) ممدوح فراج سليمان (أستاذ مساعد/دكتور كلية العلوم –جامعة أسيوط-قسم الجيولوجيا جمهورية مصر العربية-71516 أسيوط Dr. Mamdouh Farrag Soliman Geology Department Faculty of Science Assiut University, Assiut 71516, Egypt E-mail: msoliman20032003@yahoo.com Fax: 002-088-2342708 Phone: 002-088-2162841 Mobile: 002-01128774835 _________________________________________________________________________________________ CURRICULUM VITAE Name: Date of birth: Place of birth: Nationality: Mamdouh Farrag Soliman 15 March 1959 Assiut, Egypt Egyptian Education 1981: BSc. in Geology "very good" 1984 -1985: High geology and mineralogy course "very good" 1983 - 1988: Demonstrator and in September 1988 assistant lecturer in "Geology Department" in Assiut University. 1988: Master thesis in geology (MSc.), subject: Geologic studies of the Basement complex of El Urf Area, Eastern Desert, Egypt. 1989 - 1991: Doctoral student at the Faculty of Science-Assiut University, Egypt. 1992 : 1993 -1998: A Ph.D. Fellowship from the Egyptian Government. Doctoral student at the Max-Planck Institute für Kernphysik (Heidelberg) and Institute of mineralogy, University of Heidelberg-Germany. 1998: Ph.D. degree "very good" in Mineralogy and Geochemistry from Ruprecht-Karls Universiität-Heidelberg-Germany, subject: Mineralogical, Geochemical and Stratigraphical Investigations on the Cretaceous/Tertiary (K/T) Boundary Sediments of the Nile Valley, Red sea Coast, and Western Desert, Egypt. 1998-2004: Lecturer in "Geology Department" Faculty of Science-Assiut University, Egypt. Since 31.10.2004: Associate Prof. in "Geology Department" Faculty of ScienceAssiut University, Egypt. 1 Teaching experiences: Geochemistry, Chemostratigraphy, Mineralogy, Petrology, Physical geology, Earth resources, Environmental geology and Impact stratigraphy. Research interests: - Mineralogy and geochemistry of the K/T boundary sediments in Egypt (with collaboration of Max-Planck Institute für Kernphysik-Heidelberg-Germany). - Petrology, Mineralogy and Chemostratigraphy of the Paleocene / Early Eocene and Danian/Selandian Boundaries in Egypt (with collaboration of the Paleocene/Eocen Working Group). - Petrology, Mineralogy and Chemostratigraphy of the Danian/Selandian sediments in Egypt (with collaboration of Lund University, Sweden). -Heavy minerals stratigraphy in Paleozoic and Mesozoic sandstones of the Sinai Peninsula (with collaboration of British Geological Survey). - Sedimentary sulfides in Egypt. Publications: (Peer Review Publications are in Bold) 1. Sharara, N.A, Abu El Ela, F.F, El-Nady O.M, and Soliman, M.F., 1990. Geology and Geochemistry of the Island Arc Association of the area around Gabal El Urf, Eastern Desert, Egypt: Bull. Fac. Sci. Assiut Univ., 19 (1), 97-122. 2. Soliman, M.F., Palme, H., Spettel, P., El Goresy, A., and Ouda, K., 1993. Petrological and Geochemical investigation of the K/T boundary in the Nile Valley and Red Sea (Abstract): 71. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Mineralogischen Geselschaft, 3-13 Sept. 1993 in München (Eur. J. Mineral. Vol. 5. 1993, No.1) 3. Soliman, M.F., El Goresy, A., Palme, H., Zinner, E., and Spettel, P., 1995. Elemental carbon from the K/T boundary at Gabal Oweina section, Nile Valley- Egypt: Jahresbericht des Max-Plank-Institüt für Kernphysik-Heidelberg., 224-228. 