Legislation barriers for bioenergy development in Ukraine and UABio proposals to overcome them № Barrier UABio proposal 1 Law of Ukraine №5485-VI introduces to the Law «On Power Industry» incorrect definition of «biomass»: “Biomass is a non-fossil biologically renewable substance of organic origin in the form of wastes of forestry and agriculture (crop and livestock sectors), fishery and technologically related industries, which is subject to biodegradation, as well as the part of industrial and municipal waste, which is able to biologically decompose”. Definition of term «biomass» shall be corrected in the following way: "Biomass is a biologically renewable substance of organic origin which is subject to biodegradation (products, wastes or residues of forestry and agriculture (crop and livestock sectors), fishery and technologically related industries as well as the part of industrial and municipal waste, which is able to biologically decompose". Not justified requirements on the local content share, which come into force on 01.07.2013: - Power from biomass: not less than 30%, if construction of an object started after 01.01.2012 and the object will be commissioned after 01.07.2013; not less than 50%, if construction of an object started after 01.01.2012 and the object will be commissioned after 01.07.2014 - Power from biogas: not less than 30%, if construction of an object started after 01.01.2012, and the object will be commissioned after 01.01.2014; not less than 50%, if construction of an object started after 01.01.2012 and the object will be commissioned after 01.01.2015 To abolish any requirements concerning the local content share for the facilities that produce power from biomass, biogas, municipal solid waste, and by co-firing biomass with fossil fuels. 2 Legislative acts that require amendments To be corrected: Law of Ukraine «On Power Industry»; Law of Ukraine «On Alternative Fuel Types» (№ 1391-XIV from 14.01.2000). UABio has developed draft law ”On making amendments to some laws of Ukraine on stimulating power generation from alternative energy sources” Authors: V.Yu. Medianyk, А.М. Blyzniuk, V.V. Saldo, І.V. Popesku, G.V. Fedoriak. Draft law – on the stage of agreement between authors. Not registered. To be corrected: Law of Ukraine «On Power Industry». UABio has developed draft law ”On making amendments to some laws of Ukraine on stimulating power generation from alternative energy sources” Authors: V.Yu. Medianyk, А.М. Blyzniuk, V.V. Saldo, І.V. Popesku, G.V. Fedoriak. Draft law – on the stage of agreement between authors. Not registered. 3 4 5 Unreasonably low green tariff coefficient for power generated from biomass, which equals 2.3. Unreasonably low green tariff coefficient for power generated from biogas, which equals 2.3. Discriminatory approach for biogas plants, commissioned before 01.04.2013 According to the Law of Ukraine № 5485 from 20.11.2012, installation generating power from biogas and commissioned before 31.03.2013 inclusive, do not obtain “green” tariff at all. To introduce green tariff coefficient for power generated from biomass on the level 2.7. To introduce green tariff coefficient for power generated from biomass on the level 3.0 for biogas of agricultural origin, and on the level – 2.7 for all other types of biogas. The law should be amended in such a way that installations generating power from biogas and commissioned before 31.03.2013 inclusive, shall be able to get the "green" tariff along with objects commissioned from 01.04.2013 to 31.12.2014. To be corrected: Law of Ukraine «On Power Industry». UABio has developed draft law ”On making amendments to some laws of Ukraine on stimulating power generation from alternative energy sources” Authors: V.Yu. Medianyk, А.М. Blyzniuk, V.V. Saldo, І.V. Popesku, G.V. Fedoriak. Draft law – on the stage of agreement between authors. Not registered. To be corrected: Law of Ukraine «On Power Industry». UABio has developed draft law ”On making amendments to some laws of Ukraine on stimulating power generation from alternative energy sources” Authors: V.Yu. Medianyk, А.М. Blyzniuk, V.V. Saldo, І.V. Popesku, G.V. Fedoriak. Draft law – on the stage of agreement between authors. Not registered. To be corrected: Law of Ukraine «On Power Industry». UABio has developed draft law ”On making amendments to some laws of Ukraine on stimulating power generation from alternative energy sources” Authors: V.Yu. Medianyk, А.М. Blyzniuk, V.V. Saldo, І.V. Popesku, G.V. Fedoriak. Draft law – on the stage of agreement between authors. Not registered. 