R - St. Stephen Catholic Church

Confirmation and Beyond
Adult Confirmation Sacramental Preparation
“Be sealed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit”
You have expressed interest in receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation here at St. Stephen. We welcome you.
May the Lord guide you and give you peace and wisdom during this process.
The Adult Confirmation process is a wonderful interactive opportunity for Catholics who have not had the
opportunity to receive the sacrament of Confirmation to complete their full initiation into the Catholic Church.
This eight-week process emphasizes the basics of Catholic teaching respecting the adult audience’s many
concerns, questions and responsibilities. Sessions are weekly, on Sunday morning beginning in the fall. The
Confirmation celebration takes place annually and is arranged in accordance with the Bishop’s calendar.
Requirements for Adult Confirmation Preparation
Candidates for this Sacrament should:
 Be a registered parishioner
 Be a baptized Catholic providing a current baptismal certificate
 Have made their First Communion and received the Sacrament of Reconciliation
 If married, must have been married in the Catholic Church
 Attend Sunday mass on a regular basis
 Have a Sponsor for the Sacrament of Confirmation
Classes for adults wishing to prepare for the Sacrament of Confirmation will be held from 11:00 am – 12:00 pm
on Sunday mornings at the church.
Adult Confirmation Classes begins:
Adult Confirmation Retreat t/b/d
Rehearsal for the Rite of Confirmation: t/b/d
Celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation will be held at the church for Adults & Youth with
Most Reverend Robert N. Lynch on t/b/d
The Community of St. Stephen welcomes you!
Adult Confirmation Fee: There is a $25.00 registration fee to cover books and other materials at
the time of registration.
Service Project: There is a sandwich service project required through our Adult Confirmation
Sacrament of Reconciliation: All students are required to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation
prior to Wednesday, t/b/d 2016.
Baptism Certificates: Baptism is necessary before one can receive any other sacrament. Every
Confirmation Candidate should know the Church in which they were baptized. All church records
are kept at the church of Baptism. All Confirmation Candidates who were not baptized at St.
Stephen must submit a NEWLY dated Certificate of Baptism with notations from the church of
their baptism by December, 2015.
Saint Name (Confirmation Name): A name identifies us and tells others who we are.
Confirmation Candidates are asked to check into reasons for their baptismal name if they are not
already aware of the reason. They may choose a new name as a sign of growth in faith. One may
keep the baptismal name to emphasize the fact that Confirmation is a sealing of the Baptismal
Commitment. Please submit Saint Name Research Form by October, 2015.
Confirmation Sponsor
The Sponsor for Confirmation a Candidate must:
 Be a fully initiated Catholic; has received Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Eucharist
 If married, has been married in the Catholic Church
 Must be 16 years of age
 Provide a letter from their parish stating their active status
 If St. Stephen parish member complete a St. Stephen Godparent/Sponsor Eligibility Form.
Confirmation Candidate Retreat
All Adult Confirmation Candidates are required to attend the Confirmation Retreat. It will be held on
t/b/d. It is a time of activity, reflections, and prayer directed toward the reception of Confirmation.
Confirmation Candidates should come to the retreat in comfortable, casual dress but it also must be
appropriate for Mass.
Attire for day of Confirmation
Men dress shirt, (preferably white)
Dress slacks
Jacket (if desired)
No sneakers
Dress (appropriate in length)
No low cut
Shoulders covered
No sneakers
The sponsors should also be appropriately dressed, since in their role they are an official
representative of the Church. Men should wear Dress Shirt/Tie and Jacket. Women should wear a
skirt or dress of appropriate length or a dress pants suit. Please no low cut blouses, dresses or short
dresses or skirts.
