Biosketch - North Carolina State University



Jack Odle



William Neal Reynolds Professor of Nutritional Biochemistry

EDUCATION/TRAINING (Begin with baccalaureate or other initial professional education, such as nursing, and include postdoctoral training.)



(if applicable)


Purdue University

University of Wisconsin

University of Wisconsin







Animal Science

Animal Nutrition

Nutritional Biochemistry

A. Positions and Honors.

Professional Positions

1982-1984 Research Assistant University of Wisconsin. Dept of Meat & Animal Sciences

1984-1985 Research Associate University of Wisconsin. Dept of Meat & Animal Sciences

1986-1989 Research Assistant University of Wisconsin. Dept of Nutritional Sciences

1989-1995 Assistant Professor University of Illinois.

1995 Associate Professor University of Illinois

Dept of Animal Sciences

Dept of Animal Sciences

1995-2000 Associate Professor North Carolina St. Univ. Dept. of Animal Science

1997-2000 Adjunct Professor Frostburg St. Univ., MD Dept of Biology



Visiting Scientist


UNC-Chapel Hill

North Carolina St. Univ.

Dept of Nutrition (sabbatical)

Dept of Animal Science

Selected Experience and Professional Memberships

1990-1995 Graduate School, University of Illinois

1990-1995 Division of Nutritional Sciences, University of Illinois



Graduate Program in Nutrition, North Carolina State University

Center for Gastrointestinal Biology & Disease, UNC-CH/NCSU

1999-2005 Associate Editor, Journal of Nutrition



Biotechnology Program, NCSU

Genomics Faculty, NCSU



Center for Comparative Medicine & Translational Research, NCSU

Councilor, NSC, American Society for Nutrition

2007-2009 Panel Manager, USDA-NRI/AFRI

Professional awards







Outstanding Graduate Instructor Award, College of Agriculture & Life Sciences (CALS), NCSU

William Neal Reynolds Distinguished Professor, CALS

American Feed Industry Association, NR-Nutrition Research Award

American Institute of Nutrition (Mead Johnson) Young Researcher Award

American Society of Animal Science Young Investigator Award

Faculty Award presented by the University of Illinois Nutritional Sciences Graduate Student

Association. - “For extraordinary support and encouragement of NS graduate students".



Future Leader Award, International Life Sciences Institute-Nutrition Foundation

IBM-Sponsored Beckman Research Award ($18,000 for research)

1990-94 University of Illinois list of "teachers ranked as excellent by students".

1982 Purdue Senior Medal - "Awarded to the Outstanding Senior in Agriculture & Veterinary Medicine




Alpha Zeta Outstanding Student Award

Gamma Sigma Delta - Award of Merit

Graduated with highest honors, Purdue University

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B. Selected relevant peer-reviewed publications ( from a total of 97)

Odle , J., R.T. Zijlstra and S.M. Donovan. 1996. Intestinal effects of milkborne growth factors in neonates of agricultural importance. J. Anim. Sci. 74:2509-2522.

Zijlstra, R.T., A.M. Mies, B.A. McCracken, J. Odle , H.R. Gaskins, E.L. Lien and S.M. Donovan. 1996. Shortterm metabolic responses do not differ between neonatal piglets fed formulas containing hydrolyzed or intact soy proteins. J. Nutr. 126:913-923.

Donovan, S.M., J.C.-J. Chao, R.T. Zijlstra and J. Odle . 1997. Orally administered iodinated insulin-like growth factor-I is poorly absorbed by the newborn piglet. J. Pediatr. Gastroent. Nutr. 24:174-182.

Odle , J. 1997. Critical Review: New insights into medium-chain triglyceride utilization by the neonate.

Observations from a piglet model. J. Nutr. 127:1061-1067.

Yu, X.X., J.K. Drackley and J. Odle . 1997. Response of hepatic mitochondrial increasing palmitate concentrations in piglets. Biol. Neotate 72:284-292.

-oxidation to

Zijlstra, R.T., S.M. Donovan, J. Odle , H.B. Gelberg, B.W. Petschow and H.R. Gaskins. 1997. Protein-energy malnutrition delays small-intestinal recovery in neonatal pigs infected with rotavirus. J. Nutr.127: 1118.

McCracken, B.A., R.T. Zijlstra, S.M. Donovan, J. Odle , E.L. Lien and H.R. Gaskins. 1998. Neither intact nor hydrolyzed soy proteins elicit intestinal inflammation in neonatal piglets. J. Parentr. Enter. Nutr. 22: 91.

Adams, S.H. and J. Odle . 1998. Acetogenesis does not replace ketogenesis in fasting piglets infused with hexanoate.. Am. J. Physiol. (Endocronology & Metabolism 37) 274:E963-E970.

Yu X.X., J.K. Drackley and J. Odle . 1998. Food depr -oxidation activity but not catalase activity during postnatal development in pig tissues. J. Nutr. 128: 1114-1121.