6 7 8 Absence of “green” tariff for power generated from municipal solid waste (MSW). Absence of “green” tariff for power generated via co-firing of biomass with fossil fuels. Requirements for a local component of the main pieces of equipment for electric power facilities that use biomass and biogas, are defined incorrectly, with errors in terminology and without details required Required is an introduction of “green” tariff for power generated from MSW at least on the level of 3.0. Required is an introduction of “green” tariff for power generated f via co-firing of biomass with fossil fuels at least on the level of 1.9. Examples of errors in terminology are as follows: use of term “furnace” (it shall be – boiler: may be either thermal or steam), “bioreactor for hydrolysis” (it shall be – methane tank or reactor of anaerobic digestion), and “cogenerator” (it shall be – cogeneration unit). However, these changes are necessary only if the requirement on the local component for projects claiming to obtain "green" tariff To be corrected: Law of Ukraine «On Power Industry». UABio has developed draft law ”On making amendments to some laws of Ukraine on stimulating power generation from alternative energy sources” Authors: V.Yu. Medianyk, А.М. Blyzniuk, V.V. Saldo, І.V. Popesku, G.V. Fedoriak. Draft law – on the stage of agreement between authors. Not registered. To be corrected: Law of Ukraine «On Power Industry». UABio has developed draft law ”On making amendments to some laws of Ukraine on stimulating power generation from alternative energy sources” Authors: V.Yu. Medianyk, А.М. Blyzniuk, V.V. Saldo, І.V. Popesku, G.V. Fedoriak. Draft law – on the stage of agreement between authors. Not registered. To be corrected: Law of Ukraine «On Power Industry». UABio has developed draft law ”On making amendments to some laws of Ukraine on stimulating power generation from alternative energy sources” Authors: V.Yu. Medianyk, А.М. Blyzniuk, V.V. Saldo, І.V. Popesku, G.V. Fedoriak. Draft law – on the stage of agreement between authors. Not registered. 9 Excessive environmental requirements for biomass fired boilers Capacity, МW 0,1…1.0 Maximum allowable emissions of particulate matter, mg/nm3 150 1.0…50 50…100 50 100…300 >300 10 The complexity of tax exemptions obtainment for imports of bioenergy equipment 11 Subsidizing of domestic natural gas prices for households and housing and communal services enterprises makes biomass uncompetitive in these sectors. 12 The CMU Decree from March, 20th, 2013 № 67 "On Approval of the Procedure and Conditions of providing in 2013 subsidies from the state budget to local budgets for debt repayment..." establishes a mechanism for for power generated from biomass and biogas is not totally abolished. Maximum allowable emissions of particulate matter for biomass fired boilers in Ukraine according to UABio proposals (at the О2 concentration of 6% in exhaust gases) Maximum allowable Capacity, МW emissions of particulate matter, mg/nm3 300 0.1…1.0 1.0…10 150 >10 50 Amendments should be made to the Order by the Ministry of Environmental Protection of Ukraine №309 dated 27.06.2006 "On approval of maximum allowable pollutant emissions from stationary sources" UABio position has been developed, but not yet delivered to the Ministry of Environmental Protection of Ukraine. To simplify the procedure for obtaining mentioned tax exemptions, to increase transparency of such procedure and to reduce time for decision-making on given issue. Amendments should be made to the CMU Decree №444 dated 14.05.2008 and possibly to the Tax Code of Ukraine. Natural gas tariffs for households and housing and communal services enterprises shall be increased to a level that covers the justified economic costs. That will improve economic preconditions for the implementation of projects for substituting natural gas with biomass in these sectors. It is proposed: - To provide compensation mechanism for established rates for generation and supply of heat from alternative energy sources (including from biofuels) to the preferential It is necessary to implement a coherent policy phasing out subsidies for domestic and public consumers of natural gas. UABio proposals are not developed. UABio proposals are not developed. It is necessary to make amendments to the CMU Decree from 20th March 2013 №167 " On Approval of the Procedure and Conditions of providing in 2013 subsidies from the state budget to local budgets for debt repayment of providing subsidies only for consumed natural gas in order to repay accounts by enterprises that generate, transport, and supply heat to the population. Thus, discriminative conditions against heat generating companies using biofuel are created. Such companies are not able to obtain the appropriate compensation in case of mismatch of the actual cost of district heating and of centralized water and wastewater tariffs, approved and/or agreed to by the state or local government. 