Email: We ask that you check your email each week prior to class. Updates or reminders will be sent to
you weekly
Adult Confirmation Schedule
Sundays, 10:45 am - 12:00 pm
New American Bible
Resources: Sending for in the spirit (A Confirmation Text for Adults) Patricia M. Mann
Handouts - USCCB
Sunday Mornings
October 12
Handout Confirmation Folder & Resource
We Are the People of God, the Church
Chapter 1
The Trinity
Chapter 2
Mary and the Saints
Chapter 11
October 26
God Reveals Himself to Us
Chapter 3
November 2
The Sacrament of Initiation
Chapter 4
The Moral Life - Prayer & Spirituality
Chapter 8, 9
November 16
The Sacrament of Healing (Reconciliation)
Chapter 5
December 7
The Holy Mass (Video)
Chapter 7
December 14
Last Things
Chapter 10
January 4
The Sacrament of Service
Chapter 6
“Go therefore and makes disciples of all the Nations”
Chapter 12
October 19
January (Tues.)
Rehearsal – t/b/d
January (Sun.)
Retreat – t/b/d
January (Sat.)
Celebration of Sacrament of Confirmation – St. Stephen Church t/b/d
Adult Confirmation Program
St. Stephen Catholic Church
Office of Faith Formation
10428 St. Stephen Circle
Riverview, Florida 33569
For Office Use Only
Reg. Fee $20.00
Paid ______
Ck# ______
Cash ______
Parish Env. # _________
Name: ______________________________________________________________________________
(As it will appear on Confirmation Certificate)
Address: ____________________________________________________________________________
Phone #: ________________________Email Address: _______________________________________
Date of Birth: ___/___/___
Gender: _________
Place of Birth: ______________________________
Mother’s Name: ______________________________________________Phone: __________________
Father’s Name: _______________________________________________Phone: __________________
Place of Baptism (Church name and complete address)
Yes / No Baptism
___/___/___ _______________________________________________
Please contact your parish of baptism for a (current baptism with notations) certificate.
*If military baptism, what is the military number? _______________
Yes / No 1st Eucharist
___/___/___ ________________________________________________
Church Name
Yes / No I have special needs. If yes, describe here__________________________________________
Sponsor’s Name: ______________________________________________________________________
(A Sponsor must be at least 16 years of age and a practicing Catholic who has already been confirmed. A Sponsor Verification
Form is required).
Confirmation Saint Name: _______________________________________________________________
Are you registered at St. Stephen? ______ If so, Env. # ________________________________________
Parish registration each Sunday following the 9:30 a.m. Mass, Room 2 at the Church Bldg.
Are you registered at another Parish? If so, where? ___________________________________________
Letter of Permission is required
In case of an Emergency, please contact:
Name: _________________________________ Relationship: _______________ Phone: ____________
Candidate Consent
I understand that in this program, administered by the parish Faith Formation Office, Christianity is
presented according to the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church.
I agree to attend the formation sessions regularly and to meet all other guidelines in order to prepare for
this sacrament.
I give permission to be photographed or videotaped for use in Church and Religious Education
publications and/or use by the general news media for print or broadcast purposes, and/or for use on
St. Stephen’s Web and Bulletin pages.
Signature: ______________________________________ Date: ________________________________
(Please answer the questions on page 5)
Adult Confirmation Program
Candidate Name: _______________________________________________________
Check the appropriate statement(s) below and provide any information requested beneath each statement.
1. I am single (I have never been married).
2. I am engaged to be married.
Your Fiancé(e)’s Name: ______________________________________________________
Your Fiancé(e)’s Current Religious Affiliation _____________________________________
c. For your fiancé(e): Has your fiance(e) been married before? __________________________
_____ 3. I am married and this is my first marriage. If you have prior marriages please answer questions #4-7.
(a) Your Spouse’s Name: ____________________________________________________________
(b) Your Spouse’s Current Religious Affiliation (if any): _____________________________________
(c) For you: _____ This is my first marriage. ______I have been married before.
(d) For your Spouse: ______ This is my spouse’s first marriage. ______ My spouse has been married before.