Zijlstra, R.T., B.A. McCracken, J. Odle , S.M. Donovan, H.B. Gelberg, B.W. Petschow, F.A. Zuckerman and

H.R. Gaskins. 1999. Malnutrition modifies pig small intestinal inflammatory responses to rotavirus. J. Nutr.

129: 838-843.

Heo, K., X. Lin, J. Odle , and I.K. Han. 2000. Kinetics of carnitine palmitoyltransferase-I are altered by dietary variables and suggest a metabolic need for supplemental carnitine in young pigs. J.Nutr. 130: 2467.

Heo, K., J. Odle , I.K. Han, W. Cho, S. Seo, E. van Heugten, and D.H. Pilkington,. 2000. Dietary L-carnitine improves nitrogen utilization in growing pigs fed low energy, fat-containing diets. J.Nutr. 130: 1809.

Yu, X. X., J. Odle , and J.K. Drackley. 2001. Differential induction of peroxisomal beta-oxidation enzymes by clofibric acid and aspirin in piglet tissues. Am.J.Physiol Regul.Integr.Comp Physiol 281: R1553-R1561.

Kim, J. H., K.N. Heo, J. Odle , I.K. Han, and R.J. Harrell, R. J. 2001. Liquid diets accelerate the growth of earlyweaned pigs and effects are maintained to market weight. J.Anim.Sci. 79: 427-434.

Oliver, W.T., S.A. Mathews, O. Phillips, E.E. Jones, J. Odle and R.J. Harrell. 2002. Efficacy of partially hydrolyzed corn syrup solids as a replacement for lactose in manufactured liquid diets for neonatal pigs. J.

Anim. Sci. 80:143-153.

Averette, L.A., M.T. See, J. Hansen,D. Sutton, and J. Odle . 2002. The effects of dietary fat sources, levels, and feeding intervals on pork fatty acid composition. J. Anim. Sci. 80:1606-1615.

Averette Gatlin, L.A., M. T. See, D. K. Larick, X. Lin, and J. Odle . 2002. Conjugated linoleic acid in combination with supplemental dietary fat alters pork fat quality J. Nutr.132: 3105-3112.

Mathews, S.A., W.T. Oliver, O.T. Phillips, J. Odle , D. A. Diersen-Schade, and R. J. Harrell. 2002. Comparison of triglycerides and phospholipids as supplemental sources of dietary long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids in piglets. J. Nutr. 132: 3081-3089.

Heo, K.N., X. Lin, I. K. Han, and J. Odle . 2002. Medium-chain fatty acids but not L-carnitine accelerate the kinetics of [14C]tiacylglycerol utilization by colostrum-deprived newborn Pigs J. Nutr. 132: 1989-1994.

Lin, X. and J. Odle . 2003. Changes in kinetics of carnitine palmitoyltransferase in liver and skeletal muscle of dogs (Canis familiaris) throughout growth and development. J. Nutr. 133: 1113 –1119.

Averette Gatlin, L.A., M.T. See, J.A. Hansen and J. Odle . 2003. Hydrogenated dietary fat improves pork quality of pigs from two lean genotypes. J. Anim. Sci. 81:1989-1997.

Xing, J.J., E. van Heugten, D.F. Li, K.J. Touchette, J.A. Coalson, R.L. Odgaard, and J. Odle . 2004. Effects of emulsification, fat encapsulation and pelleting on weanling pig performance and nutrient digestibility. J.

Anim. Sci. 82: 26-1-2609.

Qiao, Y., X. Lin, J. Odle , A. Whittacker, and T.A.T.G. van Kempen. 2004. Refining in vitro digestibility assays: fractionation of digestible and indigestible peptides. J. Anim. Sci. 82: 1669-1677.

Oliver, W.T., K.J. Touchette, C.S. Whisnant, J.A. Brown, S.A. Mathews, J. Odle , and R.J. Harrell. 2005. Pigs weaned from the sow at 10 days of age respond to dietary energy source of manufactured liquid diets and exogenous porcine somatotropin (pST). J. Anim. Sci. 83:1002-1009.

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Odle , J., P. Lyvers Peffer, X. Lin. 2005. Hepatic fatty acid oxidation and ketogenesis in young pigs. In: Biology of metabolism in growing animals. (Eds D.G. Burrin and H.J. Mersmann) Elsevier Limited, New York. pp.


Peffer, P.A., X. Lin and J. Odle . 2005. Hepatic ß oxidation and carnitine palmitoyltransferase I in neonatal pigs following dietary treatments of clofibric acid, isoproterenol and medium chain triglycerides . Am. J. Physiol.

(Regul, Integr. Comp. Physiol.) 288:R1518-R1524.

House, R.L., J.P. Cassady, E.J. Eisen, T.E. Eling, J.B. Collins, S.F. Grissom and J. Odle . 2005. Functional genomic characterization of the de lipidative effects of trans 10, cis12 conjugated linoleic acid (t10c12 CLA) in a polygenic obese line of mice. Physiol. Genomics. 21:351-361.