13 Incorrect definition of “biofuel producer” the Law of Ukraine “On Alternative Fuel Types”: “Producer of biofuel – a business entity that directly produces biofuels from biomass”. Incorrect definition of "biofuel": "Biological fuel (biofuel) – solid, liquid or gaseous fuel made of biologically renewable resources (biomass) that can be used as fuel or as a component of other fuels". categories of consumers. - To legislatively establish the share of biofuels to be used in total heat generation by the utilities. - To establish equity for using different fuel types for heat generation. the difference in heat tariffs, service water supply and sanitation that were made , transported and supplied to the population, which occurred due to a mismatch of the actual cost of district heating and of centralized water and wastewater tariffs, approved and/or agreed to by the state or local government". Пропозиції БАУ сформульовано в листі народному депутату С. Тігіпко, на основі якого було підготовлено депутатський запит та направлено його на розгляд в КМУ. UABio proposal has been formulated in a letter to the parliament member S. Tigipko. On the basis of mentioned letter the parliamentary inquiry was prepared and submitted for review to the CMU. The definition shall be as follows: Amendments shall be made in the Law of “Producer of biofuel – a business entity that Ukraine “On Alternative Fuel Types”: directly produces biofuels from biomass or (№ 1391-XIV from 14.01.2000) and possibly to the Tax Code of Ukraine. whose core economic activity results in biomass production, which is directly used as a fuel” (or otherwise agricultural UABio proposal are formed, but the new draft enterprises, forestry, oil extraction plants law is not developed. etc. are not covered). The definition shall be as follows: Amendments shall be made in the Law of "Biological fuel (biofuel) – solid, liquid or Ukraine “On Alternative Fuel Types”: gaseous fuel made of biologically (№ 1391-XIV from 14.01.2000). renewable resources (biomass) or directly in a form of such resource that can be used as UABio proposal are formed and several times fuel or as a component of other fuels". sent to the profile committee of the Verkhovna Rada, but the new draft law is not developed. 14 Absence of subsidizing mechanism for buyers of bioenergy equipment. 15 Absence of the National Biomass Action Plan in Ukraine. 16 Opportunities of bioenergy are almost fully ignored in the draft version of revised Energy Strategy of Ukraine till 2030. Share of biomass in the total energy demand of Ukraine (draft of Energy Strategy developed in 2012): 2011 2015 2020 2025 2030 1.24% 1.24% 1.24% 1.24% 1.24% 17 Incorrect wording in the Tax Code does not allow us to use tax incentives on the sale of electricity and heat produced from biofuel or heat produced from biofuels (§ 15 subsection 4 of section XX of the Tax Code): “15. Temporarily, until January 1, 2020, shall To organize at the state level process of subsidizing bioenergy equipment purchase at the level of 20 ... 30% of its cost (depending on the type of equipment) To prepare and approve at government level The National Biomass Action Plan according to methodology of the European Energy Community (similar plans developed and adopted in majority of the EU member-states). Adequate bioenergy development goals shall be established at the state level, inter alia in the revised Energy Strategy of Ukraine till 2030. UABio proposals are not developed. UABio proposals are not developed. It is necessary to amend the draft version of revised Energy Strategy of Ukraine till 2030. UABio developed proposals and sent corresponding letters to the following agencies: Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Share of biomass in the total energy demand Committee on Fuel and Energy Complex, of Ukraine (UABio proposal): Nuclear Policy and Nuclear Safety, 2011 2015 2020 2025 2030 Martynenko N.V.; Chairman of the State Agency for Energy Efficiency and 1.24% 1.5% 4% 7% 10% Conservation of Ukraine, Pashkevich N.A.; Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine, Boyko Yu.A.; Head of the Presidential Administration, Levochkin S.V.; First Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration, Akimova I.M.; Minister of Energy and Coal Industry of Ukraine, Stavitsky E.A. It is proposed to adopt a new version of the The appropriate changes to the Tax Code shall corresponding item, namely, be done. “15. Temporarily, until January 1, 2020, shall be exempt from taxation: ... be exempt from taxation: ... business profits derived by them from the activity for the simultaneous production of electricity and thermal energy from biofuels and/or the production of thermal energy from biofuels” 18 Article 21 of the Law of Ukraine "On Energy Saving" requires manufacturers of heat and/or electricity from biofuels undergo expertise on energy conservation, despite of the fact that the Tax code or the Customs Tariff Law requires its passage only in certain cases: «State examination of energy conservation is a must in the process of law-making, investment, management, and other activities related to the production, processing, transportation, storage, production and consumption of fuel and energy resources, as well as to obtain benefits under a