(e) Date of Marriage: ______________________________________________________________
(f) Place of Marriage: ________________________________________________________________
(include locality (town, city, county, region etc.), (state, province, territory, etc country)
(g) Officiating Authority of Marriage: ______________________________________________
(civil government, non-Christian minister, Christian minister, Catholic cleric)
4. _____I am married and have had previous marriages.
5. _____I am married, but separated from my spouse.
_____I am divorced and I have not remarried.
7. _____I am a widow/widower and have not remarried since my spouse’s death.
List the name(s)of any children or other dependents (e.g. Daughter—Jane; Stepson—John).
Relationship: ____________________ Name: _________________________________ Age: _____
Relationship: ____________________ Name: ___________________________________Age: _____
Relationship: ____________________ Name: _________________________________ Age: _____
Relationship: ____________________ Name: _________________________________ Age: _____
Relationship: ____________________ Name: _________________________________ Age: _____
St. Stephen Catholic Church
5049 Bell Shoals Road, Valrico, Florida 33596-7110
Office of Faith Formation
10428 St. Stephen Catholic Circle, Riverview, Florida 33569-8732
Godparent / Sponsor Certificate of Eligibility
 For:
____ Baptism ___ OCIA _____Youth & Adult Confirmation of: ____________________________
Print full name of Candidate
Dear Brother or Sister in Christ,
We are delighted that you have been asked to be a godparent or sponsor for the Sacrament of Baptism or Confirmation.
What an honor! You have been chosen because of the way you live and share your Catholic Faith. It will be your role to
help the newly baptized or confirmed to lead a life in harmony with the Gospel. One of the most effective ways to share
one’s faith is through example.
St. Stephen Parish Family
Therefore, to be eligible to serve as a godparent/sponsor, you must be an active Catholic meet the following requirements:
Please read and the following affirmations:
I am at least 16 years of age.
I have celebrated the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist.
IF MARRIED: My marriage was celebrated in the Catholic Church.
I participate in Sunday Mass regularly.
I understand the responsibility I am undertaking and have both the desire and intention to fulfill it faithfully.
I am a parishioner at: ________________________________________ parish, located at:
I affirm that I meet all the necessary requirements to act as a Godparent/Sponsor
Signature of Godparent/Sponsor ________________________________________Date: _____________
PRINT NAME: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
PHONE NUMBER: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
Please note: If your godparent/sponsor are members of another parish they will need an eligibility form from their parish
that attests to their qualification as a godparent/sponsor.
For Parish Use Only:
To Whom it May Concern:
We are pleased to be able to issue this testimonial letter. The individual whose name is signed above is a practicing
Catholic who is a registered member of this parish. To the best of our knowledge, this person is qualified to be a sponsor
for anyone receiving the Sacrament of Baptism or Confirmation.
Date ____________________ Signed_______________________________________________________
Print Name & Title _____________________________________________
Parish Seal
Please return this form to the Office of Faith Formation, St. Stephen Catholic Church
Adult Confirmation
YOUR NAME: _________________________________________________________
Saint’s Name research
Many people choose an additional name at Confirmation. It should be the name of a recognized saint of
the Catholic Church. Names of saints are chosen to serve as patrons and models for those being
confirmed. Candidates should choose a patron saint’s name, not because of the attractiveness of the
name, but because of the attractiveness of the Christian life that person led.
The Church "canonizes" Saints so we have role models who can assist us on the journey toward heaven.
We can't compare our lives to theirs, for we all have different circumstances in which to grow in holiness.
We can only compare ourselves to what we used to be like. Meanwhile on the road to heaven, we can
pray with the saints and accept their spiritual guidance.
Saint’s Name: ______________________________________
BE SURE YOU HAVE THE CORRECT SPELLING! This will be on your name tag.
Feast Day:
Saint’s place of birth:
Family background:
Circumstances of their death:
What virtues did this saint practice?
What aspects of this person’s Christian life attracted you?
How is this saint a model for Christians today?