Christopher James Daborn. B.Vet.Med, MSc, MRCVS
Date of birth:
12th September 1946
Qualifications: B.Vet.Med. London University 1974
MRCVS. Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons 1974
MSc. [Trop AP&H] Edinburgh University. 1981
Certified OIE Expert for the Evaluation of Veterinary Services. OIE 2007
English, Intermediate French and Basic Swahili.
Tropical Veterinary Services Ltd [TVS]
PO Box 266, Karatu, Arusha, Tanzania, East Africa.
Tel: +255 754 281546 / 860880 or +254715907962
E-mail: /
21, Bishops Close, Ham, Richmond, Surrey, UK. TW10 7DF
Tel: 0208 940 7560
1. Employment Record:
a) Current positions held:
MD.Tropical Veterinary Services [Tanzania] Ltd & CHC Ltd
OIE Certified Expert for the Performance of Veterinary Services
Honorary Veterinary Adviser. Arusha Society for the Protection of Animals
Honorary Research Fellow, CTVM, Edinburgh University
External Examiner University of Glasgow Veterinary School
Founding Director and Chairman: The David Read Pastoralist Foundation
Secretary: Mazingira Bora [Healthy Environment] Karatu
Founding Member: Continuing Professional Development Group
b) Employment history:
1974-1975. Assistant, Johnson and Daniel's Veterinary Practice. Watford.
1975-1985. DVO rising to PVO. Dept. Veterinary Services. Malawi.
1985-1987. Group Livestock Manager. Intabex Ltd. Zambia.
1987-1994. Postgraduate Course Supervisor. CTVM, Edinburgh University.
1994-1997. Freelance Consultant, Tropical Veterinary Medicine.
1997-2000. Programme Manager, VETAID Tanzania
2001–2002. TVI Epidemiologist, FMD Control Programme, UK
2003 - 2010 International Veterinary Consultant
2. Work Experience:
 Programme design, evaluation, organisation, legislation and delivery of veterinary services in the tropics
by Government, Private and NGO sectors
 Improvement of commercial to small scale animal health and production enterprises, including
community based systems, to increase financial viability and income generation.
 Planning, management and delivery of training courses in veterinary standards in animal health and
production for professional, technical and community based personnel
 Design and management of applied field research into the prevalence, distribution and control of
livestock and wildlife diseases of economic and public health importance.
 Design and implementation of epidemiological surveys and disease prevalence studies.
 Organisation of National, Regional and International Veterinary Conferences
3. Overseas Work assignments
Angola – 2007 Team leader “Strengthening of Vet Services” consultancy for FAO
Botswana – 1994. Member of ODA RNR Research Strategy Team with particular responsibility for
Animal Health Research.
Ghana – 2008 Team Leader OIE PVS Evaluation and Team Expert for WB Rapid Assessment of
Preparedness for Avian Influenza.
Kenya – 2006. Assessment of Veterinary Service Delivery Systems in the Somali Ecosystem of NE Kenya
– consultancy mission for AU-IBAR PACE
Lesotho – 2007. Evaluation of Veterinary Service – Team Expert – OIE Mission
Madagascar – 1997. Control of bovine tuberculosis - advisor for WHO
Malawi - 2009 Team Expert for WB RAM of Preparedness for Avian Influenza.
1975-85. 10 years field work as District rising to Principal Vet Officer.
Mozambique – 2008 PVS Evaluation OIE. 2007. Team Expert for WB RAM of Preparedness for Avian
Influenza. 1992. To establish the CTVM/Maputo Veterinary Faculty collaborative research link.
Namibia - 2008 Team Expert for WB RAM of Preparedness for Avian Influenza.
Nigeria – 1993. CTVM/Ahmadu Bello University collaborative research link.