House, R.L, J.P. Cassady, E.J. Eisen, M.K. McIntosh, and J. Odle . 2005 Conjugated linoleic acid evokes de lipidation through the regulation of genes controlling lipid metabolism in adipose and liver tissue. Obesity

Reviews 6:247-258.

Lin, X., R.L. House and J. Odle . 2005.Ontogeny and kinetics of carnitine palmitoyltransferase in liver and skeletal muscle of the domestic felid (Felis domestica). J. Nutr. Biochem. 16:331-338.

Ebert, A.R., A.S. Berman, R.J. Harrell, A.M. Kessler, S.G. Cornelius and J. Odle . 2005. Vegetable proteins enhance growth of milk fed piglets, despite lower apparent ileal digestibility. J. Nutr. 135:2137-2143.

Dicklin, M. E., J. L. Robinson, X. Lin, and J. Odle . 2006. Ontogeny and chain-length specificity of gastrointestinal lipases affect medium-chain triacylglycerol utilization by newborn pigs. J. Anim Sci. 84:818-


Rhoads, J. M., X. Niu, J. Odle , and L. M. Graves. 2006. Role of mTOR signaling in intestinal cell migration.

Am. J. Physiol Gastrointest. Liver Physiol. 291:G510-G517.

Averette, G. L., M. T. See, D. K. Larick, and J. Odle . 2006. Descriptive flavor analysis of bacon and pork loin from lean-genotype gilts fed conjugated linoleic acid and supplemental fat. J. Anim Sci. 84:3381-3386.

Rhoads, J. M., B. A. Corl, R. Harrell, X. Niu, L. Gatlin, O. Phillips, A. Blikslager, A. Moeser, G. Wu, and

J. Odle . 2007. Intestinal ribosomal p70(S6K) signaling is increased in piglet rotavirus enteritis. Am. J.

Physiol Gastrointest. Liver Physiol. 292:G913-G922.

Lyvers, P. P., X. Lin, S. K. Jacobi, L. A. Gatlin, J. Woodworth, and J. Odle . 2007. Ontogeny of carnitine palmitoyltransferase I activity, carnitine-Km, and mRNA abundance in pigs throughout growth and development. J. Nutr. 137:898-903.

Blikslager, A. T., A. J. Moeser, J. L. Gookin, S. L. Jones, and J. Odle . 2007. Restoration of barrier function in injured intestinal mucosa. Physiol. Rev. 87:545-564.

Corl, B. A., R. J. Harrell, H. K. Moon, O. Phillips, E. M. Weaver, J. M. Campbell, J. D. Arthington, and

J. Odle . 2007. Effect of animal plasma proteins on intestinal damage and recovery of neonatal pigs infected with rotavirus. J. Nutr. Biochem. 18:778-784.

Davidson, S., B.A. Hopkins, J. Odle , C. Brownie, V. Fellner and L.W. Whitlow, 2008. Supplementing limited methionine diets with rumen-protected methionine, betaine, and choline in early lactation holstein cows. J.

Dairy Sci. 91:1552-1559.

Corl, B.A., J. Odle , X. Niu, A.J. Moeser, L.A. Gatlin, O.T. Phillips, A.T. Blikslager, and J. M. Rhoads. 2008.

Arginine activates intestinal p70S6k and protein synthesis in piglet rotavirus enteritis. J. Nutr. 2008;138 24-


Corl, B.A., S.A. Mathews Oliver, X. Lin, W.T. Oliver, Y. Ma, R.J. Harrell, and J. Odle.

2008. Conjugated linoleic acid reduces body fat accretion and lipogenic gene expression in neonatal pigs fed low- or high-fat formulas. J. Nutr. 138:449-454.

Hess H.A., B.A. Corl BA, X. Lin, S.K. Jacobi, R.J. Harrell, A.T. Blikslager, and J . Odle . 2008. Enrichment of intestinal mucosal phospholipids with arachidonic and eicosapentaenoic acids fed to suckling piglets is dose and time dependent. J. Nutr. 2008;138:2164-2171.

Xi, L., K. Brown, J. Woodworth, K. Shim, B. Johnson and J. Odle . 2008. Maternal dietary L-carnitine supplementation influences fetal carnitine status and stimulates carnitine palmitoyltransferase and pyruvate dehydrogenase complex activities in swine. J. Nutr. 138:2356-2362.

Brown K.R., R.D. Goodband, M.D. Tokach, S. S. Dritz, J.L. Nelssen, J.E. Minton, J.J. Higgins, X. Lin, J. Odle ,

J.C. Woodworth, and B.J. Johnson. 2008. Effects of feeding L-carnitine to gilts through day 70 of gestation on litter traits and the expression of insulin-like growth factor system components and L-carnitine concentration in foetal tissues. J. Anim. Physiol. Anim. Nutr. 92:660-667.

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