4. Soliman, M.F., El Goresy, A., Palme, H., and Spettel, P., 1996. Fe-Cr-Ni particles at the pre K/T boundary at Gabal Abu Had section, Nile Valley/Egypt: Jahresbericht des MaxPlank-Institüt für Kernphysik-Heidelberg., 241-243. 5. El Habaak, G., and Soliman, M.F., 1999. Rare Earth Elements Geochemistry of the Egyptian Banded Iron Formations and the Evolution of the Precambrian Atmosphere and Ocean: 4th Intern. Conf. On Geochemistry, Alex. Univ., Egypt, 15-16 Sept., 149169. 6. Soliman, M.F., El Goresy, A., Palme, H., and Spettel, P., 2000. Mineralogy and Trace Elements Geochemistry of the Cretaceous/Tertiary Boundary (K/T) at Gabal Qreiya 2 section, Nile Valley, Egypt: Evidence for a pre K/T impact (extending abstract): LPI Conf. in catastrophic Events and Mass Extinctions: Impacts and Beyond, Vienna. July 9-12, 2000. 7. Soliman, M.F., 2001. The mineralogy and geochemistry of the Paleocene succession at Gabal el-Qreiya, Nile Valley, Egypt, The second international Conference on the geology of Africa, Volume I B: Geology Department, Faculty of Science, Assiut University, Egypt, Geological Society of Africa, p. 463-490. 8. Soliman, M.F., 2003. Chemostratigraphy of the Paleocene/Eocene (P/E) boundary sediments at Gabal el-Qreiya, Nile valley, Egypt: Micropaleontology, Vol.49, supplement no.1, pp. 123-138. 9. Knox, R.W.O'B., Aubry, M-P., Berggren, W.A., Dupuis, C., Ouda, K., Magioncalda, R., Soliman, M.F., 2003. The Qreiya section at Gebel Abu Had: Lithostratigraphy, clay mineralogy, geochemistry and biostratigraphy. Micropaleontology, Vol. 49, supplement no.1, pp. 93-104. 10. Soliman, M.F., and El Goresy, A., 2003. Detrital and authigenic minerals in the Paleocene sediments at Budkhulu (G. Gifata), Dakhla Oasis, Egypt, The third international Conference on the geology of Africa, Assiut University, Egypt & Geological Society of Africa, v. (1), pp.519-545,7-9 December, 2003 11. Soliman, M.F., and M. A. Essa, 2003. Dakhla Shale ( Beida Shale Member) at G. Duwi, Red Sea Coast, Egypt: Mineralogical and Sedimentological Aspects, The third international Conference on the geology of Africa, Assiut University, Egypt & Geological Society of Africa, v. (2), pp.283-305,7-9 December, 2003 12. Soliman, M.F., Ahmed, E., and Kurzweil, H., 2006. Geochemistry and mineralogy of the Paleocene/Eocene boundary at Gabal Dababiya (GSSP) and Gabal Owaina sections, Nile Valley, Egypt., Stratigraphy, vol.3, No.1, pp 31-52 13. Soliman, M.F., and. Obaidalla, N., 2006. Danian/Selandian (D/S) boundary at Gabal Abu Had section, Nile Valley (Egypt); Lithostratigraphy, mineralogy, geochemistry and biostratigraphy, international conference on Climate and Biota of the Early Paleogene, 12-20 June, Bilbao 2006 14. Soliman, M.F., 2007. Diagenetic behavior of biogenic sulfides around the K/T boundary in Dakhla Shale at Gabal Gifata, Dakhla Oasis, Egypt, The fifth international Conference on the Geology of Africa, Assiut University, Egypt, v. (1), pp.VI-1 - VI-28, Oct. 2007. 3 15. Soliman, M.F., and Obaidalla, N., 2010. Danian/Selandian transition at Gabal elQreiya section, Nile Valley (Egypt); Lithostratigraphy, biostratigraphy, mineralogy, and geochemistry, N. Jb. Geol. Paläont. Vol. 258/1, pp 1–30 16. Soliman, M.F., Obaidalla, N.A., Ahmed, E.A., and Ahmed, A.A., 2010. The Danian/Selandian (D/S) boundary in Egypt: Stratigraphical, Mineralogical and Geochemical studies. Annual meeting (48) of the Geological Society of Egypt, 12-13 November, 2010 (Abstract). 