tax and/or customs legislation» 19 At the moment, for any activity on cogeneration, irrespective of capacity and use for their own needs, you must obtain a license for cogeneration in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On the combined heat and power (CHP) and the use of waste energy potential" and the Terms and Conditions (licensing terms) the business of the combined production of heat and electricity. However, business profits derived by them from the sale of electricity and heat produced via combined use of bio-fuels and/or sale of thermal energy produced by the use of bio-fuels” It is proposed to adopt a new version of the corresponding item, namely, «State examination of energy conservation is a must in the process of law-making, investment, management, and other activities related to the production, processing, transportation, storage, production and consumption of fuel and energy resources, as well as to obtain benefits under a tax and/or customs legislation if state expertise on energy conservation is a condition of receiving these benefits under the relevant provisions of tax and/or customs legislation» It is proposed by analogy with the license to produce electricity establish cases where a license is not required. For this purpose to complete article 8 of the Law of Ukraine "On the combined heat and power (CHP) and the use of waste energy potential" of the next part 4 The Energy Conservation Act shall be amended Changes shall be made to the Law of Ukraine "On the combined heat and power (CHP) and the use of waste energy potential" of the Law of Ukraine "On Heat Supply", Rules and Regulations (Licensing Conditions) the business of the combined production of heat and electricity, the Terms and Conditions (licensing terms) the business of the production of thermal energy for district heating plants to produce electricity for their own needs or for sale (other than sales in the WEM) from biomass or biogas to 10 MW do not need licenses. "The activities of combined heat and power generation business entities without a license is permitted if the value of installed capacity, or supply of electricity and thermal energy is less than parameters Similar changes can be made to the legislation defined in the terms and rules of the on the production of thermal energy. business of the combined production of heat and electricity." Paragraph 2.1. of The terms and conditions (licensing terms) the business of the combined production of heat and electricity in the following paragraph (necessary to determine the capacity of heat) shall be amended as follows: “Not subject to licensing activities of businesses for combined heat and power generation, which have in their property cogeneration plant produces electricity and heat using biofuels, the installed capacity of less than 10 MW and/or __ Gcal/h, and intend to sell the produced electricity, regardless of the installed capacity in the wholesale electricity market of Ukraine.” Regarding the heat, it is necessary to add to article 23 of the Law of Ukraine "On Heat Supply" the following paragraph "The activity of the production of thermal energy entities without a license is and plants with the use of non-conventional or renewable sources of energy permitted if the total capacity or less heat output indicators defined in the terms and rules of the business of heat and electricity generation”. In 1.2. of The terms and conditions (licensing terms) of the business of producing thermal energy for district heating plants and plants using nonconventional or renewable energy sources by the following paragraph (necessary to determine the capacity of the heat) shall be also added: "Licensing is not subject to the activities of business entities for the production of thermal energy, which have in the ownership or use of basic equipment produces heat using biofuels, the installed capacity of not more than __ Gcal/h, and do not intend to sell the produced heat energy of the base equipment." 20 Lack of stimulating the production of alternative electricity from biomass other than green tariff for companies who can not or do not wish to receive green tariff 21 No emission requirements for biomass-fired boiler depending on the biomass fuel supply system and power equipment. A minimum rate of return in setting tariffs for electricity, and the overall profitability of the combined production of heat and power from biomass shall be fixed To bring in line with the procedures of the EU. (for biomass at О2 – 11%) Make graduation by: fuel type a) wood biofuels (wood chips, sawdust, etc. including in the form In the Law of Ukraine "On Electric Power Industry" it is necessary to introduce a new article UABio proposals are not developed 22 Lack of incentives and encourage to generators of thermal and electrical energy to increase production efficiency and switching to the use of biomass as fuel 23 The level of bids for equipment, materials and services higher than market prices. 