Rwanda – 1995. Veterinarian. FAO CBPP vaccination and delivery of AH services
Somalia–2010 SOLICEP/EC Assist the 3 admin. areas of Somalia with a PVS Self evaluation. 2009 Mid
Term Evaluation EC funded Livestock AH Certification Project
Somaliland - 1995. In-service training for animal health para-vets for Vetaid/Actionaid
Sudan – 2009 Team Expert - Evaluation of Veterinary Service – OIE Mission
Swaziland - 1995/1996. Consultant Epidemiologist/Project Leader FAO Ticks and Tick- borne Diseases
Tanzania – 2008 Danida funded Livestock Disease Study / Livestock Information Service. 2007
Assessment of the Delivery of VS in the Ngorongoro Conservation Area 2001. Secretariat for OIE
Regional Conference 1997-2000. Participatory community based AH programme with Maasai livestock
keepers. 1997. Project formulation mission, ODA Animal Health Services programme 1996. Study on cost
recovery in livestock disease control for the EU/Tz Gov. 1990/95. Annual visits as co-ordinator of the
CTVM/Sokoine University, Vet Faculty, collaborative research link.
Uganda – 1994. To establish the CTVM/Makerere University collaborative research link 2001. WHO
mission to evaluate the zoonotic importance of bovine tuberculosis
Zambia - 1985-87. 2 years field work as livestock manager for a commercial company
Zimbabwe 2009. Team leader OIE PVS
Red Sea/Gulf/Asia/Pacific basin
India – 1990. To establish the CTVM/Madras Veterinary Faculty collaborative research link and the
VETAID milking buffalo scheme in Tamil Nadu.
Vanuatu – 1992. Design a livestock disease survey for export certification purposes.
Yemen – 1991. To conduct a review of the ODA animal health programme.
Kuwait – 1989. To conduct an in-service training programme for Vet. field staff.
Central America
Mexico – 1991. To design a research programme for bovine tuberculosis in the
Yucatan Peninsula.
4. Publications.
Daborn CJ [2009] Continuing Profesional Development for Veterinarians Working in Africa [in press]
Daborn CJ & Musisi F [2009] Private, Public, Community Partnerships in the Delivery of Veterinary
Services [in press]
Daborn CJ (2006) Progressing Pastoralism. Paper produced for the ERETO Pastoralist Programme
Ngorongoro Conservation Area. NCA May 2006
Daborn CJ (2005) Animal Welfare in Tanzania Paper presented at the Tanzania Veterinary
Association Annual Conference, Arusha Dec 2005
Daborn CJ (2005) Can wildlife survive without pastoralists? Article published in the Arusha Times
June 2005
Daborn, C., Njau, P., Wood, S. and Martin, M. (eds) 1998. Delivery of Animal Health Services in
Eastern Africa: Proceedings of the Workshop held at the MS Danish Centre, Usa River, Arusha 14th –
18th Dec. 1998.
Daborn, C.J. (1993). Bovine tuberculosis in the tropics - a call to arms. Proceedings of the 7th
International Conference of the Association of Institutes for Tropical Veterinary Medicine. Cote
d'Ivoire, September 1992.
Shoo, M., Crees, J. and Daborn, C.J. (1993) Important diseases of livestock in Tanzania. Proceedings
of the 10th Conference of the Tanzanian Veterinary Association . Arusha. December 1992.
Daborn, C.J. and Grange, J.M. (1993) HIV/AIDS and it's implications for the control of bovine
tuberculosis. British Veterinary Journal, 149, 405-417.
Cosivi, O., Meslin F.-X.. Daborn, C.J. and Grange, J.M.(1995) The epidemiology of Mycobacterium
bovis infection in animals and humans, with particular reference to Africa. OIE Scientific and
Technical Review. 14[3], 733-746
O'Reilly, L.M. and Daborn, C.J. [1995] The Epidemiology of Mycobacterium bovis
Infections in Animals and Man: A Review. Tubercle and Lung Disease. 76[Sup.1], 1-46.
Daborn, C.J., Grange J.M. and Kazwala R.R.[1996] The bovine tuberculosis cycle - an African
perspective. Journal of Applied Bacteriology Symposium Supplement. 81, 27-32.
5. References :
1. Dr Walter Masiga. C/0 AU-IBAR. PO Box 30786. Nairobi. Tel +254 4722 701743
2. Dr Sarah Cleaveland. Division of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Glasgow, UK. Email: Tel: +44 (0)141 330 3524
3. Professor DM Kambarage. Dean, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Sokoine University of Agriculture, PO
Box 3021, Morogoro, Tanzania. Tel: 255 56 2876 Fax: 255 5 6 3177