accordance with the instruction to Bidders
2. If the bidder, having been notified of the acceptance of its bid by the purchaser during the
period of bid validity:
(i) fails or refuses to execute the contract form, if required: or
(ii) fails or refuses to furnish the performance security, in accordance with the
instructions to Bidders:
We undertake to pay to the purchaser up to the above amount upon receipt of its first
written demand, without the purchaser having to substantiate its demand, provided that in its
demand the purchaser will note that the amount claimed by it is due to it, owing to the
occurrence of one or both of the above mentioned two conditions, specifying the occurred
condition or conditions.
This guarantee will remain in force up to and including 60 (sixty) days after the period of
bid validity and any demand in respect thereof should reach the bank not later than the above
Date…………………….. Signature of the Bank
Place……………………. SEAL of the Bank
Schedule “A”
Rates of Blank tender form (Non refundable)
Estimated cost of item
Rates of Blank tender
Upto Rs. 5,00,000/-
5,00,001 to 10 Lakh
10,00,001 and above
For specifications and list of equipments, Instruments and Machinery, please refer our website-(
_______________________END of Tender Document___________Total 50 pages_________