24 The difficulty of obtaining the objects of the of pellets and briquettes); b) biofuels based on agricultural waste (husks of sunflower, buckwheat, canola, straw, corn stalks and sunflowers including in the form of pellets and briquettes); c) solid biofuel from animal waste and sewage. - Thermal capacity of installations (up to 100 kW; 100-500 kW; - 500-1000 kW; 1-5 МW; 5-20 МW; 20-50 МW, over 50 МW.) - According to the fuel supply system including: (manual and automatic supply) - According to the number of hours of use of installed capacity and facilities for periodic burning It is proposed in setting tariffs for heat and electric power to fix the minimum level of profitability for companies producing and selling all or part of thermal and electrical energy generated via cogeneration. Additional preferences to manufacturers that implement thermal energy from biomass for the needs of the population. Prices of municipal heat supply, implementing measures to improve energy efficiency and the use of biomass for heat production at their own expense to eliminate the need for tendering. UABio proposals are not designed. It is necessary to amend Law of Ukraine "On Power Industry" and Law of Ukraine "On Heat Supply" 25 26 27 28 29 budget and municipal property for lease or concession. Complicated and excessive demands on reporting objects heat and power generation of small installed capacity – the same requirements as for the large manufacturers The lack of adequate detailed statistical information in the context of the use of different types of biomass (wood, agricultural waste, solid waste, peat ...), and the production of heat and power for each type of biomass. The Law of Ukraine № 1391-XIV "On alternative fuel" contains an incorrect definition of the term "biomass": “Biomass is a non-fossil biologically renewable substance of organic origin in the form of wastes of forestry and agriculture (crop and livestock sectors), fishery and technologically related industries, which is subject to biodegradation, as well as the part of industrial and municipal waste, which is able to biologically decompose”. The Law of Ukraine № 1391-XIV "On alternative fuel" contains an incorrect definition of the term "solid biofuels": "Solid biofuels – solid biomass used as boiler fuel, including wood, peat, sawdust, wood chips, straw and other agricultural waste, pellets and briquettes produced from biomass, charcoal and carbonaceous material". Paragraph 23, Subsection 2, "Features of levying value added tax", Section XX of the Statistics authorities shall expand existing reporting formats for consumption and production of energy resources and supplement them with other biofuels (wood, agricultural waste, solid waste, peat ...) Definition of term «biomass» shall be To be corrected:; Law of Ukraine «On corrected in the following way: Alternative Fuel Types» (№ 1391-XIV from "Biomass is a biologically renewable 14.01.2000). substance of organic origin which is subject to biodegradation (products, wastes or residues of forestry and agriculture (crop and livestock sectors), fishery and technologically related industries as well as the part of industrial and municipal waste, which is able to biologically decompose". The definition of "solid biofuel" should be corrected as follows: "Solid biofuels – solid biomass used as boiler fuel, including wood, peat, sawdust, wood chips, straw and other agricultural products, waste and residues, pellets and briquettes made from biomass, charcoal and carbonaceous matter". Period of exemption should be prolonged, and types of headings adjusted as follows: To be corrected:; Law of Ukraine «On Alternative Fuel Types» (№ 1391-XIV from 14.01.2000). Tax Code of Ukraine shall be amended. Transitional Provisions of the Tax Code of Ukraine № 2755-VI, establishes the following benefits: Temporary until 1 January 2014 from taxation to VAT transactions for the supply, including operations the import of waste and scrap of ferrous and non-ferrous metals and wood of heading 4401, 4403, 4404 according to the UKT VED (except briquettes and pellets commodity subcategories UKT VED 4401 30 90 00) are exempted. Lists of such waste and scrap of ferrous and nonferrous metals approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. Operations for export to the customs export of goods specified in this paragraph shall be exempt from value added tax. "Temporarily until January 1, 2020 from taxation to VAT transactions for the supply, including the operation of the import of waste and scrap of ferrous and non-ferrous metals and wood of heading 4401, 4403, 4404 are exempted according to the UKT VED. Lists of such waste and scrap of ferrous and non-ferrous metals approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. Operations for export to the customs export of goods specified in this paragraph shall be exempt from value added tax ".