Sanbornton Planning Board Workshop Meeting Minutes December 4, 2008 The meeting opened at 7:00 pm with the following members in attendance: Don Bormes, Chairman; Carmine Cioffi, Vice Chair; Dick Gardner, Member; Evelyn Auger, Alternate and Bob Ward, Town Planner. 1. Role Call As listed above. Helmut Busack, Member; Steve Ober, Selectmen’s Representative; Peter Dascoulias, Alternate; Cindy Merchant, Alternate; Terry Lewis, Alternate and Mary Earley, Alternate. 2. Seating of Alternates for absent members Evelyn Auger was seated for Helmut Busack. 3. Old Business a. Continued discussion concerning responsibilities of Planning Board as per provisions of model regulation of small wind energy systems as recommended by NH Office of Energy Planning Bob Ward updated the Planning Board on possible Small Wind Energy System amendments to the Zoning Ordinance. Bob Ward recommended adopting the Model Small Wind Energy System Ordinance into Article 4 of the Sanbornton Zoning Ordinance which would be similar to the treatment of cellular towers. Bob Ward also recommended amending all Zoning Districts to allow Small Wind Energy Systems. Dick Gardner suggested that rather than amending each Zoning Districts permitted uses to add a provision to Article 4 which states that Small Wind Energy Systems are allowed in all Districts. The Board decided to continue this discussion at the January Workshop Meeting. b. Review revised mapping assistance proposal from Lakes Region Planning Commission for mapping component of Master Plan process Bob Ward reviewed the amended mapping proposal with the Planning Board. It was decided that Bob Ward will review, refine and restructure the existing proposal so that it is within the budget contract limits of $3,120. 4. New Business a. Review suggestion from Andrew Sanborn concerning Small Wind Energy Systems and enactment of new zoning provisions Bob Ward distributed an e-mail from Andrew Sanborn concerning the zoning of small wind energy systems. Discussion followed pertaining to the suggestions made. b. Review suggestion from Bill Whalen concerning requirement to merge all non-conforming lots The Planning Board members discussed Bill Whalen’s suggestions and is comfortable with the decision made at Town Meeting in 2006 to remove Section N of Article 4 which provided for “involuntary merging of non-conforming lots”. Bob Ward will inform Mr. Whalen of the Town History on this matter. 5. Other Business Chair Bormes raised a question from the Zoning Board of Adjustment concerning the issue of multi-family residential uses. Discussion followed concerning this matter. Bob Ward reminded the Planning Board that the next round of Budget Hearings with the Board of Selectmen will be next week, Wednesday, December 10, 2008. Due to scheduling conflicts with other members of the Planning Board, Bob Ward will attend on the Planning Board’s behalf. Bob Ward informed the Planning Board that Town Administrator Veloski would like feedback from all Departments on the 2002 Version of the Town of Sanbornton Personnel Policy. Bob Ward stated that he had read through the existing policy and found nothing that either impacted the Planning Board personnel or any needed amendments. Possible 2009 Town Meeting Zoning Amendments: 1 Small Wind Energy Systems (suggested by Bob Ward) 2 Workforce Housing (suggested by Dick Gardner) 3 Senior Housing (suggested by Don Bormes) Bob Ward handed out the Road Inventory as prepared by Lakes region Planning Commission under contract with NH DOT. 6. Adjournment Carmine Cioffi made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Dick Gardner. All in favor, motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:03 pm. Respectfully Submitted, Carole Chase Recording Secretary