17. Soliman, M.F., Obaidalla, N.A., Ahmed, E.A., and Ahmed, A.A., 2010. Integrated stratigraphic studies on Danian/Selandian (D/S) boundary at Gabal Nezzazat, southwestern Sinai, Egypt. 10th International conference on the Geolgy of the Arab World "Gaw 10", Cairo University, 10-12 April, 2010 (Abstract). 18. Soliman, M.F., 2010. Paleoproductivity at the P/E boundary: Mineralogical and geochemical evidence from the GSSP section, Egypt. International conference of Planet Earth: Earth Sciences and Development of Civilization in Major Rivers Basins, Luxor, Egypt, on October 11-13, 2010 (Abstract). 19. Knox, R.W.O'B., Soliman M.F. and Essa, M. A., 2011. Heavy mineral stratigraphy of Palaeozoic and Mesozoic sandstones of southwestern Sinai, Egypt: A reassessment. GeoArabia, v. 16, no. 3, p. 31-64. 20. Soliman, M.F., Aubry, M-P., Schmitz, B. and Sherrell, R. 2011. Enhanced coastal paleoproductivity and nutrient supply in Upper Egypt during the Paleocene/Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM): mineralogical and geochemical evidence. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, Vol.310, pp 365377. doi:10.1016/j.palaeo.2011.07.027 21. Aubry, M-P., Dupuis, C., Ghaly, H., King, C., Knox, R.O’B, Berggren, W.A., Karthausen, C., Ouda, Kh., Senosy, M., Soliman, M., Ward, D., Youssef, M., Galal, W.F., Abdel- Sabour, A.A., 2011. Geological Setting of the Theban Necropolis: Implications for the Preservation of the West Bank Monuments. In: David Aston, Bettina Badr, et al. (eds) Under the Potter’s Tree: Studies on Ancient Egypt Presented to Janine Bourriau on the Occasion of Her 70th Birthday,Orientalia lovaniensia Analecta , Peeters Publishers, Leuven, Belgium 01/2011; 204: 81-124. 22. Soliman, M.F., and El Goresy, A. 2012. Framboidal and idiomorphic pyrite in the Upper Maastrichtian sedimentary rocks at Gabal Oweina, Nile Valley, Egypt: 4 Formation processes, oxidation products and genetic implications to the origin of framboidal pyrite. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 90, 195–220. 23. Berggren, W.A., Alegret, L., Aubry, M.-P., Cramer, B.S., Dupuis, C., Goolaerts, S., Kent, D.V., King, C., Knox, R. W. O’B., Obaidalla , N., Ortiz, S., Ouda, Kh. A.K., Abdel- Sabour, A., Salem, R., Senossy, M. M., Soliman, M. F. and Soliman, A., 2012. The Dababiya Corehole, Upper Nile Valley, Egypt : Preliminary Results. Austrian Journal of Earth Sciences 105/1, 161-168. 24. Soliman, M.F., Obaidalla, N.A., Ahmed, E.A., Ahmed, A.A., and Kurzweil, J., 2013. Mid-Paleocene event at Gabal Nezzazat, Sinai, Egypt: planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy, mineralogy and geochemistry, Arabian Journal of Earth Sciences, 7: 4079-4099, DOI 10.1007/s12517-013-1066-3. 25. Obaidalla, N. A., Soliman, M. F., and Mahfouz, K., 2013. The Cretaceous/Paleogene (K/P) boundary at southwestern Sinai, Egypt: Litho-, bio- and chemo-stratigraphic studies. The seventh international Conference on the Geology of Africa, Assiut University, Egypt, v. (I), PP. VI-1–VI-31 (Nov. 2013). 5